Sep 27, 2024  
2016-17 Graduate Catalog 
2016-17 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • PSY 5220 - Correctional Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Law enforcement, delinquency, and criminal psychology, including psychological evaluation, classification, therapy, and rehabilitation. Special classifications. Field problems. Preventive implications.

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  • PSY 5240 - Behavioral Neuroscience

    3 credit hours
    The role of the brain in those areas which are typically considered by psychology, such as sensory and motor functions, motivation, higher mental functions, and mental disorders.

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  • PSY 5250 - Psychology of Exceptional Children

    3 credit hours
    Identification and etiology of patterns of exceptionality, with consideration given to behavioral manifestations and preventive and correctional programs.

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  • PSY 5260 - Introduction to Psychological Testing

    3 credit hours
    Modern practices in test construction, selection, and application to classroom and guidance situations. (Student required to participate as principal and subject in administration, scoring, profiling, and in making predictions based on test results.)

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  • PSY 5290 - Wage and Salary Administration

    3 credit hours
    Design and management of compensation systems including job evaluation, salary market data, pay for performance, legal issues, benefits, and practical applications.

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  • PSY 5320 - Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Application of psychology to business and industry. Topics include employee selection, performance appraisal, training, leadership, motivation, job analysis, legal issues, job satisfaction, work teams, and occupational health.

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  • PSY 5340 - Human Factors Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 3320/PSY 5320  or consent of instructor. The process of designing for human use. Considers individual differences, visual, auditory, and tactile displays, anthropometry, illumination, noise, humans in motion, and space and environmental studies.

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  • PSY 5370 - Motivation and Work Attitudes

    3 credit hours
    Motivation theories and applications to workplace. Emotions, attitudes, e.g., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work-family balance. Performance effects.

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  • PSY 5380 - Group Dynamics

    3 credit hours
    Functioning of groups. Includes development of group structure, group conflict, cohesion, social influence, leadership, group productivity, group decision making, and growth groups.

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  • PSY 5440 - Social Psychology of Close Relationships

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PSY 1410 and 2210. Theoretical and empirical issues in the scientific study of adult, close relationships from a social psychological perspective: initial attraction, relationship formation and maintenance, and dissolution. (Not a course in the broad area of marriage and the family; See CDFS 3320 Family Relationships and SOC 2500 Marriage and Family.)

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  • PSY 5460 - Psychology of Happiness and Well-Being

    3 credit hours
    Survey of the theoretical and research literature in the areas of subjective well-being, happiness, life satisfaction, stress-resistant personality styles, and self-actualizations.

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  • PSY 5480 - Learning Theories

    3 credit hours
    Research and experiments in learning and the related growth of the major theories of learning with emphasis on classical and instrumental conditioning and related topics.

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  • PSY 5490 - Operant Conditioning

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 1410. Philosophy of B.F. Skinner’s behaviorism explored in his own writings and those of his followers and critics. Current applications of behaviorism in all areas of psychology (child, marriage and family, animal conditioning, mental health, addictions, etc.) also examined.

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  • PSY 5600 - Psychosexual Adjustment

    3 credit hours
    Psychological, cultural, and biological facets of the human sexual experience. Attitudes and behaviors, variances and dysfunctions, implications, and strategies for intervention.

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  • PSY 5610 - Adult Psychology and Aging

    3 credit hours
    A survey of the research on adult development with emphasis on old age. Examines the physical, intellectual, social, vocational, and personality changes during the adult years.

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  • PSY 5630 - Death and Dying

    3 credit hours
    An experiential course covering the folklore of thanatology, the funeral industry, handling grief, counseling the bereaved, the hospice concept. Objectives include an attempt to view death with equanimity and personal growth through confronting death.

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  • PSY 5650 - Health Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 1410 or consent of instructor. Psychological factors and principles involved in the study of correlates of health and illness, disease prevention, therapeutic interventions, and rehabilitative strategies.

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  • PSY 5720 - Multicultural Perspectives in Psychology and Education

    3 credit hours
    Theories and research relative to the education of multi-ethnic/racial minorities. Relation of culture and socialization to learning styles, assessment practices, and counseling considerations.

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  • PSY 5750 - Apprenticeship: Pre-Clinical

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Supervised practical experience utilizing psychological principles and tools related to clinical psychology in an established organization.

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  • PSY 5780 - Human Neuropsychology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 5240  or consent of instructor. Organization and function of specific brain areas and the behavioral deficits and changes resulting from focal and diffuse brain damage.

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  • PSY 5820 - Psychology of Language

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 1410. A cognitive approach to how people learn and use language to communicate. Covers basic psycholinguistics (production, perception, comprehension, and mental representation), language acquisition, and applied psycholinguistics (bilingualism, language disorders, and machine language).

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  • PSY 6000 - Orientation to School Psychology

    1 credit hours
    Introduction to a career as a school psychologist. Uses appropriate materials from the National Association of School Psychologists as well as relevant court decisions and legislative acts to orient students to school psychology.

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  • PSY 6010 - Clinical Interventions

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to the clinical program or permission of instructor; PSY 6510  and PSY 6801 . A supervised experience in which the student learns how to apply techniques of clinical interviewing for the purpose of developing, implementing, and evaluating treatment plans for clients. Liability insurance required prior to enrollment.

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  • PSY 6040 - Topics in Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Focus on practical aspects of functioning as a professional in the field. Current issues, recent developments, and less-traditional relevant areas.

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  • PSY 6050 - Psychological Testing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 3020 or equivalent. Modern practices in test construction, selection, and application; legal guidelines, reliability, and validity. Intelligence, abilities, interests, attitudes, values, and personality testing. Students required to participate as examiners and subjects in administering, scoring, profiling, and in making predictions based on test results.

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  • PSY 6060 - School Psychology: Ethics and Practice

    3 credit hours
    An introduction with particular emphasis on the ethical perspective. Adaptive instruction of behavior measures included, as are observations of classrooms and teacher interviews.

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  • PSY 6065 - Introduction to School-Based Mental Health Services

    3 credit hours
    School psychologist’s role as a mental health service provider with both a practical and theoretical focus. Basic helping and interviewing skills.

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  • PSY 6070 - Advanced Industrial Organizational Training and Development

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 3020 or equivalent. Theory and methodology used in the training and development of human resources in organizations: needs assessment, program development, program evaluation, and legal and special issues in training and development.

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  • PSY 6080 - Interventions with Children and Adolescents

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 5250  or PSY 6400  or permission of instructor. Theoretical and practical issues related to interventions with children and adolescents exhibiting behavioral and emotional problems. Intervention strategies for specific problems. Experience designing and evaluating intervention plans. Legal, ethical, and practical issues.

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  • PSY 6085 - Pre-Internship for Industrial/Organizational Psychology

    1 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to program. Expectations, requirements, and procedures involved in a practicum in the Industrial/Organizational Psychology program. Encourages students to assess career goals and helps facilitate selection of a practicum that moves toward exploring and meeting those career goals.

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  • PSY 6090 - Internship: Industrial/Organizational Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Supervised experience in industry, business, or government using psychological principles at a professional, applied level.

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  • PSY 6100 - Intellectual Assessment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 4260/PSY 5260  or PSY 6050 . Practical didactic instruction in theory and practice of cognitive assessment. Practical supervised experience in rapport, administration, scoring, and interpretation of individual intelligence tests for all age levels. Liability insurance required.

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  • PSY 6102 - Theory of Health Education and Behavior

    3 credit hours
    (Same as HLTH 6102 .) Links behavioral change theory to the research and practice of interventions in health behaviors. Application of the theoretical constructs linked to design, implementation, and evaluation of individual and group behavioral change programs.

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  • PSY 6105 - Psychoeducational Assessment of Preschool Children

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 6100 . Instruction in theory and practice relevant to the assessment of preschool age children’s cognitive, social, and emotional functioning. Field experience and liability insurance required.

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  • PSY 6120 - Developmental Psychology: Child

    3 credit hours
    Reviews the major areas of child development. These areas include cognitive, emotional, and social development. Primary attention  will be devoted to the period of infancy through early adolescence. Covers both developmental theory and research.

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  • PSY 6130 - Developmental Psychology: Adolescent

    3 credit hours
    Survey of research on adolescence from a biopsychosocial perspective. Student observation and study of developing adolescents from cognitive, biological, social, and psychological frameworks.

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  • PSY 6140 - Practicum: School Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 15 semester hours of related graduate credits, including PSY 6060 , PSY 6080 , PSY 6100 , PSY 6750 , and PSY 6770 . Supervised assessment of learning and adjustment problems with follow-up parent, teacher, and administrator conferences. Practicum experience includes 90 hours of supervised work with a practicing, certified, full-time school psychologist. At least 50 percent of the practicum placement shall be in a school setting. Liability insurance required prior to enrollment.

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  • PSY 6170 - Group Counseling and Psychotherapy

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PSY 5470  or PSY 6020 ; PSY 6260 or PSY 6010 ; permission of instructor. Corequisite: PSY 6180 . Group process, ethics, and techniques. Application of counseling theory, group procedures, sociometrics, and group dynamics to interpersonal relations, mental health, school, and industrial settings. Supervised experience. Liability insurance required prior to enrollment.

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  • PSY 6180 - Laboratory in Group Counseling and Psychotherapy

    1 credit hours
    Taken in conjunction with PSY 6170 . Students will experience group process as members of a growth group during the first half of the semester and will demonstrate group skills as leaders of group session(s) during the second half of the semester.

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  • PSY 6190 - Advanced Cognitive Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Topic-oriented overview of cognitive psychology. Models of attention, perception, memory, language, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. Issues in cognitive development and cognitive neuropsychology.

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  • PSY 6210 - Advanced Psychometrics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PSY 6280 , HHP 6700 , or equivalent. Classical test theory and item response theory. Model, assumptions, and problems of classical test theory. Mathematical modeling, parameter estimating, and adaptive testing procedures using item response theory. Both theories utilized for test construction.

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  • PSY 6250 - Objective Personality Assessment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PSY 4260/PSY 5260  or PSY 6050 ; PSY 6100 . Practical supervised experience in objective measurement and analysis of key variables of personality, both for normative and specific diverse populations. Emphasis on MMPI. Liability insurance required prior to enrollment.

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  • PSY 6280 - Psychological Statistics: Regression

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 3020 or equivalent or admission to Psychology graduate program. Corequisite: PSY 6281 . Review of basic statistics; various correlation coefficients; multiple and partial correlation; simple and multiple regression. Laboratory included.

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  • PSY 6290 - Psychological Statistics: ANOVA

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 3020 or equivalent or admission to Psychology graduate program. Corequisite: PSY 6291 . Review of basic statistics. Scientific quantification, research design, and statistical analysis from the perspective of analysis of variance: one-way, factorial, repeated measures, and mixed designs. Laboratory included.

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  • PSY 6300 - Literature Review and Reading in Psychology: Industrial and Organizational

    2 credit hours
    Supervised literature review and/or readings on a topic of current importance in psychology. Topics and requirements obtained from individual faculty members. Specific courses may be repeated to a total of 6 credits.

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  • PSY 6310 - Independent Research in Psychology: Industrial and Organizational

    1 to 9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Individualized empirical research and library research approved by the instructor. (1-3 credits applicable to degree)

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  • PSY 6320 - Performance Appraisal and Job Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Covers the theory, techniques, current research, legal issues, and reliability and validity concerns associated with the practices of: job analysis, competency modeling, performance appraisals, and developing performance management systems.

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  • PSY 6330 - Professional Issues in Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    1 credit hours
    Survey of issues related to professional ethics, relevant legislation, professional affiliations, professional identity, and professional responsibilities.

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  • PSY 6340 - Behavioral Medicine: Theory and Application

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Review theory, methodology, and application of behavioral medicine. Includes behavioral science issues in health and applications of this information to diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of health problems for which “life-stress” factors predominate. See PSY 6350 .

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  • PSY 6360 - Organizational Change and Development

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 6450  or permission of instructor. Analysis of theory and practice of organizational change and development, process of change, organizational development (OD) interventions, and evaluation and research of OD effectiveness.

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  • PSY 6365 - Organizational Surveys and Employee Attitudes and Motivation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 6450 . Special topics in employee attitudes and motivation and the measurement of employee attitudes through the use of organizational surveys. Develops skills in survey techniques and includes practical experience with surveys.

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  • PSY 6370 - Organizational Skills

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 6450  or permission of instructor. Analysis of a variety of interpersonal situations which impact organizational effectiveness and climate. Development of skills: conflict resolution, interviewing, performance feedback, effective meetings, giving recognition, discipline.

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  • PSY 6380 - Work Group Effectiveness

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 5380 , PSY 6450 , or permission of instructor. Analysis of factors leading to effective work groups. Topics covered include task effects on performance, group composition, leadership, group processes, and team building.

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  • PSY 6390 - Independent Research in Psychology: Clinical

    1 to 9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Individualized empirical research and library research approved by the instructor. (1-3 credits applicable to degree)

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  • PSY 6430 - Internship: Behavior Modification

    1 to 4 credit hours
    Prerequisites: 30 semester hours of psychology including PSY 4400, PSY 5480 , and PSY 5430 . Supervised internship in an applied behavioral setting. Liability insurance required prior to enrollment. May be repeated; enrollment must be continuous.

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  • PSY 6440 - Advanced Applied Behavioral Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 4400 or permission of instructor. Intensive presentation of methods used in behavioral assessment and interventions. Application of various behavioral techniques.

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  • PSY 6450 - Advanced Organizational Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Review of theory and empirical research in organizational psychology. Students will apply theory and research findings to understand and explain work behavior at the individual, group, and organizational levels and will use this knowledge to solve organizational problems.

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  • PSY 6460 - Factor Analysis and Related Methods

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PSY 6280 , HHP 6700 , or equivalent. Surveys each of the major factor analysis techniques and related latent trait theory with main focus on application. Nature, power, procedure, computer programming, interpretation, and limitations of each technique.

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  • PSY 6480 - Advanced Topics in Quantitative Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 6280  or equivalent. Advanced topics in quantitative psychology. Focus on current topics, recent issues, and less traditional areas of quantitative psychology. Relevant computer programs. May be repeated for a total of six credits.

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  • PSY 6500 - Behavioral Methodology

    3 credit hours
    Techniques for design and evaluation of clinical treatment and research. Includes single subject and group designs. Emphasis on direct observation and data collection procedures, reliability, social validity, and generalization.

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  • PSY 6510 - Psychopathology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 3230/PSY 5230 . Extensive examination of the disorders included in the current diagnostic manual. Emphasis on adult disorders. Objectives are to enhance understanding of psychopathology and to develop minimal competence in diagnosing.

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  • PSY 6530 - The Psychology of Reading and Reading Development

    3 credit hours
    Overview of the cognitive processes involved in reading. The structure of both oral and written language; cognitive mechanisms in reading; language development and the acquisition of reading skills; developmental and acquired disorders of language and reading.

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  • PSY 6550 - Structural Equation Modeling

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PSY 6280 , HHP 6700 , or equivalent. Structural equation modeling. Review of correlation, multiple regression and path analysis. Conceptual review of measurement models. Model specification, estimation, goodness of fit, and power of structural equation models. Relevant computer programs.

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  • PSY 6570 - Psychological Research Methods in Human Resource Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 6280  or permission of instructor. Theory and appropriate methodology for conducting research relevant to human resource practices in organizations. Applied psychometric theory and quasi-experimental design.

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  • PSY 6580 - Multivariate Data Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PSY 6280 , HHP 6700 , or equivalent. Surveys each of the major multivariate data analysis techniques, with main focus on their application. Nature, power, procedure, computer programming, interpretation, and limitations of each.

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  • PSY 6585 - Test Construction and Validation

    3 credit hours
    Surveys principles in item and test construction. Actual development of items and tests in the student’s own field and validation of the items and tests through both classical test theory and item response theory.

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  • PSY 6590 - Literature Review and Reading in Psychology: General and Experimental

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Supervised literature review and/or readings on a topic of current importance in psychology. Topics and requirements obtained from individual faculty members. Specific courses may be repeated to a total of 6 credits.

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  • PSY 6600 - Independent Research in Psychology: General and Experimental

    1 to 9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Individualized empirical research and library research approved by the instructor. (1-9 credits applicable to degree)

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  • PSY 6615 - Basic and Applied Research Methods in Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Survey of experimental and quasi-experimental research designs employed in mental health fields. Theoretical and practical knowledge of various research designs and data analysis procedures explored through class lectures and lab assignments. Offers preparation for those training to become mental health practitioners to understand and critically evaluate psychological research.

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  • PSY 6620 - Independent Study: Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Individualized library or empirical research project approved by instructor. A maximum of three credits will apply to a master’s degree.

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  • PSY 6630 - Literature Review and Reading in Psychology: Clinical

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Supervised literature review and/or readings on a topic of current importance in psychology. Topics and requirements obtained from individual faculty members. Specific courses may be repeated to a total of 6 credits.

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  • PSY 6640 - Thesis Research

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Selection of a research problem, review of pertinent literature, collection and analysis of data, and composition of thesis. Once enrolled, student should register for at least one credit hour of master’s research each semester until completion. S/U grading.

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