Sep 27, 2024  
2016-17 Graduate Catalog 
2016-17 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • ENGL 6270 - Studies in Victorian Literature

    3 credit hours
    Intellectual backgrounds of the Victorian period; major prose writers: Macaulay, Carlyle, Newman, Mill, Ruskin, Arnold, Pater; major poets: Tennyson, Browning, Arnold.

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  • ENGL 6290 - Modern British Literature

    3 credit hours
    Intellectual backgrounds of modern British literature; major novelists: Forster, Woolf, Joyce, Lawrence; major poets: Yeats, Eliot, Auden, Thomas; selected minor writers.

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  • ENGL 6305 - Special Topics in Children’s and Adolescent Literature

    3 credit hours
    Selected genre, period, ethnicity, tradition, or literary focus on children’s and/or young adult literature. Subject will vary with instructor. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 6320 - Postcolonial Literature and Theory

    3 credit hours
    Introduces postcolonial studies through an exploration of seminal literary and critical writings in the field. Primary focus on the critical thought and discursive practices that define postcolonial discourse and their application to literature that engages issues of colonialism, its aftermath, and other forms of imperialism.

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  • ENGL 6330 - Major American Writers

    3 credit hours
    An in-depth study of two or three American writers. Course varies according to interests of instructor and students. May be taken for multiple credit up to 6 hours.

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  • ENGL 6360 - Studies in Southern Literature

    3 credit hours
    Themes, theories, movements, and types of literature produced in the American South with particular emphasis on selected authors and texts.

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  • ENGL 6370 - Satire

    3 credit hours
    Satire as a distinct genre, emphasizing its continuity in Western literature from antiquity to the present; representative works from four periods: ancient, medieval and Renaissance, eighteenth century, and modern; prose, poetry, and drama.

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  • ENGL 6380 - Contemporary Critical Theory

    3 credit hours
    Covers major critical trends in literary theory since 1965, including feminist, Marxist, structuralist, and deconstructive approaches to literature. Students explore background and implications of these theories and analyze selected works of literature in light of these approaches.

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  • ENGL 6390 - Reading Postmodernism

    3 credit hours
    Theoretical discourse which works to define the cultural mindset known as postmodernism. Theories examined will be applied to examples of postmodern literature, film, and/or television. Topics emphasized include the instability of social and cultural categories, the dissolving boundaries between high and low culture and art, and the subversion of realist narrative strategies.

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  • ENGL 6400 - American Literature to 1800

    3 credit hours
    Surveys literature associated with the discovery and colonization of America from the first recorded European encounters with the New World until just after the founding of the United States. The readings represent a rich variety of genres (reports, letters, poetry, histories, journals/diaries, autobiographies, sermons, novels, slave/captivity narratives, trickster tales, drama, etc.) in accordance with the broad definition of literature characteristic of the period.

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  • ENGL 6410 - Studies in American Literature: 1800-1860

    3 credit hours
    Surveys literature associated with the Romantic period in American literary history, from the beginning of the nineteenth century through the 1860’s. Writing across a variety of genres including essays, short stories, poetry, novels, and slave narratives. Authors of this era answered the calls that had been made since the nation was founded for an artistically sophisticated and distinctive national literature.

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  • ENGL 6420 - Studies in American Literature: 1860-1910

    3 credit hours
    Covers the development of American literature from roughly the Civil War to World War I, including the rise of realism, naturalism, regionalism, and local color. Considers historical and cultural contexts.

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  • ENGL 6430 - Studies in American Literature: 1910-1950

    3 credit hours
    Covers the rise of American modernism, including experiments in fiction, drama, and verse; considers the phenomenon of expatriation, the radical visions of the depression decade, and the literary experience of the two world wars.

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  • ENGL 6450 - Contemporary Women’s Literature

    3 credit hours
    Study of recent women writers with emphasis on the relationship between literature and the social and political status of women. Addresses diverse writers and issues of difference among women, including race, class, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, and other determinants of individual and group identity.

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  • ENGL 6455 - Special Topics in Women’s Literature

    3 credit hours
    Study of selected women authors with a focus on the way women’s voices contribute to literary discourse. Subject will vary with instructor. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 6470 - Studies in Narratology

    3 credit hours
    Examines modern and contemporary theories of narrative (modernist, rhetorical, structuralist, dialogical) with particular application to selected authors and texts.

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  • ENGL 6490 - Studies in the Novel

    3 credit hours
    The novel as a literary genre may be approached from a variety of perspectives, including generic, historical, theoretical, or single-author approaches. Course varies according to interests of instructor and students.

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  • ENGL 6500 - Selected Topics in Literature and Language

    3 credit hours
    A specialized field of literary or linguistic inquiry, its bibliography, critical problems, and probable solutions. Topics vary with the professor assigned to the course. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 6505 - History of Rhetoric: Ancient to Renaissance

    3 credit hours
    An examination of the major theorists and themes, including literary and pedagogical implications, from the ancient period to the Renaissance.

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  • ENGL 6510 - History of Rhetoric: Early Modern to Contemporary

    3 credit hours
    An examination of major theorists and themes, including literary and pedagogical implications, from early modern period to the present.

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  • ENGL 6520 - Essentials of Linguistics

    3 credit hours
    Major linguistic approaches to the study of language-dominant trends and current issues in linguistics; the phonological, morphological, and syntactic structure of the English language.

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  • ENGL 6525 - Special Topics in the History of the English Language

    3 credit hours
    Advanced study of various aspects of the English language from its beginnings in Proto-Indo-European to the present day (writing systems, Indo-European, phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, stylistics, semantics, etc.). Subject will vary with instructor.

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  • ENGL 6530 - Studies in Composition and Rhetoric

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to the intellectual foundations of composition studies focusing on influential theories as well as the field’s intellectual and disciplinary history.

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  • ENGL 6535 - Special Topics in Composition and Rhetoric

    3 credit hours
    Intensive examination of themes, periods, figures, and texts in composition and/or rhetoric. Subject will vary with instructor. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 6540 - Middle Tennessee Writing Project (MTWP) Summer Institute

    3 credit hours
    Reserved for invited participants in the Middle Tennessee Writing Project. Acquaints students with composition and pedagogical theories, practices for the teaching of writing, methods of research and presentation, development of writing resources including grant writing, various genres of writing and writing response, and publishing.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • ENGL 6550 - Writing Center Theory

    3 credit hours
    Examines the theoretical and practical components of writing center work, including collaborative, composition, learning, writing center, and postmodern theories. Open to all graduate students.

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  • ENGL 6570 - Practicum in Composition Methodology

    3 credit hours
    In-depth study of how composition theory and research inform methodology. Topics covered vary according to interests of instructor and students.

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  • ENGL 6620 - Directed Reading and Research

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of the director of graduate studies. Individually supervised reading and research either in a historical period of English or American literature or in a major literary genre. Students may take no more than three directed reading courses.

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  • ENGL 6630 - Directed Creative Writing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of the director of graduate studies in English. Individually supervised writing project in fiction, poetry writing, playwriting, or creative nonfiction.

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  • ENGL 6640 - Thesis Research

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Selection of a research problem, review of pertinent literature, collection and analysis of data, and composition of thesis. Once enrolled, student should register for at least one credit hour of master’s research each semester until completion. S/U grading.

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  • ENGL 6650 - Special Topics in Popular Culture Studies

    3 credit hours
    A theme, genre, period, text, or artist in one or more popular cultural media. Subject will vary each time the course is taught. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 6660 - Introduction to Graduate Study: Bibliography and Research

    3 credit hours
    Literary scholarship: its nature and scope; traditional and modern methods; the definition and solution of research problems; the production of literary scholarship. Required of all master’s students enrolling in English.

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  • ENGL 6710 - Special Topics in Folklore

    3 credit hours
    Selected area of folklore: folk narrative, folklore and literature, folk song, folk religion, proverb, or folklore of a particular group. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 6750 - Film Studies

    3 credit hours
    Covers such topics as the film text, adaptation, narratology, genres, ideology, authorship, theory, history, schools, movements, national cinemas, and film audiences.

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  • ENGL 6760 - Special Topics in Film Studies

    3 credit hours
    Examines a theme, genre, director, period, school or movement, national cinema, etc. Subject will vary each time course is taught. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 6999 - Comprehensive Examination and Preparation

    1 credit hours
    Open only to students who are not enrolled in any other graduate course and who will take the master’s comprehensive examination during the term. The student must contact the graduate advisor during the first two weeks of the term for specifics regarding the details of this comprehensive examination preparatory course. Credit may not be applied to degree requirements.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • ENGL 7000 - Poetry Workshop

    3 credit hours
    A rigorous writing course to develop the advanced writer’s use of point-of-view, tone, rhythm, meter, line, and stanza. Practice in both the spontaneity of composition and the deliberate, disciplined work of revision. Examination, through poems and essays by relevant authors, of the movements, forms, and possibilities of contemporary poetry.

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  • ENGL 7010 - Old English Language and Literature

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite for ENGL 6020 /ENGL 7020 , Beowulf. Introduction to Old English language (grammar, phonology, syntax, and vocabulary) and literature (poetry and prose) and to the historical and cultural background of the Anglo-Saxon period.

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  • ENGL 7030 - Chaucer Seminar

    3 credit hours
    Close study of Chaucer’s major and minor works in Middle English, with attention to Chaucer’s historical and cultural context (including his sources) and to significant scholarly criticism.

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  • ENGL 7040 - Medieval English Literature

    3 credit hours
    A study of Middle English literary types (in poetry, prose, and drama) and of the major authors and texts of the Middle English period. Includes study of Middle English dialects.

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  • ENGL 7050 - Studies in Early English Drama, Excluding Shakespeare: 900-1642

    3 credit hours
    The origin and development of English drama, emphasizing Elizabethan and Jacobean drama and the contributions of Shakespeare’s contemporaries and successors.

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  • ENGL 7110 - Spenser Seminar

    3 credit hours
    Seeks to develop an understanding of individual works in Edmund Spenser’s oeuvre and some sense of their place in the larger cultural systems of the sixteenth century. Philosophical meditations, pastoral eclogues, shorter poems are engaged fully to consider Spenser’s range and engagement with lyric forms, as well as complete study of his major works, The Faerie Queene.

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  • ENGL 7120 - Studies in Sixteenth-Century English Prose and Poetry

    3 credit hours
    Considers works of prose, fiction, romance, and poetry of the sixteenth-century to investigate changing vocabularies, genres, and literary practices that emerge in the Renaissance in response to various cultural, social, and historical pressures.

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  • ENGL 7130 - Studies in Seventeenth-Century English Prose and Poetry

    3 credit hours
    Selected nondramatic literature of the century, with primary emphasis on the seventeenth century before the Restoration. Included are Donne, Herbert, and the metaphysical poets and Jonson and the Cavalier poets.

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  • ENGL 7200 - Studies in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature

    3 credit hours
    Designed to give students a definite critical knowledge of the major literary works of Restoration and eighteenth-century England, 1660-1800. Course may focus on either drama, poetry, or prose or a combination.

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  • ENGL 7210 - Studies in English Romanticism: Wordsworth and Coleridge

    3 credit hours
    Covers the major lyrical and narrative poetry of Wordsworth and Coleridge as well as select prose, e.g., Wordsworth’s Preface to the second edition of Lyrical Ballads and Coleridge’s Biogaphia Literaria.

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  • ENGL 7220 - Studies in English Romanticism: Shelley, Byron, and Keats

    3 credit hours
    Covers the major lyrical, narrative, and dramatic poetry of the three principal younger generation Romantics as well as select prose, e.g., Shelley’s A Defence of Poetry and Keats’s letters.

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  • ENGL 7230 - Major British Writers

    3 credit hours
    An in-depth study of one, two, or three British writers. Course varies according to interests of instructor and students. May be taken for multiple credit up to 6 hours.

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  • ENGL 7270 - Studies in Victorian Literature

    3 credit hours
    Intellectual backgrounds of the Victorian period; major prose writers: Macaulay, Carlyle, Newman, Mill, Ruskin, Arnold, Pater; major poets: Tennyson, Browning, Arnold.

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  • ENGL 7290 - Modern British Literature

    3 credit hours
    Intellectual backgrounds of modern British literature; major novelists: Forster, Woolf, Joyce, Lawrence; major poets: Yeats, Eliot, Auden, Thomas; selected minor writers.

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  • ENGL 7305 - Special Topics in Children’s and Adolescent Literature

    3 credit hours
    Selected genre, period, ethnicity, tradition, or literary focus on children’s and/or young adult literature. Subject will vary with instructor. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 7320 - Postcolonial Literature and Theory

    3 credit hours
    Introduces postcolonial studies through an exploration of seminal literary and critical writings in the field. Primary focus on the critical thought and discursive practices that define postcolonial discourse and their application to literature that engages issues of colonialism, its aftermath, and other forms of imperialism.

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  • ENGL 7330 - Major American Writers

    3 credit hours
    An in-depth study of one, two, or three American writers. Course varies according to interests of instructor and students. May be taken for multiple credit up to 6 hours.

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  • ENGL 7360 - Studies in Southern Literature

    3 credit hours
    Themes, theories, movements, and types of literature produced in the American South with particular emphasis on selected authors and texts.

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  • ENGL 7370 - Satire

    3 credit hours
    Satire as a distinct genre, emphasizing its continuity in Western literature from antiquity to the present; representative works from four periods: ancient, medieval and Renaissance, eighteenth century, and modern; prose, poetry, and drama.

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  • ENGL 7380 - Contemporary Critical Theory

    3 credit hours
    Covers major critical trends in literary theory since 1965, including feminist, Marxist, structuralist, and deconstructive approaches to literature. Students explore background and implications of these theories and analyze selected works of literature in light of these approaches.

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  • ENGL 7390 - Reading Postmodernism

    3 credit hours
    Theoretical discourse which works to define the cultural mindset known as postmodernism. Theories examined will be applied to examples of postmodern literature, film, and/or television. Topics emphasized include the instability of social and cultural categories, the dissolving boundaries between high and low culture and art, and the subversion of realist narrative strategies.

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  • ENGL 7400 - American Literature to 1800

    3 credit hours
    Surveys literature associated with the discovery and colonization of America from the first recorded European encounters with the New World until just after the founding of the United States. The readings represent a rich variety of genres (reports, letters, poetry, histories, journals/diaries, autobiographies, sermons, novels, slave/captivity narratives, trickster tales, drama, etc.) in accordance with the broad definition of literature characteristic of the period.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • ENGL 7410 - Studies in American Literature: 1800-1860

    3 credit hours
    Surveys literature associated with the Romantic period in American literary history, from the beginning of the nineteenth century through the 1860’s.  Writing across a variety of genres including essays, short stories, poetry, novels, and slave narratives. Authors of this era answered the calls that had been made since the nation was founded for an artistically sophisticated and distinctive national literature.

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  • ENGL 7420 - Studies in American Literature: 1860-1910

    3 credit hours
    Covers the development of American literature from roughly the Civil War to World War I, including the rise of realism, naturalism, regionalism, and local color. Considers historical and cultural contexts.

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  • ENGL 7430 - Studies in American Literature: 1910-1950

    3 credit hours
    Covers the rise of American modernism, including experiments in fiction, drama, and verse; considers the phenomenon of expatriation, the radical visions of the depression decade, and the literary experience of the two world wars.

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  • ENGL 7450 - Contemporary Women’s Literature

    3 credit hours
    Study of recent women writers with emphasis on the relationship between literature and the social and political status of women. Addresses diverse writers and issues of difference among women, including race, class, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, and other determinants of individual and group identity.

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  • ENGL 7455 - Special Topics in Women’s Literature

    3 credit hours
    Study of selected women authors with a focus on the way women’s voices contribute to literary discourse. Subject will vary with instructor. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • ENGL 7470 - Studies in Narratology

    3 credit hours
    Examines modern and contemporary theories of narrative (modernist, rhetorical, structuralist, dialogical) with particular application to selected authors and texts.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • ENGL 7490 - Studies in the Novel

    3 credit hours
    The novel as a literary genre may be approached from a variety of perspectives, including generic, historical, theoretical, or single-author approaches. Course varies according to interests of instructor and students.

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  • ENGL 7500 - Selected Topics in Literature and Language

    3 credit hours
    A specialized field of literary or linguistic inquiry, its bibliography, critical problems, and probable solutions. Topics vary with the professor assigned to the course. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 7505 - History of Rhetoric: Ancient to Renaissance

    3 credit hours
    An examination of the major theorists and themes, including literary and pedagogical implications, from the ancient period to the Renaissance.

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  • ENGL 7510 - History of Rhetoric: Early Modern to Contemporary

    3 credit hours
    An examination of major theorists and themes, including literary and pedagogical implications, from early modern period to the present.

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  • ENGL 7520 - Essentials of Linguistics

    3 credit hours
    Major linguistic approaches to the study of language-dominant trends and current issues in linguistics; the phonological, morphological, and syntactic structure of the English language.

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  • ENGL 7525 - Special Topics in the History of the English Language

    3 credit hours
    Advanced study of various aspects of the English language from its beginnings in Proto-Indo-European to the present day (writing systems, Indo-European, phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, stylistics, semantics, etc.). Subject will vary with instructor.

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  • ENGL 7530 - Studies in Composition and Rhetoric

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to the intellectual foundations of composition studies focusing on influential theories as well as the field’s intellectual and disciplinary history.

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  • ENGL 7535 - Special Topics in Composition and Rhetoric

    3 credit hours
    Intensive examination of themes, periods, figures, and texts in composition and/or rhetoric. Subject will vary with instructor. May be taken for multiple credit up to 9 hours.

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  • ENGL 7540 - Middle Tennessee Writing Project (MTWP) Summer Institute

    3 credit hours
    Reserved for invited participants in the Middle Tennessee Writing Project. Acquaints students with composition and pedagogical theories, practices for the teaching of writing, methods of research and presentation, development of writing resources including grant writing, various genres of writing and writing response, and publishing.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes

  • ENGL 7550 - Writing Center Theory

    3 credit hours
    Examines the theoretical and practical components of writing center work, including collaborative, composition, learning, writing center, and postmodern theories. Open to all graduate students.

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  • ENGL 7570 - Practicum in Composition Methodology

    3 credit hours
    In-depth study of how composition theory and research inform methodology. Topics covered vary according to interests of instructor and students.

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  • ENGL 7620 - Directed Reading and Research

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of the director of graduate studies. Individually supervised reading and research either in a historical period of English or American literature or in a major literary genre. Students may take no more than three directed reading courses.

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