2013-14 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Warner Cribb, Chair
Aber, Abolins, Boda, Brown, Collins, Garbharran, Harris, Hiett, Henry, Lobegeier, McClain, Momm, Zawislak
Courses in the Department of Geosciences are designed to meet the General Education needs of all students, to broaden their knowledge of the physical environment, to enhance their cultural development, and to provide a solid foundation for those planning to enter fields in which geographical and geological knowledge is essential.
The department offers programs leading to a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Geoscience and concentrations in Geography or Geology. To provide the student with maximum opportunities for career preparation, the two concentrations are subdivided into six career patterns: geography for teachers, geography, and geographic techniques within the Geography concentration; and geology, earth science, and earth science for teachers within the Geology concentration. Proper selection of courses will permit a student to work as a professional in a chosen area, pursue graduate studies, or be licensed to teach.
Minors in Geography, Geology/Earth Science, and Remote Sensing are offered.
The department participates in the Environmental Science and Technology major. See Environmental Science and Technology Energy Technology Concentration for more information.
The Geosciences Department also sponsors an internship program which provides opportunities to receive on-the-job training with various agencies employing persons with geographic/geologic training. Details of this program may be obtained from the department.
Honors College
The Department of Geosciences offers the following courses in Honors: GEOG 2000 , GEOL 1030 /GEOL 1031 .
Graduate Study
The department offers a Geoscience concentration in the Master of Science in the Professional Sciences degree program, with emphases in geographic information systems, environmental geosystems, and general geoscience. The department also offers minors in Geography and Earth Science/Geology at the graduate level. The list of available courses offered can be found in the Graduate Catalog.