Feb 07, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Animation, B.S.
Media Arts
Kevin McNulty, program coordinator
The Animation major is designed for those who wish to work professionally in animation, including character animation, video games, motion graphics, visual effects, visualization, and virtual production. This program blends theoretical and hands-on approaches to traditional and digital animation. Students are encouraged to complete their education with internships in professional settings.
In addition to supplemental classes, students take a seven-semester sequence of animation courses (fall and spring). The final year culminates in a two-semester capstone experience in which each student creates a project of their own design or with a team to serve as a primary item in their creative portfolios.
Notice to Transfer Students: MTSU’s Animation degree program is designed as a four-year, eight-semester program. Most of the courses must be taken in a strict sequence. To graduate in four years, students must follow the prescribed sequence of classes described below. ART 1620 - Drawing I , ANIM 1090 - Image and Video Foundations , and ANIM 1350 - Bodies in Motion must be completed in the Freshman year. Even with transferring credits, the student may be excessively burdened with animation classes the first semester sophomore year. ANIM 2300 - Introduction to 3D Animation must be taken no later than the first semester of the sophomore year. Transferring to MTSU’s Animation program later than the first semester of the Sophomore year will definitely require extra semesters to complete the program. Contact an MTSU academic advisor for more information.
NOTE: Majors must complete all major course requirements with a grade of C (2.00) or better.
Admission to Candidacy
To be admitted to candidacy in Animation, the student must meet the following requirements: - 36 hours completed before applying for candidacy
- Passing grade in EMC 1010
- Grade of C (2.00) or better in each of the following pre-candidacy courses:
ANIM 1090 ART 1620 ANIM 1350 MODE 3040 (formerly ANIM/VFP 2040) ANIM 2300 ANIM 2350 Minimum overall GPA in pre-candidacy coursework of 2.75. - In addition to the above requirements, candidacy will be granted to students earning a score of 90 or better on the Animation Candidacy Evaluation. A limited number of additional students may be granted candidacy based upon candidacy score and available resources.
- Animation Candidacy Evaluation uses a 100-point scale composed of 60 percent portfolio review and 40 percent grade point average (GPA) on required pre-candidacy courses.
- The student’s portfolio should be composed of work from classes and personal projects. Portfolios will be scored on a 60-point scale. Suggested work samples include, but are not limited to
- traditional art such as drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design, etc.,
- still digital art,
- animation and video of any form or format,
- other creative work to demonstrate the student’s creative and aesthetic competency as it applies to the fields of Animation.
- The student’s GPA for required pre-candidacy courses will be multiplied by 10 for a maximum score of 40 points.
Degree Requirements
True Blue Core (TBC) | 41 hours | Major Requirements | 76 hours | College Core Requirements | 9 hours* | Major Requirements | 67 hours | Computer Literacy Requirement | 3 hours | Electives | 0-3 hours | TOTAL | 120 hours | *This program requires courses that can also fulfill requirements of the True Blue Core curriculum. If program requirements are also used to fulfill True Blue Core requirements, the number of elective hours may increase. True Blue Core (41 hours)
True Blue Core (TBC) requirements (shown in curricular listings below) include courses in the Foundational Skills areas of Written Communication (WC), Information Literacy (Info Lit), Non-Written Communication (NWC), and Quantitative Literacy (Quant Lit). Knowledge Domains include Human Society and Social Relationships (HSSR), Scientific Literacy (Sci Lit), Creativity and Cultural Expression (CCE), and History and Civic Learning (HCL), which include Discovery and Explorations categories. Students must choose at least one course from each Discovery category. The following courses required by the major meet True Blue Core requirements: Major Requirements (76 hours)
Animation Requirements (67 hours)
Computer Literacy Requirement (3 hours)
Senior Spring
- ANIM 4410 - Animation Capstone II 3 to 4 credit hours (4 credit hours required)
- Creativity and Cultural Expression 3 credit hours
- Scientific Literacy 4 credit hours
- CME UD elective 3 credit hours