2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Nancy Stone, Chair
Berkowitz, Bernstein, Boyer-Pennington, Davis, Fahey, Fernandez, Foster, Frame, Fuller, Gaby, Galizio, Hein, Hinnenkamp, Holt, Houston, Jackson, Jones, Langston, Loveless, Magne, Marshall, McCarthy, Pennington, Rogers, Schmidt, Schoonover, Suara, Tate, Teague, Ujcich-Ward, Van Hein, Walker, Wallace, Zeringue
The Psychology major is designed for students with a variety of career goals and interests and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. A minor in Psychology is also available. In addition, the Department of Psychology offers a major and a minor in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. The Industrial/Organizational Psychology major leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. Additional specialized minors are offered in Mental Health Services, Lifespan Development, and Neuroscience.
The department also participates in the interdisciplinary Behavioral Research Minor .
A student with both a major and a specialty minor in the Department of Psychology cannot use the same coursework for more than one program. In no case can a single course be used to satisfy requirements in more than one program; for this reason, psychology majors cannot also choose the psychology minor.
Consultation with the assigned advisor is recommended before each registration..
Honors College
The Department of Psychology offers periodically the following Honors courses:
Graduate Study
Requirements for the Master of Arts degree in Psychology, the Specialist in Education with a major in Curriculum and Instruction, and a list of the courses offered for graduate credit are published in the Graduate Catalog.