Feb 16, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Sociology, B.A.
Sociology and Anthropology
Angela Mertig, program coordinator
Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. It is an expanding field that addresses challenging issues such as family dynamics, inequality, patterns of behavior, and forces for social change and resistance. Sociologists’ research can be applied to virtually any aspect of social life, from crime to corporate downsizing.
Students must receive at least a C in each required course. Ideally students should take SOC 2980 , SOC 3040 , SOC 3050 , and SOC 3060 early in the academic program, but no later than the junior year and prior to enrolling in SOC 4980 which should be completed during the senior year. In consultation with the student’s advisor, the remaining 12 hours of electives may be organized into an emphasis. Possible emphases include, but are not limited to, social inequalities, deviance and social control, work and family, and health and aging.
Degree Requirements
True Blue Core (TBC) | 41 hours | Major Requirements | 35 hours* | Foreign Language | 6 hours | Minor | 15-18 hours | Electives | 20-23 hours | TOTAL | 120 hours | *This program requires courses that can also fulfill requirements of the True Blue Core curriculum. If program requirements are also used to fulfill True Blue Core requirements, the number of elective hours will increase. True Blue Core (41 hours)
True Blue Core (TBC) requirements (shown in curricular listings below) include courses in the Foundational Skills areas of Written Communication (WC), Information Literacy (Info Lit), Non-Written Communication (NWC), and Quantitative Literacy (Quant Lit). Knowledge Domains include Human Society and Social Relationships (HSSR), Scientific Literacy (Sci Lit), Creativity and Cultural Expression (CCE), and History and Civic Learning (HCL), which include Discovery and Explorations categories. Students must choose at least one course from each Discovery category. The following course required by the program meets True Blue Core requirements: Major Requirements (35 hours)
Sociology Guided Electives (9 hours)
Foreign Language Requirement (6 hours)
- B.A. students must successfully complete 2010 and 2020 or any courses numbered above the 2000 level in a single foreign language.
Electives or Additional Minor (20-23 hours)
- SOC 1010 - Introductory Sociology 3 credit hours (HSSR)
- Written Communication 3 credit hours
- Information Literacy 3 credit hours
- Quantitative Literacy (MATH 1530 recommended) 3 credit hours
- Scientific Literacy 8 credit hours
- Creativity and Cultural Expression 6 credit hours
- SOC elective (lower division) 3 credit hours
- SOC 3060 - Sociological Theory 3 credit hours
- Foreign language 6 credit hours
- Minor courses 9 credit hours
- Elective 3 credit hours
- SOC elective 3 credit hours
- SOC guided electives 6 credit hours