Sep 26, 2024  
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.



  • GEOG 4370 - Urban Geographies: Key Trends, Problems, and Solutions

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Explores different geographies of cities through contemporary socioeconomic processes that shape urban development. Cityscapes of North America and abroad surveyed to determine how cultural, economics, globalization, infrastructure, race, geography, and policy influence urban growth. Global networks and associations emphasized.

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  • GEOG 4460 - The Cultural Landscape

    3 credit hours
    Through behavior, cognition, and perception people assign meaning to the environment and transform spaces into places and create a sense of place. These dynamic processes result in cultural landscapes. Explores the types, methods, and meanings used by geographers to “read” those landscapes constructed by humans.

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  • GEOG 4470 - Rural Settlement and Agricultural Landscapes

    3 credit hours
    (Same as HIST 4471 .) Prerequisites: GEOG 2000 ; junior standing. A geographical analysis of forms, structures, and distribution of rural settlements in distinctive parts of the earth based upon their origin, function, and development. Special emphasis in analyzing rural settlements of middle Tennessee.

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  • GEOG 4480 - Recreational and Tourism Geography

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. A geographical analysis of natural and cultural factors influencing use of space for recreation and tourism. Concepts and themes such as globalization’s influence on recreation and tourism, long-term sustainability of recreational space/place, cultural landscapes of tourism, and public geography/history and the role of interpretation of places examined.

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  • GEOG 4500 - Geography of the Middle East and North Africa

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Situated at the intersection of Europe, Africa and Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa together form a complex and dynamic region linked by similarities such as environment, culture, and religion. Explores the geography of the region emphasizing current issues such as population and migration, religion, conflict, natural resources, geo-political alliances and globalization.

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  • GEOG 4540 - Geography of Indigenous Peoples

    3 credit hours
    (Same as HIST 4540 .) Prerequisite: junior standing. Historical and current examination of indigenous peoples from a geographic perspective including their locations(s), history, diffusion and migration, human/land relationships, cultural traits, and cultural landscapes.

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  • GEOG 4550 - Global Issues

    3 credit hours
    An examination of current global issues in the context of their geographic environment. Emphasis on geographic factors impacting those issues. Topics examined vary from year to year.

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  • GEOG 4572 - Internship in Cultural Geography

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Permission of department; junior standing. Practical work experience for students in a professional setting that relates to foundations and themes of cultural geography.

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  • GEOG 4772 - Field Course in Historical Geography/Archaeology

    3 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: HIST 4860  and ANTH 3210 ; junior standing; permission of department. Key elements of historical geography explored using archaeologically generated data. Themes such as migration, economic interaction spheres and linkages, public history/geography, and historical landscape change examined through archival and field work. Requires off-campus activities.

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  • GEOG 4990 - Senior Seminar in Cultural Geography

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Permission of department; senior standing. Required capstone course for all Human Geography majors. Implements acquired knowledge from previous cultural geography courses to develop a research project. Offers preparation for graduate study and/or job opportunities in geography.

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  • GEOL 1030 - Introduction to Earth Science

    3 credit hours
    Corequisite: GEOL 1031 . The earth and its relationship to its space and environment emphasized. Forces and processes which combine to mold the face of the earth and its atmosphere, as well as the internal constitution of the earth. Three hours lecture. Together, GEOL 1030 and GEOL 1031  satisfy 4 hours of the Natural Sciences portion of the General Education requirement.

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  • GEOL 1040 - Physical Geology

    4 credit hours
    Corequisite: GEOL 1041 . The origin, composition, and structure of the solid earth: rock-forming minerals; igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks; earthquakes and plate tectonics; surface processes; geologic time. Identification and description of minerals and rocks in hand sample. Use of topographic and geologic maps. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week.

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  • GEOL 1050 - Historical Geology

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisites: GEOL 1030 /GEOL 1031  or GEOL 1040 /GEOL 1041 . The major divisions of geologic time with emphasis on earth movements, sea fluctuations, life of the time, and the effect these have had on our present environment. Close attention to the development of the physiographic regions of North America, which are correlated with chronologically similar events in other parts of the world. Topographic maps, geologic maps, and fossil animals and plants. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week.

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  • GEOL 3000 - Mineralogy

    5 credit hours
    Prerequisites: GEOL 1030 /GEOL 1031  or GEOL 1040 /GEOL 1041  or permission of instructor. Crystallography and crystal chemistry. Physical and chemical properties of silicate and non-silicate mineral groups. Examination of the common rock-forming minerals in hand sample and thin section. Four hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week.

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  • GEOL 3050 - Field Methods in Geology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: GEOL 1030 /GEOL 1031  or GEOL 1040 /GEOL 1041 ; GEOL 1050  and knowledge of trigonometry recommended. An introduction to learning geoscience in the field with an emphasis on those aspects of rock formations relevant to environmental, hazard, natural resources, and energy applications. Topics include use of GPS, the Brunton Pocket transit, smartphone and tablet apps, and the Jacob’s staff. Students prepare a map and report. Two hours lecture/two hours fieldwork per work

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  • GEOL 3060 - Computer Methods in Geology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: GEOL 1030 /GEOL 1031  or GEOL 1040 /GEOL 1041  and GEOL 1050 ; major or minor in Geology/Earth Science. Extensive use of personal computers for processing field data, map contouring, geologic reports and illustrations, lettering and cartography, image processing, geologic databases, and digital maps. Brief treatment of classical cartography. Four to five hours lecture/laboratory per week.

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  • GEOL 3401 - Field Course

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Supervised study in some geological area preceded by classroom preview and concluded by a time of evaluation. Emphasis on the natural and physical elements of the environment, with special attention directed toward the geomorphology and geology of specific areas. For fees and specific credit, consult the director, division of geology.

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  • GEOL 3402 - Field Course

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Supervised study in some geological area preceded by classroom preview and concluded by a time of evaluation. Emphasis on the natural and physical elements of the environment, with special attention directed toward the geomorphology and geology of specific areas. For fees and specific credit, consult the director, division of geology.

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  • GEOL 4000 - Petrology and Petrography

    5 credit hours
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3000 . Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Theories of formation and evolution based upon mineralogical and geochemical evidence. Examination and classification of rocks in hand sample and thin section. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory per week.

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  • GEOL 4020 - Geomorphic Regions of the United States

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisites: GEOL 1030 /GEOL 1031  or GEOL 1040 /GEOL 1041 . Origin, regional distribution, and geomorphic features and history of landforms of the United States. Students will be required to analyze maps, structure sections, and aerial photography to determine geomorphic forms and the forces and processes that produced these forms. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week.

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  • GEOL 4030 - Invertebrate Paleontology

    5 credit hours
    Prerequisite: GEOL 1050 . Invertebrate and microscopic animal life of the past, including recently preserved representatives and their ancient fossilized ancestors. Numerous field trips to local fossil-collecting sites. Designed to aid in the preparation of earth science teachers, geologists, and biologists. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory per week.

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  • GEOL 4050 - Meteorology

    3 credit hours
    A general, non-mathematical introduction to the atmosphere. Emphasis on main elements such as temperature, precipitation, clouds, and humidity. In-depth analysis of storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes and human alteration of the atmosphere such as the ozone hole. Weather forecasting and climate change.

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  • GEOL 4070 - Sedimentation and Stratigraphy

    5 credit hours
    Prerequisites: GEOL 1050  and GEOL 3000  or consent of instructor. Sedimentary rocks, the process of sedimentation, the alteration of sediments through time, and examination of resulting stratigraphic units. Designed for geoscience majors and those with interests in soil mechanics and civil engineering. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory per week.

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  • GEOL 4090 - Problems in Geology

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: A minimum of 12 semester hours of geology (excluding GEOL 1030 /GEOL 1031 ) at least 6 hours of which must be upper division; consent of instructor. A problem-solving course. Includes an independent research-oriented project commensurate with the student’s interests and qualifications. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 hours.

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  • GEOL 4120 - Environmental Geology

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisites: GEOL 1030 /GEOL 1031  or GEOL 1040 /GEOL 1041  or PGEO 1030  or consent of instructor. Application of geologic information to minimize possible environmental degradation and maximize utilization of resources in the natural and modified environment; local examples and field trips. Topics include engineering properties of earth materials, natural hazard prediction and reduction, water supply, solid and hazardous wastes, mineral resources, global change, land-use planning, environmental impact analysis. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week.

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  • GEOL 4130 - Hydrogeology

    5 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 1720  or MATH 1730 ; GEOL 1030 /GEOL 1031  or GEOL 1040 /GEOL 1041 . Basic processes and measurement of the hydrologic cycle, including precipitation, evaporation, surface runoff, stream flow, soil moisture, and ground water. Emphasis on ground water including geology of occurrence, principles of flow, conceptual models of regional flow, chemistry and quality, well hydraulics, aquifer characteristics, resource development, detection of pollutants, and contaminant transport. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week.

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  • GEOL 4140 - Inorganic Geochemistry

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3000 . Principles of inorganic geochemistry. Geochemistry of the earth and solar system, isotopic geochronometers, thermodynamics and rates of geochemical processes, chemical weathering, chemical compositions of surface and groundwater. Three hours lecture per week.

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  • GEOL 4150 - Environmental Applications of Hydrogeology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: GEOL 4130 . An advanced course in hydrogeology that emphasizes applied methods for assessing hazardous and solid waste facilities and contaminated ground water remediation techniques. Included will be site characterization methods, ground water sampling procedures, and monitoring well installation techniques. Three hours lecture per week.

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  • GEOL 4571 - Internship in Geology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Major or minor in geology; 15 hours of geology/geography with junior or senior standing; permission of employer and department. Practical experience for students in a professional setting relating to geologic work. After completion of one internship, 4571 or GEOL 4572 , the other may be taken (total of six credits).

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  • GEOL 4572 - Internship in Geology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Major or minor in geology; 15 hours of geology/geography with junior or senior standing; permission of employer and department. Practical experience for students in a professional setting relating to geologic work. After completion of one internship, GEOL 4571  or 4572, the other may be taken (total of six credits).

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  • GEOL 4580 - Seminar in Geology

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: Senior standing in geology. A reading and discussion seminar in which current topics in the geological sciences are examined to broaden the major’s knowledge of the scope and literature of the discipline.

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  • GEOL 4740 - Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ABAS/BIOL/CHEM/PHYS/MATH 4740.) Prerequisites: YOED 3520  and BIOL 3250 /BIOL 3251 . Provides secondary science and mathematics teacher candidates with the tools that scientists use to solve scientific problems. Students will use these tools in a laboratory setting, communicate findings, and understand how scientists develop new knowledge.

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  • GERM 3000 - Group Conversational German

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisites: GERM 1010  and GERM 1020  or permission of instructor. One hour per week of experiences students may expect to encounter in a German-speaking community. Graded Pass/Fail depending on attendance, participation, and progress. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 hours credit; does not count for the minor.

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  • GERM 3050 - Survey of German Culture

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: GERM 2020  or permission of instructor. Covers the history of German culture through the eighteenth century. (GERM 3060 deals with the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.)

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  • GERM 3070 - Applied German

    3 credit hours
    Substitutes for GERM 2020 . Deals with specialized vocabularies (e.g., business, electronics, economics, music). Extensive readings in the student’s area of specialization and practical experience in drafting letters, outlines, reports, etc.

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  • GERM 3080 - Introduction to German Literary Studies

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: GERM 3010  or GERM 3020 . A foundation course emphasizing concepts and vocabulary fundamental to the study of German literature, techniques of literary analysis, and practice in literary analysis and research; preparation for 4000-level courses.


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  • GERM 3910 - Study Abroad

    12 credit hours
    Prerequisites: GERM 2020  or equivalent with B average or higher; declared major or minor in German; approval of Foreign Languages and Literatures Department. Semester enrolled at Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, Fachbereich der angewandten Sprachwissenschaften, in Germersheim, Germany, studying German language, literature, and culture. May be repeated once.

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  • GERM 3970 - Cooperative Education

    3 credit hours
    Provides students with opportunities for on-the-job training in conjunction with on-campus academic experiences. Students participate in professional growth seminars. Requirements of the department must be completed to receive credit.

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  • GERM 3980 - Cooperative Education

    3 credit hours
    Provides students with opportunities for on-the-job training in conjunction with on-campus academic experiences. Students participate in professional growth seminars. Requirements of the department must be completed to receive credit.

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  • GERM 4900 - Directed Study in German Literature and Culture

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: 15 hours of German or permission of instructor. Individualized intensive reading in primary and secondary sources relating to a specific topic in German literature or culture. Arrangements must be made with instructor prior to registration.

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  • GERM 4990 - German for Reading Knowledge

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Graduate Studies or permission of the instructor. For graduate students seeking proficiency in reading German for research purposes. Open to undergraduates seeking to prepare for graduate study. Will not count toward a major or minor in German.

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  • GERO 4800 - Special Projects

    1 to 6 credit hours
    (Same as SOC 4800 .) Field experiences or reading courses through which special interests or needs of the student may be pursued under individual supervision. No more than three hours may be used in the major. Arrangements must be made with an instructor prior to registration.

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  • GERO 4900 - Practicum

    3 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: GERO 2600  plus six hours of Gerontology electives and senior standing. Student is placed in an agency setting on a contractual basis. Application must be made the preceding semester.

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Global Studies

  • GS 2010 - Introduction to Cross-Cultural Experiences

    3 credit hours
    Required of all Global Studies majors or minors and Human Geography majors. Establishes a broad-based foundation for understanding varying perspectives and values in a culture other than one’s own. Differing global and international views on cultural and environmental issues past, present, and future. The student’s cultural background will be used for comparative purposes.

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  • GS 2500 - Understanding U.S. Culture and Education

    3 credit hours
    Serves as an introduction to U.S. culture and higher education in the U.S. for international students. Emphasis on various topics that beginning students who are new to the U.S. need to know in order to be successful in academic, research, or business programs in the U.S.

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  • GS 3000 - Globalization

    3 credit hours
    Required of all Global Studies and Human Geography majors. Explores concepts and history of globalization including forms and processes. Introduces historical antecedents and contemporary issues of globalization such as globalism verses globalization and Americanization, migration and cultural diffusion, civil discord, global and regional governance, technology, environment, media, gender and inequality, regionalism, and the cultural landscapes of globalization/globalism. Requires off-campus activities.

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  • GS 3010 - Field Experience and Study Abroad

    1 to 12 credit hours
    Three credit hours are required of all Global Studies majors or minors. Prerequisite: GS 2010 or approval of program director. Credit given for study abroad and/or extended field experiences in another culture. Pass/Fail.

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  • GS 3040 - Contemporary Migration: Global Trends, Local Implications

    3 credit hours
    Examines past and present trends in global migration; causes and effects of human movement; the impact migration has on host and home societies; emergence of transnational communities; evolving concepts of race, gender, and class in an era of accelerating globalization; and socioeconomic challenges caused by transnational immigration. Requires off-campus assignments.

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  • GS 3050 - Globalization Through Film

    3 credit hours
    Utilizes films to examine issues of globalization such as human diversity, movement of people and goods, and conflict. Compares and contrasts film’s history (specifically Western cinema) from creation, promotion, and perpetuating views of global cultures with those films produced in Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Middle East. Some off-campus film viewing possible.

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  • GS 3200 - Special Problems and Topics in Global Studies

    3 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: GS 2010 . A detailed examination of a problem or topic pertinent to Global Studies. Topics vary and may be taken as an independent study or in a traditional classroom setting. May be taken more than once for credit with different topics. No more than three (3) hours may apply toward the Global Studies major or minor.

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  • GS 3300 - Global Studies Internship

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: GS 2010, permission of department, and junior standing. Practical experience in a professional setting relating to Global Studies. Number of credit hours determined by hours interned and is subject to advisor’s approval. Six (6) hours can be applied to the major and three (3) to the minor. Pass/Fail.

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  • GS 3400 - China Under Transformation

    3 credit hours
    Critical examination of the immense changes taking place in contemporary People’s Republic of China. Topics covered include government, economy, political culture, family and children, sexuality, the Internet, films, avant-garde art, rock and roll, and sports with a special focus on how power and resistance to power exercised in various ways.

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  • GS 3990 - China and the World

    3 credit hours
    Critical examination of the nature and scope of China’s global impact. Topics include international trade, human rights, security and cultural clashes with a special focus on understanding the complexity of China at the international level.

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  • GS 4000 - Global Issues in Human Trafficking

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Human trafficking examined globally in regards to issues of recruiting, transporting/transferring, and harboring/receiving persons through force for the purpose of exploitation. Laws and preventative measures also examined. Students research trafficking issues in global contexts and engage in Experiential Learning activities by volunteering in service projects with registered and certified local non-profit organizations, whose missions are to combat human trafficking locally and globally.

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  • GS 4010 - Global Warfare and Culture

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Examines the philosophical and organizational influences upon the evolution of warfare and culture through societal, strategic, organizational, military, and human dynamics. Development of a warrior ethos among various cultures also considered. Case studies and off-campus activities required.

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  • GS 4150 - Ecotourism, Geotourism, and Sustainable Development

    3 credit hours
    In-depth examination of ecotourism (low-impact study and travel), geotourism (human engagement with abiotic resources), and sustainable development (interaction with and preservation of the natural environment). Examines the role humans play in interpretation and preservation of our natural and cultural surroundings from local, regional, and global perspectives. Requires field component(s).

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  • GS 4990 - Senior Seminar

    3 credit hours
    Required of all Global Studies majors or minors. Capstone course requiring projects reflecting integration and demonstration of knowledge and skills used by all successful global citizens. Projects determined by the student with advisement of the program director and may be completed on campus, abroad, or in the field.

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  • HLTH 1530 - Health and Wellness

    3 credit hours
    Corequisite: HLTH 1531 . Explores the role and importance of health and wellness in the lives of individuals and society in general. Laboratory venues will allow opportunities for assessment of lifestyles, decision-making, and research data on health and wellness. Lectures will provide concepts, information, and data involved in maintaining optimum health and wellness. Two lectures and one laboratory.

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  • HLTH 2600 - Introduction to Health Professions

    3 credit hours
    Examines select health professions. Includes admission procedures, training, post-graduate training, licensure, practice options. Designed to assist students interested in a health career make a more informed choice early in their undergraduate preparation.

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  • HLTH 3000 - Service Learning in Health Education

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: HLTH 1530 /HLTH 1531  and HLTH 3320 . Health and health care services and the principles, techniques, and context for service. Insight into service organizations, the basic methods and concepts of service learning, and the impact of actual service experiences. Offers background in the cultural, political, and social contexts of service experiences and serves as a forum for discussion of issues surrounding civic engagement and social responsibility. (An EXL course.)

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  • HLTH 3020 - Terminology in Health and Human Performance

    3 credit hours
    Develops vocabulary skills and provides content important to the health and human performance field. Self-study using the Internet.

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  • HLTH 3240 - Foundations of Health Education

    3 credit hours
    Historical issues, philosophical foundations, ethical considerations, and theories of health behavior and learning which provides a foundation for the practice of health education.

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  • HLTH 3260 - Environmental Health

    3 credit hours
    Covers influences of the physical and social environment on health including definitions of toxicology, risk assessment and management, occupational health, and the role of social justice and environmental regulations on health.

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  • HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education

    3 credit hours
    (Same as PHED 3300 .) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.

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  • HLTH 3320 - Assessment in Community and Public Health

    3 credit hours
    Basic preparation for health educators in community and public health programs with an emphasis on identifying and solving problems. Concentrates on the role of the health educator in needs assessment, effective communication, and the management of public health concerns.

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  • HLTH 3350 - Survey of Human Disease

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: BIOL 2030 /BIOL 2031  with grade of C or better. Introduces the foundations of organ systems and disease. Includes information on symptoms, diagnosis, and the impact of both infectious and noninfectious disease on organ systems.

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  • HLTH 3760 - Teaching Water Safety

    2 credit hours
    (Same as PHED 3760 .) Prerequisite: Beginning Swimming or pass a swimming assessment (must take before drop/add period ends). Designed to provide knowledge and skills needed for physical educators and recreational leaders to teach water safety.

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  • HLTH 4020 - Biostatistics for Public Health

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1710  with grade of C or better. Introduces the foundations of biostatistics for public health. Specific topics will include epidemiological study designs, hypothesis testing procedures, data visualization and statistical analyses. Emphasis will be placed on proper data collection, usage, and analyses for public health.

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  • HLTH 4080 - Alternative Therapy in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ATHT 4080 .) Examines the didactic and psychomotor concepts of various alternative and complementary therapies as they relate to the profession of athletic training.

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  • HLTH 4250 - Internship

    9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department; must be taken after major classes. On-site practical experience in an exercise science/health promotion program. Note: Students may enroll in a maximum of an additional 4 credit hours while enrolled in HLTH 4250.

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  • HLTH 4260 - Curriculum and Teaching Methods in Health Education

    3 credit hours
    Curriculum planning and teaching methods for prospective school, community, and public health personnel who aspire to teach health education.

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  • HLTH 4280 - Instructor’s Course in First Aid and CPR

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: HLTH 3300  or current Red Cross certification in multi-media first aid and CPR or standard first aid. Organization, planning, and teaching American Red Cross safety course. Red Cross instructor certification for successful completion. NOTE: Student must have current First Aid and CPR certification.

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  • HLTH 4300 - The School Health Program

    3 credit hours
    Offers preparation for leadership roles in school health services, instruction, and emergency situations, with special emphasis on evaluation.

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