Jan 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Engineering Technology, Electromechanical Engineering Technology Concentration, B.S.

Engineering Technology  
Jorge Vargas, program coordinator

Engineering Technology is a technologically advanced program at the Bachelor of Science level utilizing theoretical concepts and hands-on instruction. Program selection is from the following concentrations: Computer Engineering Technology, Electromechanical Engineering Technology, and Mechanical Engineering Technology.

The Electromechanical Engineering Technology concentration is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET (www.abet.org) under the General Criteria and the Electromechanical Engineering Technology Program Criteria. The Electromechanical Engineering Technology concentration is structured to prepare the student for positions in industry requiring the integration of electricity (for power and control) and mechanical devices (for force and motion) to perform tasks associated with manufacturing and the performance of services.

Employment opportunities exist in fields such as robotics, fluid power, industrial electricity, heating and air conditioning, and industrial automation. This concentration is in high demand from technology-based companies such as automotive and high-tech manufacturing operations.

NOTE: A grade of C or better is required on transfer credits accepted as part of a major in Engineering Technology.

Academic Map

Following is a printable, suggested four-year schedule of courses:

Engineering Technology, Electromechanical Engineering Technology, B.S., Academic Map   

Degree Requirements

True Blue Core (TBC) 41 hours
Major Requirements 66 hours
     Engineering Technology Core    21 hours
     Electromechanical Engineering
     Technology Concentration
   45 hours
Supporting Courses 31 hours*
TOTAL 124-138 hours

*This program requires courses that can also fulfill requirements of the True Blue Core curriculum. If courses for this program are also used to fulfill True Blue Core requirements, the program of study may be completed in 124 hours.

True Blue Core (41 hours)

True Blue Core (TBC)  requirements (shown in curricular listings below) include courses in the Foundational Skills areas of Written Communication (WC), Information Literacy (Info Lit), Non-Written Communication (NWC), and Quantitative Literacy (Quant Lit). Knowledge Domains include Human Society and Social Relationships (HSSR), Scientific Literacy (Sci Lit), Creativity and Cultural Expression (CCE), and History and Civic Learning (HCL), which include Discovery and Explorations categories. Students must choose at least one course from each Discovery category.

The following courses required by the major meet True Blue Core requirements:

Major Requirements (66 hours)

Supporting Courses (31 hours)

Curriculum: Engineering Technology, Electromechanical Engineering Technology

Students should consult their advisors each semester to plan their schedules.


Subtotal: 33 Hours


Subtotal: 31 Hours


Subtotal: 30 Hours


Subtotal: 30 Hours