Sep 27, 2024  
2016-17 Graduate Catalog 
2016-17 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • ENGL 7640 - Dissertation Research

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Selection of a research problem, review of pertinent literature, collection and analysis of data, and composition of dissertation. Once enrolled, student should register for at least one credit hour of doctoral research each semester until completion. S/U grading.

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  • ENGL 7650 - Special Topics in Popular Culture Studies

    3 credit hours
    A theme, genre, period, text, or artist in one or more popular cultural media. Subject will vary each time the course is taught. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 7660 - Introduction to Graduate Study: Bibliography and Research

    3 credit hours
    Literary scholarship: its nature and scope; traditional and modern methods; the definition and solution of research problems; the production of literary scholarship. Required of all master’s students enrolling in English.

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  • ENGL 7710 - Special Topics in Folklore

    3 credit hours
    Selected area of folklore: folk narrative, folklore and literature, folk song, folk religion, proverb, or folklore of a particular group. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 7750 - Film Studies

    3 credit hours
    Covers such topics as the film text, adaptation, narratology, genres, ideology, authorship, theory, history, schools, movements, national cinemas, and film audiences.

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  • ENGL 7760 - Special Topics in Film Studies

    3 credit hours
    Examines a theme, genre, director, period, school or movement, national cinema, etc. Subject will vary each time course is taught. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 7999 - Preliminary Examination and Preparation

    1 credit hours
    Open only to students who are not enrolled in any other graduate course and who will take the master’s comprehensive examination during the term. The student must contact the graduate advisor during the first two weeks of the term for specifics regarding the details of this comprehensive examination preparatory course. Credit may not be applied to degree requirements.

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  • ENTR 6150 - Entrepreneurship

    3 credit hours
    Issues related to starting and growing a business. Focuses primarily on the development and management of a new venture, including developing the business plan. Addresses issues faced by entrepreneurs and explores relationships among various elements of the business plan to optimize performance.

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  • ENTR 6250 - Corporate Innovation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Theory and practice of corporate innovation and entrepreneurship. Emphasis on how to recognize and foster creative ideas within an existing organization and turn these ideas into actual innovations in the marketplace.

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  • ENTR 6350 - Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MGMT 6350 .) Explores the elements of social entrepreneurship and social innovation and how these approaches are used to solve the world’s social challenges. Uses systems and design thinking along with traditional business approaches to address social challenges and develop measures for organizational performance that include social impact measures in addition to traditional business performance measures. Students challenged to generate a social innovation or social entrepreneurship solution and develop a social venture plan to implement that solution.

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Environmental Science and Technology

  • EST 5770 - Pollution Control Technology

    3 credit hours
    Introduces air, noise, solid waste, and water pollution control technology. Legislative regulations and equality standards, pollution types and sources, detection and analysis instruments, and treatment principles and practices.

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  • EST 5780 - Air, Solids, and Noise Pollution Technology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: 8 hours each chemistry, biology, and physics or permission of instructor. Introduces air, noise, solid, and hazardous waste pollution technology, including legislative regulations and quality standards: sources, detection, and analysis instrumentation and practices, and treatment and abatement principles, equipment, and practices.

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  • EST 5810 - Energy and the Environment

    3 credit hours
    Introduces sources and methods of energy production and classifications of energy usages with emphasis on usage trends, energy conservation strategies, and alternate energy utilization.

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  • EST 5820 - Solar Building Design

    3 credit hours
    Introduces environmental and economic impact of solar energy for residential and light industrial construction including topics such as day lighting, passive solar design, and hot water heating.

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  • EST 5840 - Energy Auditing

    3 credit hours
    Introduces types of energy consumption and classifications of energy usages. Emphasis on conservation strategies and total management for residential and industrial plants.

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  • EST 5870 - Passive Solar Design

    3 credit hours
    Introduces passive solar techniques in the construction of residential and light industrial structures. Includes day lighting, passive solar design, methods, and system integration.

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Exercise Science

  • EXSC 5000 - Strength, Conditioning, and Human Performance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and weight training or permission of instructor. Theories and principles of strength training and conditioning and techniques used to become a certified strength and conditioning specialist or personal trainer.

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  • EXSC 5240 - Principles of Exercise Prescription and Assessment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 3830. Application of knowledge gained to practical situations; develop proficiency in using equipment and skills to evaluate an individual’s health risks and fitness.

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  • EXSC 5965 - Aquatic Exercise and Therapeutic Techniques

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ATHT 5965 /REC 5965 .) Examines the various uses of the aquatic environment to develop, maintain, and improve physical performance with practical development of skills and techniques and aquatic exercise programming. Combines both didactic and laboratory activities in an experiential learning environment.

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  • EXSC 6200 - Applied Human Work Physiology

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: EXSC 6650 . Investigation of how the physiological response to exercise is impacted by intensity, duration, type of muscular contraction, limbs involved, and body position.


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  • EXSC 6640 - Thesis Research

    1 to 6 credit hours
    (Same as HLTH 6640 /PHED 6640 /LSM 6640 .) Selection of a research problem, review of pertinent literature, collection and analysis of data, and composition of thesis. Once enrolled, student should register for at least one credit hour of master’s research each semester until completion. S/U grading.

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  • EXSC 6650 - Exercise Physiology

    3 credit hours
    Principles of exercise physiology. Acute responses and chronic adaptations of the body to physical activity, exercise, and sports participation and their impact on homeostasis examined. Physiological systems examined in detail.

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  • EXSC 6750 - Exercise Physiology for the Child and Adolescent

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 4830 or EXSC 6650 . Review, analysis, and synthesis of current knowledge and literature about the exercise responses of children. Emphasis on understanding the influence of physical growth and measurement on the mechanisms which underlie the developing functional capacities of the exercising child and adolescent.

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  • EXSC 6800 - Environmental Exercise Physiology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 6650 . Examines how the human body responds and adapts to diverse forms of environmental stress during exercise. Emphasis on delineating the mechanisms which underlie immediate responses and long-term adaptations that humans make while exercising under various environmental conditions.

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  • EXSC 6810 - Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 6650 . Overview of the physiological and biophysical mechanisms underlying cardiac function. Neurochemical properties of the myocardial cell, the physiological basis of cardiac muscle function, and the overall performance of the intact heart during exercise.

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  • EXSC 6830 - Laboratory Techniques in Exercise Science

    3 credit hours
    Laboratory experiences in testing, evaluating, and reporting in exercise science. Measurement theory related to validity and reliability of assessments addressed.

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  • EXSC 6840 - Advanced Principles of Exercise Prescription and Assessment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 4240 or equivalent. Provides theoretical and laboratory learning experiences for health risk appraisal, cardiovascular evaluation, and exercise prescription for healthy people and special populations.

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  • EXSC 6850 - Physical Activity, Exercise, and Disease

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 6650  or equivalent. In-depth survey and synthesis of the research literature examining historical and recent trends in physical activity participation and the health-related aspects of exercise, physical activity, and physical fitness. Physiological mechanisms underlying the positive effects of physical activity and exercise on risk reduction for disease identified and explored. Behavioral and environmental determinants of physical activity and regular participation in exercise reviewed.

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  • EXSC 6870 - Cardiovascular Assessment and Rehabilitation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 6650  or equivalent. Overview of the cardiopulmonary system and clinical rehabilitation. Laboratory experiences include cardiopulmonary function assessments, cardiac rhythm interpretation, and standard rehabilitation practices.

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  • EXSC 6880 - Internship and Special Projects

    3 to 6 credit hours
    (Same as HLTH 6880 /PHED 6880 /LSM 6880 .) On-site practical experience in an exercise science, health promotion, or sport management program. Those with extensive work experience will develop, implement, and conclude a project (research or applied) in consultation with the major professor.

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  • EXSC 6890 - Seminar in Exercise Science

    3 credit hours
    Current issues and research in exercise science and health promotion. Written and oral presentation of a research project required. Can be repeated for maximum 6 hours credit.

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  • EXSC 7200 - Applied Human Work Physiology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 6650 . Investigation of how the physiological response to exercise is impacted by intensity, duration, type of muscular contraction, limbs involved, and body position.

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  • EXSC 7750 - Exercise Physiology for the Child and Adolescent

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 4830 or EXSC 6650 . Review, analysis, and synthesis of current knowledge and literature about the exercise responses of children. Emphasis on understanding the influence of physical growth and measurement on the mechanisms which underlie the developing functional capacities of the exercising child and adolescent.

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  • EXSC 7800 - Environmental Exercise Physiology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 6650 . Examines how the human body responds and adapts to diverse forms of environmental stress during exercise. Emphasis on delineating the mechanisms which underlie immediate responses and long-term adaptations that humans make while exercising under various environmental conditions.

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  • EXSC 7850 - Physical Activity, Exercise, and Disease

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: EXSC 6650  or equivalent. In-depth survey and synthesis of the research literature examining historical and recent trends in physical activity participation and the health-related aspects of exercise, physical activity, and physical fitness. Physiological mechanisms underlying the positive effects of physical activity and exercise on risk reduction for disease identified and explored. Behavioral and environmental determinants of physical activity and regular participation in exercise reviewed.

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Family and Consumer Sciences

  • FCSE 5500 - Occupational Field Experience

    3 to 9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Directed participation in planned and supervised occupational experiences of eight hours field experience per week. Must apply previous semester.

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  • FCSE 5501 - Occupational Field Experience: Care and Guidance of Children

    3 to 9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Directed participation in planned and supervised occupational experiences of eight hours field experience per week. Must apply previous semester.

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  • FCSE 5502 - Occupational Field Experience: Food Management, Production, and Services

    3 to 9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Directed participation in planned and supervised occupational experiences of eight hours field experience per week. Must apply previous semester.

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  • FCSE 5540 - Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences Education

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Synthesis and application of relevant concepts relating to educational planning; changes relating to the development of effective family and consumer sciences education programs. A maximum of six semester hours credit may be applied toward a degree.

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  • FCSE 5550 - Curriculum Development

    3 credit hours
    Review of recent advances in family and consumer sciences education. Analysis and evaluation of selected topics, materials, and methods in terms of their appropriateness for reaching curriculum objectives in family and consumer sciences education..

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  • FCSE 5560 - Problems in Teaching Materials

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Application of principles and techniques involved in the selection and preparation of effective teaching materials and visual aids.

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  • FCSE 5570 - Occupational Family and Consumer Sciences Seminar

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Examination and analysis of program development, execution, and evaluation in a selected occupational area.

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  • FIN 5360 - Management of Financial Institutions

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 3210 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Application of principles of institution management with a focus on operations, policy making, asset, liability, and capital management of commercial banks and nonbank financial institutions.

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  • FIN 5430 - Real Property Valuation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 2450 or consent of instructor; FIN 3010 strongly recommended. Theory and methods of real property valuation. Qualitative and quantitative analysis incorporated to appraise residential and income-producing properties. Comparable sales, cost-depreciation, and income capitalization analysis emphasized.

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  • FIN 5590 - Independent Study in Real Estate

    3 credit hours
    Current controversial conditions in the field of real estate with concentration on major problems and policies in managing real estate and other related resources.

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  • FIN 5710 - Insurance in Estate Planning

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 3610 or permission of instructor. Insurance as it may relate to estate planning examined in detail. Focus on estate planning principles including the problems of estate liquidity, taxation, governmental regulation, and costs involved in handling estates. Also included are ownership provisions and beneficiary designations, settlement options, and trusts.

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  • FIN 5750 - Risk Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 3610 or permission of instructor. Analysis of major sources of liability loss exposures and the insurance coverages designed to meet those exposures. Noninsurance techniques such as loss control and risk transfer are also discussed.

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  • FIN 5790 - Independent Study in Insurance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 3610 or permission of instructor. Application of various insurance coverages to fulfillment of personal, business, and social needs. Special problems are chosen or assigned in areas of the student’s interest in joint consultation between student and instructor.

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  • FIN 5840 - Study Abroad

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and completion of core courses in respective field as determined by graduate business studies. A short-term international business education experience designed to expose the student to the economic, political, cultural, and social environments of a foreign country(ies), with specific emphasis directed toward the international state/status of the subject matter pertinent to the discipline.

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  • FIN 5890 - Internship in Finance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Graduate status and recommendation of advisor. Supervised work experience in cooperating business firms or government agencies together with specialized academic study relating to the work experience. Pass/Fail.

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  • FIN 5900 - TVA Investment Challenge

    3 credit hours
    Theories and concepts related to investing, security analysis, and portfolio management will be put to the test in the management of a real portfolio of stocks. TVA investment guidelines, portfolio management strategies, stock selection, investment gurus, individual investment styles, data sources and Internet sites, stock-screening techniques, and portfolio rebalancing.

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  • FIN 6000 - Survey of Financial Management

    3 credit hours
    Principles and tools of financial management including time value of money, security valuation, funds acquisition and capital budgeting, and cost of capital. May not be used for elective credit in graduate business degree programs.

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  • FIN 6060 - Econometrics I

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ECON 6060.) First core course in econometrics for students pursuing an M.A. in Economics. Focuses on ordinary least squares regression analysis, covering the problems of specification, multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation, and endogeneity. SAS statistical software used as a tool for manipulating data, conducting forecasts, carrying out Monte Carlo simulations, and performing statistical inference.

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  • FIN 6430 - Public Finance

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ECON 6430 .) Examines the role of government in the allocation and distribution of society’s resources. Topics include theories of government sector growth, public and quasi-public goods, externalities and agency theory, transitivity and completeness of voting preferences, income redistribution and economic justice, social insurance, health care programs, tax shifting and incidence analysis, efficiency and equity in taxation, and efficiency and redistributive aspects of deficit financing. Topics may involve case studies such as budget formulation, environmental policies, payroll taxes, and alternative tax structures.

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  • FIN 6450 - Monetary Policy

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ECON 6450 .) Prerequisite: ECON 3210 or equivalent recommended. Objectives and limitations of monetary policy, alternative monetary theories underlying policy decisions and the controversy among theories, transmission channels of monetary policy, alternative strategies used to achieve the objectives of monetary policy, practical considerations in the execution of monetary policy, global linkages and monetary policy, and the effects and consequences of policy decision on economic activity and business decisions.

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  • FIN 6460 - Equity Valuations

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ECON 6460 .) Prerequisite: FIN 3010 or FIN 6000. Focuses on the pricing of equity securities using discounted cash flow, relative valuation, and the Black-Scholes real option valuation approaches in the top-down analysis framework. Focuses on analyzing the macroeconomic environment, forecasting short-term and long-term stock market trends, performing industry analysis, identifying the key value drivers for the industry and stocks, interpreting accounting and non-accounting information necessary for valuation, establishing assumptions for equity valuation models, applying valuation quantitative models in the stock research project, and presenting equity research in a professional manner.

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  • FIN 6560 - Mergers and Acquisitions

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ECON 6560 .) Issues covered include the reasons firms merge, buyer and seller motivations, the assessment of merger prospect value, merger waves and their consequences, the concentration of economic power resulting from mergers, policies toward mergers, the effects of takeover defenses, and the effects of mergers on the economy.

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  • FIN 6710 - Financial Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 3010 or FIN 6000 . Theory of corporate finance with applications. Techniques and problems for maximizing wealth through the application of discounted cash flow analysis. Emphasis on risk, capital budgeting, and capital structure.

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  • FIN 6720 - Cases in Financial Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 6710 . Applications-oriented approach to managerial problem-solving. Topics may include working capital management, capital budgeting, cost of capital estimation, lease/purchase decisions, bond refunding, and international issues.

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  • FIN 6730 - Financial Institutions

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ECON 6730 .) Prerequisite: FIN 3010. Focus on the common and the distinctive aspects of the provision of financial services and the management of risk associated with those services. Roles, characteristics, and operation of financial institutions, constraints that these institutions face in meeting that objective, regulatory environment within which they operate, risks they face and the management of those risks, evolution experienced during the 1980s and 1990s, and the probable course of change in the years ahead.

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  • FIN 6740 - Bond Market Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 3810 or FIN 6000 . Analyzes fixed income securities. Uncovers innovations in bond markets, preparing students for careers in bond markets. Demonstrates active portfolio management and the analysis of yield spread trades in cash and futures markets. Approximates bond price using duration and convexity. Bonds with imbedded options, such as collateralized mortgage obligations, floaters and inverse floaters, and other derivatives, are financially engineered from the underlying fixed income securities.

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  • FIN 6750 - Advanced Corporate Finance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 6710  or consent of instructor. Topics include ethical decision making, advanced risk analysis, advanced project analysis, advanced capital structure concepts, valuation techniques, and cash flow analysis.

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  • FIN 6760 - Derivatives Valuations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 4910, senior Finance major/minor, or M.B.A. Explores and analyzes the key issues associated with theory and practice of derivatives instruments. Includes advanced topics dealing with pricing, risk management, and structuring of global derivatives products such as options, forwards, futures, swaps, caps, collars, and swaptions in the equity, foreign exchange, commodities, and interest-rate markets.

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  • FIN 6770 - Modern Applications in Finance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Science in Finance program. Includes mathematical, programming, and statistical tools used in the real-world analysis and modeling of financial data; applies these tools to model asset prices and returns, to measure risk, and to construct optimized portfolios. Examines real-world problems faced by investment advisors, consultants, and investors in putting fiance theory into practice.

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  • FIN 6780 - Portfolio Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: FIN 6460  and FIN 6740 . Focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of investment analysis, security selection, and portfolio management. Topics include asset allocation, investment policy statement, mean variance optimization, contemporary asset pricing theories, equity and fixed-income portfolio strategies, managing interest rate risk and credit risk, using derivatives in portfolio management, and alternative investment.

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  • FIN 6860 - International Financial Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FIN 3010 or FIN 6000 . International capital markets, exchange rate exposure, risk management, and other multinational finance issues. Essential not only for United States exporters, but also for those facing competition from abroad.

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  • FIN 6990 - Independent Study in Finance

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Independent readings-based study of a particular topic in finance selected by the student and approved by the instructor. Provides an opportunity to study special areas of interest for which regular courses are not offered.

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  • FIN 6999 - Comprehensive Examination and Preparation

    1 credit hours
    Open only to students who are not enrolled in any other graduate course and who will take the master’s comprehensive examination during the term. The student must contact the graduate advisor during the first two weeks of the term for specifics regarding the details of this comprehensive examination preparatory course. Credit may not be applied to degree requirements.

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Foreign Languages

  • FL 5500 - Introduction to Teaching Foreign Language

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of graduate coordinator. Introduces students to a variety of approaches and methods for foreign language instruction in elementary or secondary schools.

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  • FL 6010 - Foreign Language Acquisition: Theory and Practice

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of graduate coordinator. Acquaints students with major theories of foreign language acquisition and various approaches to language learning.

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  • FL 6020 - Reading, Writing, and Learning Methods for ESL

    3 credit hours
    (Same as YOED 6020 .) Prerequisite: Permission of graduate coordinator. Provides teaching ideas for promoting oral, reading, and writing development in English for K-12 English learners. Language acquisition theory, classroom organization, teaching strategies, and assessment procedures for effective English learner instruction.

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  • FL 6640 - Thesis Research

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of graduate coordinator. Selection of a research problem, review of pertinent literature, collection and analysis of data, and composition of thesis. Once enrolled for thesis research, students should register for at least one credit hour of research each semester until the thesis is completed. S/U grading.

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  • FL 6700 - Introduction to Linguistics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of graduate coordinator. Basic concepts of linguistic analysis, which are applied to linguistic phenomena in French, German, Spanish, and English.

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  • FL 6750 - Romance Linguistics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: FL 6700 , ENGL 6520 , or permission of graduate coordinator. Introduces linguistic heritage of Latin as manifested in modern Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Sardinian, and Rumanian. Earlier language stages as well as mechanisms of language evolution also examined. Knowledge of one Romance language helpful but not required.

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  • FL 6800 - Instructional Technology in Foreign Language Education

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of graduate coordinator. An introductory course with an emphasis on telecommunication and computer applications. Critical examination and evaluation of existing technologies and programs.

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  • FL 6900 - Issues in Foreign Language Acquisition

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of graduate coordinator. Independent study to address a problem or investigate an issue agreed upon by both student and instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.

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  • FL 6990 - Internship

    3 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of graduate coordinator. Three credits are given for a supervised teaching internship at MTSU; six credits are given for a teaching internship abroad. Under certain circumstances a self-designed, nonteaching internship may be undertaken locally or in a foreign country where the target language is spoken. Students should consult the graduate director in Foreign Languages and Literatures for details.

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  • FL 6999 - Comprehensive Examination and Preparation

    1 credit hours
    Open only to students who are not enrolled in any other graduate course and who will take the master’s comprehensive examination during the term. The student must contact the graduate advisor during the first two weeks of the term for specifics regarding the details of this comprehensive examination preparatory course. Credit may not be applied to degree requirements.

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Foundations of Education

  • FOED 5500 - Understanding U.S. Culture and Education

    3 credit hours
    Serves as an introduction to U.S. culture and higher education in the U.S. for international students. Emphasis on various topics that beginning students new to the U.S. need to know in order to be successful in academic, research, or business programs in the U.S.

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  • FOED 6020 - Educational Foundations

    3 credit hours
    Assists educational personnel in developing contexts and concepts in which educational problems and issues may be understood through awareness of findings in humanistic and behavioral studies.

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  • FOED 6022 - Foundations, History, and Legal Aspects of ESL and Bilingual Education

    3 credit hours
    Emphasizes the impact of history of education in terms of legislation and education initiatives which target and address the needs of second language learners in public school classrooms.

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  • FOED 6030 - School and Community Relations

    3 credit hours
    The reciprocal relationship of the two and the skills necessary for analyzing problems and utilizing data and technical skills in planning effective school-community relations programs.

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  • FOED 6211 - Educational Psychology for Classroom Teachers

    3 credit hours
    Examination of physical, social, emotional, and mental development of humans from birth to maturity. Basic theories of learning including behaviorism, constructivism, and humanism plus theories of motivating and facilitating learning processes in classroom settings.

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  • FOED 6520 - Problems of Evaluation in Higher Education

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to testing theory, design, and construction. Use of the evaluation process and instruments; instructions, advising, and research situations.

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  • FOED 6570 - Issues in Higher Education

    3 credit hours
    Higher education in America and its historical, philosophical, political, and sociological background, development, and relationships. Current trends and problems, particularly those relating to the financial and legal aspects.

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  • FOED 6610 - Analysis and Application of Educational Research

    3 credit hours
    Qualitative and quantitative research applicable to the field of education. Both producers and consumers of educational research with a literature review presented to support possible solutions to significant hypotheses or problems.

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  • FOED 6620 - Action Research for Practitioner-Based Learning Environments

    3 credit hours
    Examination of action research processes as related and applied to practitioner-required and work-based settings. Design and implementation of an IRB-approved action research study related to a selected learning environment.

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  • FOED 6630 - Educational Tests and Measurements

    3 credit hours
    Basic concepts in educational measurement and evaluation; evaluation as a part of the teaching-learning process; utilization of evaluation for instructional improvement.

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  • FOED 6850 - Cultural Issues in Education

    3 credit hours
    Explores our unique American multiculture and fosters exploration of teaching for diversity while promoting unity. Explores basic components of multicultural education and aids educators in developing awareness, understanding, and sensitivity to the needs and interests of ethnic and cultural groups.

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  • FOED 6860 - Education and Digital Youth: Language Learning in a Participatory Culture

    3 credit hours
    Examines the impact of digital media and the current school-aged population of English language learners. Emphasis on language learning and instruction using a variety of online media, developing multiple literacies, and designing appropriate language and content instruction using appropriate web tools.

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  • FOED 6999 - Comprehensive Examination and Preparation

    1 credit hours
    Open only to students who are not enrolled in any other graduate course and who will take the master’s comprehensive examination during the term. The student must contact the graduate advisor during the first two weeks of the term for specifics regarding the details of this comprehensive examination preparatory course. Credit may not be applied to degree requirements.

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  • FOED 7060 - Seminar in Educational Foundations

    3 credit hours
    Opportunities to think reflectively and critically on the historical, philosophical, and psychological foundations of education and attendant implications.

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  • FOED 7080 - Contributions of Psychology to Education

    3 credit hours
    Concepts and generalizations of the various theories of psychology and their relationships to education in such areas as motivation, retention, evaluation, discipline, capacity, practice, understanding, transfer-creative thinking, problem solving, and methods of instruction.

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  • FOED 7520 - Problems of Evaluation in Higher Education

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to testing theory, design, and construction. Use of the evaluation process and instruments; instructions, advising, and research situations.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes


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