Sep 22, 2024  
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • READ 4015 - Language and Literacy, K-6

    6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education. Introduces various strategies and techniques for teaching reading and writing in the elementary school.

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  • READ 4035 - Language and Literacy in the Middle Grades

    6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education. Introduces various strategies and techniques for teaching and assessing literacy in the middle school.

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  • READ 4130 - Corrective Reading

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education program; READ 4015  or READ 4035 . Diagnostic skills needed to identify specific reading problems found in typical K-8 classrooms and processes needed to resolve the difficulties.

    NOTE: Students must select a specific Residency I section and sign up for all corresponding classes in that particular section. Classes may not be selected from multiple sections.

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  • READ 4460 - Teaching Reading in the Content Areas

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education. Emphasis on the teaching of reading in content subjects, such as mathematics, science, and social studies in upper elementary, middle, and secondary schools. Specific suggestions for activities and lesson strategies included.

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Recording Industry

  • RIM 1020 - American Media and Social Institutions

    3 credit hours
    (Same as JOUR 1020 .) The power of the mass media and its effect on social institutions and practices. Develops skills of qualitative and quantitative social science research in the area of mass communication processes; examines media as social, cultural, and economic institutions that shape the values of American society, its political dialogues, its social practices, and institutions.

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  • RIM 1230 - Musicianship for Engineers

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1710  or higher level math. A variety of music subjects explored within the context of commercial music as related to audio recording and production. Specific topics include music fundamentals, commercial music theory, commercial form and styles, and basic aural and keyboard skills. Students who have passed MUTH 1110  with a grade of C or better may not enroll in RIM 1230 for credit. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 3000 - History of the Recording Industry

    3 credit hours
    Traces the development of the technology, business, major record labels, and the music recorded as well as significant individuals in these areas.

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  • RIM 3010 - Audio Fundamentals

    3 credit hours
     Prerequisite: MATH 1710  or higher level math. Examines theories and technologies used in audio production for music, radio, TV, and film. Provides the management-oriented student with a useful vocabulary covering the area of audio production and provides the production-oriented student with the basic theory upon which production skills can be built. RIM 3010 is required for all Audio Production students; Music Business and Commercial Songwriting students may choose between RIM 3010 and  RIM 3011 .

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  • RIM 3011 - Survey of Audio Technology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1710  or higher level math. For non-Audio Production Recording Industry pre-candidacy students; includes students seeking admission to candidacy in the Music Business and Commercial Songwriting concentrations. Overview of the basic function and application of audio hardware and software used in music creation. Surveys audio technology found in live sound, professional recording studios, and project studios. Required for admission to candidacy to the RI program and offered as an online course. Students must choose between and may receive credit for either RIM 3010  or RIM 3011. Audio Production concentration students will not receive credit for RIM 3011

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  • RIM 3020 - Commercial Songwriting

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MUTH 3020 .) Prerequisite: RI majors - admission to Commercial Songwriting concentration and RIM 1230  or MUTH 1110 ; others - permission of instructor. Helps the new or developing songwriter acquire a song construction toolkit. Focuses on groove, melody,  lyric, harmony, and structure and integrates these five elements into a cohesive and commercially viable song. Students expected to play guitar or piano and also sing.

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  • RIM 3100 - Introduction to Popular Music Studies

    3 credit hours
    (Same as JOUR 3100 .) Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy; others - permission of instructor. Introduces students to different academic and theoretical approaches to popular music as a social and cultural phenomenon. A discussion oriented class that is both reading and writing intensive.

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  • RIM 3115 - Songwriting Instrumentation: Guitar

    Designed for the beginning to intermediate guitar player. Focuses on scales, chords, rhythm, picking, fingerpicking, music theory, and performance techniques and how to apply these skills to songwriting and performing.

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  • RIM 3116 - Songwriting Instrumentation: Piano

    Designed for the beginning to intermediate player and uses the “Simply Music” playing-based method. Traditional music reading skills not required or taught. Focuses on scales, chords, music theory, songs, and performance techniques catered to songwriters. May be of interest to guitarist/songwriters who want to learn how to write on the keyboard.

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  • RIM 3200 - History of Country Music

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to candidacy. History and culture of American country music. Explores the historical progression of the genre and analyzes topics such as race and gender relations, material culture, generational conflict, and the role of “authenticity” in the creation and commodification of the music. Reading, writing, and listening intensive.

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  • RIM 3450 - Advanced Musicianship for Engineers

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to candidacy; RIM 1230  or MUTH 1110 . (Not available to students enrolled in or who have completed MUTH 1120 .) Continuation of RIM 1230 . Furthering the application of musical concepts previously learned to popular music. Topics include syncopation, modulation, two-handed accompaniment patterns, and selected secondary chords. Introduction to music notation software and the preparation of a lead sheet. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 3500 - Lecture Series

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: RI majors - admission to candidacy. Major executives, producers, and others in the recording industry speak to students about contemporary topics in the music business. May be taken only once for credit toward the major. Pass/Fail.

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  • RIM 3580 - RIM Practicum

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy, approval of instructor prior to enrollment, and approved application. On-campus experiences in and related to the recording industry. Course may be repeated up to three times, but no more than six total credits toward the major allowed for RIM 3580, RIM 4000 , and RIM 4010 . Pass/Fail.

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  • RIM 3600 - Survey of the Recording Industry

    3 credit hours
    Examination of the industry including, but not limited to, artist development, songwriting, publishing, record companies, record marketing and promotion, copyright, performance rights, and careers.

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  • RIM 3650 - Free Expression, Mass Media, and the American Public

    3 credit hours
    (Same as JOUR 3650 /EMC 3650 .) A general introduction to the issues surrounding free expression and its relationship to mass media in contemporary America. A comprehensive analysis of the history, philosophies, cases, and controls associated with freedom of expression.

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  • RIM 3690 - International Entertainment Transactions

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to international law (European Union, Asia/Pacific Rim, and Latin America) in the context of the global entertainment and intellectual property industries (music, film, television, books, videogames, etc.). Culminates in presentation of a proposed start-up entertainment entity in a foreign territory. Each student will be able to establish a professional relationship with an entertainment industry liaison in a foreign territory. Offers preparation for students interested in international opportunities for growth including international internships and the Office of International Affairs’ Study Abroad programs.

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  • RIM 3700 - Copyright Law

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RI majors - admission to candidacy; others RIM 3600 . Examines copyright law with particular reference to the music industry. Emphasis on understanding and applying the law to work in the industry.

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  • RIM 3720 - Artist Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RI majors - admission to candidacy; others RIM 3600 . Examines the role of recording artists’ representatives. Topics include personal appearances, touring, unions, and contractual considerations.

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  • RIM 3890 - International Recording Industry

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy; others RIM 3600 . Cultural, media, business, and legal aspects of making and selling records on a worldwide basis. Specific studies in foreign record company operations, i.e., production, distribution, marketing, promotion, and licensing. Immigration, union, and tax implications of artists recording abroad.

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  • RIM 3900 - Music Publishing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and previous or concurrent enrollment in RIM 3700 ; others RIM 3600  and RIM 3700 . Operations and functions of music publishing industry including songwriter publisher relations. Primary thrust is popular music publishing, but art, religious, and educational music also discussed.

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  • RIM 4000 - Recording Industry Internship: Business

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to candidacy; 90 credit hours completed; RIM 3700  and three of the following sub-core courses must be completed: RIM 3720 , RIM 3900 , RIM 4320 , or RIM 4620 ; approved internship application. Practical experience for advanced students in a professional recording industry setting. This course may be repeated for additional credit. No more than six hours toward the major are allowed for RIM 3580 , 4000, and RIM 4010 . Pass/Fail.

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  • RIM 4010 - Recording Industry Internship: Technology

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to candidacy; senior standing (90 hours), RIM 4190 , RIM 4200 , RIM 4400 , and an approved internship application. Practical experience for advanced students in a professional recording industry setting. This course may be repeated for additional credit. No more than six hours toward the major are allowed for RIM 3580 , RIM 4000 , and 4010. Pass/Fail.

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  • RIM 4020 - Advanced Commercial Songwriting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RIM 3020 /MUTH 3020 . The developing songwriter will study how a professional songwriter prepares to write commercial songs targeted to specific markets, artists, media, and events. Will be followed by a study of how students can find their unique voices as songwriter/artists or as pure songwriters.

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  • RIM 4100 - Audio Signals and Systems

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RI majors – Audio Production candidacy. A thorough study of sound in acoustic and electronic forms, including wave behavior, transducers, and the design and operation of analog and digital systems for detecting, receiving, measuring, manipulating, transmitting, and reproducing sound.

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  • RIM 4130 - Cyber PR® in the Entertainment Industry

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to candidacy or permission of instructor. Cyber PR®  is the process where social media (with engaged behavior), public relations (outreach and some processes), and online and direct -to-fan (D2F) marketing intersect. Explores the many new and entrepreneurial methods, theories, applications (i.e., Topspin and Next Big Sound) and best practices artists and brands employ to create awareness and make connections to consumers via electronic media. Readings, lectures, guest presentations, and professional group projects and experiences.

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  • RIM 4190 - Introduction to MIDI and Sound Synthesis

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MUTH 4190 .) Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and RIM 1230  or MUTH 1110 ; others - RIM 3010 , RIM 1230 , or MUTH 1110  or permission of instructor. An introduction to synthesizer programming and the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) with emphasis on history, theory, and application. Hands-on activities include synthesizer programming with virtual instruments and MIDI sequencing using a digital audio workstation. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4200 - Digital Audio Technology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and RIM 1230  or MUTH 1110 ; others - permission of instructor. An overview of digital audio technology with an emphasis on computer technology related to music production, digital audio workstation hardware and software (e.g., Pro Tools), and digital audio theory. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4210 - ProTools for Songwriters

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy; others - permission of instructor. Theory and application of audio hardware and software for personal desktop music production. For RIM Music Business and Commercial Songwriting majors and Music majors, specifically Music Education majors. Emphasis on application through hands-on instructional techniques. May not be used as a prerequisite for RIM 4200 nor may it be used for credit by RIM Audio Production majors. Satisfies the music production component of the RIM Commercial Songwriting concentration. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4230 - Advanced Cyber PR in the Entertainment Industry

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: B or higher in RIM 4130  or permission of instructor.  Applies the process where social media (with engaged behavior), public relations (outreach and some processes), and online marketing intersect.  Analyzes, designs, and implements an online-social media marketing plan for an entertainment industry client. Uses existing and developing applications (such as Topspin Media’s marketing and sales platform and Next Big Sound’s data analysis and monitoring program) to receive basic training. While the promotion of music and entertainment are the focus, the skills and applications taught are transferable to other industries.

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  • RIM 4290 - MIDI Sequencing and Virtual Instruments

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MUTH 4290 ). Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and  RIM 4190 /MUTH 4190 ; others - RIM 4190 /MUTH 4190  or permission of instructor. An advanced hands-on course with an emphasis on MIDI sequencing and virtual instruments within Pro Tools, Reason, and other music production software. Drum machines, synthesizers, samplers, and other electronic instruments used to create a commercial music track. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4300 - Advanced Pro Tools Techniques

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and RIM 4200 ; others - permission of instruction (POD). A detailed examination of digital audio workstation (DAW) techniques used in a variety of production environments. Comprehensive in-depth instruction in the use of Pro Tools hardware and software with emphasis on file management, stereo and multitrack editing, tuning, use of plug-ins, and delivery formats. Lab exercises to develop hands-on competency; hands-on proficiencies to assess abilities. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4320 - Concert Promotion and Touring

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy; others - RIM 3010  and RIM 3600 . An in-depth study of the theoretical and practical aspects of presenting contemporary arts and entertainment performances. Topics include talent acquisition, contracts and riders, production, venues, budgeting, ticket services, and promotion.

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  • RIM 4330 - Sound Reinforcement

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite RI majors - admission to candidacy; others - RIM 3010 . Current technologies and techniques involved in modern sound reinforcement. Topics include club venue and large concert systems. Field work required.

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  • RIM 4390 - Ableton Live Production

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:   or permission of instructor. A hands-on audio production course that introduces the student to Ableton Live and MIDI controllers such as the Ableton Push. Students will acquire and refine digital audio stills used for desktop music production and live performance. Topics include automation, MIDI editing, audio warping, audio to MIDI conversion, making beats, and using Live’s virtual instruments.

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  • RIM 4400 - Recording Studio Techniques

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy, RIM 1230  or MUTH 1110  , and RIM 4200  or concurrent enrollment in RIM 4200  (corequisite); others - permission of instructor. Develops understanding of techniques and technology in modern multitrack recording and mixing. Extensive hands-on experience. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4420 - Talent Agency Fundamentals

    Prerequisites: Admission to candidacy and RIM 3720  or RIM 4320 . Covers fundamentals of the talent agency business. Focuses on the talent agency side of the music industry including the role the booking agent plays in the career development and revenue generation of a music artist. Includes readings, lectures, guest presentations, in-class participation, and group projects and experiences.

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  • RIM 4440 - Critical Listening

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and previous or concurrent enrollment in RIM 4400 ; others - permission of instructor. Ear-training and aesthetics for recording engineers. Class activities involve listening and analysis of master tape and disc formats. Sources include a wide variety of music genres as well as specialized technical ear-training materials. Development of a vocabulary for communication of aural impressions. Introduction to “high-end” audio.

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  • RIM 4480 - Mastering

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and RIM 4200  and RIM 4400 ; others - permission of instructor. An advanced hands-on approach to the principles and practices of mastering. Focuses on the use of digital audio workstations specially designed for audio mastering and related outboard equipment. Additional focus on surround mastering and DVD authoring. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4550 - Hip-hop Music and Culture

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ANTH 4550  and MUHL 4550 .) Prerequisites: ENGL 1010  and ENGL 1020 .  An ethnomusicological investigation of how hip-hop reacts to and informs mainstream culture through its primary art forms: music, visual art, and dance. Major themes and issues that cut across hip-hop’s history, including issues of style and performance, gender, race, politics, and religion addressed.

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  • RIM 4570 - The Art of Soundtrack Design

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RI majors - admission to candidacy; others - permission of instructor. Examines the creative use of sound in film and theatre through critical listening to various soundtracks. The theory and practice of sound design analyzed and discussed in a lecture-oriented class.

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  • RIM 4575 - Sound Effects Design for Picture

    Prerequisite: RI majors and minors - RIM 4200 ; others - permission of instructor. Through lecture, demonstration, and hands-on projects, exposes students to approaches, techniques, and considerations when creating sound effects for different visual platforms such as TV, film, game, and Web. Discussions include sound effects: recording, spotting, and layering. Additional topics include sound design aesthetics, sub-categories of sound effects and session requirements. Hands-on class requires assignments to be outside of class. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4580 - Sound for Picture

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy,  RIM 4200 , and RIM 4400 ; others - permission of instructor. In-depth, interactive study of sound and its relationship to picture. Time code, synchronization, workflow, data interchange, sound recording and editing, ADR, Foley, routing structures, sound mixing, and delivery methods. Demonstrations and lab use digital audio workstations and controllers found in professional facilities. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4585 - Advanced Sound for Picture

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RIM 4580  or permission of instructor. An in-depth, interactive study of sound mixing approaches for a variety of styles of programming across different media (TV, film, web). In addition to the aesthetic aspects of mixing, discussions will include required deliverables, audio level requirements, sound formats (stereo, surround), synchronization, addressing program timing changes, picture formats, target audience considerations, problem solving, technology, and more. A hands-on class which will require assignments to be completed outside of class (as is the case with most-upper-level studio courses). Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4590 - Computer Based Scoring for Visual Media

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MUTH 4590 .) Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy, RIM 4190 /MUTH 4190  and either RIM 4200  or RIM 4290 /MUTH 4290 ; others - RIM 4190 /MUTH 4190  and either RIM 4200  or RIM 4290 /MUTH 4290  or permission of instructor. Writing music for visual media using the capabilities of a computer workstation. Introduces compositional techniques utilizing Macintosh sequencing software and QuickTime video playback in combination with synthesizers and sample playback programs. Concepts include synchronization of music to picture, tempo selection, sound source selection/manipulation, and analysis of the dramatic content of a scene. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4600 - Mixing Techniques and Technologies

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RI majors - RIM 4300  and RIM 4400  or permission of instructor. Advanced application of mixing techniques in a digital multitrack setting. Additional topics include applied critical listening, automation systems, focus and foundation mixing, and the NARAS guidelines for delivery of recorded music projects.

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  • RIM 4620 - Marketing of Recordings

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RI majors - admission to candidacy; others RIM 3600 . Special emphasis on the particular structures and problems involved in the movement of recordings from manufacturer to the buying public. Topics include product marketing, promotion, and distribution.

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  • RIM 4630 - Recording Industry Research

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy, RIM 4620  or MKT 3820 , computer literacy, and permission of instructor. Provides hands-on experiences in research in the recording industry. Involvement in group projects to provide music and consumer research services to various clients in the industry. Workshop oriented.

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  • RIM 4650 - Multitrack Music Recording: Studio B

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - RIM 4200  and RIM 4400 ; others - permission of instructor. In-depth study of the technology and techniques of contemporary multitrack music recording. Lectures and labs focus on modern recording techniques, the analog and digital audio hardware/software installed in Studio B, systemic aspects of recording studios, and preparation for professional work in the studio environment. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4651 - Multitrack Music Recording: Studio A

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - RIM 4200  and RIM 4400 ; others - permission of instructor. In-depth study of the technology and techniques of contemporary multitrack music recording. Lectures and labs focus on modern recording techniques, the analog and digital audio hardware/software installed in Studio A, systemic aspects of recording studios, and preparation for professional work in the studio environment. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4660 - Advanced Music Engineering

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and RIM 4650  or RIM 4651 ; others - permission of instructor; concurrent or previous completion of RIM 4300  recommended. Project-based class emphasizing creative and aesthetic aspects of multitrack music recording. Topics include microphone techniques, session protocols, incorporation of MIDI elements, sample replacement and augmentation, rough mixing, console automation techniques, signal processing, and ear-training for recording engineers. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4670 - Studio Production

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and RIM 4300  or RIM 4650  or RIM 4651 ; others - permission of instructor. Laboratory experience and lectures in commercial music, recording techniques, and business designed to develop the abilities needed to become an independent producer of contemporary commercial recordings. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4690 - Digital Strategies for the Music Business

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:  RIM 4620  or permission of the instructor. Applied theory on promoting the services and products of the music industry via digital channels. Topics include market research, content strategy, creating digital assets, search engine marketing, online advertising, email marketing, mobile marketing, and using data and insights from analytics to optimize digital marketing efforts.

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  • RIM 4730 - The A&R Function

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors- completion of concentration sub-core. Role and responsibilities of a record company’s artist and repertoire department. Emphasis on finding and guiding an artist as well as the administration of the production and marketing of a project.

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  • RIM 4740 - Studio Business Operations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RI majors - admission to candidacy; others - permission of instructor. Applications course involving the administrative functions of recording studio operations, including accounting, marketing, personnel, planning, and computer applications.

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  • RIM 4800 - Understanding the Nashville Music Business-Past and Future

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Concurrent with or subsequent to RIM 4000  or RIM 4010 . Acquaints interns and students working in the Nashville music industry with industry practices through a historic perspective and through conducting a research project.

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  • RIM 4810 - Topics in Recording Industry

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RI majors - admission to candidacy. Examination and critical evaluation of current issues related to the operation and function of various aspects of the recording industry. Subject matter varies. Course may be repeated one time for additional credit.

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  • RIM 4820 - Record Label Operations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and RIM 4620  or MKT 3820 . Day-to-day marketing tasks conducted onsite for a record label offer students training on the practical application of the latest marketing software. Must be able to travel to Music Row and commit to 10 hours per week at a record label.

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  • RIM 4830 - Recording Studio Maintenance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy, MATH 1710  or higher level math (MATH 1010  will not fulfill this requirement), or permission of instructor; others - permission of instructor. Focuses on studio maintenance and troubleshooting techniques. Includes soldering, wiring standards, machine alignment, and system architecture. Laboratory required.

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  • RIM 4840 - Music Publishing Administration

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RIM 3600 , RIM 3900 , or permission of instructor. Common relationships between music publishers and the community of the music industry as it relates to the licensing and protection of copyrighted materials.

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  • RIM 4900 - Individual Problems in the Recording Industry

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy, approved application, and permission of department. Advanced project in production or music business. Students submit applications to production and technology or music business faculty committees. Once approved, a determination is made as to credit to be awarded. Project is reviewed by a panel of three faculty members to determine grade. No more than three credits toward the major are allowed.

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  • RIM 4910 - Advanced Production Seminar

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and permission of instructor only. The conceptualization, management, and production of a specific program format integrating theory and skills from other EMC/RIM courses. Sports, music, and drama are probable topics. Topics will vary by semester offering.

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Religious Studies

  • RS 2030 - Religion and Society

    3 credit hours
    Introduces the academic study of world religions with an emphasis on the ways religion both influences and is influenced by society and human behavior.

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  • RS 3010 - The Bible: Its Origin and Content

    3 credit hours
    Studies the historical development of biblical and extra-biblical texts with an emphasis on cultivating the skills of critical textual analysis, an understanding of reception history, and the emergence of diverse canons and interpretive approaches across different communities, both Jewish and Christian.

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  • RS 3020 - Comparative Religion

    3 credit hours
    The meaning of religion in life, both ancient and modern. The impact of intellectual and emotional commitment upon conduct is emphasized through a study of world religions.

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  • RS 3030 - Mapping Religious Diversity

    3 credit hours
    Explores religious diversity in North America with a focus on local case studies. Students will conduct original, ethnographic research examining religious sites in Murfreesboro.

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  • RS 3040 - The History of Christianity

    3 credit hours
    A socio-historical survey of Christian thought and practice from the patristic period to the contemporary era. Discusses major events, texts, and figures in Christian history. Includes the study of theological concepts, interpretations of scripture, Christianity and politics, gender and sexuality, and disputes over orthodoxy.

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  • RS 3050 - Rites of Passage

    3 credit hours
    The study of religious rituals and ceremonies that mark specific points in time, namely those in which individuals experience transition (births, weddings, funerals, and initiations). Explores how rites of passage and religious identities around the world are constructed and serve as sites of both conflict and resolution in a variety of religious traditions and cultural contexts.

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  • RS 4010 - Global Christianity

    3 credit hours
    Examines global Christianities focusing on how narratives of the global correspond to and feed into localized religious practices within Christianity in a variety of regional and specific contexts.

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  • RS 4020 - Jesus of Nazareth

    3 credit hours
    Surveys the diverse portraits of Jesus reflected in the socio-culture interface of the first century CE, early Christian literature, the modern scholarly quest for the historical Jesus, and in light of recent discussions, movements, films, and books

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  • RS 4030 - Contemporary Issues in Indigenous Religions

    3 credit hours
    Examines and analyzes contemporary issues in the religious lives of Native American, First Nations, Aboriginal, and other indigenous groups from a religious studies perspective.

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  • RS 4050 - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

    3 credit hours
    Explores historical and socio-cultural developments within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; their relation to other religions of the world.

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  • RS 4120 - Cults and New Religious Movements

    3 credit hours
    Investigates how new religious movements emerge, develop, and interact with American society and surveys “cult controversies” in the United States, asking why some new religious movements gain cultural legitimacy while others do not.

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  • RS 4130 - Religion and Law

    3 credit hours
    Explores the complex and contested relationship between religion and the law by examining how debates over the proper relationship of religion and government as well as the limits of religious freedom have developed and changed over time.

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  • RS 4700 - Special Topics in Religious Studies

    3 credit hours
    An in-depth study of a specific topic in Religious Studies. Content will vary from semester to semester and will reflect the research interests and expertise of the instructor. May be taken more than once, as topics change for a maximum of 9 hours.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes



  • RUSS 3010 - Advanced Russian I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: RUSS 2020 or permission of instructor. Advanced level practice in language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Continued study of the Russian language and culture.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes


  • SAFE 4320 - Principles of Accident Control

    3 credit hours
    Basic course on principles, concepts, and methodology of the safety movement. Introductory experiences dealing with accident prevention and control efforts recommended for various social institutions and agencies.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • SAFE 4350 - Automotive Transportation Safety Programs

    3 credit hours
    Safety elements of automotive and other forms of transportation. Federal, state, and local legislation concerning transportation control and design.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • SAFE 4850 - Driver and Traffic Safety Fundamentals

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Valid driver’s license. Introduction to driver and traffic safety education. Primary focus on current concepts related to safe driving.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • SAFE 4870 - Teaching Driver and Traffic Safety

    3 credit hours
    Designed to develop teaching techniques for laboratory instruction including on-street, driving simulator, and multiple-car-range programs.

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School Personnel Service Education

  • SPSE 3220 - Technology in Teaching

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program. Enables teachers to use technology to deliver curriculum, prepare course materials, and keep student records. Key concepts and skills include preparation of lesson plans and unit plans; development of an e-portfolio and Web page; and the integration of technology to teaching, learning, and assessment.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • SPSE 4100 - Counseling and Leadership Seminar in Student Affairs

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of Student Affairs personnel. Offers student leaders in Student Affairs opportunities to learn and practice skills to help them be more effective leaders. Credit for this class may not be counted toward the student’s major or minor.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • SPSE 4210 - General Methods Including Audio-Visual

    3 credit hours
    Methods and teaching strategies generally applicable to the secondary school: instructional planning, classroom management, and the effective utilization of learning materials and audio/visual aids.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • SPSE 4260 - Problems in Education

    1 to 3 credit hours
    An opportunity for individuals or groups to work on problems related to their needs. Topic and credit to be determined at the time of scheduling. Maximum of six semester hours credit may be applied toward a degree.

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Social Work


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