Mar 02, 2025
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
Psychology, Pre-Specialist in Education: School Psychology Concentration, M.A.
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Department of Psychology
Aimee Holt, program director
(615) 904-8343
The Department of Psychology offers programs which lead to two graduate degrees: the Master of Arts and the Specialist in Education. The department also offers a minor at the graduate level.
Program completion and endorsement for a State Department of Education license require successful completion of both degrees. The M.A. portion of the program comes first. The Ed.S. is an advanced degree. It is only available to students who have master’s degrees in School Psychology.
Tennessee teacher licensing in school psychology is obtained through MTSU’s program. Licensing requires (1) completion of the Ed.S. with a concentration in School Psychology, (2) 1,200 hours of internship in school psychology, (3) acceptable scores on the School Psychology Praxis II Test, and (4) verification of readiness for independent practice by an internship supervisor. The School Psychology PRAXIS II test assesses the following areas: a) professional practices that permeate all areas; b) direct and indirect services for children, families, and schools, c) systems-level services, and d) foundations of school psychological services delivery.
Please see undergraduate catalog for information regarding undergraduate programs.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the Master of Arts in Psychology with Pre-Specialist in Education: School Psychology concentration requires - an earned bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or college. Most applicants have completed 15 semester hours of psychology classes prior to admission to their graduate programs. Those applicants without 15 semester hours of undergraduate psychology may be admitted to the programs but must complete those credits in addition to their graduate programs.
- an acceptable undergraduate grade point average (at least 3.00) in all college work taken.
- completion of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) with acceptable scores.
NOTE: Students who do not meet admission requirements may be admitted as non-degree seeking to a specific concentration. Students admitted as non-degree seeking must maintain a 3.25 GPA in their first semester (9 hours minimum) of required graduate courses in their concentration areas. Application Procedures
All application materials are to be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies. Application Deadlines: Applications for Summer/Fall admission must be completed by March 1, and applications for Spring admission must be completed by October 1. Late applicants who meet the admission criteria may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicant must - submit application with the appropriate application fee (online at www.mtsu.edu/graduate/apply.php). Once this initial application has been accepted, the applicant will receive directions on how to enter the graduate portal to be able to submit other materials.
- submit official scores on the GRE-a minimum of 291 on the combined Verbal and Quantitative sections is expected.
- submit official transcripts of all previous college work.
- submit the supplemental School Psychology program application.
- submit three (3) reference forms (found online). It is recommended that at least two references should be completed by faculty who can attest to the applicant’s academic abilities.
- submit a current curriculum vita that includes education and employment history, research involvement, volunteer activities, references, and awards/scholarships.
- submit a statement of purpose, including reasons for interest in the field of School Psychology and the program at MTSU, and a description of professional goals. (Typically two to three [2-3] pages in length).
NOTE 1: Admission to graduate study in School Psychology is competitive and not automatic for students meeting minimal admission requirements. Students are selected from a pool of qualified applicants. Each year the number of students admitted to the program depends on the availability of adequate faculty supervision. NOTE 2: To be considered for a graduate assistantship, students must submit additional materials. Information about the application procedure is available at psychology.mtsu.edu/grad-assistantship/. Degree Requirements
The Master of Arts in Psychology with a concentration in Pre-Specialist in Education: School Psychology requires completion of 35 semester hours. Candidate must - be able to meet the demands required for professional work in psychology. Therefore, students may be subject to dismissal from the Psychology Department if they (a) commit a serious breach of ethics or gross professional negligence or (b) present evidence of impaired psychological functioning that would present a danger to themselves or others in a professional role. Students who are dismissed may reapply and will be considered for readmission on a competitive basis. Students who reapply may be asked to provide evidence of improved ability to meet performance requirements. See program director and program handbook for readmission policy.
- demonstrate knowledge of the core areas of psychology by completing the following courses prior to entering the School Psychology program or during enrollment in the program (relevant courses offered at MTSU are listed in parentheses):
- group measurement/testing;
- abnormal psychology;
- learning;
- developmental;
- research methods.
- complete a total of 35 semester hours (see Curriculum section below for specifics). Only 30 percent of the total number of hours may be dually listed (5000-level meeting in conjunction with 4000- or 3000-level) courses; students without at least an undergraduate minor in psychology (at least 15 hours) will be required to complete up to 15 hours of additional psychology coursework that will not count toward the M.A. degree. Requirements meet the 2020 NASP 10 Domains of Competency:
a. data-based decision making; b. consultation and collaboration; c. academic interventions and instructional supports; d. mental and behavioral health services and interventions; e. school-wide practices to promote learning; f. services to promote safe and supportive schools; g. family, school, and community collaboration; h. equitable practices for diverse student populations; i. research and evidenced-based practices; j. legal, ethical, and professional practice. - pass a written comprehensive examination prepared by the faculty in the student’s concentration (may be taken no more than twice).
- maintain professional liability insurance (coverage amount at the student’s discretion) throughout enrollment in the program, with a current insurance binder filed with the department at all times.
The following illustrates the minimum coursework requirements. Required Courses (20 hours)
Abnormal Psychology (3 hours)
Learning or Cognition (3 hours)
Developmental Psychology (3 hours)
Select one from the following: Research Methods (3 hours)
Statistics (3 hours)
Choose one: Program Notes
If changes to the program are needed (such as course substitutions), students should file a Revision Form available on the Graduate Studies website at www.mtsu.edu/graduate/forms.php. |
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