Sep 26, 2024  
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.



  • AERO 3731 - Unmanned Remote Sensing Lab

    2 credit hours
    Corequisite: AERO 3730 .  Students will apply concepts acquired during classroom sessions to construct a ground control station, modify and upgrade existing unmanned aircraft with payloads/sensors, train to operate sensors using simulators, and conduct flight-testing during the lab section of this course. Note: AERO 3730  must be taken concurrently. 

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  • AERO 3745 - Aerial Videography

    3 credit hours
    (Same as VFP 3745 .) Prerequisite: AERO 1710  with a grade of C or higher. Designed to give students the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills using multirotor platforms designed for professional aerial videography and industrial applications. Students will construct and gain experience on a small UAS before transitioning to “prosumer” UAS. Focuses on UAS operations, regulations, legal and ethical issues, and various aspects of aerial videography. Flight operations training will be conducted off-campus. 

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  • AERO 4040 - Aerospace Senior Capstone Lab

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: Senior standing. A departmental capstone course involving analysis, synthesis, and integration of academic experiences to ensure career readiness. Students participate in multi-disciplinary teams in the department’s FOCUS Lab, during which they operate a simulated airline. Examines contemporary issues in the industry including global and domestic aviation, environmental concerns, technology advances, aviation safety and security, labor issues, ethical issues, and economic issues in a practical setting through the team decision-making processes required to operate the simulated airline. Meets three hours each week.

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  • AERO 4050 - Aerospace Internship I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing and consent of department chair. Student is employed by an acceptable airline, airport director, or aerospace industry for 300 hours of field work. Pass/Fail.

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  • AERO 4060 - Aerospace Internship II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing and consent of department chair. A continuation of the internship program with a different employer and place of work or a significant job category change. Pass/Fail.

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  • AERO 4120 - Airport Operations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 3110 ; at least junior standing. An overview of airport landside and airside operations. Topics include passenger terminal operations, airport security, FAA regulations and inspection programs,14 CFR Federal Aviation Regulations Part 139, Airport Certification Manual, and Aircraft Operations Areas. 

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  • AERO 4130 - Aerospace Physiology

    3 credit hours
    Instruction, readings, and structured experiences to insure familiarity with the various physiological and health-related factors affecting a flyer’s safety and performance.

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  • AERO 4140 - Seminar in Airline Administration

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 2100  and senior standing. Capstone course for students selecting the airline management focus within Aviation Management. Individually directed course on a selected topic within the airline industry. Addresses specific airline industry issues and develops solutions to these issues in the global context within which airlines operate.

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  • AERO 4170 - Airport Planning and Design

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of department. Methods utilized in airport planning and design, including the consideration of the needs of stakeholders in the design process. Students will have opportunity to apply knowledge of airport management with the planning and design of a new airport in a major project. Students using this course as a capstone for the Airport Management focus within Aviation Management must also have AERO 3110 .

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  • AERO 4201 - Flight Instructor-Airplane Lab

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisites: AERO 4210 , current FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate, and consent of instructor. Flight and ground instruction leading to the FAA Flight Instructor - Airplane Certificate. Covers all topics of the Flight Instructor - Airplane Practical Test Standards. Flight fees required. NOTE: This is not an FAA Part 141 course.

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  • AERO 4202 - Flight Instructor-Instrument Lab

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisites: Current FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate with an instrument rating, AERO 3210 , and consent of the instructor. Flight and ground instruction leading to the FAA Flight Instructor - Instrument Certificate. Covers all topics of the Flight Instructor - Instrument Practical Test Standards. Flight fees required. NOTE: This is not an FAA Part 141 course.

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  • AERO 4203 - Flight Instructor-Multi-Engine Lab

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisites: Current FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate with an Instrument rating and consent of the instructor. Flight and ground instruction leading to the FAA Flight Instructor - Multiengine Certificate. Covers all topics of the Flight Instructor - Multiengine Practical Test Standards. Flight fees required. NOTE: This is not an FAA Part 141 course.

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  • AERO 4210 - Flight Instructor Fundamentals

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Commercial Pilot Certificate, Instrument Rating-Airplane. Ground instruction leading to the Certificated Flight Instructor - Airplane, Single Engine Land completed during the course. Fee required for exams.

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  • AERO 4220 - Advanced Certified Flight Instructor Fundamentals

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Certified Flight Instructor Certificate. Ground and flight instruction leading to the instrument and multiengine instructor ratings. Flight training for this course is to be taken at the MTSU Flight School. The ratings must be completed during the course. Students should consult with the chief flight instructor for a scheduled flight slot. Fee required.

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  • AERO 4250 - Professional Pilot V

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 3240 . Capstone course in the Professional Pilot concentration sequence. Provides students with an experiential view of the duties of a professional pilot. Topics include turbojet aircraft systems, advanced avionics and flight management systems, transport aircraft flight techniques (including operations in all flight regimes and in difficult operational conditions), and stall and upset recognition and recovery in transport category aircraft. Crew resource management, aeronautical decision making, and professionalism developed. Turbofan aircraft training in the format employed by air carriers, including LOFT scenarios in the department’s CRJ-200 flight training device. Meets for six hours per week; lecture and laboratory activities. Fee required.

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  • AERO 4301 - Advanced Aerospace Vehicle Structural Repair

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1340 , AERO 1380 , and AERO 3020  or simultaneous completion of AERO 3020. Non-typical structures including bonded and plastic structures. Includes planning and organizing of major structural repair projects and rebuilding of severely damaged aircraft. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 4311 - Aerospace Accessory Systems Maintenance and Repair

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 2331 , AERO 2342 , and ET 3610 . Practical experience in the maintenance, inspection, and repair of aircraft systems and components. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours per semester.

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  • AERO 4332 - Reciprocating Engine Troubleshooting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1340 , AERO 1380 , AERO 2342 , and AERO 3030 . Provides practical experience in inspecting and troubleshooting problems with reciprocating engines and powerplant systems. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 4340 - Maintenance Management Capstone

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Students must be in the last 18 hours of coursework before graduation. Students assigned a specific task directly related to the knowledge and skills gained during their progress through the Maintenance Management concentration. Students expected to complete assigned project with minimum guidance from the instructor. Pass/fail; passing grade required for graduation from the Maintenance Management program.

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  • AERO 4342 - Turbine Engine Inspection and Troubleshooting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1340 , AERO 1380 , AERO 3030 , and AERO 4312 . Provides practical experience in turbine engine inspection to include hot section inspection, engine operation, and troubleshooting. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 4371 - Advanced Aerospace Vehicle Systems Overhaul

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1340 , AERO 1380 AERO 4310 , and  ET 3610 . Complete repair and overhaul of complex aerospace vehicle systems including hydraulics, electric, pneumatics, fuel, and oil. Shop layout and quality control procedures stressed. Student must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 4381 - Advanced Aerospace Accessory Systems Maintenance and Repair

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1340 , AERO 1380 , AERO 4310 , and ET 3610 . Repair and overhaul of complex accessory systems and subsystems. Practical experience in overhaul of air conditioning, pressurization, oxygen, electrical power generation and control, electrical motors, electrical system configuration and troubleshooting. Student must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours a semester. Special fee applies for an electronics project.

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  • AERO 4392 - Aerospace Turbine Engine Maintenance and Overhaul

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 4342 . Field maintenance and repair of turbine engines and components. Includes limited overhaul procedures and techniques. Management procedures stressed. Student must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory meets for 90 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 4440 - Aircraft Performance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 3440 . Topics include determination of airplane performance given basic aerodynamic, propulsion, structural, and atmospheric characteristics/conditions. A flight test exercise is conducted at student expense. The flight test requires that the class meet at the airport campus for several weeks during the semester. Open class times before and/or after the class are recommended. Fee required.

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  • AERO 4580 - Flight Dispatch and ATP Written Preparation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1230 , AERO 3080 , and AERO 3510 . Must be 21 years of age before the Fall graduation date. First of two classes providing students with the knowledge required for certification as an aircraft dispatcher. Topics include dispatch resource management, aircraft systems and limitations, weight and balance, and aircraft performance. The FAA computerized aircraft dispatcher (ADX) exam must be passed during this course. Fall only.

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  • AERO 4590 - Flight Dispatch

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 4580 . Second of two classes providing students with the knowledge required for certification as an aircraft dispatcher. Explores factors necessary to prepare a flight plan such as weather analysis, enroute charts, dispatch release, and emergency/abnormal procedures. As this is the capstone course for the Flight Dispatch concentration, students must obtain the aircraft dispatch certification upon course completion.Spring only.

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  • AERO 4650 - Air Traffic Control: TRACON Operations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Grade of B in AERO 3640 ; corequisite: AERO 4651 . Focuses on operations of the Air Traffic Control Terminal Radar Approach Control and procedures and policies that apply to the safe and expeditious flow of air traffic in the National Airspace System. A final grade of B is required for continuation in the ATC program. Fall only. For complete ATC program policy go to

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  • AERO 4651 - Air Traffic Control: TRACON Operations Lab

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: Grade of B in AERO 3641 ; corequisite: AERO 4650 . Focuses on the many aspects of the Air Traffic Terminal Radar Approach Control System; radar and data side of the TRACON positions; and all procedures, regulations, and specific phraseology that apply to the safe and expeditious flow of air traffic. Designed to provide experience in real world simulation of the TRACON environment. Fee required. A final grade of B is required for continuation in the ATC program. Four hours contact time required per week. Fall only. For complete ATC program policy go to

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  • AERO 4660 - Air Traffic Control: En-Route Operations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Grade of B in AERO 4650 ; required corequisite: AERO 4661 . Focuses on the many aspects of the Air Traffic Control En-Route System. Radar and data sides of the En-Route positions addressed. Radar and Non-Radar procedures, regulations, and specific phraseology that apply to the safe and expeditious flow of air traffic presented. A final grade of B is required for continuation in the ATC program. Spring only. For complete ATC program policy go to

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  • AERO 4661 - Air Traffic Control: En-Route Operations Lab

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: Grade of B in AERO 4651; corequisite: AERO 4660 . Focuses on the many aspects of the Air Traffic Control En-Route System. Radar and data side of the En-Route positions addressed. Students will have opportunity to demonstrate all procedures, regulations, and specific phraseology that apply to the safe and expeditious flow of air traffic. Students will be required to attend labs to provide hands-on application of task and procedures used in the En-Route environment. Fee required. A final grade of B is required for continuation in the ATC program. Four hours contact time required per week. Spring only. For complete ATC program policy go to

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  • AERO 4710 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Capstone

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 3730  with a minimum grade of C. Capstone course in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Operations concentration. Actual UAS operations in the National Airspace System (NAS) conducted. Students required to successfully obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate prior to the end of the course.

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  • AERO 4719 - Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Lab-Multirotor

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: AERO 3720 /AERO 3721  with a grade of C or better or permission of instructor. Ground and flight instruction using advanced multirotor unmanned aircraft. Requires training sessions off-campus. Fee required.  

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  • AERO 4729 - Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Lab-Vertical Takeoff and Landing

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: AERO 3720 /AERO 3721  with a grade of C or better or permission of instructor. Ground and flight instruction using advanced vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aircraft. Requires training sessions off-campus. Fee required.

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  • AERO 4739 - Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Lab-Fixed-Wing

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: AERO 3720  AERO 3721  with a grade of C or better or permission of instructor. Ground and flight instruction using advanced fixed-wing unmanned aircraft. Requires training sessions off-campus. Fee required.

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  • AERO 4745 - Aerial Cinematography

    3 credit hours
    (Same as VFP 4745 .) Prerequisites: AERO 3730 /AERO 3731 , AERO 3745 , or VFP 3745 . Designed to give students opportunity to gain knowledge and skills using multirotor platforms designed for professional aerial photography and industrial applications. Students will gain knowledge in UAS operations, regulations, legal and ethical issues, and various aspects of aerial cinematography. Flight operations training will be conducted off-campus locations. Focuses on advanced skills in working with lighting, depth, focal field, and storytelling through three axis camera movement. 

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African American Studies

  • AAS 2040 - Survey African American History I

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AST 2040  and HIST 2040 .) The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion.

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  • AAS 2050 - Survey African American History II

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AST 2050  and HIST 2050 .) The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion.

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  • AAS 2100 - Introduction to African American Studies

    3 credit hours
    Introductory interdisciplinary survey course which examines the African American experience from enslavement through the present; social, religious, political, and cultural interactions evolving from that experience.

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  • AAS 3200 - Cultural Diversity: Competency for Practice

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AST 3200  and SW 3200 .) Prerequisites: SW 2570  and SW 2630 . Examines culturally appropriate practice issues that are essential considerations for effective service delivery, including African American families and ethnic subcultures predominant in the U.S.

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  • AAS 3250 - Perspectives on Black Psychology

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AST 3250  and PSY 3250 .) Application of psychological principles to the personality development and behavior patterns of African Americans, in light of cultural heritage and contemporary events. Implications for assessment and counseling.

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  • AAS 3340 - The Black Experience in Modern Afro-American Literature

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AST 3340  and ENGL 3340 . Prerequisite: Completion of 1000- and 2000-level English requirements with a grade of C- or better. Defines and traces the development and transformations of the African American literary tradition. Emphasis on analysis of historical, literary, philosophical, and cultural contexts.

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  • AAS 3470 - Geography of Africa

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AST 3470  and GEOG 3470 .) Cultural and physical geography of Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Emphasis on geography of humans specifically their demographics, settlement patterns, urbanization, internal and external migrations, ethnicity and ethnic tensions, humans and natural resources, and globalization.

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  • AAS 4200 - African American Film, Theater, and Television Images

    3 credit hours
    (Same as SOC 4200 .) Prerequisite: SOC 1010  or PSY 1410 . Survey of African-American film, theater, and television images in relation to social movements and social policy. Human behavior theory application and sociological paradigm application required.

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  • AAS 4530 - History of Jazz

    3 credit hours
    Study of the history and literature of jazz music including African roots, developments and aspects of style periods, and the contemporary state of jazz. Listening and analysis.

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  • AAS 4600 - Interdisciplinary Seminar in African American Studies

    3 credit hours
    Selected topics, issues, and problems in the African and African American experience. Course emphasis on primary source materials, critical reading, and critical analysis. Topics will vary. This course may not be repeated for additional credit hours in the minor.

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  • AAS 4750 - African American Social and Intellectual History

    3 credit hours
    (Same as HIST 4750 .) The changing ideology of race and the socioeconomic status of African Americans in the American experience; contributions to the culture and institutions of the United States.

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  • AAS 4755 - Race and Place: The Struggle for Fair Housing Since 1900

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AST 4755  and HIST 4755 .) Examines the rise of various twentieth-century federal housing policies that made homeownership affordable for most Americans for the first time in the country’s history. Particular emphasis placed on the exclusionary nature of these policies, their generational implications, and the activism that ultimately contributed to their demise.

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  • AAS 4990 - Independent Study in African American Studies

    3 credit hours
    Allows the examination of a specific topic within the study of Africa, the Caribbean, or America. Student conducts research and confers regularly with the instructor. Work must draw upon theories and methods applicable to African American Studies. See the program director for guidelines. This course may not be repeated for additional credit hours in the minor.

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Africana Studies

  • AST 2040 - Survey African American History I

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 2040  and HIST 2040 .) The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion.

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  • AST 2050 - Survey African American History II

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 2050  and HIST 2050 .) The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion.

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  • AST 3075 - History Abroad

    3 to 6 credit hours
    (Same as HIST 3075 .) Examines historical issues while participating in an educational abroad program. Experiential learning experience utilizes resources such as historical sites, museums, archaeological sites, and archives while abroad. Course is repeatable. Three to six credits may be applied to the History major as an elective. Three credits may be applied to the History minor as an elective.

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  • AST 3200 - Cultural Diversity: Competency for Practice

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 3200  and SW 3200 .) Prerequisites: SW 2570  and SW 2630 . Examines culturally appropriate practice issues that are essential considerations for effective service delivery, including African American families and ethnic subcultures predominant in the U.S.

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  • AST 3250 - Perspectives on Black Psychology

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 3250  and PSY 3250 .) Application of psychological principles to the personality development and behavior patterns of African Americans, in light of cultural heritage and contemporary events. Implications for assessment and counseling.

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  • AST 3260 - Apartheid in South Africa

    3 credit hours
    Survey of the history of South Africa from 1948 to present day, encompassing the oppressive apartheid policy introduced by the Nationalists, its mounting opposition in the 1970s and 1980s, its eventual collapse in the 1990s, and its legacy up to the present day.

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  • AST 3340 - African American Literature

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 3340  and ENGL 3340 .) Prerequisite: Completion of 1000- and 2000-level English requirements with a grade of C- or better. Defines and traces the development and transformations of the African American literary tradition. Emphasis on analysis of historical, literary, philosophical, and cultural contexts.

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  • AST 3470 - Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 3470  and GEOG 3470 .) Cultural and physical geography of Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Emphasis on geography of humans specifically their demographics, settlement patterns, urbanization, internal and external migrations, ethnicity and ethnic tensions, humans and natural resources, and globalization.

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  • AST 4180 - African Politics

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 3180  and PS 4180 .) Prerequisite: PS 1010 or permission of instructor. Comparative study of selected African political systems with different colonial traditions in the process of rapid change. The ideology and politics of development, political system forms and processes, modernization efforts, and the challenges of nation building.

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  • AST 4425 - Nationalism and Decolonization in Africa

    3 credit hours
    (Same as HIST 4425 .) Prerequisites: HIST 1110  or HIST 1120 . Explores the various ways that African nations achieved sovereignty and the struggles they faced in creating a new state. Designed to show how the social and political movements took on different forms according to the types of colonial rule imposed upon these communities.

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  • AST 4435 - African Slave Trade

    3 credit hours
    (Same as HIST 4435 .) Prerequisites: HIST 1110  or HIST 1120 . Focuses on the history of the African slave trade. Explores trans-Atlantic slave trade compared to other slaveries; historical significance and legacies of the slave trade; and the changing meaning of the term “slavery” and some modern forms of slavery that persist to this day.

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  • AST 4755 - Race and Place: The Struggle for Fair Housing Since 1900

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 4755  and HIST 4755 .) Prerequisite: HIST 2020  or HIST 2050 . Examines the rise of various twentieth-century federal housing policies that made homeownership affordable for most Americans for the first time in the country’s history. Particular emphasis placed on the exclusionary nature of these policies, their generational implications, and the activism that ultimately contributed to their demise.

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Agricultural Education

  • AGED 2230 - Introduction to Agricultural Education and Leadership

    3 credit hours
    Provides a foundational resource that covers each element necessary to be an agricultural education teacher. Focuses on current content, terminology, practices, historical practices, historical and foundational elements of agricultural education, leadership, Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs (SAEP), and the National FFA Organization.

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  • AGED 4120 - Alternative Fuels

    3 credit hours
    Nature, scope, and importance of alternative fuel vehicles in light, medium, and heavy applications. Topics include theory of operation and safety with an emphasis on gaseous and liquid fuels (ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, solar, wind, and other alternative fuels). Lecture/lab.

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  • AGED 4210 - Farm Power and Equipment

    3 credit hours
    Gasoline engines with actual work experience in overhaul. Work also with transmissions, hydraulics, braking systems, and other farm equipment including use of shop manuals, operation manuals, and parts books. Five hours lecture/lab.

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  • AGED 4220 - Methods of Teaching Agriscience and Agriculture Mechanics

    3 credit hours
    Integrating science into agriculture emphasizing biology, chemistry, and physics. Emphasis on mechanical skills such as small gas engines, gas welding, and electricity. Lecture/lab.

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  • AGED 4230 - Adult and Youth Leadership Program Development in Agricultural Organizations

    3 credit hours
    Program development in agricultural education and leadership. Conceptual understanding of program evaluation, development, process and practice, application of evaluation design and process for youth and adults in extension, community, and school-based programs.

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  • AGED 4240 - Workshops in Agricultural Education

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Teaching experience or approval of instructor. Designed to provide vocational agriculture teachers with intensive training in selected areas of agriculture. Check with your academic advisor.

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  • AGED 4241 - Production Agriculture

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Teaching experience or approval of instructor. Designed to provide vocational agriculture teachers with intensive training in selected areas of agriculture. Check with your academic advisor. (also Animal Science and Plant Science elective)

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  • AGED 4243 - Agricultural Mechanics

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Teaching experience or approval of instructor. Designed to provide vocational agriculture teachers with intensive training in selected areas of agriculture. A MAXIMUM OF SIX CREDIT HOURS IN EACH DIVISION.

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  • AGED 4244 - Farm Energy Alternatives

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Teaching experience or approval of instructor. Designed to provide vocational agriculture teachers with intensive training in selected areas of agriculture. A MAXIMUM OF SIX CREDIT HOURS IN EACH DIVISION. (also Animal Science and Plant Science elective)

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  • AGED 4245 - Problems of New and Established Teachers

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Teaching experience or approval of instructor. Designed to provide vocational agriculture teachers with intensive training in selected areas of agriculture. A MAXIMUM OF SIX CREDIT HOURS IN EACH DIVISION.

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  • AGBS 1201 - Agribusiness: Fundamentals and Applications

    3 credit hours
    Introduces key agribusiness principles and their application to the food industry. Major microeconomic, macroeconomics, and global forces influencing both producers’ and consumers’ decision of food and fiber products considered and discussed. Leading problems and current issues facing the industry discussed.

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  • AGBS 3140 - Real Property Law for Commerce and Agriculture

    3 credit hours
    (Same as BLAW 4470 /FIN 4470 .) Prerequisite: Junior standing. Legal rights and limitations of ownership of property, estates, titles, methods of transferring titles, abstract of titles, mortgages, leases, easements, restrictions on the use of property, real estate development, application of contract law to real property, and the role of real estate in the administration of estates. Emphasis on specific application to agricultural businesses and farms.

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  • AGBS 3150 - Avocational Agriculture

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AGBS 2130  and AGBS 3130 . Analyzes and evaluates potential opportunities, markets, and profitability of part-time agricultural enterprises. Examines potential advantages and disadvantages of part-time agriculture including cost, revenue, time restrictions and freedoms, management considerations, and profitable opportunities.

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  • AGBS 4115 - Agritourism

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AGBS 2130  or permission of instructor. Emphasis on any activity, enterprise, or business that combines primary elements and characteristics of Tennessee agriculture and tourism and provides an experience for visitors that stimulates economic activity and impacts both farm and community income.

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  • AGBS 4130 - Agricultural Price Analysis and Price Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AGBS 3130 . Analysis of the forces that drive agricultural markets, the risk inherent in these markets, and tools that can be used to defray agriculture-specific risk including production risk.

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