Jan 20, 2025  
2020-21 Graduate Catalog 
2020-21 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty and Administration

University Administration

University Administration updated 8/2020

Office of the President

Sidney A. McPhee, president
Kimberly S. Edgar, executive assistant and chief of staff
Mary McClain, administrative assistant

Athletics, Chris Massaro, director
Audit and Consulting Services, Brenda Burkhart, director
Institutional Equity and Compliance, Marian V. Wilson, assistant to the president
Tennessee Small Business Development Center (Lead Center), Patrick R. Geho, director
University Counsel and Assistant to President, Heidi Zimmerman

Office of the University Provost
Academic Affairs, Division of

Mark Byrnes, university provost
Cheryl B. Torsney, vice provost for faculty affairs
Nita Brooks, interim vice provost for academic programs
Rebecca Cole, associate provost for academic administration and resources
Mary Hoffschwelle, associate provost for strategic planning and partnerships

Faculty Senate, Rick Cottle, president

General Education, Susan Myers-Shirk, director

Graduate Studies, College of
David L. Butler, vice provost for research and dean
Dawn McCormack, associate dean
Research and Sponsored Programs, Jeffry Porter, director

Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Research
Chris Brewer, assistant vice provost

International Affairs
Robert Summers, vice provost for international affairs
Center for East and Asian Studies and Confucius Institute, Guanping Zheng, associate vice provost
Education Abroad, Melissa Miller, director

Student Success
Richard Sluder, vice provost for student success
Brian P. Hinote, associate vice provost for data analytics and student success
Vincent Windrow, associate vice provost for student success
Cornelia Wills, director

University Honors, College of
John R. Vile, dean
Philip E. Phillips, associate dean

Walker Library
Jason Martin, interim dean
Christy Groves, interim associate dean
User Services, Jason Vance, interim chair
Collection Development and Management, Susan Martin, chair

Basic and Applied Sciences, College of
Robert “Bud” Fischer, dean
Saeed Foroudastan, associate dean
Aerospace, Wendy Beckman, chair
Agriculture, Jessica Carter, school director
Biology, Dennis Mullen, interim chair
Chemistry, Greg Van Patten, chair
Computer Science, Medha Sarkar, chair
Concrete and Construction Management, Kelly Strong, school director
Engineering Technology, Vishwas Bedekar, interim chair
Geosciences, Henrique Momm, interim chair
Mathematical Sciences, Chris Stephens, chair
Military Science, LTC Carrick McCarthy, chair
Physics and Astronomy, Ron Henderson, chair

Behavioral and Health Sciences, College of
Harold D. Whiteside, dean
Barbara F. Turnage, associate dean
Criminal Justice Administration, Lee Wade, interim chair
Health and Human Performance, Sonya Sanderson, chair
Human Sciences, Gina Pisut, interim chair
Nursing, Jenny Sauls, school director
Psychology, Greg Schmidt, chair
Social Work, Cathy McElderry, chair

Business, Jennings A. Jones College of
David Urban, dean
David Foote, associate dean
Kim Sokoya, associate dean for graduate and executive education
Sean Salter, assistant dean for assessment
Accounting, Jeannie Harrington, chair
Economics and Finance, Keith Gamble, chair
Information Systems and Analytics, Timothy Greer, chair
Management, Jill Austin, chair
Marketing, Robert B. Blair, interim chair

Education, College of
Rick Vanosdall, interim dean
Robyn Ridgley, interim associate dean
Womack Educational Leadership, Donald Snead, interim chair
Elementary and Special Education, Amy Elleman, interim chair

Liberal Arts, College of
Karen Petersen, dean
Leah Lyons, associate dean
Stephen Smith, associate dean
Art and Design, Nicole Foran, chair
Communication Studies, Ron Kates, interim chair
English, Stephen Severn, chair
Global Studies and Human Geography, David Carleton, chair
History, Emily Baran, interim chair
Music, Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, interim school director
Philosophy and Religious Studies, Mary Magada-Ward, chair
Political Science and International Relations, Michael Federici, chair
Sociology and Anthropology, Brandon Wallace, chair
Theatre and Dance, Jeff Gibson, chair
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Roger Pieroni, chair

Media and Entertainment, College of
Beverly Keel, dean
Zeny Sarabia-Panol, associate dean
Jennifer Woodard, assistant dean
Journalism and Strategic Media, Greg Pitts, school director
Media Arts, Billy Pittard, chair 
Recording Industry, John Merchant, chair

University College
Richard Sluder, dean
Brian Hinote, interim chief online learning officer
Peggy Carpenter, assistant dean
University Studies, Marva Lucas, chair

Centers of Excellence
Center for Historic Preservation,
Carroll Van West, director
Center for Popular Music, Gregory Reish, director

Chairs of Excellence
The Dr. Carl Adams Chair in HealthCare Services
Joey A. Jacobs Chair of Excellence in Accounting

The Jennings Jones Chair in Free Enterprise
The Jennings Jones Chair in Urban and Regional Planning
John C. Miller Chair in Equine Reproductive Physiology,
John Haffner, director
Mary E. Miller Chair in Equine Health, Holly Spooner, director
The Katherine Davis Murfree Chair in Dyslexic Studies, Tim Odegard, chairholder
The National HealthCare Chair in Nursing, Deborah Lee, chairholder
The Robert E. and Georgianna West Russell Chair in Manufacturing Excellence
The John Seigenthaler Chair in First Amendment Studies, Deborah Fisher, director

Endowed Chairs
Martin Chair of Insurance, Dave Wood, chairholder
Weatherford Chair of Finance, Anne Anderson, chairholder
The Wright Travel Chair in Entrepreneurship, Joshua Aaron, chairholder

Business and Finance, Division of

Alan Thomas, vice president
Kathy Thurman, associate vice president

Administration, Ron Malone, assistant vice president
Administrative and Business Services, Kimberly Williams, assistant vice president
Campus Planning, William Waits, assistant vice president
Compliance and Enterprise Risk Management, Gené Stephens, assistant vice president
Facilities Services, Joe Whitefield, assistant vice president
Human Resource Services, Kathy Musselman, assistant vice president
University Police, Carl S. Peaster, assistant vice president and chief of police

Information Technology, Division of

Bruce Petryshak, vice president for information technology and CIO

Academic and Instructional Technologies, Albert Whittenberg, interim assistant vice president
Client Services and IT Business Operations, Robin Jones, assistant vice president
Enterprise Applications Services, Lisa Rogers, senior associate vice president
Technical Services and Information Security, Chad Mullis, assistant vice president
IT Projects and Portfolio Management, Tom Wallace, associate vice president

Marketing and Communications, Division of

Andrew Oppmann, vice president for marketing and communications

Creative and Visual Services, Kara Hooper, senior director
News and Media Relations, Jimmy Hart, senior director
Resource and Operations Management, Jack Ross, assistant vice president
University Publications, Drew Ruble, senior editor

Student Affairs, Division of

Debra Sells, vice president and vice provost for enrollment and academic services
Career Development Center, vacant, director
Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center, Hilary Miller, director
Disability and Access Center, Kevin States, director
Student-Athlete Enhancement Center, Todd Wyant, director
Student Support Services, Melissa Towe, director

Admissions and Enrollment Services
Laurie Witherow, associate vice provost for admissions and enrollment services
Enrollment Technical Systems, Teresa Thomas, director
Financial Aid and Scholarships, Stephen White, director
MT One Stop/Scheduling, Tyler Henson, director
Registrar, Susan Fieldhouse, Registrar
Undergraduate Recruitment, Linda Olsen, director

Student Life
Sarah Sudak, associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students
Campus Recreation Center, Charles Gregory, director
Child Care Lab, Nancy James, director
Counseling and Testing Services, Mary Kaye Anderson, director
Housing and Residential Life, Michelle Safewright, director
New Student and Family Programs, Gina Poff, director
Student Conduct, Laura Sosh-Lightsy, assistant dean
Student Health Services, Rick Chapman, director
Student Programming, Rich Kershaw, director
Student Union Facilities, Justin Reed, director

Dan Kelley, assistant vice president for student affairs
Fraternity and Sorority Life, Leslie Merritt, director
Intercultural and Diversity Affairs, Daniel Green, director
June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional Students, Maigan Wipfli, director
Student Organizations and Service, Jackie Victory, director
Student Government Association, TBA, president

University Advancement, Division of

William J. “Joe” Bales, vice president

Advancement Services, Ronda Vaughter, director
Alumni Relations, Ginger C. Freeman, director
Development, Pat Branum, director
Strategic Partnerships, Paula Mansfield, director

The Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC)

For information about the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, see www.tn.gov/thec/.
For a listing of commission members, see

Middle Tennessee State University Board of Trustees

For information about the Middle Tennessee Board of Trustees, see www.mtsu.edu/boardoftrustees/.
For a listing of board members, see

Faculty and Administrators

NOTE: Links below are to the 2019-20 faculty/administrators.