Sep 27, 2024  
2021-22 Graduate Catalog 
2021-22 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.



  • ECON 7090 - Econometrics IV

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 7060 , ECON 7070 , and ECON 7080 . The fourth of four Ph.D.-level courses in econometrics; uses empirical models to address research questions. Topics include the methods of time series analysis, stationarity, autoregressive moving average models, forecasting, dynamic panel regression, and vector autoregression. Incorporates practical applications in Stata, R, and other computing environments.

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  • ECON 7099 - Comprehensive Examination and Preparation

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Open only to students who are not enrolled in any other graduate course and who will take the master’s comprehensive examination during the term. The student must contact the graduate advisor during the first two weeks of the term for specifics regarding the details of this comprehensive examination preparatory course. Credit may not be applied to degree requirements.

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  • ECON 7130 - Behavioral Economics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:  . Advanced methods used in practical applications in microeconomics. Topics include ways that psychologically more realistic assumptions about people can improve economic analysis.

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  • ECON 7400 - Health Economics

    3 credit hours
    Applications of microeconomics to analysis of the health care delivery system in the United States. Major issues include the private and public demand for health care, supply of health care, cost of health care, the pricing of health care, and the analysis of the various health care reform policies of the industry. Examines how economics can provide valuable insights into the above problems of social choice.

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  • ECON 7420 - Public Choice

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Graduate status and proficiency in reading and writing English. Provides an advanced treatment of the application of economic theory and methodology to the study of politics. Topics will include the structure and scope of government, collective decision making, bureaucratic and special interest group behavior, intergovernmental relations, comparative political economy, and constitutional political economy. 

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  • ECON 7430 - Public Finance

    3 credit hours
    Examines the role of government in the allocation and distribution of society’s resources. Topics include theories of government sector growth, public and quasi-public goods, externalities and agency theory, transitivity and completeness of voting preferences, income redistribution and economic justice, social insurance, health care programs, tax shifting and incidence analysis, efficiency and equity in taxation, and efficiency and redistributive aspects of deficit financing. Topics may involve case studies such as budget formulation, environmental policies, payroll taxes, and alternative tax structures.

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  • ECON 7470 - Economic Growth and Development

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 2410 and 2420 and permission of instructor. Satisfies the M.B.A. international course requirement. Critical analysis of causes, processes, and consequences of economic development; evaluation of various policies and strategies for economic development; introduction to advanced growth models and theories. Special emphasis on the less developed countries.

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  • ECON 7500 - Economics Workshop

    1 credit hours
    Students present material related to their dissertation proposals or ongoing dissertation research to peers and the graduate faculty in a formal workshop setting. Credit is awarded after a student completes two separate workshop presentations that are judged satisfactory by the attending graduate faculty.

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  • ECON 7510 - Labor Economics I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Student must have passed Ph.D. qualifying exams in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Serves as the first half of an introduction to labor economics in the areas of human capital formation, wage determination, labor market mobility and job search, changes in wage structure, youth behavior and outcomes, shifts in labor demand, compensating wage differentials, and discrimination. Focus is to introduce students to current economic research methods and modern econometric techniques in preparation for conducting independent research.

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  • ECON 7520 - Labor Economics II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Student must have passed Ph.D. qualifying exams in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Serves as the second half to an introduction of the leading theories in labor economics. Focuses on the most current published research techniques as found in top general interest and labor field journals. The nature of the course dictates that a wide range of topics be covered and that content changes. Past topics have included unemployment and inflation, employment allocation and job loss, technological progress, globalization, inequalities, labor market policies, youth behavior and outcomes, health, and labor supply decisions. Frequent use of multivariate regression analysis and other modern econometric techniques allows students to enhance skills necessary to conduct independent research in the field.

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  • ECON 7530 - International Economics I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Introduces the core models of international economics. Focusing on alternative returns to scale models, students will analyze the direction, volumes, and effects of international trade; various trade policies and their effects; optimal entry modes of multinationals into foreign markets (FDI or exports, vertical-integration, or offshore outsourcing, etc.). Students will also analyze determinants and effects of the slicing of the global value chain, regional economic integration, exchange rate movements, and balance of payments deficits.

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  • ECON 7550 - International Economics II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 6530  , and  . Applications-oriented course emphasizing quantitative tools to analyze policy issues related to international trade, exchange rates, sectoral resource allocation, and growth. Topics include an extended introduction to trade policy analysis using a general equilibrium modeling framework. Practical aspects of general equilibrium modeling emphasized and applied to a particular issue of interest, such as the impact of trade liberalization on labor markets and growth or the impact of trade and exchange rate distortions on resource allocation and growth.

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  • ECON 7640 - Dissertation Research

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Selection of a research problem, review of pertinent literature, collection and analysis of data, and composition of dissertation. Once enrolled, student should register for at least one credit hour of doctoral research each semester until completion. S/U grading.

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  • ECON 7660 - History of Economic Thought

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Graduate status and proficiency in reading and writing English. Examines the history of Western economics beginning with the ancient Greeks, including the medieval scholastics, the early modern mercantilists, and selected thinkers from classical liberal economics, socialism, the historical and institutionalist schools of economics, neoclassical economics, and contemporary economics.

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  • ECON 7710 - Monetary Economics I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Student must have passed Ph.D. qualifying exams in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Provides an integrated treatment of a variety of dynamic optimization and dynamic equilibrium models and examines their empirical implications for individual choices and, in particular, savings and asset prices. Three frameworks studied: infinitely lived representative agent models, heterogenous agent models, and representative and heterogenous agent models with financial frictions. Advanced numerical solution methods and panel data estimation techniques also incorporated.

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  • ECON 7730 - Corporate Finance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ECON 7725 . Theoretical and empirical research in corporate finance. Specifically, an understanding of modern theories of capital structure, dividend policy, corporate control and governance, investment banking, and capital budgeting. Emerging areas of research such as Fintech, market microstructure, venture capital financing, and comparative international corporate finance.

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  • ECON 7810 - Industrial Organization I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Must have passed Ph.D. qualifying exams in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Serves as the first half of the graduate sequence in industrial organization, in which microeconomic models are used to study topics related to firm strategy and market structure. Emphasis on preparing students to conduct their own research, introduces students to current methods and techniques in a variety of research areas within the field of industrial organization.

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  • ECON 7820 - Industrial Organization II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Must have passed Ph.D. qualifying exams in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Serves as the second half of the graduate sequence in industrial organization, in which microeconomic models are used to study topics related to firm strategy and market structure. Aim is to improve students’ economic modeling and econometric skills in order to prepare them to conduct independent research. Students will make extensive use of statistical software packages such as MATLAB and STATA.

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  • ECON 7900 - Research Seminar

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Student must have passed Ph.D. qualifying exams in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Students practice writing academic papers, critiques, and monographs in economics and finance with some emphasis on developing a viable dissertation proposal. Incorporates a detailed discussion of essential steps in the publication process such as identifying a topic, fitting it into the literature, developing a theoretical background, preparing the data, choosing an appropriate methodology, and presenting the results, as well as pitfalls to avoid in working on dissertations and academic papers.

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  • ECON 7950 - Instructional Development and Practice in Economics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Student must have passed Ph.D. qualifying exams in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Workshop environment where students present key economic concepts, use new technology, organize and structure courses and individual classes, use assessment tools, and deal with conflict in the classroom. Offers preparation to teach undergraduate classes in economics.

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Elementary Education

  • ELED 5201 - Observation and Participation: Grades 1-6

    3 credit hours
    Directed laboratory experiences for teachers desiring to add an endorsement to their certificates. Includes language arts, math, science, social studies, art, and music.

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  • ELED 5260 - Problems in Elementary Education

    1 to 3 credit hours
    A problem-oriented course, on or off campus, planned and designed for individuals, school faculty, school systems, or other professional groups that will provide opportunities for in-service education related to assessed needs. Credit toward a degree limited to six semester hours.

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  • ELED 5510 - The Teaching Internship, Grades 1-8

    9 credit hours
    A supervised internship available only to those with at least one year of paid teaching experience in the major in which endorsement is sought. Applicants must meet all prerequisites for student teaching.

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  • ELED 6000 - Teaching Writing

    3 credit hours
    An in-depth exploration of students’ efforts to become writers. Presents theoretical and practical strategies for establishing an effective writing environment based on current research.

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  • ELED 6010 - The Teacher as Reflective Practitioner

    3 credit hours
    Articulates the role of and explores the varied dimensions of the process of reflective teaching as it may be utilized by the elementary, special education, reading, or secondary teacher. Prerequisite for all Curriculum and Instruction (Early Childhood Education, Elementary School Education, and Middle School Education) candidates.

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  • ELED 6090 - Creating Learning Environments for Young Children

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ELED 6010 . In-depth analysis of social, emotional, language, and cognitive variables that impact young children’s learning and allow teachers to plan and maintain proactive environments. Required for those students wishing to concentrate in Early Childhood Education.

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  • ELED 6100 - The Early Adolescent Learner

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ELED 6010 . Reflects on the early adolescent while focusing on the student-centered school environment and the appropriately well-balanced curriculum. Required for those students wishing to concentrate in Middle School Education.

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  • ELED 6180 - Research and Advanced Methods in Elementary School Mathematics

    3 credit hours
    Explores knowledge and methods needed to effectively teach elementary school mathematics in relation to current research on mathematical pedagogy. Reflects upon teaching in comparison to the current literature on best practices in order to effectively implement these strategies.

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  • ELED 6200 - The Classroom as Community

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ELED 6010 . Explores the classroom community with respect to definitions and practice. Teachers will reflect on how their beliefs and attitudes influence practice. Required for all students.

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  • ELED 6220 - Seminar in Elementary Education

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Explores contemporary issues in education as they relate to individual teaching and learning. Designed to be a forum for discussion and practical application of current educational research.

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  • ELED 6252 - Technologies that Invite and Adapt: Teaching and Learning in a Media World

    3 credit hours
    Explores content and technologies available to teachers of elementary and middle school children. Focuses on the adaptation of existing technologies to enhance student learning

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  • ELED 6253 - Web-Based Multimedia Development for Elementary and Middle School

    3 credit hours
    The design, development, and implementation of knowledge-based multimedia learning environments for elementary and middle school students.

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  • ELED 6260 - Problems in Elementary Education

    1 to 3 credit hours
    A problems course offering an opportunity to study, discuss, and evaluate current problems in elementary education from a K-6 perspective.

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  • ELED 6290 - Research into Practice

    3 credit hours
    An in-depth study of the inquiry process as it relates to teachers in the classroom. Theory and practice combine as teachers engage in their own research to improve classroom instruction.

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  • ELED 6340 - Introduction to Educational Research

    3 credit hours
    Research methodologies in education. Rationalistic and naturalistic paradigms explored with respect to problem statements and literature reviews. At the 7000 level, students will broaden the scope of their research to include original data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

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  • ELED 6370 - Education and Ethno-Cultural Diversity

    3 credit hours
    Explores the ethno-cultural issues, concepts, and theories that impact teaching practice. Course content linked to students’ (anticipated) professional needs and interests. Prior professional, cross-cultural, or international experience welcomed. Exposes participants to social dimensions of ethno-cultural diversity that increasingly impact pedagogy.

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  • ELED 6380 - Empowerment Through Literacy

    3 credit hours
    Introduction of power structures in the country as a whole and in schools. Language structures; how language and literacy play a role in defining identities of power.

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  • ELED 6390 - STEM Education in the Elementary School

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ELED 6010 . Explores research and current trends in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the elementary school classroom. Reflection upon the importance of teaching and integrating the STEM disciplines.

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  • ELED 6400 - Teaching the Special Needs Learner in the Heterogeneous Classroom

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ELED 6010  (prerequisite requirement for elementary education majors only). Helps develop skills, beliefs, and attitudes necessary for effectively incorporating and teaching special needs learners in a heterogeneous classroom.

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  • ELED 6450 - Current Trends and Issues in the Elementary School

    3 credit hours
    Explores current issues and trends in the elementary school. Reflection upon the impact for teachers, students, and learning outcomes.

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  • ELED 6460 - Contemporary Literacies

    3 credit hours
    Examines contemporary aspects of literacy education in many genres. Attention given to current research along with the principles of teaching reading and writing using a variety of literacy frameworks.

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  • ELED 6500 - The Science of Learning and Teaching

    3 credit hours
    Explores educational theory, classroom management and learning environments. Candidates use both theory and data to inform practice.

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  • ELED 6510 - Language Arts

    3 credit hours
    Explores language learning and teaching. Introduces various theories about cognition, language, and language learning, including second language acquisition and various strategies for teaching language arts. Public school practicum required.

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  • ELED 6530 - Teaching Social Studies

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Valid teaching license or acceptance into the teacher education program. Introduces students to philosophy and need for teaching social studies in the K-6 classroom and to a variety of instructional strategies for teaching social studies.

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  • ELED 6540 - Teaching Science

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to the teacher education program; ELED 6500 . Introduces students to various philosophies for teaching science in the K-6 classroom and to a variety of instructional strategies for teaching science.

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  • ELED 6550 - Teaching Mathematics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education program or a valid teaching license; ELED 6500 . Orientation to the teaching strategies and materials appropriate for teaching mathematics in grades K-6. Emphasis on using a constructivist approach.

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  • ELED 6570 - Methods of Curriculum Integration

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into graduate studies and the initial licensure program. Acquaints students with the philosophy and need to teach mathematics, English/language arts, social studies, and science in the elementary classroom; familiarizes students with a variety of instructional strategies for teaching these content areas in an integrated approach.

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  • ELED 6580 - Effective Management Practices for the Elementary Classroom

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Completion of a minimum of 6 graduate hours or acceptance in the Initial Licensure Program. Introduces students to classroom and instructional strategies to build, adjust, and maintain an effective classroom learning environment.

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  • ELED 6620 - Assessment of Teaching and Learning

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ELED 6010  (or taken concurrently with ELED 6010  by Elementary Education major only). Familiarizes teachers with assessment techniques that focus on the complex relationship between learning and instruction. Required for all students.

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  • ELED 6630 - Digital Learning in a Digital Age

    3 credit hours
    Provides graduate candidates practice and skills related to digital literacy, the nine elements of digital citizenship, and twenty-first century readiness. Candidates examine the personal and ethical implications of individual actions in digital space.

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  • ELED 6640 - Thesis: Elementary Education

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 6000-level courses in elementary education. Supervised in-depth study on an individual basis of an area of elementary education.

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  • ELED 6650 - Curriculum: Inquiry and Thinking

    3 credit hours
    Explores the perspective of curriculum as inquiry and the theoretical and practical implications of designing content-based curriculum with an emphasis on the integration of multiple types of thinking that serve understanding across disciplines. Explores putting a system of beliefs into action.

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  • ELED 6670 - Advanced Content Methods

    3 credit hours
    In-depth analysis of the content pedagogical knowledge in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Field experience component included.

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  • ELED 6999 - Comprehensive Examination and Preparation

    1 credit hours
    Open only to students who are not enrolled in any other graduate course and who will take the master’s comprehensive examination during the term. The student must contact the graduate advisor during the first two weeks of the term for specifics regarding the details of this comprehensive examination preparatory course. Credit may not be applied to degree requirements.

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  • ELED 7220 - Seminar in Elementary Education

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Explores contemporary issues in education as they relate to individual teaching and learning. Designed to be a forum for discussion and practical application of current educational research.

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  • ELED 7250 - From Policy to Practice in American Public Schools

    3 credit hours
    The effect of public policy on educational practices. Emphasis on exploring policy variations within the educational practices in the U.S. and around the world with a particular emphasis on elementary education.

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  • ELED 7290 - Research into Practice

    3 credit hours
    An in-depth study of the inquiry process as it relates to teachers in the classroom. Theory and practice combine as teachers engage in their own research to improve classroom instruction.

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  • ELED 7340 - Introduction to Educational Research

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 7000-level courses in elementary education. Supervised in-depth study on an individual basis of an area of elementary education.

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  • ELED 7350 - Introduction to Qualitative Methods

    3 credit hours
    An overview of qualitative research methods in the field of education. ELED 7350 offers candidates field experience to collect data for analysis and interpretation.

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  • ELED 7380 - Internship

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in Ed.S. Curriculum and Instruction program; good academic standing; completion of at least 12 hours of coursework. Field-based experience selected by student in collaboration with program advisor. Purpose is to expand the student’s world view of a career connected to curriculum and instruction issues across a spectrum of disciplines.

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  • ELED 7460 - Contemporary Literacies

    3 credit hours
    Examines contemporary aspects of literacy education in many genres. Attention given to current research along with the principles of teaching reading and writing using a variety of literacy frameworks.

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  • ELED 7640 - Ed.S. Thesis Research

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 7000-level courses in elementary education. Supervised, in-depth study on an individual or group basis of an area of elementary education. Student may register two semesters for three hours credit each semester or for six hours credit one semester. Open only to post-master’s degree students.

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Engineering Technology

  • ET 5230 - Advanced Machine Tool Technology

    3 credit hours
    Taper turning, boring and thread chasing, and calculations of screw threads and other operations. Gear terminology and calculations, practice gear cutting on the milling machine, use of index head. Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5330 - Advanced Computer-Aided Drafting

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ET 3360 or permission of instructor. Topics include customizing menus, 3-D concepts and surface modeling, AutoLisp, rendering, and slide shows. Interactive computer drafting and design using advanced AutoCAD software and add-ons. Primarily for students who want to increase their capabilities using CAD. One hour lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5360 - Computer-Assisted Drafting and Design II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ET 2310 or CMT 3320. Utilizes AutoCAD software to develop skills in the creation and analysis of mechanical and architectural solid models for design and production purposes. Includes the use of shading and rendering to enhance three-dimensional model display and the extraction of two-dimensional engineering drawings. Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5440 - Fire Safety

    3 credit hours
    Fundamental methods of fire protection, prevention, and suppression. Includes characteristics and behavior of fire, fire hazards of materials and buildings, codes and standards for fire prevention and protection, fire protection equipment and systems, and fire fighting forces and how they operate.

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  • ET 5590 - Manufacturing Automation Systems

    3 credit hours
    Provides technical, human, and business aspects of modern automation systems. Includes automation controls, levels of control and major components/subsystems, object-based software components, intelligent actuators and sensors, emerging trends, flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), industrial systems and supply chain applications, organizational approaches, and automation justification.

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  • ET 5600 - Programmable Logic Controllers

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ET 3602 or permission of instructor. Introduces programmable logic controllers (PLCs). PLC selection, operation, and troubleshooting. PLC networking. Human machine interface (HMI) and function block diagram. Emphases on PLC ladder diagram and programming. Two hour lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5610 - Instrumentation and Controls

    3 credit hours
    Devices and techniques used in the measurement of physical parameters. Consideration of accurates and sources of error, identification of typical measurements, sensors and transducers, control stability, and response. Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5630 - Local Area Networks

    3 credit hours
    Foundation and experience to understand the design, implementation, and management strategies of local area networks (LAN). Data communications standards and protocol fundamentals included. Lecture, laboratory activities, and a LAN design requirement. Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5640 - Industrial Electricity

    3 credit hours
    AC power theory and circuits for industrial applications, polyphase systems, power factor correction, and transformers. Theory, applications, and selection of motors and generators. Control subsystems with emphasis on power electronics. Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5650 - Introduction to Microprocessors

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ET 3620. Introductory course in microprocessor-based systems and their related components. Machine language programming extensively used to solve problems and to demonstrate the relationship of the microprocessor to its supporting peripherals. Basic microcomputer architecture also emphasized. Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5660 - Microprocessor Interfacing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ET 3640 and ET 3650 or permission of instructor. Emphasis on interfacing various analog and digital devices to a microcontroller/microprocessor-based system: memory expansion, A/D and D/A, display devices, keyboards and keypads, electromechanical devices, and sensors. PLDs (FPGAs/CPLDs) interfaced to facilitate rapid prototyping of digital system design. Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5670 - Microprocessor Design

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ET 3640 and ET 4660 or permission of instructor. Advanced microprocessor system design. Emphasis on the design of core CPUs and imbedded components using high-density FPGA/CPLD development boards. Industrial applications of microprocessor-based systems. Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5710 - Industrial Seminar

    1 credit hours
    Orientation to industrial job opportunities, placement practices, interview techniques, and preparation of application materials (resume, cover letter). Guest lectures, films, and student and faculty presentations.

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  • ET 5850 - Fluid Power

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ET 3810. Systems and the basic components that make up these systems, including hydraulic, pneumatic, and fluidic. Emphasis on understanding the language and graphic symbols associated with fluid power and the performance characteristics of system components. Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5860 - Robotics

    3 credit hours
    Introduces the fundamentals of robots. Types of robots and controls, the prime movers, and the application of robots in the industrial environment. Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

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  • ET 5915 - Technical Project Management and Soft Skills

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Project management as sanctioned by the International Project Management Institute and how to assess and boost emotional intelligence or soft skills. Student successfully completing course will earn 20 Professional Development Units (PDUs) issued by the International Project Management Institute.

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  • ET 5970 - Engineering Economy

    3 credit hours
    Development of capital budgets; justification of capital projects using time value of money concepts; replacement analysis. Review of justification of actual capital projects and computer applications.

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  • ET 5990 - Industrial Engineering Systems

    3 credit hours
    System design of work tasks including establishing time standards by time and motion study and work sampling; ergonomic design for integration of the human into the work task environment. Scientific methods supplemented by quality considerations with emphasis on statistical quality control (SQC). Computer software used for design and analyses. Graduate students will lead an industry design project team of students.

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  • ET 6010 - Safety Planning

    3 credit hours
    Advanced study of planning in occupational safety and health management, including program planning and development methods and techniques as well as various systems approaches to hazard control.

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  • ET 6020 - Safety Technology and Engineering

    3 credit hours
    Advanced study of the technical components of occupational workplace hazards, hazards analysis, workplace design, current regulatory requirements, engineering techniques for hazard control, personal protective systems, equipment and techniques. Includes a practical application problem of hazard analysis and control.

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  • ET 6040 - Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

    3 credit hours
    An advanced quantitative study of occupational and environmental health principles, practices, and sampling techniques as required by either consensus or regulatory standards and their specific protocols to protect both workers and the public.

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  • ET 6070 - Anthropometric Factors in Accident Prevention

    3 credit hours
    The necessity and desirability of a thorough consideration of anthropometric factors when designing facilities and equipment and recognition of those factors most prevalent in accidents.

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  • ET 6190 - Six Sigma

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1530 or equivalent or consent of instructor. The Six Sigma methodology is defined as a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving, sustaining, and maximizing business success. Through class instruction, simulations, and hands-on projects, students will be able to identify and focus on customers’ critical-to-quality (CTQ) characteristics and solve problems using the define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) process and its associated tools. A Green Belt certification will be awarded upon successful completion of an industry/business Green Belt project.

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  • ET 6230 - Advanced Technical Drafting

    3 credit hours
    Current trends and techniques such as using computers to solve design problems and the use of group suggestions (brainstorming) in solving design problems.

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  • ET 6260 - Advanced Technical Problems in Electricity and Electronics

    3 credit hours
    In-depth insight into the practical applications of electronic theory. Students required to design and develop electrical/electronic applications of an advanced nature.

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  • ET 6300 - PMI Project Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Project management processes and knowledge areas as sanctioned by the International Project Management Institute (PMI). Successful completion of the course will earn 23 contact hours/professional development units (PDUs) issued by PMI.

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  • ET 6390 - Productivity Strategies/Lean Systems

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and ET 3910 or consent of instructor. Topics include the human element (supervisory and teamwork skills), the theoretical aspect (laws and science covering service and production systems), and the practical aspect (tools for lean operational systems implementation). Theoretical and practical methods needed to complete a required industry/business project and obtain a certification in Lean Manufacturing.

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  • ET 6510 - Advanced Topics in Technology

    3 credit hours
    Independent investigation and report of current problems of particular interest to individual students directed by department faculty members.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • ET 6520 - Advanced Topics in Technology

    3 credit hours
    Independent investigation and report of current problems of particular interest to individual students directed by department faculty members.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes


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