Sep 27, 2024  
2019-20 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-20 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.



  • MATH 3300 - Discrete Mathematics for Middle Grades Teachers

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 1410 , MATH 1420 , and MATH 1730 . Supports the development of prospective middle grades teachers’ knowledge of discrete mathematics. Topics include set theoretic topics, logic, counting, probability, graph theoretic topics. Focuses on students’ learning discrete mathematics topics as well as the teaching of related mathematical topics to middle grades students. Field experience in a nearby middle school incorporated.

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  • MATH 3310 - Functions: Connecting Algebra and Geometry for Middle Grades Teachers

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 1410 , MATH 1420 , and MATH 1730 . Supports the development of prospective middle grades teachers’ knowledge of functions and connections between algebra and geometry. Focuses on students connecting mathematics topics as well as the teaching of mathematical topics to middle grades students to support learning about the connected nature of mathematics. Field experience in a nearby middle school incorporated.

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  • MATH 3320 - Teaching Mathematics in the Middle Grades

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher education program. Required of all Mathematics majors seeking a license to teach mathematics in grades 6-12 and all Interdisciplinary Studies (Grades 6-8) Math majors. In-depth study of mathematics learning and teaching strategies in middle school mathematics. Selected topics provide a foundation for student investigations into the conceptual nature of mathematics and applications in the middle school curriculum. Must be taken prior to student teaching.

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  • MATH 3330 - Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary Grades

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education, completion of the mathematics core, and MATH 3320 . Required of all Mathematics majors seeking a license to teach mathematics in grades 6-12 and all Interdisciplinary Studies (Grades 6-8) Math majors. In-depth study of mathematics learning and teaching strategies in secondary school mathematics. Selected topics provide a foundation for student investigations into the conceptual nature of mathematics and applications in the secondary school curriculum. Must be taken prior to student teaching.

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  • MATH 3340 - Statistics and Probability for Teaching

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1530  or MATH 2050  with a C or better. Supports the development of prospective middle grades and secondary teachers’ knowledge of statistics and probability. Examines in greater depth statistics and probability topics to which the student has prior exposure; emphasizes the relevance and implications of these topics to the middle school and secondary classrooms. Attention will be given to exploratory data analysis, probability, statistical association, and simulation-based inference.

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  • MATH 3460 - Foundation of Higher Mathematics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1920 . The language of mathematics, set theory and proof, relations and functions, number systems, mathematical structures. Focuses on the transition from lower-division study to upper-division study by actively engaging the student in problem solving, mathematical reasoning, and both informal and technical writing.

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  • MATH 3970 - Cooperative Education

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Experiential learning that occurs in real employment situations. Must be taken in sequence or approved by the director of Cooperative Education. Graded on a pass/fail basis.

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  • MATH 3980 - Cooperative Education

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Experiential learning that occurs in real employment situations. Must be taken in sequence or approved by the director of Cooperative Education. Graded on a pass/fail basis.

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  • MATH 4010 - Selected Topics in Elementary Mathematics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 1410 , MATH 1420 , and MATH 1730 . Required of students who are preparing to teach grades 5-8. Examines in greater depth topics to which the student has prior exposure; emphasizes the relevance and implications of these topics to the middle school classroom.

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  • MATH 4200 - Introduction to Mathematics of Investment

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ACSI 4200 .) Prerequisite: MATH 1920  or consent of instructor. Calculus and probability/statistics used to model and analyze investments in bonds, treasury bills, stocks, and other derivatives. Topics include obtaining the price of a bond as a function of interest rate, developing formulas for duration and convexity to study the sensitivity of price to interest rate, and mathematical modeling of investor preference and attitude toward risk.

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  • MATH 4230 - Vector Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 3110 . A review of vector algebra and vector differentiation with emphasis on aspects of these topics not covered in previous calculus courses. Stress on line and surface integrals; Divergence Theorem and Stokes’ theorem with generalizations and related topics.

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  • MATH 4280 - Undergraduate Research

    1 to 4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Independent investigation of a selected research problem under the guidance of a faculty member resulting in an oral and written report of results. May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.

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  • MATH 4540 - Topics in Secondary School Mathematics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education; MATH 2010 , MATH 2050 , and MATH 3110 . Required of all Mathematics majors seeking a license to teach mathematics in grades 7-12. Examines in greater depth topics to which the student has prior exposure; emphasizes the relevance and applications of these topics to the pre-college level classroom.

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  • MATH 4620 - History and Philosophy of Mathematics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 3460 . Background in geometry and number theory helpful. The character of mathematical thought by way of mathematical problems that have occupied the outstanding mathematicians of Babylon, Egypt, Greece, China, the Renaissance, and modern times paralleled with a study of three schools of mathematical philosophy: intuitionism, logicism, and formalism.

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  • MATH 4740 - Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ABAS/BIOL/GEOL/CHEM/PHYS 4740.) Prerequisite: YOED 3520 . Provides secondary science and mathematics teacher candidates with the tools that scientists use to solve scientific problems. Students will use these tools in a laboratory setting, communicate findings, and understand how scientists develop new knowledge.

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  • MATH 4800 - Seminar in Mathematics with Technology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 18 semester hours in mathematics including calculus or consent of instructor; junior or senior standing; MATH 3110 . Examines and utilizes the technological tools available for doing mathematics. Emphasis on non-numerical tools such as theorem provers and algebraic manipulation systems.

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  • MATH 4990 - Seminar in Mathematics

    3 credit hours
    Open only to Mathematics majors; normally taken during last regular semester of coursework. Required of all Mathematics majors. Offers graduating Mathematics majors a broad perspective of mathematics, mathematical activity, and problem solving in various areas of application; offers preparation for professional examinations; acquaints students with job possibilities and aids in career decisions; acquaints students with the nature of graduate study in mathematics. Pass/Fail.

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Middle East Studies

  • MES 2030 - Literature of the Middle East

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010  and ENGL 1020  or permission of instructor. Works in English translation of selected literary genres, periods, and traditions produced in the cultures of the Middle East. May be repeated once with different topic.

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  • MES 2100 - Introduction to Middle East Studies

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to the people, culture, geography, and history of the Middle East from the distant past to the present. Includes ancient history, the rise of Islam, Arab nationalism and formation of the modern states, the creation of Israel, oil and natural resources, social structures and family life, international diplomacy and peacemaking, problems of Westernization and modernization, and political Islam.

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  • MES 3100 - Special Topics in Middle East Studies

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Completion of three (3) credit hours in a course listed for the Middle East Studies minor or permission of the instructor. An in-depth study of a specific topic relating to the Middle East announced in the online course schedule by the faculty member teaching the course. May be repeated with a different topic. A maximum of six semester hours credit may be applied toward a minor in Middle East Studies.

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Middle Level Education

  • MLED 3110 - Experiencing Middle Level Education II

    2 credit hours
    Corequisite: MLED 4000 . Field-based course which builds upon experiences begun in MLED 3100. Students will implement content pedagogical strategies into middle level placements.

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  • MLED 3300 - Instructional Technology in Middle Level Education

    3 credit hours
    Examines rationales, methods, and technology practices related to adolescents in grades 6-8. Each teacher candidate will use digital tools to explore, communicate, collaborate, and learn from the rich and varied resources available.

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  • MLED 4000 - Methods of Teaching Middle Level Learners

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Corequisite: MLED 3110 . Focuses on curriculum integration as well as methods identified as best practice in middle level education. Includes a field experience.

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  • MLED 4200 - Assessing the Middle Level Learner

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MLED 4000 . The integration of middle level content with classroom and standardized assessments to enable the planning, design, and implementation of assessment driven instruction.

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  • MLED 4340 - Managing Middle Level Learning Environments

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MLED 4000 . Introduces middle level teacher candidates to classroom and instructional strategies that are effective in building, adjusting, and maintaining an effective classroom learning environment.

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  • MLED 4350 - Theory to Practice in Middle Level Education

    6 credit hours
    Strategies and techniques of guiding the learning of middle level students. The development and use of materials in the middle school classroom with emphasis on explanation and experimentation. Majority of the course is field work with accompanying seminars.

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  • MLED 4995 - Directed Teaching in Middle Level Education

    12 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Completion of all coursework. Supervised experience requires full-day placement in a middle level school setting. Extended teaching and evaluation of teacher candidate preparation for teaching is required. Admission requirements for Residency II, including completion of all program coursework, must be met for enrollment.

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Military Science

  • MS 1000 - Military Science Practicum (Elective)

    1 credit hour
    Corequisite: Enrollment in MS Basic or Advance course or permission of department chair. For those interested in enrichment activities which contribute to the development of leadership and management abilities, including adventure training, small unit military tactics, and drill and ceremonies.

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  • MS 1010 - First Year Basic Military Science

    2 credit hours
    Practical application in adventure-oriented skills such as rappelling, marksmanship techniques, and survival. Focuses on leadership development with a hands-on approach to classroom instruction. Also includes a general overview of the U.S. Army’s mission, organizational structure, and customs and traditions. Meets twice weekly, 85 minutes per class.

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  • MS 1020 - First Year Basic Military Science

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MS 1010  or permission of department chair. Further development in adventure-oriented skills. Hands-on approach to basic rifle marksmanship, land navigation, and first aid. Students fire the M16A2 rifle, conduct a land navigation course, and learn first aid skills through practical application. Continued focus on leadership development. Meets twice weekly, 85 minutes per week.

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  • MS 2010 - Second Year Basic Military Science

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MS 1010  and MS 1020  or permission of department chair. Development of leadership potential through practical exercise. Leadership, small unit tactics, first aid, basic rappelling, weapons familiarization, oral communication exercises, and team-building skills.

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  • MS 2020 - Second Year Basic Military Science

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MS 1010 , MS 1020 , and MS 2010  or permission of department chair. Application of basic map reading and compass principles, unit organization at squad level, small unit tactics, branches of the U.S. Army, discussion of the advanced program. Practical exercises, land navigation, first aid, current events, marksmanship, water safety training. Continues team-building development.

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  • MS 3000 - Basic Military Science

    6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department chair. Four-week training normally taken during the summer between the sophomore and junior academic years by students who have not taken all prerequisite MS 1000 and 2000 level courses. Training conducted at a designated U.S. Army installation; practical experience in leadership, small unit tactics, weapons, drill, and communications under field conditions. U.S. Army pays the student for attending the training.

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  • MS 3080 - U.S. Army History

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MS 1010  and MS 1020  or permission of department chair. Introduces students enrolled in the ROTC program to the U.S. Army’s development and role in military operations from colonial times to the present.

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  • MS 3110 - First Year Advanced Military Science

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MS 1010 , MS 1020 , MS 2010 , and MS 2020 ; or MS 3000 ; or equivalent credit for previous military service. Formal instruction in troop leading procedures, U.S. Army problem solving, branches of the U.S. Army, combat orders, leadership traits and principles, small unit tactics based on infantry rifle squad and platoon, map reading and land navigation skills, and military briefings. Focus on leadership development, instilling the warrior ethos, and preparation for the Cadet Leader Course and potential for service as a junior officer. Two one-hour, twenty-five-minute periods of class work and two one-hour, twenty-five minute periods of laboratory per week.

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  • MS 3120 - First Year Advanced Military Science

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MS 3110 . Formal instruction in leadership, principles of war, squad and platoon tactics, situational training exercises, patrolling techniques, map reading and land navigation. Hands-on application of troop leading procedures, written and oral combat orders, maneuver techniques, and field craft. Focus on leadership development, instilling the warrior ethos, and preparation for the Cadet Leader Course and potential for service as a junior officer. Two one-hour, twenty-five-minute periods of class work and two one-hour, twenty-five minute periods of laboratory per week.

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  • MS 3130 - Military Science Field Methods

    6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MS 3110  and MS 3120 . Six weeks of training normally taken during the summer between the junior and senior academic years. Training conducted at a designated U.S. military installation; practical experience in leadership, military teaching, weapons, and communications under field conditions. The U.S. Army pays the student for attending the training.

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  • MS 3140 - Military Leadership and Management

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Contracted students in Army ROTC and department chair approval. Dynamics of leadership and officership in the U.S. Army and inherent responsibilities of an officer in today’s environment discussed. Explores good and bad leadership, the principles of war, and their applications to war fighting through U.S. history.

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  • MS 4110 - Second Year Advanced Military Science

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MS 3110  and MS 3120 . Seminar in leadership and management designed to prepare the senior student for active duty responsibilities. The commander, the staff, the military team, and U.S. Army ethics are the main focus. Emphasis on instilling warrior ethos. Two one-hour, twenty-five-minute periods of class work and two one-hour, twenty-five minute periods of laboratory per week.

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  • MS 4120 - Second Year Advanced Military Science

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MS 3110 , MS 3120 , and MS 4110 . Seminars in leadership and management to prepare the senior student for active or reserve duty responsibilities. Focus is military law, U.S. Army writing standards, and organizational skills. Emphasis on leading soldiers in the complex situations of current military operations. Two one-hour, twenty-five-minute periods of class work and two one-hour, twenty-five minute periods of laboratory per week.

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  • MS 4520 - Leading and Developing Teams

    4 credit hours
    (Same as PRST 4520 .) Introduces students to the military definition of leadership and provides knowledge on how to design and implement training strategies to continuously improve their team’s performance.

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  • MUS 1010 - Recital Attendance

    0 credit hours
    Attendance at a minimum number of recitals and concerts given by students, faculty, and guest artists. Six semesters required for undergraduate music majors (see School of Music handbook for details). May be repeated multiple times. Pass/Fail.

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  • MUS 1020 - Music Enrichment Instrumental

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into Governor’s School for the Arts. A component of the Governor’s School for the Arts. Provides an opportunity for qualified high school students to get first-hand musical experience in an intense, academic, collegiate environment.

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  • MUS 1021 - Music Enrichment Vocal

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into Governor’s School for the Arts. A component of the Governor’s School for the Arts. Provides an opportunity for qualified high school students to get first-hand musical experience in an intense, academic, collegiate environment. Combines traditional large ensemble and opera workshop rehearsals and performances and voice master classes.

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  • MUS 1022 - Music Enrichment Piano

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into Governor’s School for the Arts. A component of the Governor’s School for the Arts. Provides an opportunity for qualified high school students to get first-hand experience in an intense, academic, collegiate environment. Combines traditional applied studio instruction, supervised practice sessions, chamber ensemble rehearsals and performances, master classes, and solo performances.

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  • MUS 1030 - Introduction to Music

    3 credit hours
    Meets part of the General Education Humanities and/or Fine Arts requirement. Perceptive listening to music of various styles and cultures including popular and world musics and Western classical concert music. TBR Common Course: MUS 1030

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  • MUS 1500 - Introduction to Piano

    1 credit hour
    A beginning group piano class for non-music majors. Prior knowledge of the piano not assumed. Skills covered by the class include reading and playing of pieces, basic exercises for the development of technique, a variety of short examples based on five-finger positions, and basic music theory. Students work at a digital Roland keyboard in class; includes weighted keys and individual headphones.

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  • MUS 1510 - Class Voice I

    1 credit hour
    Basic vocal techniques including posture, breath control, tone quality, and diction. Italian and English diction, Vaccai studies, and moderately easy song repertory.

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  • MUS 1520 - Class Voice II

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: MUS 1510 . A continuation of the vocal techniques in Class Voice I with addition of vocal flexibility, uniform tone quality in extending the voice range, interpretation of songs, and stage deportment in public performance. Further study of Vaccai, Italian art songs, and English songs.

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  • MUS 1530 - Class Piano I

    1 credit hour

    Acquaints beginning piano students with the keyboard. Includes such skills as note reading, basic chords for harmonization of melodies, improvisation, basic exercises for development of coordination and technique, transposition, repertory, and sight reading. TBR Common Course: MUS 1027

    NOTE: All undergraduate music majors (except keyboard principals) must take class piano every semester as indicated on the advising check sheets until the required piano proficiency exam is successfully completed. Concurrent enrollment in Class Piano I and Theory and Aural Skills I is required with the following exceptions: (1) The student successfully passed either Class Piano I or Theory and Aural Skills I, but not both, or (2) the student successfully passed one or more levels of Class Piano by examination. Students should see their advisors for details.

    Students wishing to continue piano after successfully completing the required class piano sequence may audition for piano applied lessons. Keyboard principals must take MUS 2550  and MUS 2560  in lieu of class piano.

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  • MUS 1540 - Class Piano II

    1 credit hour

    Prerequisite: MUS 1530 . Continuation of skills and concepts taught in MUS 1530 . Emphasis on standard piano repertory in addition to sight reading and functional piano skills. TBR Common Course: MUS 1127

    NOTE: All undergraduate music majors (except keyboard principals) must take class piano every semester as indicated on the advising check sheets until the required piano proficiency exam is successfully completed. Concurrent enrollment in Class Piano I and Theory and Aural Skills I is required with the following exceptions: (1) The student successfully passed either Class Piano I or Theory and Aural Skills I, but not both, or (2) the student successfully passed one or more levels of Class Piano by examination. Students should see their advisors for details.

    Students wishing to continue piano after successfully completing the required class piano sequence may audition for piano applied lessons. Keyboard principals must take MUS 2550  and MUS 2560  in lieu of class piano.

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  • MUS 2550 - Keyboard Skills for Pianists I

    1 credit hour
    Elementary-level sight-playing; three-voice, open-score reading; improvisation; harmonization using primary chords; transposition; and common patterns in two-octave range (scales, arpeggios, progressions).

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  • MUS 2560 - Keyboard Skills for Pianists II

    1 credit hour
    Intermediate-level ensemble and solo sight-playing; harmonization using primary and secondary chords; improvisation; transposition; four-voice, open-score reading; and common patterns in four-octave range (scales, arpeggios, progressions).

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  • MUS 2660 - Jazz Guitar Lab

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisites: MUTH 1110 , basic proficiency in reading music, and consent of instructor. Recommended: Class Guitar I or one semester of private instruction. Provides minimum background in performing popular guitar styles in an ensemble or studio situation. Course may be taken more than one semester for credit.

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  • MUS 3150 - Advanced Instrumental Conducting

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MUED 2320  and MUS 3140 . Further development of techniques, especially those relevant to choral and instrumental conducting. Laboratory experiences with large musical groups; conducting with records to develop awareness of musical texture, form, and general musicianship in all areas as related to conducting.

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  • MUS 3160 - Advanced Choral Conducting

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUED 2310 ; MUS 3140 . Further development of conducting techniques relative to the choral area. Emphasis on choral style and literature, scope and sequence of the historical perspective, and major developments in the choral art.

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  • MUS 3170 - Guitar Skills I

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MUTH 1110 , MUTH 1120 , and two semesters of private study. A skills course for improving reading skills and applying music theory concepts to the guitar. Topics will include arranging, harmonization of melody, reading from lead sheet format, improvisation, and standard repertoire suitable for a variety of performance situations.

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  • MUS 4100 - Independent Study in Music

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Intensive study of a chosen subject. An indication of reasonable skill and knowledge of research techniques, writing, and creativity expected. Requires permission of the instructor and director of the music school.

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  • MUS 4270 - Music Internship

    3 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Examination and experiences in music industry, music education, or instrumental or choral conducting. Music industry may include songwriting and the creative aspects of music, studio production, music publishing, and music merchandising. Music education may include public and private school settings, state board of education arts consulting, and music textbook consulting. Conducting may include school and church conducting, music publishing, and private or public orchestras and/or choirs. Pass/Fail.

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  • MUS 4360 - The Music Industry Professional

    3 credit hours
    Creation, examination, and experience in developing and implementing a business plan in the selected areas of the music business. Areas include studio teaching, freelance musicianship, contracting, performing, producing, nonprofit organizations, and similar areas of music specialization.

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Music (Applied)

  • MUAP 2342 - Private Instruction-Composition

    2 credit hours
    Experience composing original works in numerous media and styles to develop technique and self-expression. Topics include melodic and harmonic practice, orchestration, analysis, music form, score preparation, and audience psychology. Musical styles may embrace jazz, rock, pop, and electronics in addition to traditional and contemporary art music.

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  • MUAP 2351 - Private Instruction-Piano

    1 credit hour
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

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  • MUAP 2352 - Private Instruction-Piano

    2 credit hours
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

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  • MUAP 2361 - Private Instruction-Organ

    1 credit hour
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

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  • MUAP 2362 - Private Instruction-Organ

    2 credit hours
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

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  • MUAP 2371 - Private Instruction-Voice

    1 credit hour
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

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  • MUAP 2372 - Private Instruction-Voice

    2 credit hours
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2381 - Private Instruction-Violin

    1 credit hour
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2382 - Private Instruction-Violin

    2 credit hours
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2391 - Private Instruction-Violoncello

    1 credit hour
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2392 - Private Instruction-Violoncello

    2 credit hours
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2401 - Private Instruction-String Bass

    1 credit hour
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2402 - Private Instruction-String Bass

    2 credit hours
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2411 - Private Instruction-Guitar

    1 credit hour
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2412 - Private Instruction-Guitar

    2 credit hours
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2421 - Private Instruction-Flute and Piccolo

    1 credit hour
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2422 - Private Instruction-Flute and Piccolo

    2 credit hours
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • MUAP 2431 - Private Instruction-Oboe and English Horn

    1 credit hour
    Private instruction is available to qualified students on all orchestral and band instruments, voice, guitar, keyboards and composition. Those students enrolling in private instruction for the first time audition to determine if they are adequately prepared for college-level study. To arrange for an audition, students should contact the School of Music Office. One-credit private instruction courses require one-half hour lesson per week. Two-credit courses are for music majors only and require one hour-long lesson per week. A corequisite enrollment in an appropriate music ensemble is required for students registered for private instruction in voice, brass, woodwinds, orchestral strings, and percussion. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated for each semester of study. Students who are not prepared for such private instruction as stated above should register for class instruction, e.g., class piano, class guitar, or class voice. If class instruction is not available, students may be allowed to enroll in private instruction for one semester after which a faculty jury examination must be passed to continue private instruction. Private instruction course numbers will be repeated each semester of study. A maximum of four semesters of lower-division private instruction may be applied to a music degree. See Miscellaneous Course Fees for further information.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes


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