Sep 26, 2024  
2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.


Music Ensembles

  • MUEN 3431 - Jazz Improvisation Lab

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: MUTH 1120 . Emphasizes basic jazz performance practices in an ensemble setting. Training in improvisation will include melodic paraphrase, ear-training, jazz scales and arpeggios, the study of transcriptions, and exposure to recorded examples of various jazz styles. Basic musicianship issues such as practicing, transposition, and common performance practices will be covered. Performances will showcase the concepts learned throughout the semester. May be repeated for two credits.

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Music History and Literature

  • MUHL 1610 - The World of Music

    3 credit hours
    A study of culture and music through a chronological survey of styles, genres, and composers of Western art music and through the comparative study of various non-Western musical practices.

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  • MUHL 3010 - History of Western Art Music I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MUHL 1610  with grade of C- or better. Second required music history course for Music majors. A survey of Western art music from antiquity through the eighteenth century, including Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods.

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  • MUHL 3020 - History of Western Art Music II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MUHL 1610  with grade of C- or better. Third required music history course for music majors. A survey of Western art music of the eighteenth through twenty-first century, including Classical, Romantic, Modern, and Postmodern periods.

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  • MUHL 3670 - Studies in North American Popular Music

    3 credit hours
    Close study of one or more regional musical cultures of popular music in North America. Focuses on cultural, historical, economic, and political forces that have shaped the genres under consideration as well as issues of class, race, gender, migration, colonialism, identity, and resistance. Offers a range of experiences with the music, emphasizing its practices, sustainability, stylistic features, instruments, and cultural contexts.

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  • MUHL 3680 - Studies in Latin American Music

    3 credit hours
    Investigates one or more regional musical cultures of Latin America with attention to the cultural, historical, economic, and political forces that shape musical genres, as well as issues of class, race, gender, migration, colonialism, identity, and resistance.

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  • MUHL 3910 - Styles and Analysis of Jazz

    3 credit hours
    Technical features of various styles from the inception of jazz to present. Introduction of jazz style periods, performance practices, stylistic features, and artists.

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  • MUHL 4140 - Music of the Middle East

    3 credit hours
    Examines various Middle Eastern cultural soundscapes from an ethnomusicological perspective, including the relationship between folk, classical, and popular musical traditions and music’s role in religious experience.

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  • MUHL 4530 - History of Jazz

    3 credit hours
    Study of the history and literature of jazz music including African roots, developments and aspects of style periods, and the contemporary state of jazz. Listening and analysis.

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  • MUHL 4550 - Hip-Hop Music and Culture

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ANTH 4550  and RIM 4550 .) Prerequisites: ENGL 1010  and ENGL 1020 .  An ethnomusicological investigation of how hip-hop reacts to and informs mainstream culture through its primary art forms: music, visual art, and dance. Major themes and issues that cut across hip-hop’s history, including issues of style and performance, gender, race, politics, and religion addressed.

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  • MUHL 4630 - Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Music

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A survey of Western classical music during the Baroque and Classic periods; emphasis on topics selected by instructor.

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  • MUHL 4640 - Nineteenth-Century Music

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A survey of Western classical music during the Romantic period; emphasis on topics selected by instructor.

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  • MUHL 4650 - Twentieth-Century Music

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A survey of twentieth century Western art music; emphasis on topics selected by instructor. Examines the major developments of music during the late Romantic, Modern, and Postmodern eras.

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  • MUHL 4660 - American Music

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A survey of American music from the colonial era to the present; added emphasis on topics selected by the instructor. Examines folk, popular, art, sacred, and secular traditions within their cultural and historical contexts.

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  • MUHL 4680 - Choral Literature

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Examination of choral literature from the Renaissance to the present. Program selection. Analysis of choral pieces.

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  • MUHL 4710 - Vocal Literature

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Basic repertory of Italian airs, German lieder, French art songs, and solo vocal works of other nationalistic schools, as well as English and American song literature.

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  • MUHL 4720 - Organ Literature

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A chronological study of organ literature from the Medieval period to the present. Objectives include knowledge of the repertoire and composers and historical perspective of styles and organ building.

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  • MUHL 4730 - Brass Literature

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A chronological study of brass literature from the Renaissance period to the present. Objectives include knowledge of the repertoire and composers and historical perspective of styles, types, and common performance practice.

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  • MUHL 4740 - Percussion Literature

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A chronological study of percussion literature from the nineteenth century to the present. Objectives include knowledge of the repertoire and composers and historical perspective of styles, types, and common performance practice.

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  • MUHL 4750 - String Literature

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A chronological study of string literature from the nineteenth century to the present. Objectives include knowledge of the repertoire and its composers and historical perspective of styles, types, and common performance practice.

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  • MUHL 4760 - Woodwind Literature

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A chronological study of woodwind literature from the Renaissance period to the present. Objectives include knowledge of the repertoire and composers and historical perspective of styles, types, and common performance practice.

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  • MUHL 4800 - Art Music and African Americans

    2 credit hours
    A chronological and topical overview of African American musicians and composers and the primary genres of African American art music from slavery to the present.

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  • MUHL 4810 - Women In Music

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010  and ENGL 1020 . Examines and celebrates women’s musical activities in a variety of capacities and musical traditions through perspectives of a variety of gender theories. May be taken for Women’s and Gender Studies minor credit.

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  • MUHL 4840 - Musical Theatre History

    3 credit hours
    (Same as THEA 4840 .) Prerequisite: Junior standing. A comprehensive history of musicals from the 1840s to the present that explores the effects of culture, economics, and politics of each era on musical theatre.

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  • MUHL 4850 - Piano Literature I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Survey of the basic literature of the harpsichord and the piano from the seventeenth century to the early nineteenth century. Live performance, analysis, and research.

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  • MUHL 4860 - Piano Literature II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MUHL 4850  or permission of instructor. Survey of the basic literature of the piano from the nineteenth century to the present. Live performance, listening, analysis, and research.

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  • MUHL 4870 - Harp Literature

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Survey of the standard literature of the single-action and double-action pedal harp from the 18th century to early 21st century. Live performance, analysis, and research.

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Music Pedagogy

  • MUPD 2180 - Diction for Singers I (English and Latin)

    2 credit hours
    Lecture demonstration course for familiarization of the International Phonetic Alphabet and correct pronunciation of texts in English and Latin.

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  • MUPD 4110 - Advanced Brass Pedagogy

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Advanced study of conceptual, physiological, acoustical, and pedagogical methods and materials used in the teaching of beginning, intermediate, and advanced brass students.

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  • MUPD 4120 - Advanced Percussion Pedagogy

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Advanced study of conceptual, physiological, acoustical, and pedagogical methods and materials used in the teaching of beginning, intermediate, and advanced percussion students.

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  • MUPD 4130 - Advanced String Pedagogy

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Advanced study of conceptual, physiological, acoustical, and pedagogical methods and materials used in the teaching of beginning, intermediate, and advanced string students.

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  • MUPD 4140 - Advanced Woodwind Pedagogy

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Advanced study of conceptual, physiological, acoustical, and pedagogical methods and materials used in the teaching of beginning, intermediate, and advanced woodwind students.

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  • MUPD 4150 - Advanced Harp Pedagogy

    2 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Surveys and examines harp methods and schools of technique of the double-action pedal harp. Development of skills and concepts for teaching harp. Research, analysis, lesson observation, and supervised teaching.



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  • MUPD 4330 - Organ Pedagogy

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Instruction in the principles of teaching organ–(1) manual and pedal techniques, (2) organ methods, and (3) organ repertoire of varying degrees of difficulty and of all period styles from pre-Bach through twentieth century.

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  • MUPD 4360 - Piano Pedagogy I

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. The various technical and philosophical approaches in teaching piano. Examines teaching repertory from beginning through the late-elementary levels. Supervised teaching.

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  • MUPD 4370 - Piano Pedagogy II

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MUPD 4360  or permission of instructor. Examines intermediate-level teaching repertory. Develops skills and concepts for teaching intermediate-level students. Supervised teaching.

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  • MUPD 4380 - Group Piano Pedagogy

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Examines class piano texts and materials. Develops skills and concepts for teaching class piano. Course observation and supervised teaching.

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Music Theory

  • MUTH 1110 - Theory and Aural Skills I

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MUTH 1000  with grade of C- or higher or satisfactory score on theory diagnostic exam. Harmonic tonality and fixed-do solfège through chorale analysis and harmonizations of given bass lines. Major and minor scales and harmonizations through secondary function. Meets for five hours per week.

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  • MUTH 1120 - Theory and Aural Skills II

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MUTH 1110 . Harmonic tonality and fixed-do solfège through chorale analysis and harmonizations of given bass lines. Modal scales, harmonization, and analysis through the augmented sixth. Meets for five hours per week.

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  • MUTH 3110 - Counterpoint

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MUTH 2120  with C- or better. Review and continuation of contrapuntal techniques. Canon, imitation, various contrapuntal devices, inventions, and beginning fugue. Analysis and some degree of original work.

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  • MUTH 3160 - Jazz Theory

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MUTH 1120 . Exploration of the harmonic syntax, melodic construction, and song forms in jazz music. Analysis, listening, original composition, and practice hearing jazz chords and progressions.

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  • MUTH 4110 - Form and Analysis

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MUTH 2120 . Binary and tenary forms, simple rondos and sonatinas progressing to sonata form, large rondos, theme and variations, art song, and free forms. Stylistic analysis and study of devices and materials from early to contemporary periods.

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  • MUTH 4180 - Improvisation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MUTH 1120  or permission of instructor. Basic tools of jazz improvisation including chord/scale relationships, melodic construction, and practice techniques. In-class playing over blues, rhythm changes, and other standard jazz progressions. Elements of the bebop style. Preparation of playing exercises and several solo transcriptions.

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  • MUTH 4190 - Principles and Practices of Electronic Music

    3 credit hours
    (Same as RIM 4190 .) Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and RIM 1230  or MUTH 1110 ; others-RIM 3010 , RIM 1230 , or MUTH 1110  or permission of instructor. An introduction to synthesizer programming and the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) with emphasis on history, theory, and application. Hands-on activities include synthesizer programming with virtual instruments and MIDI sequencing using a digital audio workstation. Laboratory required.

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  • MUTH 4290 - MIDI Sequencing and Virtual Instruments

    3 credit hours
    (Same as  RIM 4290 ). Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy and RIM 4910 /MUTH 4910; others - RIM 4190 /MUTH 4190  or permission of instructor. An advanced hands-on course with an emphasis on MIDI sequencing and virtual instruments within Pro Tools, Reason, and other music production software. Drum machines, synthesizers, samplers, and other electronic instruments used to create a commercial music track. Laboratory required.

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  • MUTH 4590 - Computer Based Scoring for Visual Media

    3 credit hours
    (Same as RIM 4590 .) Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy, RIM 4190 /MUTH 4190  and either RIM 3300  or  RIM 4290 /MUTH 4290 ; others - RIM 4190 /MUTH 4190  and either RIM 3300  or  RIM 4290 /MUTH 4290 ; or permission of instructor. Writing music for visual media using the capabilities of a computer workstation. Introduces compositional techniques utilizing Macintosh sequencing software and QuickTime video playback in combination with synthesizers and sample playback programs. Concepts include synchronization of music to picture, tempo selection, sound source selection/manipulation, and analysis of the dramatic content of a scene. Laboratory required.

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  • NURS 3000 - Professionalism in Nursing

    1 credit hour
    Exposes the novice nursing student to the profession of nursing. Concept of professionalism explored and related to nursing. Includes a brief historical review of nursing and nursing theories. Professional values, practice standards, informatics, and communication with health care professionals introduced. Legal implications for nursing explored.

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  • NURS 3040 - Health Assessment Laboratory

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisites: BIOL 2010 /BIOL 2011  and BIOL 2020 /BIOL 2021 ; accepted into upper-division nursing. Corequisite: NURS 3030 . Opportunity to practice the basic principles and techniques required for the assessment and analysis of data. Normal assessment findings in the adult as well as selected abnormal findings studied. Cultural variations and assessment variations across the lifespan explored. Two-hour laboratory.

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  • NURS 3042 - Basic Dosage Calculation

    1 credit hour
    Previews basic math calculations as they relate to computing doses of medication in all forms. Introduces basic medication administration concepts. Passing a final with 100% accuracy will be required to be successful in the completion of this course and to progress in the nursing program.

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  • NURS 3380 - Caring for Clients with Mental Health Alterations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: NURS 3000 , NURS 3010 , NURS 3030 , NURS 3040 , NURS 3041 , NURS 3042 . Corequisite: NURS 3390  . Provides students with experience communicating and providing care to a variety of patients experiencing mental health issues. Opportunity for students to learn theoretical concepts relating to mental health and psychiatric nursing. Interpersonal and group communication, psychopathology, and legal and ethical issues explored. Methods used in providing nursing care for clients with alterations in mental health presented. Interdisciplinary health care team and its function in the psychiatric setting explored. Three hours lecture.

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