Sep 26, 2024  
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.


Criminal Justice Administration

  • CJA 4860 - Security Administration

    3 credit hours
    The placement of the security function within an organization. The role of the security manager in developing a program to protect assets and reduce illegal losses, to protect against acts of terrorism, and to provide protection for personnel. The application of management techniques to the operation of the organization’s security division, including personnel recruitment and selection. Development of security survey techniques, identification of security risks, and techniques used to eliminate opportunities for theft, other crimes, and terrorist acts.

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  • CJA 4870 - Security Law

    3 credit hours
    An analysis of the legal background of private and proprietary security. Critical current legal issues in the private security field including terrorism issues. Legal and cooperative relationships between private and proprietary security operations and public law enforcement agencies.

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  • CJA 4900 - Readings in Criminal Justice Administration

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Open only to Criminal Justice Administration majors and minors. For the advanced student who is capable of independent study. Readings in a particular area of criminal justice relevant to the individual student’s interests. Preparation of an annotated bibliography and report required. Arrangements for this course should be made with the instructor prior to registration.

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  • CJA 4930 - International Criminal Justice

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: CJA 1100  or permission of instructor. Compares the American criminal justice system with those in other countries. Examines historical origins, structural differences, and varying degrees of effectiveness and efficiency in law enforcement, courts, and corrections in selected nations. Explores challenges posed by the globalization of crime and terrorism.

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  • DANC 1000 - Introduction to Dance

    3 credit hours
    Dance as an expressive art form, a symbolic language, and an integral aspect of world cultures. Lecture/discussion course for the general student population. Not a performance or activity course. TBR Common Course: DANC 1005

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  • DANC 1010 - Modern Dance Techniques I

    2 credit hours
    Modern dance techniques; emphasis on exploration of fundamentals of dance as a form of artistic communication. For students with little or no previous experience in modern dance. Meets three hours per week. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.

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  • DANC 1020 - Jazz Dance Techniques I

    2 credit hours
    Contemporary jazz dance techniques; emphasis on exploration of fundamentals of dance as a form of artistic communication. For students with little or no previous experience in jazz dance. Meets three hours per week. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.

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  • DANC 1030 - Tap Dance Techniques I

    2 credit hours
    Tap dance techniques; emphasis on exploration of the fundamentals of dance as a form of artistic communication. For students with little or no previous experience in tap dance. Meets three hours per week. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.

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  • DANC 1040 - Ballet Techniques I

    2 credit hours
    Classical ballet techniques; emphasis on exploration of ballet as a classical art form. For students with little or no experience in ballet. Meets three hours per week. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.

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  • DANC 1050 - Dance Performance Workshop for Governor’s School for the Arts

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Dance practicum for students involved with the Tennessee Governor’s School for the Arts. Designed to give experience in specific areas of dance study while students prepare for the Finale production.

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  • DANC 1090 - Dance Conditioning

    1 credit hour
    The study of a variety of physical conditioning methods, somatic practices, and injury prevention techniques that promote movement efficiency and physical development of the dancer’s body.

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  • DANC 3010 - Modern Dance Techniques III

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: DANC 2010  or permission of instructor. Intermediate/Advanced studio technique. Meets four and one-half hours per week. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits with permission of instructor.

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  • DANC 3020 - Jazz Dance Techniques III

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: DANC 2020  or permission of instructor. Intermediate/Advanced jazz dance techniques. Meets three hours per week. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits with permission of instructor.

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  • DANC 3030 - Tap Dance Techniques III

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: DANC 2030  or permission of instructor. Advanced tap dance techniques. Meets three hours per week. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits with permission of instructor.

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  • DANC 3045 - Pointe/Variations

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: DANC 3040  or permission of instructor. Study of pointe work with an emphasis on building strength, coordination, stability, proper alignment, and correct execution within the traditional format of a ballet class. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits with permission of instructor.

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  • DANC 3200 - Dance Improvisation

    2 credit hours

    Explores improvisation as a mode of dance training, creative inquiry, and performance practice. Students introduced to specific improvisational structures, approaches and scores, and will develop improvisational strategies within contemporary dance performance.


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  • DANC 3600 - Teaching Creative Movement for Children

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: 2000-level dance technique courses in ballet or modern dance and permission of department. Dance as a viable activity that can enhance the learning process. Explores the discipline of dance as basic to an education for all people. Educational and aesthetic theories and practices related to fashioning developmentally appropriate dance experiences for children. Offered even-numbered fall semesters only.

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  • DANC 4040 - Ballet Techniques IV

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Performance-level techniques and choreography for solo and ensemble pieces in both classical and contemporary styles. Meets four and one-half hours per week. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits with permission of instructor.

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  • DANC 4050 - Advanced Contemporary Techniques

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:DANC 3010 . Pre-professional level techniques and choreography for contemporary dance. Meets four hours per week. May be repeated twice with permission of instructor. Students will be expected to develop proficiency in multiple movement styles and learn advanced repertory. 

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  • DANC 4100 - Choreography I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Exploration of movement, technique sequences, and choreographic forms; basic elements of notation. Offered fall semester only.

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  • DANC 4110 - Choreography II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: DANC 4100  or permission of instructor. Directed study of a choreographic project. Exploration of choreographic techniques to develop an original group dance and the execution of plans for costumes, lighting, make-up, and sound. Offered spring semester only.

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  • DANC 4200 - Women in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Dance

    3 credit hours
    Examines dance as a field whose content shaped the identity of women in the United States. Representation and objectification of women in dance as it evolved and changed throughout the twentieth century and into the twenty-first century. Offered odd-numbered spring semesters only.

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  • DANC 4290 - Special Topics in Dance

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department; must have taken DANC 4100  and/or demonstrate proficiency in modern dance technique at the intermediate level. Allows students to explore topics not covered in regular dance curriculum enhancing student’s breadth of knowledge and career preparedness. Content varies based on faculty or guest artist instructing class. Topic, method of instruction, and prerequisite will be determined at time of scheduling. Course may be repeated.

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  • DANC 4600 - Dance Kinesiology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: DANC 2010  or DANC 2040 . An experiential study of the human body in rest and in motion. Emphasis on the skeletal and muscular systems in consideration of applications to dance performance, teaching and creative processes, injury prevention and rehabilitation, nutrition, environmental effects on the human body, and the emerging area of dance medicine while training for classical ballet and modern dance. Offered spring semester only.

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  • DANC 4950 - Directed Studies

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Available only to students in Theatre and Dance who have completed 50 percent of their coursework in their major and have an overall GPA of 3.2 for their last 30 hours of study; permission of department required. Proposals must be submitted and approved by theatre and dance faculty the semester prior to the beginning of the semester of enrollment. Individualized intensive instruction for students to pursue research and creative activity in a specified area.

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  • DANC 4990 - Senior Seminar in Dance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Successful completion of 75 credit hours and permission of department. A capstone to the dance student’s undergraduate career and preparation for transition to the professional world or graduate study. Includes lectures, workshops, professional guest speakers, and discussion sessions. Students will complete various paper-based projects, a capstone research project, resume, and portfolio construction.

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Developmental Studies Math

  • DSPM 0700 - Basic Mathematics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Placement pretesting. Intensive study of all mathematical operations with whole numbers, decimals and fractions, percent and equivalency, units of measure, word problems, geometry, graphs, elementary probability, and statistics. (All DSP 0700 courses are taught by Motlow State Community College faculty on the MTSU campus.)

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Developmental Studies Reading

  • DSPR 0700 - Basic Reading

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Placement pretesting. Intensive practice in identifying main ideas, sequencing, locating facts, using contextual clues, drawing conclusions, and making inferences. (All DSP 0700 courses are taught by Motlow State Community College faculty on the MTSU campus.)

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Developmental Studies Writing

  • DSPW 0700 - Basic Writing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Placement pretesting. Intensive practice in paragraph and sentence construction; intensive review of basics of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Skills refined through individualized laboratory work. (All DSP 0700 courses are taught by Motlow State Community College faculty on the MTSU campus.)

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Early Childhood Education

  • ECE 2350 - Human Development I

    3 credit hours
    (Same as CDFS 2350 .) Child development theories. Physical, cognitive, psychosocial development of the child, conception to three years of age. Diversity issues affecting development addressed. Twelve hours observation outside of class time required.

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  • ECE 3310 - Human Development II

    3 credit hours
    (Same as CDFS 3310 .) Prerequisite: ECE 2350 /CDFS 2350  with C- or better or permission of instructor. Physical, cognitive, psychosocial development of the child, from three years of age through middle childhood. Diversity issues affecting development addressed. Twelve hours observation outside of class time required.

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  • ECE 4100 - Residency I: Early Childhood Education

    9 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to the teacher education program; ECE 4300 /ECE 4301  or ECE 4380 /ECE 4381 ; ECE 4375 /ECE 4376 ELED 3150 . A field-based course in which students observe and actively work in pre-K to grade 3 classrooms. Includes mentoring from a university instructor and classroom cooperating teacher, competency modules, and problem-based learning cases to develop skills related to classroom management, assessment, supporting diverse learners, using evidence-based instructional strategies, collaborating with colleagues, and developing relationships with families.

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  • ECE 4110 - Residency II: Grades Prek-3

    12 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Successful completion of professional education requirements; admission to teacher education; major requirements in Early Childhood Education with at least a C- grade in each course; senior or graduate standing; minimum grade point average of 2.75 overall. Full semester of supervised teaching experience in two placements in the public schools. Pass/Fail.


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  • ECE 4320 - Assessing Young Children

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECE 2350 /CDFS 2350 ECE 3310 /CDFS 3310 ; ECE 4300 , ECE 4370 , and ECE 4380  may be taken concurrently; admission to teacher education program. In-depth study of assessment and evaluation of child development and early childhood environments for the purpose of planning instructional programs and environments for young children (birth-8). Strategies for gathering and recording information about children, including families and other professionals in the assessment process, and evaluation environments emphasized. Three hours lecture/discussion.

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  • ECE 4360 - Administering Early Childhood Programs

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education. Examines diverse early care and education settings and their influence on child development. Emphasis on program planning and administration in early childhood settings. One hour per week of observation required.

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  • ECE 4375 - Literacy in Early Childhood

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECE 4370 SPED 3010 ; prerequisite or corequisite: ECE 4320 ; admission to Teacher Education program. Corequisite: ECE 4376 . Study of emergent literacy and literacy concepts, birth through grade three. Includes methods of teaching and assessing literacy in a diverse environment. Use of children’s media and literature addressed. Three hours lecture plus two-hour morning experiential field placement weekly.

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  • ECE 4380 - Infant and Toddler Practicum

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECE 2350 /CDFS 2350 , ECE 3310 /CDFS 3310 , ECE 4370 ; admission to teacher education program. Corequisite: ECE 4381 . May be taken concurrently with ECE 4320 ; must be a prerequisite if not taken concurrently. May not be taken concurrently with ECE 4300 . Advanced knowledge and skills for working with infants and toddlers (birth-3). Lab participation involving interactions with children as well as planning and implementing curriculum required. A three-hour laboratory and a two-hour seminar per week.

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  • ECON 2410 - Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics

    3 credit hours
    As an aid to understanding modern economic society: economic concepts of national income and its fluctuations, inflation, unemployment, role of the banking system, monetary and fiscal policies, and international topics.

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  • ECON 2420 - Principles of Economics, Microeconomics

    3 credit hours
    As an aid to understanding modern economic society: economic concepts of consumer and firm behavior; the pricing of goods, services, and productive factors; international topics; and an overview of the American economy.

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  • ECON 3210 - The Financial System and the Economy

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 2410 ; junior standing. Basic introduction to the functions of financial institutions and markets in the conduct of domestic and international economic transactions. Within financial market context, focus on special role that money plays as an asset and a determinant of the price level, the cause of inflation and inflation’s effects on interest rates and borrowing costs, and the influence of Federal Reserve actions (monetary policy) on money and interest rates.

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  • ECON 3430 - Public Finance

    3 credit hours
    (Same as FIN 3430 .) Prerequisites: ECON 2410 , ECON 2420 ; junior standing; admission into the College of Business. Economic foundations of federal tax and expenditure policies. Current issues in federal budget policy. Policy applications illustrating key concepts such as public goods, externalities, income distribution, tax incidence, tax equity, and allocative efficiency. Intergovernmental fiscal relations.

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  • ECON 3510 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 2410 ; junior standing; admission into the College of Business. Analysis of national income, employment, and price levels. Monetary and fiscal policies; international economic relations. Note: For Economics B.S. and B.B.A. majors only.

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  • ECON 3520 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 2410 , ECON 2420 FIN 3010 ; admission into the College of Business. Second semester of microeconomic theory following ECON 2420 . Topics include consumer choice, the labor supply model, the life cycle model, choice under uncertainty, production and supply, the cost of production, perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, game theory, and the human capital model. For Economics B.B.A. and B.S. students only.

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  • ECON 3970 - Cooperative Education

    3 credit hours
    (Same as FIN 3970 .) Prerequisites: Junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Cooperative Education experiences provide students with opportunities for on-the-job training in conjunction with on-campus academics. These courses do not satisfy major or minor requirements. Interested students should contact the Career Development Center. Students will be selected for participation, and opportunities may be limited.

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  • ECON 3980 - Cooperative Education

    3 credit hours
    (Same as FIN 3980 .) Prerequisites: Junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Cooperative Education experiences provide students with opportunities for on-the-job training in conjunction with on-campus academics. These courses do not satisfy major or minor requirements. Interested students should contact the MTSU Cooperative Education Office. Students will be selected for participation, and opportunities may be limited.

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  • ECON 4100 - Law and Economics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission into the College of Business; junior standing preferred. Applies microeconomic theory to the analysis of legal rules and institutions. Examines the economics tools lawyers and experts use in analyzing antitrust issues. Topics include intellectual property rights, measuring compensatory damages in liability cases, current legal issues such as tort reform, the role of economics in bargaining and settlement, and antitrust law topics such as mergers and price-fixing.

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  • ECON 4260 - Financial Markets and Institutions

    3 credit hours
    (Same as FIN 4260 .) Prerequisites: FIN 3010  with a minimum grade of C (2.00) and admission into the College of Business. Examines the structure and functioning of our monetary-financial system. Emphasis on the institutional process of financial intermediation in the financial marketplace and the role that specific institutions and instruments play.

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  • ECON 4310 - Problems in Government Finance

    3 credit hours
    (Same as FIN 4310 ). Prerequisites: ECON 2410 , ECON 2420 , and admission into the College of Business. Current issues in taxation, theory of income taxation, consumption taxes, property and wealth taxes. Advanced treatment of tax incidence, tax efficiency, income distribution, fiscal federalism, and state and local budget issues.

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  • ECON 4390 - Employee Benefits

    3 credit hours
    (Same as FIN 4390 .) Prerequisites: Junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Includes descriptive review and taxation, legislative, and administrative dimensions of the major components of employee benefit plans such as retirement systems, deferred compensation plans, health insurance, death benefits, disability benefits, paid and unpaid time off. Technical analysis and problem solving emphasized to develop applied skills. Social insurance and international benefits integrated.

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  • ECON 4400 - Economics of Antitrust and Regulation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 2420 ; junior standing; admission into the College of Business. Economic analysis of the antitrust laws and their enforcement: price-fixing, collusion, mergers, monopolization, and vertical arrangements. Economics theories of regulation/deregulation applied to actual regulatory policies: natural monopoly; price and entry regulation; health, safety, and environmental regulation; and intellectual property. Includes historical development as well as current applications.

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  • ECON 4420 - Labor and Human Resource Economics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 2410  or ECON 2420 ; junior standing; and admission into the College of Business. Current issues and theories, returns to training and education (human capital), earnings differences; union impacts and government regulation of labor relations and labor markets; human resource information system modeling, including applied PC or mainframe data analysis and integration of Internet information sources.

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  • ECON 4440 - International Economics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:  ECON 2410 , ECON 2420 ; junior standing; admission into the College of Business. Differences between domestic trade and international trade, foundations of international trade, economic effects of free trade and restricted trade; mechanisms of international payments and structure of balance of payments; history and contemporary issues of trade policies and world monetary systems.

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  • ECON 4470 - Economic Development of the Third World

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:  ECON 2410 , ECON 2420 ; junior standing; and admission into the College of Business. Conditions and problems of the less-developed countries; causes, processes, and consequences of economic development; introduction to basic growth models, development theories, and strategies for development. Economic as well as noneconomic factors studied.

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  • ECON 4480 - State and Local Economies

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission into the College of Business and junior standing preferred. Analysis of state and local economies in the United States. Topics include local economic development; data sources for the analysis of local economies; comparing local economies; employment and the labor force; income and earnings; population and housing; identifying driving industries; impact analysis; cluster analysis; underemployment; local workforces; human capital; location, infrastructure, and natural resources; regional development policy; recruiting; tax incentives; technology and green policy; and examining short-term and long-term policy issues.

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  • ECON 4490 - Industrial Relations Legislation

    3 credit hours
    (Same as BLAW 4490  and MGMT 4490 .) Prerequisites: Admission into the College of Business and junior standing. Economic background and effects of government regulation of labor relations; emphasis on a detailed examination of the National Labor Relations Act as amended or expanded by the Labor Management Relations Act, the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosures Act, and Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act.

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  • ECON 4500 - Urban and Regional Economics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 2410 , ECON 2420 , and admission into the College of Business. Economic problems of urban communities, including problems resulting from population shifts to suburbia; urban planning; land utilization; revenue structures; urban renewal; transportation; problems of minority and poverty groups.

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  • ECON 4510 - Unions and Collective Bargaining

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MGMT 4510 .) Prerequisites: Junior standing and admission into the College of Business. The collective bargaining process: its evolution in the public and private sectors and its contemporary legal environment; compensation, institutional and administrative issues; strikes and impasse resolution procedures.

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  • ECON 4570 - Managerial Economics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:  ECON 2420 ; MATH 1630  or MATH 1810  or MATH 1910 ; junior standing; and admission into the College of Business. Familiarity with time value of money, spreadsheet, and regression analysis helpful. Microeconomic theories in depth; emphasizes practical applications in economic decisions. Topics cover fundamental economic concepts, theory of demand, theory of production, theory of cost, optimization, forecasting, game strategy in oligopolistic rivalry, long-term investment, and regression analysis.

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  • ECON 4600 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission into the College of Business and junior standing preferred. Problems of environmental quality and natural resource scarcity from an economic perspective. Topics include interaction between the environment and the economy, benefits and costs of environmental regulation, use of incentives to achieve least-cost pollution control, international environmental issues such as global warming, the role of natural resources in the U.S. economy, problems associated with natural resource scarcity and depletion, and problems related to consumption of renewable resources.

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  • ECON 4620 - Econometrics and Forecasting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:  ECON 2410 , ECON 2420 ; MATH 1810  or MATH 1910 ; junior standing, and admission into the College of Business. The application of statistical methods to economic problems; covers statistical inference, regression analysis in economics and finance, and an introduction to econometrics. Emphasis on applications to actual economic data and includes use of econometric software.

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  • ECON 4650 - Comparative Economic Systems

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission into the College of Business. Compares economic institutions and performance among nations; presents the historical and cultural context of economic evolution in selected nations; and examines the relationship between institutional arrangements and outcomes such as prosperity, liberty, and equality.

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  • ECON 4660 - History of Economic Thought

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:  ECON 2410 , ECON 2420 ; junior standing; and admission into the College of Business. Background of modern economic thought; ancient economic thought; the main current of developing economic analysis through feudalism, mercantilism, and the physiocrats; Adam Smith and the classical economists; rebels and the neoclassical economists; twentieth-century contributions.

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  • ECON 4680 - Health Economics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 2420 ; junior standing preferred. Introduces the application of economic models to health and the health care industry. Topics include individual health behaviors, demand for health care, health insurance and other institutions in health care markets, the role of government in health care, and health care reform. Empirical results and policy applications discussed.

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  • ECON 4700 - Sports Economics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:  Admission into the College of Business; junior standing preferred. Economic theories in the areas of public finance, labor markets, game theory, industrial organization, and price theory studied within the context of sports. Examines common misperceptions about sports-related statistical data and relates it to issues in the broader economy. Topics include benefits and costs of financing sports arenas, structure and competitiveness of sports leagues, antitrust exemptions, effects of title IX regulations, labor bargaining and negotiations, wage and price determination. Explores issues in collegiate sports such as potential for crowding out other college programs (the prisoner’s dilemma).

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  • ECON 4720 - Economic Issues in the Music Industry

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 2420 ; admission into the College of Business; and junior standing. Economic analysis of issues arising in the recorded music industry largely in response to Internet availability of music formats. Topics include structure, conduct, and performance of the industry; optimal copyright policy; the economics of digital piracy; superstars and variety; payola; economics of two-sided markets; policy analysis; and evaluation of effects on social welfare.

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  • ECON 4780 - Behavioral Economics and Finance

    3 credit hours
    (Same as FIN 4780 .) Prerequisites: ECON 2410  and ECON 2420 ; admission into the College of Business; junior standing preferred. Concepts in behavioral economics and finance. Focuses on common behavioral tendencies not well integrated into standard neoclassical economic theory. Topics include other regarding preferences, risk aversion, sunk cost fallacies, endowment effects, and common biases and errors in judgment and decision making. Explores applications of these concepts in finance and other areas of business.

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  • ECON 4890 - Internship in Economics

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing; admission into the College of Business; and recommendation of advisor. Supervised work experience in cooperating business firms or governmental agencies together with specialized academic study relating to the work experience. Pass/Fail.

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  • ECON 4990 - Independent Study in Economics

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Problems for intensive study are chosen in joint consultation between student and instructor.

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Electronic Media Communication

  • EMC 1020 - American Media and Social Institutions

    3 credit hours

    (Same as JOUR 1020 /RIM 1020 .)

    The power of the mass media and its effect on social institutions and practices. Develops skills of qualitative and quantitative social science research in the area of mass communication processes; examines media as social, cultural, and economic institutions that shape the values of American society, its political dialogues, its social practices, and institutions.

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  • EMC 1050 - Basic Digital Photography and Imaging

    3 credit hours

    (Same as PHOT 1050 .)

    Introduces simple and multiple image photography, principles, methods, theory, and practice for both Photography majors and non-Photography majors. Explores digital camera anatomy, operating, and handling while discussing proper in-camera exposure, metering, focusing, shutter speeds, apertures, depth of field, and camera accessories. Basic principles of lighting, design, and image composition discussed. Digital darkroom techniques and image manipulation using tool such as Photoshop included. Emphasis placed on the DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera. Students responsible for providing a DSLR camera for the class. Must have working knowledge of the Macintosh computer system.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

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  • EMC 2030 - Visual Journalism Production

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: EMC/JOUR 1020 and permission of department.

    Students shown how to gather information with words and pictures for the field of visual journalism by completing photojournalism assignments, producing images with still and video cameras, writing cutlines and voiceovers for images, producing images, using computer software to edit images and sound, and creating presentations for print and online media.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

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  • EMC 2120 - Sight, Sound, and Motion

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: EMC 1020  and writing competency. Animation majors/minors and media management students only; others, permission of instructor.

    Production elements and technology of the electronic media industry. Creative conceptualizations; elements of composition, the production process included. Basic visual and aural technology demonstrated.

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  • EMC 3010 - Media Production Seminar

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Practical experience in the conceptualization, pre-production preparation, and production of a specific program format. Integration of theory and skills from other Media Arts courses. Topics offered include filmed production, live television production, technical production experience, visual effects, animation techniques, augmented reality, virtual reality, and games. Topics will vary by semester offering. Can be repeated for 6 credit hours with different topics.

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  • EMC 3060 - Writing for Interactive Experiences

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: JOUR 1020 /EMC 1020  and EMC 2500  (may not be taken concurrently) or permission of instructor.

    Introduces fundamental principles of writing for interactive experience for specific audiences. Encourages students to explore content development; looks at creation of meaning in interactive media while providing skills in content development.

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  • EMC 3065 - Audiences and Messaging

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: EMC 2500  and EMC 3060 . Analysis of communication objectives, audience needs, and appropriate media in solving communication problems. Involves theoretical and practical application of mass communication theories.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • EMC 3070 - Introduction to Social Media Practice

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: EMC 3060  and EMC 3065 .

    Introduces social media history, approaches, and practical application. Overview of social media usage within and on behalf of organizations and institutions through a practical analysis approach that focuses on the application of social media techniques.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • EMC 3090 - Media Technology Seminar

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Introduces various aspects of the technology of media-its production, distribution, and consumption. Topics may vary by semester offering. Can be repeated for up to 9 credit hours with different topics.

    Three hour lecture/lab plus a varying number of production projects outside of regularly scheduled class time.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • EMC 3110 - Radio Station Operations

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: VFP 2410 ; instructor approval.

    Theory and techniques of sound production, recording, microphones, taping, and board equipment. Analysis of creative efforts and responsibilities in writing, production, and direction.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • EMC 3200 - Still Digital Imaging

    3 credit hours

    (Same as PHOT 3200 .) Prerequisites: Admission to candidacy; PHOT 2050  and instructor approval; must have some working knowledge of the Macintosh computer system.

    Computerization of traditional film images and use of digital cameras allows student to use different software programs to manipulate photographic images. Ethics and law discussed along with techniques and hands-on analysis of this new medium.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • EMC 3210 - Interactive Media Applications

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: VFP 2130  or permission of department.

    The application of video for online, mobile, and other new media delivery channels. Explores transformations inherent in the digital domain and the associated social and cultural ramifications. Students will create productions that reflect these concepts. Laboratory required.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes


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