Sep 26, 2024  
2022-23 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-23 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.



  • COMM 2140 - Introduction to Organizational Communication

    3 credit hours
    Introduces theories and processes pertaining to organizational communication; topics may include communication networks, teamwork, leadership and power, information technology, crisis communication, and organizational trends.

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  • COMM 2200 - Fundamentals of Communication

    3 credit hours
    Introduces principles and processes of effective public oral communication including researching, critical thinking, organizing, presenting, listening, and using appropriate language. Counts as part of the General Education Communication requirement. TBR Common Course: COMM 2025

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  • COMM 2300 - Interpersonal Communication

    3 credit hours
    Introduces fundamental theories and principles for communicating effectively with others in everyday relationships.TBR Common Course: COMM 2090

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  • COMM 2560 - Intercultural Communication

    3 credit hours
    Introduces how communication patterns are influenced by perceptions, values, and norms of behavior that vary among people of different cultural, racial, and national backgrounds. Content focuses on increasing understanding as well as improving abilities to facilitate cross-cultural interactions.

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  • COMM 2830 - Introduction to Online Communication

    3 credit hours
    Overviews theories and contexts of online human communication, focusing on its uses for managing interactions, developing interpersonal relationships, collaborating in workplaces, impacting publics, and developing social, cultural, and organizational identities and communities.

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  • COMM 3050 - Listening

    3 credit hours
    Explores the function and impact of listening in the workplace and other relationships. Includes analysis, interpretation, and application of effective listening skills.

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  • COMM 3210 - Argumentation and Debate

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMM 2200  with C or better; junior standing. Theory and practice of advocacy with emphasis on organization, refutation, reasoning, and rebuttal. In-class discussions using proper debate and argumentation techniques on various topics.

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  • COMM 3220 - Small Group Communication

    3 credit hours
    Exploration and application of pertinent concepts and theories of group dynamics, decision-making procedures, problem solving, and leadership.

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  • COMM 3225 - Gender Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Critical discussion of values, issues, and traditions in the field of gender communication. Focuses on the analysis of gender and communication as they relate to language, culture, media, relationships, and organizations.

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  • COMM 3245 - Women, Leadership, and Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Explores communication behaviors and issues unique to women in leadership positions in gendered organizations. Activities and discussions designed to develop critical-thinking skills, broaden perspectives, adapt decision-making skills to professional environments, and develop professional relationships.

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  • COMM 3250 - Communication in Nonprofit Organizations

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: COMM 2140 . Explores theories and techniques involving communication between organizations and their constituencies. Identification and analysis of communication involving corporate philanthropy and fundraising, fundraising events, volunteers, image, and grant writing. Possible topics include health organizations, art organizations, and nonprofits.


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  • COMM 3260 - Communication in Healthcare Organizations

    3 credit hours
    Explores communication in healthcare organizations. Topics may include organizational processes, difference in healthcare organizations, and evaluation of healthcare organizational communication.

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  • COMM 3300 - Communication Theory

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: COMM 2100 . Overviews traditional and contemporary approaches to human communication. Topics may include interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, and rhetorical theories. Students increase their critical analysis skills by applying the theories to their lives.


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  • COMM 3350 - Diversity in Communication

    3 credit hours
    Explores communication and intergroup relationships among people of different ethnic/racial backgrounds in the United States. Students will expand their perspectives of issues, values, and communication styles that vary among groups in the U.S. in order to facilitate the development of positive interethnic relationships.

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  • COMM 3400 - Romantic Relationship Communication

    3 credit hours
    Overviews contemporary research on relationship communication with a particular emphasis on romantic relationship development. Includes theories about the role of communication in initiating, maintaining, and disengaging from romantic relationships.

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  • COMM 3410 - Patient Provider Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: COMM 2400 . Overviews communication practices and implications involved in the patient-health provider relationship. Topics may include health literacy, interpersonal interactions between patient and provider, communicating to populations with health disparities, and methods/interventions concerning the improvement of the patient-provider experience.

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  • COMM 3500 - Communication for Organizational Effectiveness

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMM 2100  and COMM 2140 . Organizational communication and its relationship to employees, leadership, corporate culture, diversity, change, and innovation. Possible topics include work-life balance and organizational identity.

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  • COMM 3580 - Political Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: COMM 2200 . Examines the nature and functions of communication with political institutions and groups, including campaign communication, decision-making strategies, deliberative discourse, lobbying, and interest groups.

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  • COMM 3590 - Organizational Crisis Communication

    3 credit hours
    Focuses on communication theory, practice, and innovative approaches for handling organizational crisis. Highlights successes and failures for dealing with crisis leadership, managing uncertainty, communicating effectively, understanding risk, promoting communication ethics, and enabling organizational learning across a variety of organizations and crisis.

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  • COMM 3650 - Conflict in Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMM 2200 ; sophomore standing. Explores the role of communication in conflict management/resolution between or among individuals and groups. Also examines third party interventions (such as mediation and negotiation) and workplace policies (such as theft and employee assistance programs).

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  • COMM 3680 - Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: COMM 2300  or COMM 3300 . Applies interpersonal theories to analyze, examine, and understand destructive communication strategies that may occur in interpersonal relationships. Topics may include lying, gossip, bullying, abuse, and narcissism.


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  • COMM 3730 - Qualitative Communication Research and Inquiry

    3 credit hours
    Knowledge and application of qualitative methods to understand, critique and analyze the value of communication research; topics may include interviewing, focus groups, ethnography, exploring ethical issues in research, and writing qualitative research reports.

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  • COMM 3740 - Critical Methods in Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMM 2100  and COMM 3300 . Overviews multiple methods and approaches for analyzing rhetoric, public communication, and public culture. Students will expand their critical thinking skills and improve their ability to develop effective written arguments.

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  • COMM 3750 - Quantitative Research Methods in Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMM 2300  and COMM 3300 . Explores quantitative methodologies used to study human communication, focusing on basic principles and design concepts of communication research while developing a broad understanding of the role of statistics and other analytical techniques in the research process.

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  • COMM 3760 - Health Communication Theory

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: COMM 2400 . Overviews theoretical development and implementation of health communication theories from traditions and perspectives that may include bio-medical, social construction, social-processing, interpersonal communication, organizational communication, health knowledge development, privacy management, and health persuasion.

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  • COMM 3920 - Lying and Deception

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: COMM 3750 . Explores the study of lying and deception in social science. Topics may include truth and ethics, applications may include interpersonal relationships, business and organizational communication, family communication, and digital media.

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  • COMM 3990 - Instructional Communication for Human Resource Trainers

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMM 2200 ; junior standing. Examines communication training as a tool for human resource development in organizations, enabling preparation and implementation of training workshops and programs for professional development.

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  • COMM 4100 - Rhetoric, Identity, and Difference

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Examines identity and difference as they relate to rhetoric and communication processes. Focuses on symbols, relationships, and dynamics that impact how racial, gender, sexual, and other identities are communicatively constructed, negotiated, and performed.  

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  • COMM 4200 - Communication in the Global Workplace

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: COMM 2140 . Critical examination of multinational organizations and the expatriate experience, including analysis of organizational preparation and employee training.

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  • COMM 4260 - Independent Study

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing and permission of department. Intensive study of a specific area of communication; topic is chosen in instructor-student conference. May include a major research project, applied communication project, or applied debate practicum. Maybe repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.

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  • COMM 4320 - Persuasion

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing. Examines social scientific and humanistic theories and concepts that explain key variables in the persuasion process. Emphasis is placed on becoming more aware as consumers as well as users of persuasive techniques.

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  • COMM 4340 - The Dark Side of Health Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMM 3750  and junior standing. Overviews research on aversive interpersonal behaviors in health contexts. Application of communication strategies to address topics such as addiction, abuse, and sex.

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  • COMM 4400 - Sexual Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMM 2300 ; junior standing. Examines contemporary research on sexual communication with an emphasis on how people communicate about sex in varying relationships and throughout varying stages of life. Topics may include the role of communication in parent/child communication about sex, in dating and married relationships, and in media contexts.

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  • COMM 4420 - Stigma, Disability, and Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Examines communicative processes that surround and constitute disability and stigma. Topics may include different types of disabilities, cultural discourses and stigma, historical framing of disabilities, organizational disparity and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and critical perspectives on disability and difference.

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  • COMM 4440 - Social Support Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: COMM 2400 . Explores benefits and challenges associated with communicating social support. Topics may include the various types of support, sources of support, helpful and unhelpful messages, coping strategies, and perspectives related to the study of social support.

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  • COMM 4500 - Organizational Communication Consulting and Auditing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Applies the tools and theories prevalent in the field of organizational communication involving an audit of organizational communication and culture and a consulting project.

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  • COMM 4700 - Senior Seminar in Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMM 2100 , COMM 2300 , COMM 3300 COMM 3740 , and COMM 3750 ; senior standing. Summary of the Communication major, including the preparation and submission of an eportfolio of course-related products, reflective essays, completion of an exit exam, and exit survey reflecting the Student Learning Outcomes of the Communication major. Also explores graduate topics including career options, graduate school, and civic living.

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  • COMM 4750 - Narrative Health and Medicine

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMM 2400 ; junior standing. Examines approaches to health communication that center storytelling in human experience. Includes topics such as narrative medicine, personal illness experiences, family health narratives, cultural narratives in organizations, and health narratives in media.

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  • COMM 4900 - Internship in Communication Studies

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department, at least junior status, minimum overall grade point average of 2.5, written consent from a supervising agency within which the internship will take place; departmental approval of a contract between the intern and the supervising agency. Practical experience in applying coursework to actual situations and projects in organizations, both on and off campus, in a supervised internship program. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Pass/Fail.

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Communication Disorders

  • CDIS 2150 - Voice and Diction

    3 credit hours
    Development of professional voice quality through classroom exercises, individual instruction, and recording assignments to achieve accurate pronunciation, articulation, and expression of American English needed to meet required non-regional accent standards in voice-based occupations.

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  • CDIS 3010 - Communication Disorders in Pop Culture

    3 credit hours
    Popular films and literature used to explain how persons with speech, language, and hearing disorders portrayed to the public and how that information promotes images that are positive and negative. Explores how these things influence public opinion.

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  • CDIS 3050 - Introduction to Speech Language Pathology and Audiology

    3 credit hours
    Overview of the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology, with emphasis on the common disorders of speech, language, and hearing and their treatment.

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  • CDIS 3130 - Hearing and Speech Science

    3 credit hours
    Examines the acoustics of sound and speech production and the perception of sound and speech. Practical application of this knowledge to clinical settings emphasized.

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  • CDIS 3250 - Speech and Language Development for the Educator

    3 credit hours
    Topics include theories of development of language in children from birth through the age eight (approximate end of the developmental period); the impact of the development of oral language on the teaching of reading and writing; an overview of the common speech and language problems seen in the school-aged child; and the influence of environmental factors on the child’s ability to communicate and learn.

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  • CDIS 3260 - Language Acquisition and Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Language development and procedures for analyzing child language. Semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic development explored through examining child language transcripts.

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  • CDIS 3270 - Language and Literacy Development in School-Age Children

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CDIS 3260  with C or better. Introduces language and literacy development in school-age children. Sampling and analysis in the areas of semantics, morphosyntax, and pragmatics to identify school-age children with and without language disorders.

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  • CDIS 3300 - Clinical Methods in Speech Language Pathology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CDIS 3200 , CDIS 3260 , and academic criteria established by the faculty. Planning and implementing treatment programs for individuals with speech-language disorders. A foundation for clinical practicum.

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  • CDIS 3500 - Multicultural Issues in Communication Disorders

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CDIS 3300  with C or better. An introduction and initial overview of the impact of culture and cultural variation on language and communication. Includes a foundational understanding of cultural-linguistic diversity, application to the clinical process, and overall cultural competence in communication sciences and disorders.

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  • CDIS 4400 - Neurology in Speech Language Pathology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CDIS 3300  and CDIS 3400 . Structures and function of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system and their constituent parts. Focuses on function as it impacts human communication. Includes historical perspectives in the study of the brain and development of imaging techniques.

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  • CDIS 4550 - MTSU Clinic Practicum in Speech Language Pathology A

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CDIS 3300 , prior semester application, and completion of academic and professional criteria established by the faculty. Supervised clinical practice in the University clinic.

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  • CDIS 4560 - MTSU Clinic Practicum in Speech Language Pathology B

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CDIS 4550 , prior semester application, and completion of academic and professional criteria established by the faculty. Supervised clinical practice in the University clinic.

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  • CDIS 4570 - MTSU Clinic Practicum in Speech Language Pathology C

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CDIS 4560 , prior semester application, and completion of academic and professional criteria established by the faculty. Supervised clinical practice in the University clinic.

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  • CDIS 4580 - MTSU Clinic Practicum in Speech Language Pathology D

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CDIS 4570 , prior semester application, and completion of academic and professional criteria established by the faculty. Supervised clinical practice in the University clinic.

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  • CDIS 4620 - Independent Study

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Recommendation by a departmental faculty member. Study of a specific area of speech/ language pathology or audiology to be completed through instructor-student conferences.

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  • CDIS 4630 - Independent Study

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Recommendation by a departmental faculty member. Study of a specific area of speech/language pathology or audiology to be completed through instructor-student conferences.

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  • CDIS 4660 - School Practicum in Speech Language Pathology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CDIS 4560 , prior semester application, and approval by faculty. Advanced clinical practicum/externship in the schools under the supervision of an ASHA-certified practitioner based in the schools and MTSU faculty.

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  • CDIS 4800 - Speech and Language Disorders in the Adult Population

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CDIS 3300  with C or better. Overview of the impact of age on communication. Identification and remediation of communication problems associated with the aging process.

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  • CDIS 4860 - Seminar in School Speech Language Pathology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CDIS 4560 , prior semester application, and approval by faculty. Covers topics appropriate to the implementation of federal, state, and local laws that affect service-delivery of speech-language and hearing in the school setting. Study of best practices in service delivery, school, culture, working with parents, and how to integrate related services such as speech-language and hearing intervention into the academic environment.

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  • CDIS 4950 - Research Methods in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CDIS 3300 . Introduces research designs and strategies frequently used in the fields of speech language pathology and audiology. Analysis of research literature and understanding of statistical procedures commonly employed in studying this small yet diverse population.

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Computer Science

  • CSCI 1010 - Computer Science Colloquium

    1 credit hour
    Introduces new computer science students to the computer science major. Topics include degree requirements, faculty resources, research opportunities, and career options.

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  • CSCI 1150 - Computer Orientation

    3 credit hours
    A general introduction to computers with an emphasis on personal computing, database, word processing, presentation graphics, spreadsheets, and Internet tools. Does not count for Computer Science major or minor.

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  • CSCI 1170 - Computer Science I

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1730  or MATH 1810  with a grade of C or better or Math ACT of 26 or better or Calculus placement test score of 73 or better. The first of a two-semester sequence using a high-level language; language constructs and simple data structures such as arrays and strings. Emphasis on problem solving using the language and principles of structured software development. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hour.

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  • CSCI 2170 - Computer Science II

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CSCI 1170  (or equivalent) with a grade of C or better and MATH 1730  or MATH 1810  with a grade of C or better or Math ACT of 26 or better or Calculus placement test score of 73 or better. A continuation of CSCI 1170. Topics include introductory object-oriented programming techniques, software engineering principles, records, recursion, pointers, stacks and queues, linked lists, trees, and sorting and searching. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours.

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  • CSCI 3033 - Computer Languages: Java

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CSCI 3110  or consent of instructor. An opportunity for a Computer Science major or minor to gain experience and training in a secondary language. Covers the syntax, advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and selected applications of a language. Credit will not be given toward a Computer Science major or minor if credit has been received for the same language in another course. Credit in secondary computer languages is limited to 3 hours for the major or minor.

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  • CSCI 3037 - Computer Languages: Visual Programming

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CSCI 3110  or consent of instructor. An opportunity for a Computer Science major or minor to gain experience and training in a secondary language. Covers the syntax, advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and selected applications of a language. Credit will not be given toward a Computer Science major or minor if credit has been received for the same language in another course. Credit in secondary computer languages is limited to 3 hours for the major or minor.

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  • CSCI 3038 - Computer Languages: Python

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CSCI 3110  or consent of instructor. An opportunity for a Computer Science major or minor to gain experience and training in a secondary language. Covers the syntax, advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and selected applications of a language. Credit will not be given toward a Computer Science major or minor if credit has been received for the same language in another course. Credit in secondary computer languages is limited to 3 hours for the major or minor.

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  • CSCI 3110 - Algorithms and Data Structures

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CSCI 2170  and CSCI 3080  with C or better. Topics include additional object-oriented programming techniques, algorithm design, analysis of algorithms, advanced tree structures, indexing techniques, internal and external sorting, graphs, and file organizations.

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  • CSCI 3130 - Assembly and Computer Organization

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisite:  . Assembly language and the organization and basic architecture of computer systems. Topics include hardware components of digital computers, microprogramming, and memory management. Laboratory exercises involve logical, functional properties of components from gates to microprocessors. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory.

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  • CSCI 3180 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MATH 3180 .) Prerequisites: MATH 1920  and CSCI 2170   or approval of instructor. Topics include series approximation, finite differences interpolation, summation, numerical differentiation and integration, iteration, curve fitting, systems of equations and matrices, and error analysis.

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  • CSCI 3210 - Theory of Programming Languages

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CSCI 3110  and COMM 2200 ; corequisite: CSCI 3080 . Syntax and theory of multiple languages covered with emphasis on binding times, parsers, grammars, finite automata, regular expressions, type checking and equivalence, scope of variables, exception handling, parameter passing, and storage management.

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  • CSCI 3240 - Introduction to Computer Systems

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisites:   and either   or  . Provides a programmer’s view of how computer systems execute programs, store information, and communicate. Topics include machine-level code and its generation by optimizing compilers, computer arithmetic, memory organization and management, networking technology and protocols, and supporting concurrent computation. Three lecture hours and one two-hour laboratory.

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  • CSCI 3250 - Operating Systems

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:  . Concepts and facilities of an operating system. Major concepts in memory, processor, device, and information management are covered as well as interrelationships between the operating system and the architecture of the computer system.

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  • CSCI 3420 - Social, Ethical, and Legal Implications of Computing

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: A three-hour course in computing, COMM 2200 , and junior standing. Introduction to the impact of computers on society and the ethical and legal issues confronting computer users and professionals. Does not count toward a minor in Computer Science.

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  • CSCI 4160 - Compiler Design and Software Development

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CSCI 3080 , CSCI 3110 , and either CSCI 3130  or CSCI 3160 . The various phases of a compiler along with grammars, finite automata, regular expressions, LR parsing, error recovery, backward and forward flow analysis, and code optimization. A term project consisting of the design and construction of a functional complier required.

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  • CSCI 4250 - Computer Graphics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CSCI 3110  and CSCI 3080  or consent of instructor. Topics include vector drawing displays, raster scan displays, input devices and techniques, graphics software, transformations, projections, interpolation, and approximation.

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