Sep 26, 2024  
2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.


Special Education

  • SPED 4510 - Teaching Internship, Special Education

    9 credit hours
    Supervised teaching available only for those with at least one year of paid teaching experience in the major in which endorsement is sought. Applicants must meet all prerequisites for student teaching in Special Education. Pass/Fail.

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  • SPED 4550 - Data Literacy: Implementing Evidence-Based Prescriptive and Diagnostic Interventions for Struggling Learners

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: SPED 3010  and SPED 3020 ; admission to Teacher Education program. Explores evidence-based practice and guides candidates in utilizing multiple avenues of diagnostic, prescriptive data in order to refine instruction, determine educational placement, and determine which evidence-based interventions are most appropriate to be implemented to meet specific skill deficits.

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  • SPED 4600 - Math Interventions for Learners with Exceptionalities

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 1410 , MATH 1420 , MATH 1530 , and ELED 3150 . May be taken with SPED 4180 . Transitions students from looking at whole group math instruction to intense intervention strategies in mathematics. Students will engage in diagnosis, remediation strategies, progress monitoring, and culminating assessments. Has a large field component integrated into SPED 4180.

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  • SPED 4720 - Promoting Culture and Diversity in Family Professional Partnerships

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: SPED 3010  and SPED 3440  or SPED 3430 ; admission to Teacher Education program. Understanding the various aspects of culture and diversity in meeting the needs of parents and families of children with special needs. Presents strategies and techniques for educators and professionals to collaborate and work effectively with parents and care providers.

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  • SPED 4910 - Developmental Assessment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program and Residency I. Corequisite: SPED 4220 . A study of evaluative and diagnostic instruments and procedures used with Learners with Multiple Disabilities.

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Sports Media

  • SPM 2100 - Media and Sports

    3 credit hours
    Covers the relationships between the sports industry, athletes, media, and audience. Students will develop literacy and critical-thinking skills about the sports industry and its relationship with the media.

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  • SPM 3100 - Diversity in Sports Media

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPM 2100  or permission of instructor. Diversity issues in the sports media industry as they relate to race, ethnicity, gender, social class, sexuality, and physical ability/disability.

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  • SPM 3800 - Journalism and Media Topics

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Examines a specific topic in the field of journalism or media. Topic and available academic credit announced prior to scheduling of the class. May include Study Abroad. Study Abroad fees may apply.

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  • STAT 3150 - Mathematical Statistics I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1920 . Probability theory including basic probability laws, properties of distributions, mathematical expectation, special discrete and continuous distributions, functions of random variables, and selected applications.

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  • STAT 3550 - Applied Predictive Modeling

    3 credit hours)
    (Same as DATA 3550 .) Prerequisite: CSCI 1170 . An overview of the modeling process used in data science. Covers the ethics involved in data science, data preprocessing, regression models, classification models, and presenting the model.

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  • STAT 4190 - Mathematical Statistics II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 3150  or equivalent. Theory of statistical inference. Topics include sampling distributions, decision theory, estimation, test of hypothesis, regression analysis, analysis of variance, and selected applications.

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  • STAT 4200 - Statistical Methods for Forecasting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 4190 . Topics include application of regression models in forecasting and exponential smoothing methods to forecast nonseasonal time-series, seasonal series, and globally constant seasonal models; stochastic time series models; and forecast evaluation.

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  • STAT 4280 - Undergraduate Research

    1 to 4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Independent investigation of a selected research problem under the guidance of a faculty member resulting in an oral and written report of results. May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.

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  • STAT 4320 - Probability and Stochastic Processes

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Two semesters of calculus and STAT 3150  (or MATH 2050 ) or consent of instructor. Theoretical basis for stochastic processes and their use as models of real-world phenomena. Topics include Markov chains, Poisson processes, Brownian motion and stationary processes. Applications include Gambler’s Ruin, birth and death models, hitting times, stock option pricing, and the Black-Scholes model.

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  • STAT 4360 - Regression Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2050  or equivalent. Theory and application of regression models. Approaches to model building and data analysis. Computation and interpretation of results facilitated through the use of statistical software packages.

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  • STAT 4370 - Nonparametric Statistics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2050  or equivalent. Statistical tests that require no assertions about parameters or about the form of the population from which the samples are drawn. A wide range of practical problems studied.

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  • STAT 4380 - Experimental Design

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2050  or equivalent. Topics include one-way analysis of variances, multiple comparison, multifactor analysis of variance, and various practical issues in experimental design. Computation and interpretation of results facilitated through the use of statistical software packages.

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  • STAT 4600 - Problems in Statistics

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Senior standing and consent of instructor. Students wishing to enroll must submit a written course/topic proposal to the department prior to the semester in which STAT 4600 is taken. Proposal must be approved prior to taking the course. At the conclusion, each enrollee must submit a written report to the department.

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  • STAT 4700 - Analysis of Large-Scale Data Sets

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CSCI 1170  and MATH 2530 . The analysis and applications of large-scale data sets. Scalable machine learning and data mining applications in a practical clinical environment. Statistical software used in the application of these techniques.

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Textiles, Merchandising, and Design

  • TXMD 1110 - Basic Design

    3 credit hours
    Studio course that applies the elements and principles of design, aesthetics, and problem solving within the framework of apparel design and fashion merchandising. Basic introductory sewing techniques included to apply design fundamentals to fabric. Meets five hours per week.

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  • TXMD 1170 - Introduction to the Fashion Industry

    3 credit hours
    How the fashion world operates from planning stages to consumer. Emphasis on production and distribution of fashion goods, current trends, and technological developments.

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  • TXMD 2180 - Textiles I

    3 credit hours
    Corequisite: TXMD 2181 . An overview of the textile industry including fibers, yarns, fabric construction, dyeing/printing techniques, and finishes. Emphasis placed on the selection of textile products in relation to end use. Includes labwork involving physical testing. Lecture meets two hours per week; lab meets two hours per week.

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  • TXMD 2200 - History of Fashion

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: TXMD 2180. Survey of clothing and design from ancient to modern periods; consideration given to social, economic, and cultural conditions reflected in dress. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 3120 - Textiles II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:   TXMD 2180 /TXMD 2181  (all with C or better). Studio course including research and discussion of recent developments in the textile industry regarding surface design techniques, material testing, and industry economics (including sustainability issues). Work will be completed focusing on contemporary textile industry problems related to raw materials, sourcing, distribution, retailing, and consumption. Five contact hours per week.

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  • TXMD 3150 - Apparel Selection and Evaluation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180 /TXMD 2181  with C or better. An overview of the apparel industry structure and the functions of each division. Emphasis on recognizing quality in relation to fabrication, construction, and design of garments. No construction involved. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 3170 - Fashion Branding

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180 /TXMD 2181  with C or better. Principles underlying the fashion process and the study of fashion branding. Special emphasis on the dissemination of fashion throughout the world market and to the fashion designers and business leaders in the fashion world today. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 3200 - Clothing I

    3 credit hours
    Fundamental clothing construction processes necessary for advanced work in clothing, including sewing machine operation. Garment construction from a commercial pattern and quality standards. Meets five hours per week. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 3220 - Patternmaking I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: TXMD 3300  with C or better. Adaptation of commercial sloper patterns to individual proportions, pattern designing and application of principles of design to apparel designing. Five contact hours per week. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 3300 - Clothing II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:   with C or better. Advanced fashion problems with an emphasis on fitting and finishing. A series of half-scale sample exercise projects and full-scale garments will be completed. Meets five hours per week. Offered once a year.


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  • TXMD 3320 - Patternmaking II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:  TXMD 3220  with C or better. Advanced apparel design techniques including patterning, draping, drafting, grading, and marker development via manual and computerized techniques. Five contact hours per week. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 3370 - Fashion Illustration I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180 /TXMD 2181  with C or better. An overview of fashion illustration techniques allowing skill development of the fashion croquis and garments using various media techniques to communicate fashion ideas, moods, and details. Meets five hours per week. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 4100 - Fashion Promotion

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:   or   with C or better; senior standing (90 credit hours). An overview of the sales promotion process in relation to the fashion industry; emphasis on advertising, visual merchandising, special events, and fashion show production. Offered once per year.

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  • TXMD 4140 - Apparel Manufacturing and Sourcing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180 /TXMD 2181  with C or better. Overview of textiles/apparel industry processes from raw material to consumption for apparel and other consumer products. Examines production and marketing of products, technological developments, domestic and global market strategies, and environmental practices via field trips. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 4150 - Fashion Buying

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:    or   (all with C or better), senior standing (90 credit hours). Principles of marketing, retailing, and sales as they apply to the merchandising of fashion goods. Special emphasis on fashion buying, planning, control, and computer applications for apparel businesses. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 4170 - Social Aspects of Clothing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Senior standing (90 credit hours) and completion of Soc/Beh Sci General Education requirements.The interaction of sociological, psychological, economic, and cultural implications of clothing and textiles. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 4220 - Computer-Aided Apparel Design I

    3 credit hours
    Uses project-based learning with computer-aided design software applicable to the apparel and textile industries to develop and use visual communication graphics appropriate for merchandising and design applications. Five hours per week. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 4320 - Computer Aided Apparel Design II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: TXMD 4220  with C or better. Develops advanced skills using industry appropriate CAD software in a project-based learning environment. Students investigate career options and use visual communications and graphics appropriate for portfolio planning, community involvement, and industry related research and application. Five contact hours per week. Offered once a year.

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  • TXMD 4370 - Fashion Illustration II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: TXMD 3370  with C or better. Further exploration of the color rendering, markers, colored graphics, and computer graphics to develop compositions depicting garment silhouette, textiles, details, and mood. Five contact hours per week. Offered every other year.

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  • TXMD 4400 - Fashion Product Development

    3 credit hours


      or   with C or better; senior standing (90 credit hours). Senior capstone course that requires application of skills and knowledge gained in the major coursework in a realistic industry context. Create an original product line in a team environment; design, construct, market and merchandise product line suitable to enter into a juried design competition and/or sell through a retail outlet. Meets five hours per week. Offered once a year.

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  • THEA 1005 - Acting for Non-Majors

    3 credit hours
    For non-theatre majors only. Basic theory and practice of acting for the non-theatre major. Emphasis on the understanding and exploration of the actor’s tools and the application of basic skills through the creative process.

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  • THEA 1025 - Stage Craft I

    3 credit hours
    Lectures and practical experience in the techniques of planning, building, painting, and handling all types of scenery; knowledge of theatre architecture and how sets are mounted, shifted, and run.

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  • THEA 1030 - Introduction to Theatre

    3 credit hours
    Overview of theatre as an art form. Appreciation and understanding of the production process. Can be used to satisfy part of the General Education Humanities and/or Fine Arts requirement. TBR Common Course: THEA 1030

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  • THEA 2000 - First Year Seminar in Theatre

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Theatre majors only. Introductory study of theatre as an art and a profession with a focus on the expectations and requirements of the MTSU Theatre program.

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  • THEA 2100 - Introduction to Production Practices

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Open to Theatre majors only. Corequisite: THEA 2900 . Lectures and seminars in the techniques of planning, building, painting, and handling all types of scenery; knowledge of theatre architecture and how sets are mounted, shifted, and run. Laboratory hours and/or crew required.

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  • THEA 3000 - Sound Design for Arts and Entertainment

    3 credit hours
    Theory and practice of theatrical sound designers conducted through classroom lecture and practical project. Utilizes tools, equipment, and techniques of sound designers with emphasis on design process and critical methods of study. Technical performance production component expected. Laboratory hours required.

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  • THEA 3050 - Theatrical Design Concepts

    3 credit hours
    A study of visual communication and aesthetic design for the theatre with an emphasis on design conception and process. An overview of the history of theatrical design and dynamics of collaborative process. Explores design process, theory, and principles through the execution of projects, papers, and examinations.


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  • THEA 3100 - Make-Up Techniques for Performers

    3 credit hours
    Application of make-up techniques and concepts for performers in theatre, television, film, dance, opera, and other performing arts. Laboratory hours and/or crew requirement.

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  • THEA 3200 - Introduction to Costume for Arts and Entertainment

    3 credit hours
    Overview of costume in the arts and entertainment; an orientation to costume, design, management, technology, wardrobe practices, and costume critique methods through projects developed through research, problem-solving, and documentation; focus on student career and portfolio development. Laboratory hours and/or crew requirement.

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  • THEA 3300 - Scene Design

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3050  or permission of instructor. Lectures and practical experience in planning and designing settings for the stage. Emphasis on forms and styles of scenery, historical period research designers, and new theatrical materials, methods, and techniques. Major projects in set design.

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  • THEA 3310 - Theatrical Drafting: Theory and Technique

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 2100  or THEA 1025  or permission of instructor. Study of communication of the theatrical design concept through rendering, drafting, and technical drawing. Emphasis on developing drawing and drafting skills needed for theatre and entertainment design/technology utilizing both manual and CAD techniques.

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  • THEA 3400 - Lighting for Arts and Entertainment I

    3 credit hours
    Lectures and practical experience in the methods and techniques of lighting for the stage. Emphasis on creation of lighting design for performance through the study and knowledge of electricity, circuity, instrumentation, control equipment, and fundamental properties of lighting design. Major projects in lighting design. Crew requirement.

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  • THEA 3520 - Voice for the Actor I

    3 credit hours
    A practical study of the human vocal mechanism and its use in acting. Techniques for breathing, alignment, resonance, articulation, and projection taught to help actors achieve a healthy, flexible, and expressive vocal instrument. Significant physical activity component required.

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  • THEA 3530 - Voice for the Actor II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3520  or permission of instructor. A continuation of THEA 3520. Advanced study of vocal technique and production for the stage. Significant physical activity component required.

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  • THEA 3540 - Musical Theatre Performance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3510  or permission of instructor. A musical theatre workshop performance class. Students expand repertoire by performing and observing new songs while exploring and experiencing the skills necessary to act a song.

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  • THEA 3600 - Methods for Using Drama in the Classroom

    3 credit hours
    Methodology for using theatre and theatre techniques for teaching children in various venues. Motivational, self-directed learning through creative drama, improvisation, role-playing, and theatre games.

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  • THEA 3620 - Methods and Assessment of Theatre in Secondary Education

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Teaching methods and assessment for theatre in the secondary education classroom.

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  • THEA 3800 - Introduction to Arts Management

    3 credit hours
    Management of a not-for-profit arts organization. Topics include organizational design, strategic planning, budgeting, marketing, and fundraising within the context of a visual or performing arts organization. Guest lecturers from regional arts organizations. Projects and discussion for individual interests in various arts disciplines.

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  • THEA 3810 - Stage Management

    3 credit hours
    Explores the role and function of the stage manager in creating live theatre. Focuses on the duties, terminology, and required skills and traits of an effective stage manager. Laboratory hours required and/or crew requirement.

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  • THEA 3910 - Internship in Theatre

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, successful completion of 15 credit hours (not including THEA 4900 ), and permission of department. Students undertake supervised work experiences in a professional theatre setting and/or in arts education organizations. Experiences offered to enhance student’s understanding and development of skills for work in the profession. Paper-based projects also required.

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  • THEA 4110 - Make-Up Design and Creation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: THEA 3100  or permission of instructor. Designed to meet individual and group needs; an intensive application of make-up design incorporating all aspects of make-up in the performing arts focusing on in-depth historical research, advanced techniques, hair/wig design, creative problem-solving, and portfolio and resume development. Laboratory hours required.

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  • THEA 4190 - Topics in Make-up for Arts and Entertainment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3100  or permission of instructor. Designed to meet individual needs for advanced study in make-up for entertainment and the arts. Topics to be determined at time of scheduling. A maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied toward a degree.

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  • THEA 4220 - Costume Design for Arts and Entertainment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: THEA 3050  and THEA 3200  or permission of instructor. Costume design in the performing arts; an orientation to the costume application of design and development principles through costume design projects developed through research for various performance venues with a focus on student career and portfolio development.

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  • THEA 4230 - Advanced Costume Design for Arts and Entertainment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 4220  or permission of instructor. Designed to meet individual and group needs for advanced study and principles in theatrical costume design. Projects developed through in-depth research for various performance venues with a focus on student career and portfolio development.

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  • THEA 4280 - Topics in Costume for Arts and Entertainment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Designed to meet individual needs for advanced study in costume for entertainment and the arts. Topic to be determined at time of scheduling. A maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied toward a degree.

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  • THEA 4290 - Problems in Theatre

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Designed to meet individual and/or group needs in all aspects of theatre arts. Topic and credit to be determined at the time of scheduling. A maximum of 6 semester hours credit may be applied toward a degree.

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  • THEA 4300 - Advanced Scenic Design

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3300  or permission of instructor. Advanced methods and theories of scenic design. A strong emphasis on practical projects, the design process, and critical methods of study. Includes components on design history and theory/criticism.

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  • THEA 4380 - Rigging for Arts and Entertainment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 1025 , THEA 2100 , or THEA 3400  or permission of instructor. Introduces students to the broad range of skills, tools, materials, and processes necessary for the safe and efficient rigging of scenery and effects. Topics include permanent rigging systems, production specific rigging solutions, fiber and wire rope, terminations, and operation. Crew/Production requirement.

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  • THEA 4390 - Topics in Scenography

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Designed to meet individual and group needs for advanced study in theatre. Topic to be determined at time of scheduling. A maximum of 6 semester hours credit may be applied toward a degree.

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  • THEA 4400 - Lighting for Arts and Entertainment II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: THEA 3050  and THEA 3400  or permission of instructor. Advanced methods and theories of lighting design. Strong emphasis on practical projects, design processes, and critical methods of study. Includes components on theory/criticism.

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  • THEA 4480 - Automated Lighting for Arts and Entertainment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3400 . Methods and techniques of automated lighting for the stage; emphasis on creation of automated lighting design and programming for performance through the study and knowledge of electricity, control language, instrumentation, and programming fundamental properties of automated lighting design. Crew/production requirement.

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  • THEA 4490 - Advanced Topics in Lighting for Arts and Entertainment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Designed to meet individual needs for advanced study in lighting for entertainment and the arts. Topic to be determined at time of scheduling. A maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied toward a degree.

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  • THEA 4510 - Meisner Technique

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3510  or permission of instructor. Introduces the Meisner Technique as a means of actor training including repetition, activity, relationship, emotional preparation, interpretations, and scene study.

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  • THEA 4520 - Acting for the Camera

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. For actors and film directors. Hands-on experience in camera-acting techniques and methodology, including tools to analyze a scene, create a believable character, and meet the technical demands required of an on-camera actor. Culminates in the production of a short film or scene.

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  • THEA 4560 - Acting III

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3510  or permission of instructor. Audition technique. A practicum for selecting, preparing, and performing a variety of audition monologues. Develop skills in cold reading; prepare a professional resume; discuss headshots; and research the role of agents, casting directors, and unions in the casting process.

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  • THEA 4580 - Acting IV

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 4560 or permission of instructor. Styles of acting. Study and practice of technique for performing in period, stylized, or non-realistic drama. Develop skills in verse and other heightened language texts with special emphasis on performing Shakespeare. Other styles may include, but are not limited to, the Greeks, Comedy of Manners, and Absurdism.

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  • THEA 4590 - Topics in Acting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3510  or permission of instructor. Designed to meet individual needs for advanced study in acting. Topic to be determined at time of scheduling. A maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied toward a degree.

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  • THEA 4600 - Storytelling

    3 credit hours
    Instruction and experience in the art of storytelling. Individually designed course requirements for educational, professional, corporate, and personal storytelling techniques.

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  • THEA 4610 - Theatre in Education

    3 credit hours
    For current and prospective teachers. Integration of drama across the curriculum. The creation, construction, performance, and touring of a play for elementary school children.

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  • THEA 4620 - Theatre Education Practicum

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3620  or permission of instructor. Participation in the K-12 theatre classroom setting with class discussions and readings about the teaching experience. Advanced theatre curriculum development for the K-12 level.

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  • THEA 4690 - International Studies in Theatre

    3 credit hours
    A short-term international theatre experience designed to broaden international and cultural awareness and to promote international theatrical exchanges. Class may be repeated for up to six credit hours if destination is the same country or up to a total of nine credit hours if the country designation varies.

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  • THEA 4700 - Advanced Play Directing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3700 . Case studies and problem solving of rehearsals and production. Director’s relationship with designers. Investigation of style. Rehearsal and presentation of a one-act play.

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  • THEA 4800 - Theatre History I: Greek Period to Restoration

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or permission of instructor. The development of drama and the theatre; critical study of representative plays of the period.

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  • THEA 4810 - Theatre History II: Restoration to Present

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or permission of instructor. The development of drama and the theatre; critical study of representative plays of the period.

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  • THEA 4820 - Playwriting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3820  or permission of instructor. Theory and practice in the creation of original plays. Development and revision of original scripts while studying the methods and works of influential playwrights.

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  • THEA 4840 - Musical Theatre History

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MUHL 4840 .) Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. A comprehensive history of musicals from the 1840s to the present that explores the effects of culture, economics, and politics of each era on musical theatre.

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  • THEA 4850 - Development for Arts Organizations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: THEA 3800 . Development of not-for-profit arts organizations. Focuses on comprehensive approaches to fundraising. Includes not-for-profit arts organizations, board structures, and the terminology and tools of the fundraising profession. Ideal for future artist, not-for-profit manager, or those interested in fundraising.

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  • THEA 4890 - Topics in Playwrights and Dramatic Theory

    3 credit hours
    Selected major playwrights linked by theme or a particular genre of dramatic theory; an intensive examination of plays which either survey playwrights’ careers or represent a significant portion of a genre’s canon. May be repeated for credit once.

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  • THEA 4900 - Production Practicum

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Specific area of study in relation to a particular theatrical event or production during a given semester. Topics range from the performance to technical crews. A maximum of 4 semester hours credit may be applied toward a degree.

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  • THEA 4950 - Directed Studies

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Available only to students who have completed 50 percent of the coursework in theatre; permission of department required. Individualized intensive instruction for students to pursue research and creative activity in a specialized area with faculty mentorship. A maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied toward a degree.

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