Sep 27, 2024  
2016-17 Graduate Catalog 
2016-17 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • SOC 5160 - Sociology of Gangs

    3 credit hours
    History of gangs in the U.S., the factors which account for their formation and perpetuation, and current empirical data on gang composition, demographics, and culture. Policy strategies for prevention, law enforcement, and nonlegal interventions assessed.

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  • SOC 5360 - Medical Sociology

    3 credit hours
    Sociological analysis of health, biomedicine, epidemiology, and disease, along with critical analysis of major issues facing providers, patients, and citizens in the twenty-first century. Focuses on social epidemiology, social determinants and patterning of disease, health care delivery, institutions, and policy in the U.S. and other nations, and major theoretical developments in the sociology of health, illness, and healing.

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  • SOC 5361 - Contemporary Issues in Women’s Health

    3 credit hours
    Examines the social and cultural issues that shape women’s health-related experiences and disparities in health and illness in contemporary culture. Critically analyzes problems associated with medicalization, technological favoritism, and for-profit intrusion. Explores issues and experiences among women by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic class, age, sexual orientation, and abilities. May be taken for Women’s and Gender Studies graduate certificate credit.

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  • SOC 5500 - Social Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Individual behavior in social contexts and symbolic interaction among groups. Includes social influences on perception, conformity, attitudes, communication, group structure, leadership, and role behavior.

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  • SOC 5511 - Social Movements and Social Change

    3 credit hours
    Sociological theories of revolutions, rebellions, civil wars, and protest movements of the past and present and the relationship to significant social changes.

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  • SOC 5520 - Population and Society

    3 credit hours
    Examines world and U.S. population trends and the impact of social forces on such demographic variables as births, deaths, migration, age, sex, education, marital status, and how these impact social conditions.

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  • SOC 5560 - Organizational Structures and Processes

    3 credit hours
    Analysis of structure and processes of change, organizational environments, modes of power, ideologies, forms of control and resistance, including alternatives to bureaucracy.

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  • SOC 5660 - Urban and Community Studies

    3 credit hours
    Focuses on concept of community as a core idea in the historical development of sociology, concentrating on theories and historical trends of urbanization and current urban problems and policies.

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  • SOC 5800 - Special Projects

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Field experiences or reading courses through which special interests or needs of the student may be pursued under individual supervision. No more than three hours may be used in the major. Arrangements must be made with instructor prior to registration.

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  • SOC 6010 - Social Policy Analysis

    3 credit hours
    A historical comparative examination of social policy formulation, structure, and consequences. Focus on policy formation in modern and developing nations. Critical analysis of social policy development.

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  • SOC 6200 - Globalization and the Professions

    3 credit hours
    (Same as PRST 6200 .) Introduces students to the fundamental concepts and key issues surrounding globalization and the professions. Examines the various descriptive and explanatory accounts of globalization with a focus on both the positive and negative components of globalization. Reviews brief history of paid work in the U.S. with a particular eye on the ways that professions have been shaped by globalization processes.

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  • SOC 6510 - Independent Study

    3 credit hours
    Recommended for students past the midpoint in their master’s programs. Designed to provide an opportunity to fill perceived gaps in the program of study and as precursor for the thesis. Arrangements must be made with instructor prior to registration.

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  • SOC 6540 - Topics in Crime and Deviance

    3 credit hours
    Critical analysis of selected topics in the fields of crime and deviance. Students pursue individual projects that require integration of their theoretical understanding with contemporary applications.

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  • SOC 6545 - Topics in Gender

    3 credit hours
    Critical analysis of selected topics in the study of gender in sociology with a focus on such issues as race/ethnicity, social class, work, deviance, and sexuality. Examines the major contemporary scholarly debates about gender and explores how gender is embedded in different institutions and organizations. A maximum of six hours may be credited to one’s major.

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  • SOC 6560 - Sociological Theory

    3 credit hours
    Encourages students to think sociologically, integrating theoretical knowledge with a critical examination of everyday experiences and social problems/issues. Addresses both classical and contemporary theories: structural, interpretive, micro and macro applications.

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  • SOC 6620 - Quantitative Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    Focuses on the design and application of quantitative data collection and analysis procedures to practical problems and issues. Students pursue supervised independent design and analysis using SPSS or SAS.

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  • SOC 6630 - Seminar in the Family

    3 credit hours
    Principles of family organization; family as a sociocultural institution in various societies; theories of family structure, change, and deviance.

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  • SOC 6640 - Thesis Research

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Student must have filed Candidacy Form and selected thesis committee before enrolling. Selection of a research problem, review of pertinent literature, collection and analysis of data, and composition of thesis. Once enrolled, student should register for at least one credit hour of master’s research each semester until completion. S/U grading.

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  • SOC 6661 - Program Evaluation

    3 credit hours
    (Same as PSY 6661 .) Prerequisite: SOC 3040 or permission of instructor. Methods and issues of client-centered social program evaluation. Topics include evaluation methods, proposal construction, report writing, and presentation techniques.

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  • SOC 6670 - Mental Health and Aging

    3 credit hours
    The basic concepts associated with mental health and the aging process. The epidemiology, assessment process, and approaches to treatment stressed. A positive approach to the mental well-being of the older adult provided.

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  • SOC 6675 - Social Statistics

    3 credit hours
    An intermediate level treatment of statistical concepts and methods for the analysis of sociological data with emphasis on the application of multivariate statistical methods for basic and applied sociological research. Statistical analysis software (e.g., SPSS, SAS) applied to existing datasets.

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  • SOC 6720 - Qualitative Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    Focuses on the design and application of qualitative data collection and analysis procedures to practical problems and issues. Students pursue supervised independent and group projects.

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  • SOC 6900 - Practicum: Applied Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Supervised independent study in which student is placed in an organization on a contractual basis. Course directed toward student pursuing career in applied sociology.

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  • SPAN 5020 - Spanish Literature I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 6 hours of Spanish beyond the intermediate level or permission of instructor. Spanish literature from its beginnings to 1700, emphasis on literary history, styles, and themes. Prose fiction and nonfiction, poetry, and drama included.

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  • SPAN 5030 - Spanish Literature II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 6 hours of Spanish beyond the intermediate level or permission of instructor. Works from different genres which represent major literary movements from the eighteenth century to the present.

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  • SPAN 5040 - Latin American Literature I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 6 hours of Spanish beyond the intermediate level or permission of instructor. Latin American literature from pre-Columbian times through Romanticism. Prose fiction and nonfiction, poetry, and drama included.

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  • SPAN 5050 - Latin American Literature II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 6 hours of Spanish beyond the intermediate level or permission of instructor. Major works of Latin American literature from the late nineteenth century to the present.

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  • SPAN 5060 - Special Topics in Hispanic Studies

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 6 hours of Spanish beyond the intermediate level or permission of instructor. Topics in language, culture, or literature.

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  • SPAN 5065 - Studies in Hispanic Popular Culture

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPAN 3020 or permission of instructor. Context of socioeconomic, political, and cultural customs and practices in Spain and Latin America. Focus is on fiction, film, television, newspapers and magazines, popular music, and consumption in everyday life.

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  • SPAN 5070 - Special Topics in Spanish Literature or Culture

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 6 hours of Spanish beyond the intermediate level or permission of instructor. Topics in peninsular Spanish literature or culture.

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  • SPAN 5090 - Special Topics in Latin American Literature or Culture

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 6 hours of Spanish beyond the intermediate level or permission of instructor. Topics in specialized areas of Latin American literature or culture vary.

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  • SPAN 5120 - Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation

    3 credit hours
    A practical introduction to phonetic principles involved in achieving native-sounding Spanish pronunciation, including sounds, stress, intonation, and smooth speech stylistics. Native Spanish speakers or students with native-like Spanish pronunciation may not take this course for credit without instructor permission.

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  • SPAN 5900 - Directed Readings in Spanish Literature and Culture

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 15 hours of Spanish or permission of instructor. Individualized intensive reading in primary and secondary sources relating to a specific topic in Spanish or Latin American literature or culture. Arrangements must be made with instructor prior to registration.

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  • SPAN 5910 - Directed Readings in Latin American Literature and Culture

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 15 hours of Spanish or permission of instructor. Individualized intensive reading in primary and secondary sources relating to a specific topic in Spanish or Latin American literature or culture. Arrangements must be made with instructor prior to registration.

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  • SPAN 5920 - Spanish for Reading Knowledge

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to College of Graduate Studies or permission of instructor. For graduate students seeking proficiency in reading Spanish for research purposes. Open to undergraduates seeking to prepare for graduate study. Will not count toward a major or minor in Spanish or the undergraduate foreign language requirement.

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  • SPAN 5990 - Study Abroad

    3 to 12 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Master of Arts in Teaching program or approval of the instructor. Students will spend at least four weeks in a Spanish-speaking country studying the Spanish language, literature, and culture. Credits may be earned in Murcia, Spain, or other study abroad programs approved by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Course may be used for elective credit for the Master of Arts in Teaching degree.

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  • SPAN 6000 - Seminar in Spanish Studies

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Comprehensive study of history and structure of Spanish language; advanced stylistics leading to research project of cultural, literary, or linguistic topic.

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  • SPAN 6970 - Seminar in Hispanic Literature

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 9 hours of Spanish at the 4000-5000 level or higher or permission of the instructor. An in-depth study of an author, genre, period, or literary movement in Peninsular or Latin American literature. May be taken twice.

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Special Education

  • SPED 5240 - Methods and Techniques of Behavior Management

    3 credit hours
    Overview of various approaches to behavior management. Application of various approaches in different special education settings. Basis of evaluation of various behavior change techniques.

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  • SPED 5260 - Problems in Special Education A-Z

    1 to 3 credit hours
    A problem-oriented course, on or off campus, planned and designed for individuals, a school faculty, school system, or other professional groups that will provide opportunities for pre- or in-service education related to assessed needs. Not more than 6 semester hours credit in independent study (SPED 6840 ) and/or problems (SPED 5260) can be applied toward a degree or licensure.

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  • SPED 5280 - Assistive Technology in Special Education

    3 credit hours
    Introduces students to adaptive/assistive technologies. The technologies will range from low-tech to high-tech and apply to the needs of school-aged students with disabilities. Includes assessing and supporting needs through the delivery of adaptive/assistive technologies.

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  • SPED 5320 - Directed Teaching in Special Education (Comprehensive)

    9 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ELED 3150; SPED 6200, SPED 6800 ; full admission to Directed Teaching. A full-day, ten-week supervised teaching experience in a public classroom. Pass/Fail.

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  • SPED 5350 - Directed Teaching in Special Education (Modified)

    9 to 12 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ELED 3150; READ 4015 or 4035; SPED 6200 and SPED 6800 ; full admission to directed teaching. A full-day, ten-week supervised teaching experience in a public classroom. Pass/Fail.

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  • SPED 5510 - Teaching Internship: Special Education

    9 credit hours
    A supervised teaching experience. Available only to those with at least one year of paid teaching experience in the major in which endorsement is sought. Applicants must meet all prerequisites for student teaching. Pass/Fail.

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  • SPED 6020 - Overview of Special Education

    3 credit hours
    Theories and techniques of providing instruction to exceptional individuals. Designed for individuals without prior specialized experience and/or course work in special education. Not for degree credit.

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  • SPED 6300 - Theoretical Perspectives on High Incidence Disabilities

    3 credit hours
    Reviews the various perspectives on mild/moderate disabling conditions from a historical perspective. Viability of each perspective examined. Implications of each for assessment and intervention considered.

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  • SPED 6310 - Issues in Assessment of High Incidence Disabilities

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPED 6300 . A variety of tests and assessment tools within the various theoretical frameworks they represent. Considers the development of diagnostic batteries based on such tests. Particular attention given to the significance of the theoretical perspectives in selecting and interpreting data collected.

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  • SPED 6330 - Theories of Instruction for High Incidence Disabilities

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPED 6310 . A variety of instructional approaches within the various theoretical frameworks from which each evolved. Considers the development and evaluation of IEPs through an integration of learner characteristics, instructional approaches, and educational needs.

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  • SPED 6360 - Transition Education and Services for Exceptional Learners

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to Special Education: Modified program or permission of department. Addresses the knowledge and skills needed to develop and implement effective transition planning from school to adult life. Offers preparation for successful transition from elementary grades, career preparation education, and eventual transition to adult life. Explores a variety of tools, supports, and classroom strategies for creating successful transitions in preparation for adult life.

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  • SPED 6380 - Collaborative and Consulting Skills in Special Education

    3 credit hours
    Assistance in developing skills needed for consulting with parents, students, teachers, administrators, and others in the development and implementation of individualized education programs for disabled students.

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  • SPED 6410 - Characteristics and Teaching of Learners with Low Incidence Disabilities

    3 credit hours
    In-depth survey for professionals who will work with school age students who receive services in Special Education in one or more of the categories characterized as low incidence. Emphasis on cognitive, motor, social, communicative, behavioral, and physical characteristics of this population. Advanced methods and techniques for instructing low incidence populations.

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  • SPED 6700 - Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders

    3 credit hours
    In-depth survey of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Focus on promoting learning and collaborative problem-solving approaches that facilitate effective family-professional partnerships and educational programming for this population.

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  • SPED 6720 - Promoting Family-Professional Partnerships in Special Education

    3 credit hours
    Understanding the concerns and needs of parents of children who have special needs. Also presents strategies and techniques for working effectively with parents.

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  • SPED 6730 - Methods of Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    3 credit hours
    Overview of methods of instruction for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Emphasis on instructional content in a variety of settings. Focuses on evaluation of instructional progress and how the teacher plays an active role in skill acquisition and development.

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  • SPED 6800 - Exceptional Children and Youth

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to problems in identification, etiology, and educational treatment of mentally retarded, gifted, physically and emotionally challenged, learning disabled, and culturally disadvantaged children and youth.

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  • SPED 6840 - Independent Study: Special Education

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of the advisor. Enables students to develop and conduct a study based on individual professional interests. No more than 6 semester hours credit in Independent Study (SPED 6840) and/or Problems (SPED 5260 ) can be applied toward a degree or licensure.

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  • SPED 6880 - Educational Procedures in the Education of the Gifted

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPED 6860 . Reviews various theoretical models of learning and teaching that are most often used in developing curriculum for the gifted learner. Application of the models is stressed.

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  • SPED 6910 - Developmental Assessment

    3 credit hours
    Evaluative and diagnostic instruments, environmental assessments, and other procedures used with very young and/or multiple disabled individuals.

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  • SPED 6920 - Laboratory Experience I

    3 credit hours
    Practicum experience in settings serving preschool children who have developmental delays. Students will spend 60 hours in each of two practicum settings.

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  • SPED 6950 - Laboratory Experience II

    3 credit hours
    Practicum experience in settings serving preschool children who have developmental delays. Students will spend 60 hours in each of two practicum settings.

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  • SPED 6999 - Comprehensive Examination and Preparation

    1 credit hours
    Open only to students who are not enrolled in any other graduate course and who will take the master’s comprehensive examination during the term. The student must contact the graduate advisor during the first two weeks of the term for specifics regarding the details of this comprehensive examination preparatory course. Credit may not be applied to degree requirements.

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  • STAT 5140 - Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the Master of Science in Professional Sciences program; graduate level. Focuses on probability and statistics concepts. Topics include binomial and normal probabilistic modeling; important statistical concepts such as confounding, randomization, sampling variability and significance; statistical testing of significant differences and associations; and design experiments to test research hypotheses.

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  • STAT 5190 - Mathematical Statistics II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 3150 or equivalent. Theory of statistical inference. Topics include sampling distributions, decision theory, estimation, test of hypothesis, regression analysis, analysis of variance, and selected applications.

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  • STAT 5200 - Statistical Methods for Forecasting

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 4190. Application of the regression model in forecasting regression and exponential smoothing methods to forecast nonseasonal time-series, seasonal series and globally constant seasonal models, stochastic time series models; and forecast evaluation. (Offers preparation to actuarial science students for the Society of Actuaries Exam #120 and Exam Part 3A administered by the Casualty Actuarial Society.)

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  • STAT 5320 - Probability and Stochastic Processes

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Two semesters of calculus and STAT 3150 (or MATH 2050) or consent of instructor. Theoretical basis for stochastic processes and use as models of real-world phenomena. Topics include Markov chains, Poisson processes, and Brownian motion and stationary processes. Applications include Gambler’s Ruin, birth and death models, hitting times, stock option pricing, and the Black-Scholes model.

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  • STAT 5360 - Regression Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 2050 and STAT 3150 or equivalent. Theory and application of regression models. Approaches to model building and data analysis treated. Computation and interpretation of results facilitated through use of statistical software packages.

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  • STAT 5370 - Nonparametric Statistics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 3150 or equivalent. Statistical tests that require no assertions about parameters or about the form of the population from which the samples are drawn. A wide range of practical problems.

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  • STAT 5380 - Experimental Design

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 3150 or equivalent. Topics include one-way analysis of variance, multiple comparison, multifactor analysis of variance, and various practical issues in experimental design. Computation and interpretation of results are facilitated through the use of statistical software packages.

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  • STAT 5600 - Problems in Statistics

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Senior standing and consent of instructor. Students wishing to enroll must submit a written course/topic proposal to the department prior to the semester in which STAT 5600 is taken. Proposal must be approved prior to student taking the course. At the conclusion of the course, each enrollee must submit a written report to the department.

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  • STAT 6020 - Introduction to Biostatistics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Introductory probability/statistics course or permission of instructor. Contemporary and medical research methodology for biostatistics. Descriptive and inferential statistics including parametric and nonparametric hypothesis testing methods, sample size, statistical significance and power, survival curve analysis, relative risk, odds ratios, chi square modeling, and analysis of variance. Data will be analyzed using statistical software.

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  • STAT 6160 - Advanced Mathematical Statistics I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Two semesters of calculus or permission of instructor. Introduction to theoretical probability used in statistics with an emphasis on the mathematical theory. A rigorous treatment of random variables, their probability distributions, and mathematical exceptions in a univariate and multivariate setting. Includes conditional probabilities, stochastic independence, sampling theory, and limit laws.

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  • STAT 6180 - Advanced Mathematical Statistics II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 6160  or permission of instructor. Theory of estimation and hypothesis tests. Topics include minimum variance unbiased estimation, methods of estimation, most powerful tests, likelihood ratio tests, decision theory, and sequential test procedures.

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  • STAT 6510 - Biostatistical Methods

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 6020  or permission of instructor. Biostatistical methods focusing on the design and analysis of clinical trials and sample surveys. Topics include clinical trial designs and phases, bias, random error, sample size, power, estimating clinical effects, design-based methods of data analysis from sample surveys, sampling techniques, nonresponse, and sampling frame issues.

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  • STAT 6520 - Advanced Biostatistical Methods

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: STAT 6020  and STAT 6160  or permission of instructor. Mathematically rigorous presentation of categorical data analysis methods for univariate and correlated multivariate responses including contingency table analysis, logistic regression, and loglinear models; survival analysis for analyzing time-to-event data including survivor functions, Kaplan-Meier curves, and Cox proportional hazards model; and other health applications of multivariate analysis methods.

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  • STAT 6600 - Problems in Statistics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Mathematical maturity, preparation in the area and (normally) nine semester hours of graduate study. Problems course dealing with theory, methods, and applications.

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  • STAT 6601 - Problems in Statistics-Mathematical Statistics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Mathematical maturity, preparation in the area and (normally) nine semester hours of graduate study. Problems course dealing with theory, methods, and applications.

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  • STAT 6602 - Problems in Statistics-Regression Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Mathematical maturity, preparation in the area and (normally) nine semester hours of graduate study. Problems course dealing with theory, methods, and applications.

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  • STAT 6603 - Problems in Statistics-Nonparametric Statistics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Mathematical maturity, preparation in the area and (normally) nine semester hours of graduate study. Problems course dealing with theory, methods, and applications.

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  • STAT 6604 - Problems in Statistics-Experimental Design

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Mathematical maturity, preparation in the area and (normally) nine semester hours of graduate study. Problems course dealing with theory, methods, and applications.

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  • STAT 6605 - Problems in Statistics-SAS Programming

    1 to 9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Mathematical maturity, preparation in the area and (normally) nine semester hours of graduate study. Problems course dealing with theory, methods, and applications.

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  • STAT 7020 - Introduction to Biostatistics

    3 credit hours
    Introductory probability/statistics course or permission of instructor. Contemporary and medical research methodology for biostatistics. Descriptive and inferential statistics including parametric and nonparametric hypothesis testing methods, sample size, statistical significance and power, survival curve analysis, relative risk, odds ratios, chi square modeling, and analysis of variance. Data will be analyzed using statistical software. Applied biostatistics research project required (7000) level.

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  • STAT 7400 - Computational Statistics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMS 6100  and STAT 5140  or equivalent. Statistical visualization and other computationally intensive methods. The role of computation as a fundamental tool of discovery in data analysis, statistical inference, and development of statistical theory and methods. Monte Carlo studies in statistics, computational inference, tools for identification of structure in data, numerical methods in statistics, estimation of functions (orthogonal polynomials, splines, etc.), statistical models, graphical methods, data fitting and data mining, and machine learning techniques.

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  • STAT 7600 - Problems in Statistics

    1 to 9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor, mathematical maturity, preparation in the area, and (normally) nine semester hours of graduate study. Problems course dealing with theory, methods, and applications.

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  • STAT 7601 - Problems in Statistics-Mathematical Statistics

    1 to 9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor, mathematical maturity, preparation in the area, and (normally) nine semester hours of graduate study. Problems course dealing with theory, methods, and applications.

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  • STAT 7603 - Problems in Statistics: Nonparametric Statistics

    1 to 9 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor, mathematical maturity, preparation in the area, and (normally) nine semester hours of graduate study. Problems course dealing with theory, methods, and applications.

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