Holly Hebert, Program Director
(615) 898-5378
The Master of Library Science (M.L.S.) degree is an online program offered by the Womack Educational Leadership Department . The program is intended to prepare graduates to lead and educate in school, public, and academic libraries.
MTSU’s M.L.S. program is in precandidacy status by the Committee on Accreditation of the American Library Association. Precandidacy status is an indication that MTSU’s M.L.S. program has voluntarily committed to participate in the ALA accreditation process and is actively seeking accreditation. Precandidacy does not indicate that the program is accredited nor does it guarantee eventual accreditation of the program by ALA.
Vision of the Library Science Program
To meet the information society’s current and future needs pertaining to the discovery, acquisition, organization, provision, and ethical and effective use of information regardless of media format.
Mission of the Library Science Program
To prepare the next generation of 21st century information professionals through impactful research, creative entrepreneurship, learner-centered teaching, and innovative professional practice.