Sep 26, 2024  
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.



  • AGBS 4180 - Internship in Agribusiness

    6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. In-depth practical experience in a specific area of agribusiness. NOT OPEN TO STUDENTS WHO HAVE RECEIVED CREDIT FROM ANOTHER SCHOOL INTERNSHIP COURSE.

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  • AGBS 4190 - International Agriculture

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AGBS 3130  or approval of instructor. Interdisciplinary experiential learning in a foreign country. Foreign agriculture and agribusiness explored in the classroom and onsite through a planned trip. Students required to hold (or acquire) a valid US passport and participate in a one- to two-week visit to a foreign country during the course. Combined lecture/lab.

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  • AGBS 4810 - The Food Industry

    3 credit hours
    (Same as NFS 4810 .) An overview from production to processing to marketing. Covers the current status of the world’s largest employer, including where and how foods are produced, distributed, and marketed and where the industry is heading in the future.

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  • AGBS 4830 - Food Quality Control

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PSCI 1030 /PSCI 1031  and BIOL 1030 /BIOL 1031  or approval of instructor. Quality control and sensory evaluation techniques utilized in food processing. Instrumental and physical methods of quality determination of raw and processed food products, hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP), and quality philosophies employed in the industry. Sensory evaluation techniques and statistical analysis of evaluation results covered.

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  • AGBS 4850 - Food Safety Issues from Production to Consumption

    3 credit hours
    (Same as NFS 4260 .) Prerequisite: BIOL 2230 /BIOL 2231  or permission of instructor. Issues impacting food production, food storage and transportation, food processing, and food consumption within food production facilities, the home, and food service facilities. Consumer concerns evaluated based on risk theory and scientific evaluation of safety, including decision-making through critical thinking. Food standards and regulations designed to improve safety of the food supply discussed.

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Agribusiness and Agriscience

  • ABAS 1000 - Orientation in Agriculture

    1 credit hour
    Job opportunities in agriculture, departmental facilities, extracurricular activities at MTSU associated with specific phases of agriculture. Pass/Fail.

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  • ABAS 1301 - Introduction to Agricultural Leadership

    3 credit hours
    Introduces agricultural leadership and illustrates the relationship between leadership styles, personality types, communication styles, and career selection. Offers preparation for leadership positions in agricultural careers and communities.

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  • ABAS 2010 - World Food and Society

    3 credit hours
    A global examination of the economic, political, social, and cultural issues related to hunger including war, politics, inequities, malnutrition, population growth, food production, biotechnology, ecological destruction, and food aid. Students will examine personal and societal values concerning world food issues and explore possible directions and solutions for the future. Includes a service learning experience.

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  • ABAS 2210 - Introduction to Agricultural Engineering

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1710  or MATH 1010  or approval of instructor. Basic principles, mechanics, combustion engines, electricity, building construction, and machinery with applications of problem solving techniques. Lecture/Lab.

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  • ABAS 4100 - Microcomputer Applications in Agriculture

    3 credit hours
    Includes use of agricultural software, agricultural communications networks, computer dairy feeding systems, and farm records.

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  • ABAS 4250 - Leadership in Agricultural Industries

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or consent of instructor. A capstone course to enhance students’ leadership and human relation skills in the workplace. Topics include leadership styles, theories, characteristics of leaders (conceptual, technical, human relations), communication styles, group dynamics, conducting successful meetings, problem solving, goal setting, attitudes, motivation, self-concept, learning styles, time management, and employability skills.

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  • ABAS 4700 - Agriculture in Our Lives

    3 credit hours
    Everyone who eats and wears clothes is affected by agriculture, yet only a small percentage of the population actively farms. Course allows exploration of various organizations, both private and public, that support agriculture, provide career opportunities, and regulate the safety and fair trade upon which agribusiness depends. Issues that affect the lives of farmers and which may affect the future of many aspects of agriculture are explored. Local travel will be required. Combined lecture/lab.

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  • ABAS 4740 - Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    (Same as BIOL/CHEM/GEOL/PHYS/MATH 4740.) Prerequisite: YOED 3520 . Provides secondary science and mathematics teacher candidates with the tools that scientists use to solve scientific problems. Students will use these tools in a laboratory setting, communicate findings, and understand how scientists develop new knowledge.

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  • ABAS 4910 - Problems in Agriculture

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Problem or problems selected from one of the major disciplines. May involve conferences with instructor, library work, field study and/or laboratory activity. Students can take from one to three credits with a maximum of three per semester.

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Animal Science

  • ANSC 1401 - Introduction to Animal and Veterinary Sciences

    3 credit hours
    Focuses on the introduction and overview of the animal and veterinary sciences disciplines. Reproduction, breeding and genetics, nutrition and feeding, animal health, management, and products processing and marketing of beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, horses, and companion animals included. 

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  • ANSC 1410 - Introduction to Animal Science

    3 credit hours
    Overview of the science, production, and management of domestic animal species, including beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, horses, and companion animals. Topics include reproduction; breeds, breeding, and genetics; nutrition and feeding; animal health; management; and products processing and marketing.

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  • ANSC 1411 - Introduction to Animal Science Lab

    1 credit hour
    Focuses on applied learning concepts presented at the introductory animal science level. Topics include livestock, poultry, and companion animal breed identification; animal nutrition, feeds, and forages; reproductive science and management techniques; animal breeding and genetics; and basic experiential aspects of beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses, poultry, and companion animal production and management.

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  • ANSC 3310 - Animal Care and Welfare

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ANSC 1410  or permission of the instructor. Applied aspects of animal care and welfare, including physical condition, feeding, proper housing, and environmental adaptation of animals to human interaction.

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  • ANSC 3420 - Animal Breeding and Genetics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANSC 1410 ; BIOL 1110 /BIOL 1111 , BIOL 1120 /BIOL 1121 ; junior-level classification or higher. Basic principles of genetics, crossbreeding, inbreeding, and molecular genetics. Animal breeding topics include use of quantitative traits, prediction of breeding value, methods of selection, and genetic evaluations including genomic-enhanced selection. Offered fall only.

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  • ANSC 3440 - Livestock Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ANSC 1410 . Management practices for farm animal species. Practices include animal handling, restraint techniques, feeding, milking, castrations, identification methods, and herd health problems. Lecture/lab.

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  • ANSC 3470 - Beef Cattle Production

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANSC 1410 ; junior-level classification or higher. Management practices essential for economic beef production including breeding, feeding, and herd health. Purebred, commercial, stocker, feedlot, and processing segments evaluated. Lecture/lab. Offered fall only.

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  • ANSC 3480 - Swine Production

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANSC 1410 ; junior-level classification or higher. Understanding management of the pig’s environment and genetics to maximize profits. Includes nutrition, reproduction, genetics, housing, herd health, and management practices. Lecture/lab. Offered Spring only.

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  • ANSC 3490 - Poultry Production and Marketing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANSC 1410 ; junior-level classification or higher. A comprehensive study of commercial chicken production. Topics include the structure of the U.S. commercial chicken industries; poultry housing and equipment; broiler, broiler breeder, hatchery, and commercial layer management; and poultry/egg processing. Field trips used to supplement course materials. Lecture/lab or online.

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  • ANSC 3500 - Small Ruminant Production

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ANSC 1410 . The study of efficient sheep and goat production and management in the U.S. Topics include genetics and selection, reproduction, health and parasite control, nutrition, forages and grazing management, and product quality and marketing. Lecture/lab.

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  • ANSC 3540 - Dairy Production

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ANSC 1410 ; juniors and seniors only. Feeding and management, ruminant digestion, physiology of milk secretion, production testing and official records, sanitary regulations, handling and marketing of raw milk. Lecture/lab.

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  • ANSC 3550 - Animal Feeds and Feeding

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANSC 1410 /ANSC 1411 ; junior-level classification or higher. Focuses on practical application of nutrition to the feeding of domestic animal species. Topics include identification and characteristics of common feedstuffs; computer ration formulation procedures; life cycle nutritional management of beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, small ruminants, poultry, and companion animals; feed stuff composition analysis procedures; feed processing, evaluation, and grading; feed control laws; and nutrition research methodology.

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  • ANSC 4260 - Behavior of Domestic Animals

    3 credit hours
    Behavior aspects of raising and managing domestic animals to include equine, swine, goats, cattle, sheep, dogs, and cats. Communication, ingestive, sexual, social, aggressive, and abnormal behaviors emphasized. Lecture/lab.

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  • ANSC 4430 - Internship in Animal Science

    6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. In-depth practical experience in a specific area of animal science pertinent to the individual’s interest. Students work with producers and agencies that have agreed to cooperate in the program and to provide adequate salary and guidance. NOT OPEN TO STUDENTS WHO HAVE RECEIVED CREDIT FROM ANOTHER SCHOOL INTERNSHIP COURSE.

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  • ANSC 4490 - Livestock Evaluation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. Comparative evaluation of beef cattle, swine, sheep, and horses. Develops defense of placing through an organized set of reasons involving terms describing the animal’s characteristics. Importance of these characteristics to the animal function stressed. Lecture/lab.

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  • ANSC 4510 - Domestic Animal Reproductive Physiology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANSC 1410 ; BIOL 1110 /BIOL 1111 , BIOL 1120 /BIOL 1121 ; junior-level classification or higher. Advanced study of the anatomy, physiology, and endocrinology of reproduction in domestic animal species. Topics include male and female reproductive anatomy, hormonal control of reproductive processes, reproductive development, the estrus cycle, male physiology, and lactation. Current techniques to control animal reproduction described.  Lecture/lab. Offered Spring only.

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  • ANSC 4520 - Companion Animal Management

    3 credit hours
    A comprehensive study of dog and cat management. Topics include canine and feline history; selective breeding; functional anatomy; reproductive physiology and management; nutrition and feeding management; diseases and health management; behavior, communication, and training. Service role of the dog and cat highlighted.

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  • ANSC 4590 - Dairy Cattle Judging

    3 credit hours
    Ideal dairy cattle type and relationship to performance and longevity. Classification and evaluation according to type of the various breeds and comparative judging within the breed. Selection for genetic improvement.

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  • ANSC 4860 - Meat Science and Technology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANSC 1410  and sophomore-level classification or higher. Selecting, inspecting, grading, fabricating, packaging, preserving, and cooking red meat products. Other topics include anatomy, structure, and composition of muscle, food safety, and microbiology. Offered Spring only.

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  • ANIM 1300 - Animation and the Illusion of Motion

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Animation majors/minors only; others, permission of instructor.

    Introduces traditional techniques and history of animation. Explores production from planning to execution. Topics include history, story, storyboarding, timing, 2D animation techniques, and stop-motion animation techniques.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-lab per week.

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  • ANIM 2300 - Introduction to Digital Animation

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: ART 1610  or ART 1620 . Animation majors/minors only; others permission of instructor.

    Two- and three-dimensional computer graphics and animation. Emphasis on the aesthetics and techniques for building, lighting, texturing, animating, and rendering of three-dimensional models to be used in designing and producing three-dimensional computer-generated animations. Includes a broad survey of the process and techniques involved with creating digital media quality three-dimensional animations and techniques and aesthetics incorporated into traditional methods of animations for contrast and comparison.

    Must be taken no later than first semester of the sophomore year.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

    Formerly ANIM 3300

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  • ANIM 3040 - Motion Graphics I

    3 credit hours

    (Same as VFP 3040 .) Prerequisites: Admission to candidacy and EMC 1050 with minimum grade of C or permission of instructor.

    Aesthetics, principles, and processes of designing motion graphics for video production, broadcast television, film, and the Internet. Emphasizes freedom of expression while respecting diversity of media audiences.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

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  • ANIM 3310 - Texturing, Lighting, and Rendering

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: ANIM 2300  with minimum grade of C.

    Continuation of ANIM 2300 for the development of two- and three-dimensional computer graphics and animation. Further understanding of aesthetics and techniques for building, lighting, texturing, and rendering of three-dimensional models to be used in designing and producing three-dimensional computer-generated animations. Introduces the creation and modification of customized lighting models and techniques involved in the compositing of live-action, sound, and computer-generated images.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

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  • ANIM 3320 - Introduction to Digital Compositing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ART 1610  and CSCI 1150  or CSCI 1170  with minimum grade of C

    History, techniques, and applications of compositing in the areas of film, video, and multimedia production. Broad survey of process and techniques involved with creating composites. Techniques and aesthetics incorporated into traditional methods of compositing for contrast and comparison. Frequent review and discussion of current work from industry will occur in the form of media presentations.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

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  • ANIM 3330 - Animation and Rigging

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: ANIM 2300 .

    The development of two- and three-dimensional computer graphics and animation. Further understanding of the aesthetics and techniques for organic modeling, rigging, and animation. Offers greater understanding of complete animation production, principles, and methods.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

    Formerly ANIM 4300

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  • ANIM 4040 - Motion Graphics II

    3 credit hours

    (Same as VFP 4040 .) Prerequisite: ANIM 3040 .

    Aesthetics, advanced principles, and processes of designing motion graphics for video production, broadcast television, film, and the Internet. Emphasizes freedom of expression while respecting diversity of media audiences.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

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  • ANIM 4310 - Animation and Performance

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ANIM 3310  and ANIM 3330 .

    Continuation of ANIM 3330  for the development of three-dimensional computer graphics and animation. Further understanding of the aesthetics and techniques for creating animation for film, television, games, motion graphics, and VFX. Serves as additional preparation for the required senior capstone courses and offers greater understanding of advanced character animation production, organic modeling, and rigging.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

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  • ANIM 4400 - Animation Seminar I

    3 to 4 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Senior standing;  .

    Part one of two senior capstone courses for animation students. Students will create an original animated short film from concept to production. Emphasis placed on story.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

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  • ANIM 4405 - Professional Practices in Animation

    2 credit hours

    Prerequisite: ANIM 4310 ; corequisite: ANIM 4400 .

    Focuses on preparing Animation majors for the real world job market. Students create marketing materials to help sell themselves to prospective employers. Additional lectures and discussions on soft skills, career planning, and job hunting also included.

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  • ANIM 4410 - Animation Seminar II

    3 to 4 credit hours


    Part two of two capstone courses for animation students. Students continue work on original animated short film and see it through to completion. At the end of the course, students submit completed films to various film and animation festivals around the world.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

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  • ANIM 4910 - Advanced Seminar - Animation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to candidacy; permission of department only. Practical experience in the conceptualization, pre-production preparation, and production of animation and digital imaging materials. Integration of theory and skills from other ANIM courses. Advanced compositing techniques, particle generation, and advanced modeling techniques probable topics. Can be repeated with different topics; topics will vary by semester offering. Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

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  • ANTH 2010 - Cultural Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    A comparative examination of the cultural organization of human behavior in societies around the world. Practical applications and the importance of intercultural understanding stressed. Counts toward General Education Social/Behavioral Sciences requirement.

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  • ANTH 2210 - Introduction to World Prehistory

    3 credit hours
    Cultural change over the past four million years as interpreted through archaeology. The development of hunting and gathering through the origins of agriculture and the appearance of the world’s first civilizations. Counts toward General Education Humanities/Fine Arts requirement.

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  • ANTH 2230 - Tennessee Archaeology

    3 credit hours
    Archaeology of prehistoric and historic Tennessee. Based on archaeological research; presents an overview of human occupation in Tennessee with emphasis on local sites.

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  • ANTH 2240 - Sunken Continents, Lost Tribes, and Ancient Astronauts

    3 credit hours
    Critical examination of popular theories of prehistory including Atlantis, Bigfoot, extraterrestrial visitors, and others with a focus on the nature of the scientific method.

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  • ANTH 2740 - Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion

    3 credit hours
    Symbolic and ritual expression in indigenous and urban societies from an anthropological perspective including interpretations of myth, religious healing, cults, taboo, witchcraft, sorcery, and religious specialists and non-specialists.

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  • ANTH 2800 - Professions in Anthropology

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisites: ANTH 2010  and ANTH 2210  both with a grade of B- or above. Introduces students to the profession of anthropology via lectures, hands-on activities, readings, small group service-learning projects, and writing assignments.

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  • ANTH 3010 - Ethnology

    3 credit hours
    Examines different approaches in anthropology to the study of contemporary world cultures. For upper-division anthropology majors and minors. Addresses various theoretical approaches in the study of culture, use of ethnographic methods, ethical role of the anthropologist in research, and current issues in ethnology. Readings will focus on ethnographies from around the world.

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  • ANTH 3110 - Cross-Cultural Media Studies

    3 credit hours
    The study of media from a cross-cultural perspective, emphasizing the use of ethnography as a means of understanding the production and reception of media within different cultural contexts.

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  • ANTH 3120 - Popular Culture in Global Perspective

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ANTH 2010  or permission of instructor. Cross-culture exploration of pop culture as a body of widely shared and contested beliefs, practices, and material objects that present ordinary social life in spectacular and exaggerated form. Use of ethnography to understand pop culture as both a commercial phenomenon rooted in mass media as well as an expression of mass consumer resistance

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  • ANTH 3130 - Anthropology of Music

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ANTH 2010  or permission of instructor. The study of music as it reflects and shapes culture and social behavior from around the world. How music serves as a window into ideas of globalization and the related issues of power, resistance, and identity formation. Particular attention paid to the role of media and music in cross-cultural settings.

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  • ANTH 3210 - Archaeology

    3 credit hours
    Introduces methods used to study the nature and development of prehistoric societies. Approaches to survey, excavation, analysis, and interpretation explored through lectures, case studies, and problem assignments.

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  • ANTH 3240 - Ancient Civilizations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 3 hours of anthropology. Comparative study of archaeological evidence on the origins, development, and collapse of the early civilizations of the world. The transformation of human societies from the first settled villages to urban states in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Central Asia, Mesoamerica, and Peru.

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  • ANTH 3350 - Archaeology of Death

    3 credit hours
    Explores human diversity from the perspective of death and burial with emphasis on archaeological methods used to recover, describe, and interpret how past and present human societies disposed of the dead and coped with death through ritual.

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  • ANTH 3410 - Linguistic Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    Language in its anthropological contexts with a focus on language as one element of culture, including how a language fits into the cultural system, how language is distinguished from other components of culture, how culture and language interrelate, and what techniques and methods can be used to infer nonlinguistic facts from linguistic material.

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  • ANTH 3509 - Peoples and Cultures of China and Japan

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ANTH 2010  recommended. The diverse peoples and culture of China and Japan. Overview of East Asia as a region and contemporary issues and impacts resulting from globalization from an anthropological perspective.

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  • ANTH 3510 - Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia

    3 credit hours
    The diverse peoples and cultures of Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, East Timor, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam). History, sociocultural system, and contemporary issues and impacts resulting from globalization from an anthropological perspective.

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  • ANTH 3515 - Peoples and Cultures of Native North America

    3 credit hours
    The diverse peoples and cultures of Native North America (often called American Indians or Native Americans). History, sociocultural system, and contemporary issues and impacts resulting from globalization from an anthropological perspective.

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  • ANTH 3516 - Peoples and Cultures of Europe

    3 credit hours
    The diverse peoples and cultures of Europe. History, sociocultural system, and contemporary issues and impacts resulting from globalization from an anthropological perspective.

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  • ANTH 3517 - Peoples and Cultures of Brazil

    3 credit hours
    The diverse peoples and cultures of Brazil. History, sociocultural systems, and contemporary issues and impacts resulting from globalization from an anthropological perspective.

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  • ANTH 3518 - Peoples and Cultures of Latin America

    3 credit hours
    The diverse peoples and cultures of Latin America. History, sociocultural systems, and contemporary issues and impacts resulting from globalization from an anthropological perspective.

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  • ANTH 3520 - North American Prehistoric Archaeology

    3 credit hours
    A comprehensive presentation including archaeological findings concerning the initial settlement of North America some 14,000 years ago; the origins, adaptations, and development of major North American cultural traditions through European contact and colonization; and the major theoretical contributions of North American archaeology.

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  • ANTH 3521 - Mesoamerican Archaeology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 3 hours anthropology. Archaeology of Mesoamerica to include the findings of archaeology of the initial settlement of Mesoamerica; the origins, adaptations, and development of major prehistoric Mesoamerican cultural traditions such as the Olmec, Maya, and Aztec; and the major theoretical contributions of Mesoamerican archaeology.

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  • ANTH 3530 - Anthropology Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANTH 2010 , ANTH 2210 , and ANTH 2800  (or corequisite of ANTH 2800). Introduces the use and application of statistical methods to anthropological problems. Students will use statistical software to perform quantitative analyses of anthropological data sets from cultural, archaeology, and biological anthropology.

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  • ANTH 3610 - Archaeological Methods

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ANTH 3210  or permission of instructor. Methods of identifying, excavating, recording, analyzing, reporting, and interpreting archaeological sites. Focus on technical aspects of archaeological research, including a substantial component of classroom simulations of the practical applications of these methodologies.

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  • ANTH 3640 - Visual Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: 3 hours anthropology or permission of instructor. Photography and film as tools and products of ethnography. Researching, analyzing, and presenting behavioral and cultural ideas through visual means. Cultural and political biases presented through photography and film.

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  • ANTH 3650 - Forensic Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    An intensive overview of forensic anthropology–an applied field of physical anthropology that seeks to recover, identify, and evaluate human skeletal remains within a medicolegal context.

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  • ANTH 3660 - Forensic Sciences

    3 credit hours
    Explores a variety of fields in forensic science, specifically their history, basis in science, and specific techniques/equipment used. Emphasis on crime-scene investigation. EXL component. Lecture.

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  • ANTH 3720 - Environmental Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 3 hours anthropology or geography. Comparative study of ecological systems utilized by tribal, peasant, and industrialized peoples of the world. Special attention on theoretical approaches examining the interface of the environment and culture, the evolution of modes of subsistence, and contemporary development and indigenous people.

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  • ANTH 3730 - Medical Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    A cross-cultural survey of health-related beliefs and behavior. Includes etiologies, treatments, patients, and practitioners as they interact in an environmental, biological, and cultural context.

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  • ANTH 3750 - Race, Class, and Gender

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: 3 hours anthropology or women’s studies; ANTH 2010  recommended. An anthropological examination of the biological and cultural aspects of human identity as expressed through the concepts of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. Focus on ways in which regional, ethnic, and gender identities are celebrated, contested, and regulated cross-culturally.

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  • ANTH 3752 - Cultural Images of Gender

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANTH 2010  or SOC 1010  or WGST 2100 ; or permission of instructor. Global perspectives of gender through exploration of the experiences of men and women of various backgrounds worldwide. Special attention to mediums and writing styles presented; critical examination of creation and perpetuation of cultural images.

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  • ANTH 4130 - Anthropology of Globalization

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing; ANTH 2010 , ANTH 3010 , or GS 2010 , or permission of instructor. Explores the phenomenon of globalization anthropologically including competing understanding of transnational flow of capital, goods, people, images, and ideas around the world.

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  • ANTH 4140 - Immigrants and Globalization in the American South

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing; ANTH 2010  or ANTH 3010  or permission of instructor. ANTH 4130  recommended. Explores anthropologically the specific effects of globalizing forces in the southern United States. Relations between global and local communities explored taking into account immigration, particularly of Latinos and Asians; local industry in a time of globalization; power and confrontation between rural and urban worlds; issues of race and ethnicity; and the assimilation of foreign-born professionals into Southern social and cultural systems.

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  • ANTH 4360 - Zooarchaeology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: BIOL 1030 /BIOL 1031  or BIOL 1110 /BIOL 1111 ; ANTH 3210 ; or permission of instructor. Lab-intensive. Explores methods used by zooarchaeologists to identify, quantify, and summarize nonhuman animal remains from archaeological contexts using comparative collections. Emphasis on implications for human subsistence, environmental reconstruction, and human behavior.

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