Sep 26, 2024  
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-19 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


NOTE: Certain courses and programs require the use and/or handling of hazardous materials or equipment. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions and to take the required safety precautions including, but not limited to, the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) during the course or program to prevent incidences of injury to self or other students.


Academic Success Program

  • ACA 3000 - Theory and Practice of College Peer Tutoring

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: Consent of department. Provides training in the knowledge and fundamental skills useful to tutors in various academic disciplines. Pass/Fail.

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  • ACTG 2110 - Principles of Accounting I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: A college-level math course; ENGL 1010 ; sophomore standing. Financial accounting for proprietorships and partnerships with emphasis on the accounting cycle for service and merchandising organizations. Additional topics include accounting for receivables; inventories; property, plant, and equipment; and current liabilities. (Not open to students with credit in ACTG 3000 .)

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  • ACTG 2120 - Principles of Accounting II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ACTG 2110 . A continuation of financial accounting concepts with emphasis on debt and equity structures, the statement of cash flows, and ratio analysis. Managerial accounting topics include job, standard- and activity-based costing, cost/volume/profit (CVP) analysis, and budgeting. (Not open to students with credit in ACTG 2125  or ACTG 3000 .) [Same as TBR Community Colleges ACCT 1020.]

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  • ACTG 2125 - Principles of Accounting II for Accounting Majors

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ACTG 2110  with a minimum grade of C. Reporting for corporations with emphasis on issues relating to debt and equity, the Statement of Cash Flows, reporting for manufacturing companies, and other issues related to the profession of accounting. (Not open to students with credit in ACTG 2120 .)

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  • ACTG 3000 - Survey of Accounting for General Business

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: A college-level math course;  ; sophomore standing. Accounting cycle given minor emphasis; financial statement analysis and managerial uses of accounting given major emphasis. May be used for general business minors or M.B.A. candidates who have had no previous accounting courses. (Not open to Accounting majors and students with credit in ACTG 2110  and ACTG 2120 .)

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  • ACTG 3020 - Managerial Accounting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ACTG 2120  or ACTG 3000 ; junior standing; admission into the College of Business. Analysis of costs of products and services, recognition of quantitative techniques relating to management objectives, overview of master budgeting, and planning and control techniques. Designed for nonaccounting majors. (Not open to students with credit in ACTG 3310  or Accounting majors.)

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  • ACTG 3110 - Intermediate Accounting I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:   with minimum grade of C;  ACTG 2125  or ACTG 3000  with minimum grade of C; MATH 1630 ; GPA of at least 2.00; junior standing; admission into the College of Business; passing grade on departmental admission exam. Introduction to professional accounting standards and financial statement preparation. Review of the accounting cycle. Extensive coverage of time value of money concepts and accounting for and reporting of current assets; current liabilities; and property, plant, and equipment.

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  • ACTG 3120 - Intermediate Accounting II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ACTG 3110  with minimum grade of C and admission into the College of Business. Continuation of Intermediate Accounting I with professional accounting standards and financial statement preparation. Extensive coverage of accounting for and reporting of investments, long-term liabilities, owners’ equity and related issues, revenue recognition, accounting changes and errors, and cash flows.

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  • ACTG 4310 - Advanced Cost Accounting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ACTG 3310  with minimum grade of C;   or MATH 1530 ; admission into the College of Business. In-depth analysis of costs; quantitative concepts relating to management objectives, control, and planning. Cost analysis and management accounting practices and problems using a variety of problem sets, statistical techniques, case studies, computer applications, and other materials.

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  • ACTG 4420 - Accounting Internship

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Senior standing or consent of advisor; a plan of activities with the associated firm prior to registration; admission into the College of Business. Active employment with an accounting firm, governmental agency, or business firm for accounting field work; credit given for experience and research upon completion of acceptable work and formal report. (Not counted as part of 24-hour Accounting major requirements.) Pass/Fail.

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  • ACTG 4530 - Individual Income Tax

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ACTG 2120  or ACTG 3000  with minimum grade of C; junior standing; admission into the College of Business. Addressed to a determination of taxable income for individuals; federal income tax returns and research methods.

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  • ACTG 4550 - Introduction to Federal Income Tax

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:   with minimum grade of C or consent of instructor and admission into the College of Business. Federal income tax concepts applicable to business entities (C corporations, S corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and sole proprietorships) and individuals. Emphasizes the role taxes play in business and investment decisions.

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  • ACTG 4610 - Governmental Accounting and Reporting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ACTG 3120  with minimum grade of C and admission into the College of Business. State and local government accounting principles and procedures; classifications of accounts for budgetary and financial reporting; accounting for revenues and expenditures or expenses; reporting for funds and the governmental entity; and auditing the governmental entity.

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  • ACTG 4620 - External Auditing I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ACTG 3120  and ACTG 4510  with minimum grade of C. Applications of theory and principles of external auditing. Includes audit planning, risk assessment, evaluations of internal controls and evidence, substantive audit procedures applied to business processes, and preparation of audit reports. (Recommended for CPA exam candidates.)

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  • ACTG 4640 - Internal Auditing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ACTG 3120  and ACTG 4510  with a minimum grade of C; BIA 3620 ; and admission to the College of Business. Application of internal auditing concepts. Includes gathering and analyzing company data, assessing risk, applying professional and ethical standards, performing statistical sampling, and preparing internal audit reports. (Recommended for CIA exam candidates.)

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  • ACTG 4650 - Financial Accounting Standards

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ACTG 3120  with minimum grade of C and admission to the College of Business. Analysis of propositions, axioms, theorems, controversial accounting concepts, and authoritative statements and research on accounting principles.

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  • ACTG 4680 - Forensic Accountancy and Fraud Auditing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ACTG 4620  or ACTG 4640  with minimum grade of C or approval of department chair and admission into the College of Business. The practice of forensic accounting, i.e., nontraditional investigative aspects of accountancy (e.g., litigation support, business interruptions, etc.); emphasis on fraud prevention and the detection of fraudulent intent to obtain improper individual or group gains.

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  • ACTG 4840 - Study Abroad

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ACTG 3110  and ACTG 3310  with a C or better; junior standing; admission into the Jones College of Business. A short-term international business education experience designed to expose the student to the economic, political, cultural, and social environments of a foreign country(ies). Emphasis on the international state/status of the subject matter pertinent to the accounting discipline.

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  • ACTG 4980 - Independent Study in Accounting

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Senior standing; 3.00 overall GPA; consent of department chair; and admission into the College of Business. Accounting research or project in contemporary problem areas under direct faculty supervision. Aggregate credits allowable toward a degree may not exceed 3 hours under 4980 courses.

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Actuarial Sciences

  • ACSI 4140 - Mathematical Foundations of Actuarial Science

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 3110  and STAT 3150  or consent of instructor. Integrates calculus, probability, and risk management topics into fundamental tools for assessing risk in an actuarial environment. Calculus and probability topics include derivatives, integrals, partials, random variables, distributions, and conditional probability. Risk topics include frequency and severity. Insurance concepts such as retention, deductible, coinsurance, and risk premiums. For students in Actuarial Science, a preparatory course for a Society of Actuaries/Casualty Actuarial Society Course.

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  • ACSI 4200 - Introduction to Mathematics of Investment

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MATH 4200 .) Prerequisite: MATH 1920  or consent of instructor. Calculus and probability/statistics used to model and analyze investments in bonds, treasury bills, stocks, and other derivatives. Topics include obtaining the price of a bond as a function of interest rate, developing formulas for duration and convexity to study the sensitivity of price to interest rate, and mathematical modeling of investor preference and attitude toward risk.

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  • ACSI 4220 - Mathematics of Pricing Theory

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ACSI 4200 /MATH 4200  and ECON 2410 , ECON 2420 ; or consent of instructor. Applies calculus and theory of interest tools to intermediate topics in microeconomics. Topics include mathematics of supply, demand, and equilibrium; prices, costs, and the gains from trade; consumer behavior; elasticities; competition; monopoly; market power, collusion, and oligopoly; the mathematics of risk and uncertainty; and surplus economics. For students in Actuarial Science, a preparatory course for a Society of Actuaries/Casualty Actuarial Society VEE (validation by educational experience) course.

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  • ACSI 4230 - Mathematics of Compound Interest

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ACSI 4200 /  or consent of instructor. For students in Actuarial Science, offers preparation for the Society of Actuaries/Casualty Actuarial Society Exam 2. Topics include measurement of interest (including accumulated and present value factors), annuities certain, yield rates, amortization schedules, sinking funds, and bonds and related securities.

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  • ACSI 4240 - Mathematics of Interest Theory, Economics and Finance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ACSI 4230  or consent of instructor. Applies calculus and theory of interest tools to intermediate topics in microeconomics and macroeconomics and topics in finance. Topics include pricing activities, the simplified Keynesian model, interest and discount rates, valuation of payment streams, yield rates, amortization, cash flows and internal rate of return, stock and bond valuation, portfolio risks, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), efficient markets, capital structure, leverage, financial performance measurement, and basic option pricing and the Black-Scholes model. For students in Actuarial Science, a preparatory course for a Society of Actuaries/Casualty Actuarial Society Course.

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  • ACSI 4280 - Undergraduate Research

    1 to 4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Independent investigation of a selected research problem under the guidance of a faculty member resulting in an oral and written report of results. May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.

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  • ACSI 4330 - Actuarial Mathematics I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ACSI 4230  and STAT 4190 ; or consent of instructor. First of a two-semester sequence; offers preparation for a Society of Actuaries/Casualty Actuarial Society Course/Exam. Topics include survival distributions and life tables, life insurance, life annuities, and net premiums.

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  • ACSI 4340 - Actuarial Mathematics II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ACSI 4330 . Second of a two-semester sequence; offers preparation for a Society of Actuaries/Casualty Actuarial Society Course/Exam. Topics chosen from net premium reserves, multiple life functions, multiple decrement models, valuation theory and pension plans, and insurance models (including expenses and nonforfeiture benefits and dividends).

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  • ACSI 4600 - Problems in Actuarial Science

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Senior standing and consent of instructor. Students wishing to enroll must submit a written course/topic proposal to the department prior to the semester in which ACSI 4600 is taken. Proposal must be approved prior to taking the course. At the conclusion, each enrollee must submit a written report to the department.

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  • ACSI 4630 - Mathematics of Risk Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ACSI 4200 /MATH 4200 . For students in Actuarial Science, offers preparation for a Society of Actuaries/Casualty Actuarial Society VEE (validation by educational experience) Course. Topics include mathematical modeling of volatility; pricing of bonds, stocks, and other derivatives with uncertainty; benchmark portfolios; asset/liability management for property/casualty insurers; liability associated with a financially distressed company. Heath-Jarrow-Morton and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross models.

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  • ACSI 4640 - Mathematics of Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ACSI 4630  and ACSI 4200 /MATH 4200 . For students in Actuarial Science, offers preparation for a Society of Actuaries/Casualty Actuarial Society Course. Topics include risk management using options, interest rate swaps, interest rate caps, Black-Scholes analysis, Taylor series expansion to obtain hedge parameters, portfolio insurance, numerical procedures, interest rate derivatives, and use of Black’s model.

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  • ADV 3020 - Principles of Advertising

    3 credit hours
    Overview of advertising principles and practices including the role of advertising in society and the marketplace, consumer behavior, advertising media, budgeting and planning, and the creation and production of advertising messages.

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  • ADV 3060 - Issues in Advertising: Sexuality and Gender

    3 credit hours
    Explores use of sexuality and gender portrayals in print, broadcast, outdoor, and online and new forms of advertising from various theoretical perspectives and using actual cases.

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  • ADV 3170 - Strategic Communication Writing for Advertising

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ADV 3020  or permission of instructor. Techniques for analyzing, creating, and writing strategic messages for advertising and social media with attention to message strategy and presentation across multiple platforms.

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  • ADV 3480 - Media Strategy and Buying

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ADV 3020  or permission of instructor. Planning, implementing, and evaluating of media objectives and strategy in advertising, including media characteristics, limitations, and budgeting.

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  • ADV 3520 - Special Topics in Professional Issues

    3 credit hours
    (Same as JOUR/PR/VCOM.) Special topics in journalism, advertising, public relations, and visual communication focusing on practical applications. Topics change each semester and have included investigative, environmental, sports, and political reporting; visual editing; international public relations; and advertising account management. May be repeated up to 6 credits.

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  • ADV 4230 - Case Studies in Strategic Communication

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ADV 3170  and ADV 3480  or permission of instructor and junior standing. Problems, decisions, and decision-making processes of advertising and strategic communication managers. Emphasis on decision making across functional areas of advertising and strategic communication processes.

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  • ADV 4250 - Interactive Advertising and Social Media

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ADV 3020  or permission of instructor. Explores advertisers’ use of social media from various theoretical perspectives and using actual cases. Focuses on building skills in various platforms.

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  • ADV 4970 - Advertising Campaigns

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ADV 3170  and ADV 3480  or permission of instructor. Planning, designing, and executing all phases of a complete advertising campaign. An opportunity for advanced students to synthesize and apply skills from previous courses.

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  • AERO 1010 - Introduction to Aerospace

    3 credit hours
    History of aerospace, opportunities in the field, fundamentals of flight, navigation, meteorology, and Federal Aviation Regulations. Open to all students desiring a general and practical knowledge of aviation.

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  • AERO 1020 - Theory of Flight

    3 credit hours
    Topics include basic aerodynamics with emphasis on lift, weight, thrust, and drag forces and moments acting upon an airplane in flight. A flight demonstration is required at student expense. The flight demonstration requires scheduled time at the airport campus for guided simulator and flight demonstrations. Fee required.

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  • AERO 1340 - Introduction to Aerospace Maintenance

    3 credit hours
    Organization and operation of aircraft maintenance activities. Federal regulations and aviation maintenance law. Maintenance management function in practical settings. Lecture course that meets 45 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 1380 - Aerospace Maintenance Shop Practices

    3 credit hours
    Use of common tools, measuring devices, and special aircraft tools. Shop layout for aircraft maintenance management. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours per semester.

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  • AERO 1710 - Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems

    3 credit hours
    An overview of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), including UAS history, technology, and applications. Introduces methods of UAS operation, challenges to UAS integration, and regulations/standards governing UAS operation.

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  • AERO 2100 - Airline Management

    3 credit hours
    Introduces the organizational structure and economic characteristics of U.S. air carriers. Topics include passenger forecasting, route selection, marketing, scheduling, fleet planning, labor relations, and ticket pricing.

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  • AERO 2110 - Freight Systems

    3 credit hours
    An overview of cargo systems and transportation freight rates. Includes an analysis of transportation issues and the relationship between the shipper, the modes of transportation, and the consumer. Fall only.

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  • AERO 2201 - Professional Pilot Flight Lab I

    2 credit hours

    Prerequisite: AERO 2230  or simultaneous completion of AERO 2230. Flight instruction leading to the FAA Private Pilot Certificate; the first of four flight labs in the Professional Pilot concentration sequence. Private Pilot certificate must be completed during this course. Requires a minimum of four training sessions per week at the airport campus in the spring/fall semester and a minimum of five training sessions per week at the airport campus in the summer session. Fee required.

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  • AERO 2230 - Professional Pilot I

    3 credit hours
    First of five classes in the Professional Pilot concentration sequence. Provides students with aeronautical knowledge required for certification as a Private Pilot. Emphasis placed on acquisition of basic knowledge in the areas of aerodynamics, performance, systems, weather, Federal Aviation Regulations, and flight planning.

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  • AERO 2371 - Aircraft Welding

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 1380 . Various types of aircraft welding techniques and procedures. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets 45 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 2381 - Non-Metallic Structures: Dope, Fabric, and Finishing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: AERO 1380 . Aircraft fabric covering and finishing. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets 45 contact hours a semester.


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  • AERO 2710 - sUAS Remote Pilot Certification

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 1020 , AERO 1710  with minimum grade of C, and AERO 2230 . Offers preparation for students to take the FAA Remote Pilot Aeronautical Knowledge test. Topics will include regulations, airspace and requirements, weather, loading and performance, and small unmanned aircraft operations. Students acquire actual experience of operating in the National Airspace System (NAS) through a series of manned flights. Manned flight experience requires scheduled time at the airport campus for guided simulator and flight demonstrations. Fee required for manned flight experience. FAA Remote Pilot Certificate must be completed during this course at student expense. 

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  • AERO 2715 - Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Certification

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: AERO 1710  with minimum grade of C or permission of instructor. Offers preparation for non-UAS major students to take the FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Aeronautical Knowledge test. Topics include regulations, airspace and requirements, weather, loading and performance, and small unmanned aircraft operations. FAA Remote Pilot Certificate must be completed during this course at student expense.

    Note: UAS majors must take AERO 2710 sUAS Remote Pilot Certificate. 


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  • AERO 2720 - Small Unmanned Aircraft Components

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: AERO 1710  with minimum grade of C. Introduces students to components that comprise a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS). Students will gain hands-on experience in sUAS propulsion, electronics, autopilots, and structures.

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  • AERO 3020 - Aerospace Materials

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1010 AERO 1020 , and MATH 1810  or MATH 1910 . Explores materials used in aerospace applications throughout their development from the standpoint of their properties, economic impact, and future possibilities. The need for new materials to fill current requirements included. Lecture that meets for 45 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 3030 - Propulsion Fundamentals

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1010  and AERO 1020 . Principles of operations, major components, and important features of typical propulsion systems used in aircraft and missiles, from reciprocating to reaction. Lecture that meets for 45 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 3050 - Women in Aviation

    3 credit hours
    Explores the many roles of women in this nontraditional field. Research on the history of women in aviation and their political and social impact on aviation, industry, and the country.

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  • AERO 3110 - Airport Management

    3 credit hours
    An overview of airport management functions, including regulatory requirements, service facilities, traffic control, financing, personnel, public relations, environmental issues, and impact of airports within their communities. Fall only.

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  • AERO 3160 - Aviation Contracts and Leases

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 2100  and AERO 3110 . Examines the various agreements utilized by airports to define the terms and conditions for airlines, FBOs, concessionaires, air cargo operators, and other airport tenants. Analysis of the general provisions and requirements contained within airport leases and those specific to each tenant. 

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  • AERO 3170 - Aviation Safety

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 1020 . Addresses safety issues inherent in aviation operations, including human factors, maintenance and design factors, and weather implications. Examines numerous case studies involving aircraft accidents or incidents to assist students in identifying potential risks and hazards in the aviation industry. Introduces the Safety Management System (SMS) approach to increasing aviation safety.

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  • AERO 3180 - Transportation Systems

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 2110 . An overview of the structure and management of a logistics distribution system. Distribution logistics as a functional area and as a strategic element of the total transportation system. Spring only.

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  • AERO 3203 - Professional Pilot Flight Lab II

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Private Pilot Certificate; AERO 3210  or simultaneous completion of AERO 3210 . Flight instruction leading to the FAA Instrument Rating; second of four flight labs in the Professional Pilot concentration sequence. Instrument Rating must be completed during this course. Requires a minimum of four training sessions per week at the airport campus in the spring/fall semester and a minimum of five training sessions per week at the airport campus in the summer session. Fee required.

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  • AERO 3204 - Professional Pilot Flight Lab III

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 3203  and AERO 3215  or simultaneous completion of AERO 3215 . Flight instruction leading to the FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate-Airplane Single-Engine Land; third of four flight labs in the Professional Pilot concentration sequence. Commercial Pilot Single-Engine Land Certificate must be completed during this course. Requires a minimum of four training sessions per week at the airport campus in the spring/fall semester and a minimum of five training sessions per week at the airport campus in the summer session. Fee required.

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  • AERO 3205 - Conventional Landing Gear Airplane Laboratory

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: Private Pilot Certificate. Flight and ground instruction leading to conventional landing gear operation endorsement. Course includes flight and ground instruction. Fee required. NOTE: This is not an FAA Part 141 course.

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  • AERO 3206 - Advanced Conventional Landing Gear Flight Laboratory

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: AERO 3205 . Flight and ground instruction in a high-performance conventional landing gear aircraft leading to a log book endorsement in this type of aircraft. Fees required. NOTE: This is not an FAA Part 141 course.

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  • AERO 3210 - Professional Pilot II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Private Pilot Certificate and AERO 2230 ; prerequisite/corequisite: AERO 2010 . Second of five classes in the Professional Pilot concentration sequence. Provides students with aeronautical knowledge required for completion of the Instrument Rating. Emphasis on acquisition of basic knowledge in the area of instrument flight.

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  • AERO 3215 - Professional Pilot III

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Instrument Rating, AERO 3210 , and AERO 3203 . Required corequisite: AERO 3204 . Third of five classes in the Professional Pilot concentration sequence. Provides students with aeronautical knowledge required for certification as a Commercial Single-Engine and Multi-Engine Pilot. Emphasis placed on the acquisition of advanced knowledge of aerodynamics, performance, systems for single-engine and multi-engine aircraft, and Federal Aviation Regulations.

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  • AERO 3222 - High-Altitude Aircraft Operations Laboratory

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: AERO 3240 . Simulator and ground instruction in an aircraft simulator leading to a high-altitude log book endorsement. Fees required: NOTE: This is not an FAA-approved Part 141 course.

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  • AERO 3223 - High-Performance Aircraft Flight Laboratory

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: AERO 3204 . Flight and ground instruction in a high-performance aircraft leading to a log book endorsement in this type of aircraft. Fees required. NOTE: This is not an FAA-approved Part 141 course.

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  • AERO 3230 - Crew Resource Management

    3 credit hours
    Augments the student’s ability to understand the emotional and logical gaps in communication in the present-day aviation crew environment by developing a better understanding of the student’s relational style and personality traits in himself/herself and others. Personality profile is optional and confidential.

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  • AERO 3240 - Professional Pilot IV

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Commercial Certificate, AERO 3204  and AERO 3261  or simultaneous completion of AERO 3261 . Fourth class in the Professional Pilot concentration sequence. Provides students with an introduction to cabin class aircraft and flight in the multi-crew environment. Topics include advanced aircraft systems, flight management systems, crew resource management, aeronautical decision making, and aviation safety. Reviews Part 14 CFR Part 61, 91, 119, 121, and 135 regulations. Includes the training requirements of 14 CFR 61.31 for high performance and pressurized aircraft. Examines flight in cabin class aircraft using the training format employed by the air carrier industry. Includes LOFT assessments with students working as crew and learning typical air carrier procedures in the department’s BE-1900 flight training device. Meets for six hours per week and consists of lecture and laboratory. Fee required.

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  • AERO 3261 - Professional Pilot Flight Lab IV

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisites: AERO 3204  and AERO 3215 . Flight instruction leading to the FAA Commercial Pilot Airplane Multi-engine Land Certificate; last of four flight labs in the Professional Pilot concentration sequence. Commercial Pilot Multi-engine Land Certificate must be completed during this course. Fee required. Requires a minimum of three training sessions per week at the airport campus in the spring/fall semester and a minimum of four training sessions per week at the airport campus in the summer session. Fee required. NOTE: This is not an FAA Part 141 course.

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  • AERO 3301 - Sheet Metal Repair

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1340 , AERO 1380 , and AERO 3020  or simultaneous completion of AERO 3020. Provides practical experience in the repair of sheet metal structures, including major repairs and alterations. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 3322 - Aerospace Reciprocating Engine Overhaul

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1380  and AERO 3030 . Completion of a major overhaul on an aircraft engine, including procedures and acceptable techniques used in engine disassembly, inspection, repair, reassembly, and operational testing. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 3362 - Advanced Aerospace Engine Systems Maintenance and Repair

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1380  and AERO 3030 . The operation of powerplant component systems; induction, exhaust, instrumentation, engine electrical, and propeller systems. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 3371 - Aircraft Finishing and Non-Destructive Inspection

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1380 AERO 3030 , and AERO 3322 . Fundamentals of non-destructive inspection techniques including dye penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current, and ultrasonic inspection. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 45 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 3392 - Reciprocating Engine Maintenance Repair

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: AERO 1340 AERO 1380 , and AERO 3322 . Reciprocating engines including theory, construction, fuel metering, ignition, and operational maintenance procedures. Inspection and repair processes are applied to operating engine systems. Students must provide basic tools and safety equipment. Lecture/laboratory that meets for 90 contact hours a semester.

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  • AERO 3440 - Fundamentals of Aerodynamics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 1810  or MATH 1910 , PHYS 2010 /PHYS 2011  or PHYS 2110 /PHYS 2111 . Topics include the incompressible aerodynamics of powered flight to include theories of lift, drag and moments. Additional topics include stability and control, aircraft design, and compressible aerodynamics if time permits. A flight test exercise is conducted at student expense. The flight test requires that the class meet at the airport campus for several weeks during the semester. Open class times before and/or after the class are recommended. Fee required.

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  • AERO 3510 - Instrument Operations in the National Airspace System

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: AERO 2230 . (Not open to Professional Pilot majors or students who have completed AERO 3210 .) Introduces non-Professional Pilot students to flight in the instrument flight rules (IFR) environment. Topics include flight instrument systems, instrument navigation concepts, IFR communications, instrument charts and procedures (departure, enroute, arrival, and approach), and aviation weather in the IFR environment.

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  • AERO 3631 - Introduction to Air Traffic Control Lab

    1 credit hour
    Required corequisite: AERO 3630 . Focuses on the many aspects of the Air Traffic Control System; introduces the Air Traffic Control Tower, the Terminal Radar Approach Control, and En-Route systems. Students required to attend simulation labs which will give them hands on application of tasks and procedures used in the National Airspace System. Fee required. A final grade of B is required for continuation in the ATC program. Requires four hours contact time required per week. Fall only. For complete ACT policy to

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  • AERO 3640 - Air Traffic Control: Tower Operations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:  . Prerequisite: Grade of B in AERO 3630 . Required corequisite: AERO 3641 . Presents the many aspects of the Air Traffic Control Tower. Opportunity to learn the different positions, procedures, and regulations that apply to the safe and expeditious flow of air traffic. A final grade of B is required for continuation in the ATC program. Spring only. For complete ATC policy go to

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  • AERO 3641 - Air Traffic Control: Tower Operations Lab

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: Grade of B in AERO 3631 ; corequisite: AERO 3640 . Focuses on the multiple policies and procedures of Air Traffic Control Tower operations. Students required to attend simulation labs that provide hands-on application of tasks and procedures used in the National Airspace System. A final grade of B is required for continuation in the ATC program. Fee required. Four hours contact time required per week. Spring only. For complete ATC policy go to

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  • AERO 3710 - Unmanned Aircraft

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: AERO 2720  with minimum grade of C. Corequisite: AERO 3711 . Introduces students to elements that comprise unmanned aircraft (UA). Students will apply concepts acquired during classroom sessions and construct different unmanned aircraft, train to operate unmanned aircraft using simulators, and conduct actual flight testing during the lab section of this course. Note: AERO 3711  must be taken concurrently.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • AERO 3711 - Unmanned Aircraft Lab

    2 credit hours
    Corequisite: AERO 3710 . Students will apply concepts acquired during classroom sessions and construct different unmanned aircraft, train to operate unmanned aircraft using simulators, and conduct actual flight testing during the lab section. Note: AERO 3710  must be taken concurrently.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • AERO 3720 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: AERO 2201  or AERO 2710 , AERO 3710 /AERO 3711  with minimum grade of C, and FAA Remote Pilot Certificate. Corequisite: AERO 3721 . Introduces students to the elements of unmanned aircraft systems. Explores unmanned aircraft avionics, autopilot systems, first person video (FPV), on screen displays (OSD), communication systems, command and control (C2), ground control stations (GCS), flight control and mission planning software, and UAV launch and recovery systems. Note: AERO 3721  must be taken concurrently.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • AERO 3721 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Lab

    2 credit hours
    Corequisite: AERO 3720 . Students will apply concepts acquired during classroom sessions to upgrade and modify unmanned aircraft constructed in AERO 3711 , train to operate unmanned aircraft using simulators, and conduct actual flight testing during the lab section of this course. Note: AERO 3720  must be taken concurrently.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • AERO 3730 - Unmanned Remote Sensing

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: AERO 3720 /AERO 3721  with minimum grade of C. Corequisite: AERO 3731 . Introduces students to long-range communication and data links, UAS sensors in use today, geospatial data collection, and still imaging mosaicking. Unmanned aircraft constructed in previous courses and tethered balloons will be used to lift sensor packages used for geospatial data collection and still imaging mosaicking applications. Note: AERO 3731  must be taken concurrently. 

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