Sep 27, 2024  
2021-22 Graduate Catalog 
2021-22 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.



  • BIOL 7850 - Intermediate Life Science

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and one undergraduate biology course. Uses a process-oriented approach to the study of life science with emphasis on execution and analysis of content-based activities and experiments suited to actual classroom situations. (May not be used for biology majors or minors.)

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • BIOL 7900 - Teaching and Learning Biology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Overview of biology education with an emphasis on how students learn biology and current best practices for teaching biological concepts. Primary literature of the field featured as course emerges through lectures, discussion, small group activities, and group/individual presentations. Capstone experience will be student’s development of an instructional unit of study including the formal teaching of selected biological concepts. Three hours lecture/discussion.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

Business Administration

  • BUAD 6980 - Strategic Management

    3 credit hours
    Advanced problem analysis requiring the synthesis of theory and practice gained from both the functional and managerial areas of study with emphasis on formulation, integration, and implementation of policies and strategies of the firm. This is a capstone course and must be taken after all core requirements or by consent of the director of the M.B.A. program in the last semester prior to graduation.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

Business Communication and Education

  • BCED 5200 - Problems in Business Education, Marketing Education and Office Management

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of department chair. Individual research, reading analysis, or projects in contemporary problems and issues in concentrated area of study under direction of a faculty member. May be taken twice.

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  • BCED 5240 - Materials and Methods in Business and Marketing Education

    3 credit hours
    Analysis of learning context, measurable objectives, materials/resources, research, and appropriate instructional strategies for developing teaching strategies and delivery systems in business/marketing education courses such as accounting, legal systems, communication, computer applications, economics, entrepreneurship, introduction to business and marketing management, marketing, personal finance, retail operations, and work-based learning.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • BCED 5250 - Innovations and Problems in Information Technology

    3 credit hours
    Methods of teaching business technology skills in middle and secondary schools as well as in corporate settings. Topics include reviewing strategies and current trends; developing unit and lesson plans; teaching learning segments and evaluating learning; determining appropriate equipment, software, and teacher/student resources; and demonstrating proficiency in use of technology.

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  • BCED 5340 - Integrated Administrative Technology

    3 credit hours
    Development of advanced, integrated software applications skills including operating systems, word processing, spreadsheet, database, and other administrative productivity software to solve business problems and provide information for effective decision making in the workplace. Topics include digital citizenship, electronic communication and collaboration, ethical and responsible use of integrated administrative technology, and information management.

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  • BCED 5350 - Records Management

    3 credit hours
    Equipment and systems used for information storage, transmission, and retrieval. Filing, microfilming, tape processing, storage system design, form usage, and other information management functions in the office.

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  • BCED 5410 - Virtual Business Presentations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: BCED 2330 or equivalent knowledge of computers. Skills needed to develop and deliver rich virtual business presentations via the web, video, and teleconference. Emphasis on the hands-on practical techniques for planning, designing, and delivering engaging, interactive, participative, and impactful virtual business presentations.

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  • BCED 5510 - Business Report Writing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: BCED 3510 or equivalent. Nature, general functions, and present need of reports in industry. Recognizing, organizing, and investigating problems preparatory to writing reports and construction and writing of distinctive business and technical reports.

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  • BCED 5640 - Issues and Trends in Office Management

    3 credit hours
    Evaluation of significant research in office management. Observations in local business offices and visits to managers and identifying and solving office problems.

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  • BCED 5660 - Corporate Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: BCED 3510 or equivalent. Research and analysis of case studies of significant research; case studies in business communication; communication policies, principles, and procedures from the executive’s viewpoint.

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  • BCED 5670 - International Business Communication

    3 credit hours
    Provides a theoretical and practical framework for understanding and conducting effective international business communication. Emphasis on the analysis and development of international business communication processes.

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  • BCED 5710 - History and Foundations of Business Education and Marketing Education

    3 credit hours
    Developments, aims, principles, and present status of business education; organization and evaluation of the business education curriculum; administration and supervision of business education.

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  • BCED 5840 - Study Abroad

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and completion of core courses in respective field as determined by graduate business studies. A short-term international business education experience designed to expose the student to the economic, political, cultural, and social environments of a foreign country(ies), with specific emphasis directed toward the international state/status of the subject matter pertinent to the discipline.

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  • BCED 5850 - Digital Communication for Business

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: BCED 3510 or  BCED 6820 . Skills needed to create digital communication for business with emphasis on the writing process, digital tools, planning, design, collaborating, copyright and fair use, and technical aspects of digital writing.

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  • BCED 6310 - History and Philosophy of Business Education and Marketing Education

    3 credit hours
    Historical development, philosophy, and objectives of business and marketing education. Contributions to general education, vocational education, and adult education. Curriculum in relation to future needs, objectives, and social change.

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  • BCED 6460 - Issues and Trends in Business Education and Marketing Education

    3 credit hours
    Exploration and analysis of research-based studies on current issues and trends in vocational-technical education and business education, marketing education, and office management.

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  • BCED 6600 - Organization and Coordination of Marketing Education Curriculum

    3 credit hours
    Offers preparation for developing, implementing, and coordinating the marketing education curriculum. Emphasis on organizing and administering marketing education programs at the secondary level, on coordinating the work-based learning activities of vocational students, and on integrating and managing youth organizations.

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  • BCED 6680 - Women and Minorities in Business

    3 credit hours
    Advancement of women and minorities as entrepreneurs and their roles on local, regional, and national boards of directors. Students interview local entrepreneurs to gain knowledge of being an entrepreneur in the twenty-first century.

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  • BCED 6720 - Measurement and Evaluation in Business and Marketing Education

    3 credit hours
    Teacher-made, standardized, and industry-developed tests and other standards used in teaching, used to evaluate student achievement, and used by industry for employment and promotion.

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  • BCED 6780 - Problems in Business Education, Marketing Education, and Training

    3 credit hours
    Individualized research projects in special areas of concern to teachers of business education, marketing education, and vocational education and to trainers in business and industry.

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  • BCED 6810 - Recent Developments in Business and Marketing Education

    3 credit hours
    Effective strategies for teaching business and marketing concepts and skills in middle and secondary schools as well as in corporate settings. Topics include analyzing current research, planning and delivering lessons, and facilitating and assessing learning in areas such as accounting, legal systems, communication, computer applications, economics, finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, management, and work-based learning.

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  • BCED 6820 - Managerial Communication

    3 credit hours
    Analysis of communication theory and communication processes with emphasis on development of executive communication skills essential for understanding organizational processes from a holistic perspective. Covers organizational theory, behavior, and interpersonal communication from both a domestic and global perspective.

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  • BCED 6830 - Recent Developments in Integrated Information Technology

    3 credit hours
    Effective strategies for teaching business information technology concepts and skills in middle and secondary schools as well as in corporate settings. Topics include demonstrating proficiency in use of current software, planning and teaching lessons, facilitating and assessing learning, and equipping and managing a classroom.

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  • BCED 6999 - Comprehensive Examination and Preparation

    1 credit hours
    Open only to students who are not enrolled in any other graduate course and who will take the master’s comprehensive examination during the term. The student must contact the graduate advisor during the first two weeks of the term for specifics regarding the details of this comprehensive examination preparatory course. Credit may not be applied to degree requirements.

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Business Intelligence and Analytics

  • BIA 6000 - Quantitative Methods Survey

    3 credit hours
    Quantitative methodologies to assist in the decision-making process. Emphasis on applied statistics and decision sciences topics that are practical, useful, and of wide application for business analysis. May not be used for elective credit in graduate business degree program.

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  • BIA 6905 - Applied Business Analytics

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MBAI 6905 .) An applied approach to the understanding, development, and application of prescriptive and data analytic tools to model and analyze business data. A hands-on focus utilized with both commonly-used spreadsheet software and specialized business intelligence software for the student to develop skills for self-service business analytics.

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  • BIA 6910 - Business Intelligence

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: BIA 6905 or QM 6770 or equivalent. A more advanced look at the application of business intelligence tools to solving business problems. Coverage will include the development and deployment of sophisticated reporting and dashboard systems to monitor and manage operations. Industry-standard business intelligence software utilized.

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  • BIA 6920 - Data Mining and Predictive Analytics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: INFS 5790 . Principles and techniques of exploring large sets of data for discovery and prediction. Sophisticated business intelligence software used in forecasting, clustering, and classifying problems encountered in business. Emphasis on developing applied skills along with a “data analytic” thought process.

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Business Law

  • BLAW 6500 - Legal Aspects of Healthcare

    3 credit hours
    The U.S. health care system; its major stakeholders; and the laws and regulations that apply to health care institutions, professionals, and suppliers including Medicare, electronic health records, health care fraud and abuse, compliance planning, certificates of need, health care business associations, federal tax exemption, liability and licensing issues, and ethics in decision making.

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  • BLAW 6520 - Current Legal Topics in Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Fraud

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing; BLAW 3400 with minimum grade of C. Delves into current legal topics in corporate law and governance, including the division of power and responsibilities between the board of directors, board committees, officers, auditors, and shareholders; securities laws and other fraud topics; the duty of care and other fiduciary duties of directors, officers and auditors; special problems of closely held organizations; how governance models compare across the globe; and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Includes research related cases in key industries of their prospective careers, such as the healthcare and audit services.

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  • CHEM 5100 - Organic Spectroscopy

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 3020 or equivalent. Theory of and practice in the interpretation of mass, infrared, Raman, ultraviolet-visible, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. Offered every other spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5330 - Physical Chemistry Fundamentals

    4 credit hours

    Modern physical chemistry including current theories of atomic and molecular structures, chemical thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and related theoretical topics. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period. Offered every year.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5331 - Physical Chemistry Fundamentals Lab

    0 credit hours

    Offered every year.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5340 - Physical Chemistry Fundamentals

    4 credit hours

    Modern physical chemistry including current theories of atomic and molecular structures, chemical thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and related theoretical topics. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period. Offered every year.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5341 - Physical Chemistry Fundamentals Lab

    0 credit hours

    Offered every year.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5350 - Physical Chemistry

    4 credit hours

    Quantitative principles of chemistry involving extensive use of calculus. Major topics include thermodynamics, phase changes, chemical equilibria, electrochemistry, reaction kinetics, quantum chemistry, molecular structure, and statistical mechanics. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period. Offered every year.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 5351 - Physical Chemistry Lab

    0 credit hours

    Offered every year.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5360 - Physical Chemistry

    4 credit hours

    Quantitative principles of chemistry involving extensive use of calculus. Major topics include thermodynamics, phase changes, chemical equilibria, electrochemistry, reaction kinetics, quantum chemistry, molecular structure, and statistical mechanics. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period. Offered every year.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5361 - Physical Chemistry Lab

    0 credit hours

    Offered every year.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5400 - Inorganic Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Basic concepts and theories of inorganic chemistry and how these are used to predict and understand the physical and chemical properties of compounds of the elements other than carbon. Inorganic compounds in the air, water, earth, and in the laboratory, and in biochemistry, geochemistry, and industrial materials and processes. Offered on sufficient demand.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5600 - Introduction to Environmental Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Introduces major environmental issues including climate change, water quality, air pollution, landfills, hazardous wastes, fossil fuels, and alternative energy. Explores the quality of the environment and the changes in the environment due to contamination. Offered every fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5630 - Detection of Chemical Pollutants

    4 credit hours

    Theory and practice of analytical chemistry methods used in pollution measurement. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period. Offered every other spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5631 - Detection of Chemical Pollutants Lab

    0 credit hours

    Offered every other spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5700 - Polymers, an Introduction

    3 credit hours

    Structure, properties, and applications of polymers. Offered every other spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 5730 - Advanced Physical Chemistry

    4 credit hours

    Modern chemical concepts and computations applied to quantum chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, and statistical thermodynamics. Three lectures and one three-hour calculation laboratory period. Offered on sufficient demand.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 5731 - Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab

    0 credit hours

    Offered on sufficient demand.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6100 - Intermediate Organic Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 3020/3021 or 2030/2031 or equivalent. Concepts and modern theories of organic chemistry: stereochemistry of reactions, mechanistic interpretation of organic reactions, and multistep synthesis. Offered every fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6110 - Topics in Organic Chemistry

    3 to 6 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6100 . A selection of modern topics. Offered every other spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6150 - Bioorganic Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 3020 or equivalent. Focuses on the structure and function of bioorganic molecules (i.e., peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and peptidomimetics), similarities between enzymatic reactions and bench-top organic reactions, and the techniques and instrumentation used to study bioorganic molecules.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6200 - Topics in Analytical Chemistry

    3 to 6 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 4230/4231 or CHEM 6230 /CHEM 6231 . Selected topics of major interest in chemical analysis. Offered every other fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6230 - Intermediate Analytical Chemistry

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 2230/2231 or equivalent. Selected instrumental methods of analysis including but not limited to gas and liquid chromatography methods; ultraviolet, visible, and infrared spectroscopic methods; and flame emission and atomic absorption spectrometry. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period. Offered every spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6231 - Intermediate Analytical Chemistry Lab

    0 credit hours

    Offered every spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6300 - Intermediate Physical Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Key concepts from classical thermodynamics, quantum theory, and chemically relevant spectroscopies. Statistical thermodynamics introduced. Offered every spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6310 - Modeling Organic and Biological Molecules

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: CHEM 3010/CHEM 3011 and CHEM 3020/CHEM 3021 or permission of instructor. Basic concepts of molecular modeling and utilization of corresponding visualization and computation software tools with applications to organic and biological molecules. Students should bring their own problems related to research interests to model.

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  • CHEM 6400 - Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Concepts of inorganic chemistry needed for effective teaching of general chemistry and for safe and effective use of inorganic chemicals and materials in industrial and academic laboratories; atomic theory, principles of inorganic reactivity in acid-base; precipitation, complexation, and oxidation-reduction reactions; crystal and ligand field theory; symmetry; molecular orbital theory; organometallic chemistry. Offered every fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6410 - Transition Metal and Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 5400  or consent of instructor. The chemistry of transition metal complexes, organometallic compounds, and of related compounds, their practical applications, and modern theoretical treatments of this chemistry. Offered on sufficient demand.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6420 - Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

    3 to 6 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6400 . Selected topics of current interest in inorganic chemistry such as organo-metallic chemistry, inorganic materials science, and kinetics and mechanisms of inorganic reactions. Offered every other spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6480 - Laboratory in Inorganic Chemistry-Inorganic Synthetic Methods

    1 credit hours

    Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 6400  or consent of instructor. Offered every other fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6490 - Laboratory in Inorganic Chemistry-Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry

    1 credit hours

    Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 6420  or CHEM 5700  or consent of instructor. Offered every other fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6500 - Biochemistry I

    3 credit hours

    Chemical properties of biological molecules such as proteins, lipids, nucleotides, and carbohydrates. Chemical basis of enzyme catalysis. Structure of biological membranes. Offered every fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6510 - Biochemistry II

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6500 . The structure of lipids, amino acids, nucleotides, and nucleic acids and their metabolism at a molecular level. Emphasis on understanding the chemical basis of biological phenomena. Three hours lecture per week. Offered every spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6520 - Topics in Biochemistry

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6500  or CHEM 6510  or consent of instructor. Selected topics of particular interest in biochemistry. Offered every spring. Can be repeated provided that the course topic is different.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6530 - Biochemical Techniques

    2 credit hours

    Prerequisite/corequisite: CHEM 6500  or CHEM 6510  or consent of instructor. Laboratory in biochemical techniques with emphasis on protein purification, enzyme kinetics, carbohydrate and lipid analysis, and manipulation of DNA. Offered every spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6540 - Foundations of Enzymology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CHEM 6500 . Structure, function, and properties of protein- and ribonucleic acid-based enzymes. Chemical basis for catalysis and the methods used to study enzymes. Examples drawn from the literature to illustrate application of course material to disease.

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  • CHEM 6610 - Environmental Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Fundamental chemical principles applied to the fate and behavior of contaminants in soil-water environments. Explores important toxins and explains their movement and occurrence in ecosystems based on chemical and physical parameters. Topics will include pesticides, dioxin, mercury, and bioaccumulation.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6640 - Thesis Research

    1 to 6 credit hours

    Selection of a research problem, review of pertinent literature, collection and analysis of data, and composition of thesis. Once enrolled, student should register for at least one credit hour of master’s research each semester until completion. S/U grading. Offered every term.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6720 - Topics in Physical Chemistry

    3 to 6 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6300  or permission of department. Advanced theories of, latest literature in, and unsolved problems of a particular research area in physical chemistry selected by the professor. Offered every other fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6780 - Polymer and Materials Chemistry Laboratory

    2 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6100  or previous undergraduate organic chemistry knowledge; corequisite: CHEM 5700 ; CHEM 5330 /CHEM 5331  strongly recommended. Laboratory experiments introduce synthesis techniques, kinetics, characterization, engineering, and application of polymers and other modern materials. Six hours of laboratory.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6800 - Thesis Defense

    1 credit hours

    Required of graduate students specializing in chemistry. Scientific articles reviewed and reports on individual research projects presented. Offered every term.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 6870 - Chemistry Research

    3 credit hours

    Original laboratory problem that will furnish material for a thesis. Offered every fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 7110 - Advanced Topics in Organic Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6110 . Applications and advanced concepts in physical organic chemistry, including those used in teaching organic chemistry. Topics include classical and modern approaches in physical organic chemistry including MO theory, conformational analysis, stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, structure and solvent effects, pericyclic reactions, and theories of acidity/basicity. Offered every other spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 7200 - Advanced Chemical Separations and Chemical Equilibrium

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6230 /CHEM 6231  or equivalent including a course in quantitative chemical analysis. Advances in theories and applications of analytical chemistry for students familiar with laboratory techniques and chemical instrumentation. Special attention given to chemical equilibrium as it applies to the practice and teaching of chemical separations. Offered every other fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 7210 - Problems in Modern Chemical Laboratory Procedures

    3 credit hours

    Newly developed laboratory techniques and procedures which the student had not previously had the opportunity to learn. Offered on sufficient demand.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 7220 - Independent Study of Instrumental Analysis

    3 credit hours

    Developing skill in using selected sophisticated instruments. Offered on sufficient demand.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

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  • CHEM 7400 - Computational Chemistry I

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Foundation courses of the Computational Science Ph.D. program (COMS 6100 , COMS 6500 , and CSCI 6020 ) or consent of instructor. Fundamental concepts and practical aspects of various electronic-structure models used in modern computational chemistry. Molecular orbital theory, ab initio and density functional methods, wave-function analyses, and geometry optimization techniques. Offered every fall. Three lectures and one three-hour computer lab.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7410 - Computational Chemistry II

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisites: CHEM 7400  and consent of instructor. Practical applications of quantum chemistry models. Calculation of molecular properties with high accuracy, computational techniques for large systems, structure prediction and structure-activity relationships. Offered every spring. Three lectures and one three-hour lab.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7420 - Advanced Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6400 . Applications and advanced concepts of inorganic chemistry; methods of teaching these concepts. Inorganic materials such as metals, superconductors, zeolites, and fullerenes; organometallic compounds, halides, hydrides, and oxides of elements; inorganic reaction mechanisms; bioinorganic chemistry; electronic states and term symbols. Modern methods of teaching inorganic content in general chemistry courses. Offered every other spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7510 - Advanced Biochemistry

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6500  or consent of instructor. Advanced subjects in biochemistry including current techniques in structure/activity relationships of biomolecules, regulation and control of metabolic pathways, bioenergetics, enzymology, control of transcription and translation, regulation of gene expression, and biochemistry of inherited disease. Offered every other fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7640 - Dissertation Research

    1 to 6 credit hours

    Selection of a research problem, review of pertinent literature, collection and analysis of data, and composition of dissertation. Once enrolled, student should register for at least one credit hour of doctoral research each semester until completion. S/U grading. Offered every term.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7700 - Topics in Theoretical Chemistry

    3 to 6 credit hours

    Bonding, stereochemistry, empirical and semi-empirical parameters, state functions, spectroscopic interpretation, and reaction mechanisms. Offered on sufficient demand.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7710 - Topics in Applied Chemistry

    3 to 6 credit hours

    Some important and current practical applications. Offered every other spring.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7720 - Advanced Topics in Physical Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: CHEM 6300 . Theoretical basis and application of the principal methods used for experimental molecular structure determination. Computational methods of structure prediction and interpretation of data. Searching and retrieving structural information from structural databases. Offered every other fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7800 - Chemistry Internship

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Admission based on recommendations and performance in teaching. Offered every term.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7810 - Chemistry Internship

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Admission based on recommendations and performance in teaching. Offered every term.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7820 - Seminar in Chemical Education

    1 credit hours

    Areas and ideas associated with chemical education. Readings from current literature or seminal texts on given topics which may include the role of laboratory in chemical education, current research in science education, trends in chemical education, research techniques in chemical education, and the historical development of chemistry. Offered online. May be taken up to three times for credit. Offered every fall.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7900 - Teaching and Learning in Chemistry

    3 credit hours

    Areas and ideas associated with chemical education. Readings from the current literature or seminal texts on misconceptions in chemistry, theories of learning, and theories of teaching. Offered summer only.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CHEM 7910 - Instructional Technology in the Science Classroom

    3 credit hours

    Explores concepts and applications associated with the use of computer- and other technology-based instructional materials in the science classroom. Readings from current literature or seminal texts on theoretical issues; practical applications associated with the use of technology in teaching scientific concepts. Offered summer only.

    NOTE: Graduate standing is the prerequisite for graduate courses in chemistry. The 5000-level courses also have the same prerequisites as listed for the corresponding 4000-level courses in the undergraduate catalog.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

Child Development Family Services

  • CDFS 5140 - Violence in the Family

    3 credit hours
    (Same as SOC 5140 .) Prerequisite: CDFS 3320 or SOC 2500. Causes, dynamics, and consequences of violence in the family. Includes the discussion of violence toward children, spouses, dating partners, siblings, and elders. Emphasizes the social conditions that lead to these types of violence.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CDFS 5340 - The Contemporary Family

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CDFS 3320 or permission of department. An ecological approach to the study of contemporary issues, problems, questions, and lifestyles as they relate to families and individuals.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CDFS 5350 - Parenting

    3 credit hours credit hours
    Prerequisites: CDFS 3320 or CDFS 3310 or PSY 4190 or permission of department. Knowledge of parenting and parent/child interactions and the role of the parent educator from various theoretical and applied perspectives.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CDFS 5390 - Families in Later Life

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Human Sciences majors - CDFS 3310, CDFS 3320, or PSY 4190; Sociology majors - SOC 2600; or permission of department. Examines families in later life from an ecological approach with emphasis on family forms and relationships.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CDFS 5391 - Aging Health and Development

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CDFS 4390 or SOC 2600 or permission of department. A service learning opportunity that seeks to provide students with understanding of the concepts and application of aging, families in later life, assessment, and gerontological program planning and implementation.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • CDFS 6300 - Application of Child Development Principles I

    3 credit hours
    A comprehensive exploration of human growth and development from conception to age six. Recognizing and assessing developmental ages and stages as well as special needs is an integral part of this course.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes


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