Sep 27, 2024  
2016-17 Graduate Catalog 
2016-17 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Physical Education

  • PHED 6801 - Advanced Sport and Exercise Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Examines the psychological factors that explain high quality performance in sport and exercise. Sample topics include motivation, coaching psychology, the use of mental skills, communication strategies, and factors that affect participation and adherence to exercise.

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  • PHED 6820 - Administration and Supervision of Physical Education and Sport

    3 credit hours
    The organization, planning, and functions involved in administering and supervising programs of physical education and sport. Clinical or field experience required of students with a sport management concentration.

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  • PHED 6880 - Internship and Special Projects

    3 to 6 credit hours
    (Same as EXSC 6880 /HLTH 6880 /LSM 6880 .) On-site practical experience in an exercise science, health promotion, or sport management program. Those with extensive work experience will develop, implement, and conclude a project (research or applied) in consultation with the major professor.

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  • PHED 6920 - Analysis of Teaching Physical Education

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: At least one year teaching experience in a physical activity setting or permission of instructor. Explores systematic and informal observation techniques for identifying and analyzing teacher and student behaviors occurring in physical activity settings.

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  • PHED 7000 - Adapted Physical Activity

    3 credit hours
    Cognitive, neuromuscular, sensory, and orthopedic impairments; identification of current topics and procedures for testing and programming for individuals with disabilities; current research findings and practices to assist students in developing necessary skills to design and implement appropriate physical activity programs for individuals with disabilities.

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  • PHED 7010 - Analysis and Criticism of Professional Literature

    3 credit hours
    Thorough consideration of selected specialized literature most likely to influence physical education programs, procedures, and practices in the school and community.

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  • PHED 7040 - History of Physical Education

    3 credit hours
    The role of physical activity in the lives of people from antiquity to the present with an emphasis on the major events, movements, and people that have influenced the development of physical education.

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  • PHED 7090 - Motor Learning in Physical Education

    3 credit hours
    Theories of learning related to the acquisition of motor skills; a review of the literature pertaining to motor skill development and the implications for teaching.

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  • PHED 7680 - Current Issues in Physical Education Pedagogy

    3 credit hours
    Examines current issues in contemporary physical education pedagogy with an emphasis on teaching P-16 physical education. Particular attention given to professional issues for practitioners teaching physical education in the public schools and trends in current professional literature.

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  • PHED 7920 - Analysis of Teaching Physical Education

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: At least one year teaching experience in a physical activity setting or permission of instructor. Explores systematic and informal observation techniques for identifying and analyzing teacher and student behaviors occurring in physical activity settings.

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Physical Geography

  • PGEO 5000 - Climatology and Climate Change

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PGEO 1030 or GEOL 1030/1031 or GEOL 1040/1041. Non-mathematical introduction to the causes and patterns of global climates and in-depth analysis of climate change, including paleoclimatology and recent global cooling and warming trends, their natural and human-induced causes, potential future trends, human and environmental adaptation, and mitigation including geoengineering.

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  • PGEO 5010 - Biogeography

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PGEO 1030 or GEOL 1030/1031 or GEOL 1040/1041. Examines the science of biogeography, geographic principles, and foundations of biogeography. Topics include patterns of biodiversity, ecological biogeography, specialization and extinction forces, and the frontiers of biogeography.

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  • PGEO 5020 - Environmental Issues, Impacts, and Sustainability

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PGEO 1030 or GEOL 1030/GEOL 1031 or GEOL 1040/GEOL 1041. Examines the geographic aspects of how locations affect such modern issues of air and water pollution, hazardous waste, climate change, and food production. Provides an overview of the modern environmental concerns, their causes, consequences, and factors needing to be examined in order to gain an understanding of these problems.

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  • PGEO 5280 - Special Problems and Topics in Physical Geography

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Research participation or guided readings in a particular area or topic appropriate to the student’s interests and professional objectives. The type and amount of additional work will be decided upon when student registers for the course.

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  • PGEO 5380 - Cartography

    4 credit hours
    General knowledge of the field including familiarity with the techniques and tools of professional cartography and graphics. Selected lectures and class discussions. A series of map construction assignments; a specialized map assignment supported by written analysis. Three hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.

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  • PGEO 5401 - Field Studies in Physical Geography

    4 credit hours
    Supervised study in some geographical area, preceded by classroom preview and concluded by a time of evaluation. Emphasis on the natural and cultural elements of the environment, with special attention directed toward the pattern of human occupancy. An intensive period of study and research on a full-time basis. Work required will depend on area researched and time involved. Consult department chair for specific fees.

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  • PGEO 5490 - Remote Sensing

    4 credit hours
    Various vehicles of remote sensing such as radar, satellite imagery, and infrared data. Use of data in preparation of maps and applications to land use and environmental problems examined. Selection of data from either a numeric or image remote sensing system, interpreting, and developing a report from the interpretations. Three hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.

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  • PGEO 5510 - Laboratory Problems in Remote Sensing

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PGEO 4490 or PGEO 5490 . Computer processing of selected satellite imagery. Laboratory will provide practical experience through design, execution, and completion of applied remote sensing projects, one of which will be the effects of an environmental impact.

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  • PGEO 5511 - Advanced Remote Sensing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PGEO 5490  or PGEO 4490. Lecture and laboratory in the study of advanced topics in remote sensing, including but not limited to, active sensors (LiDAR and RADAR), hyperspectral, and spectroscopy. Three hours lecture/laboratory per week.

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  • PGEO 5520 - Image Interpretation

    4 credit hours
    Principles, methods, and techniques of image interpretation including maps, satellite data, and aerial photos. Environmental impact of a special project. Three hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.

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  • PGEO 5530 - Geographic Information Systems

    4 credit hours
    Lecture and laboratory work relative to computer-manipulated geographic data base. Laboratory work will involve experience in practical application of a geographic information system (GIS) to problem-solving. Student will take appropriate data and compile an environmental impact statement (EIS). Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week.

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  • PGEO 5560 - Intermediate Geographic Information Systems

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PGEO 4530 or  . Lecture and laboratory work related to the principles and applications of geographic information systems (GIS). Continued training in GIS analysis including raster analysis, spatial analysis, network analysis, and geocoding. Data management including data editing, geodatabase design, and creation also examined. Other topics include resource management, demographic, and civic application. Three hours lecture per week.

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  • PGEO 5570 - Advanced Geographic Information Systems

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PGEO 4560 or PGEO 5560 . Use of geographic information systems, computer programming, and database operations to analyze geodata. Study of geographic areas recently modified by natural or human phenomena to acquire relevant data, use appropriate spatial statistics, and make inferences about the transformative process and/or the future state of the study area. Presentation of findings in both map and report form. Three hours lecture per week.

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  • PGEO 6040 - Geospatial Systems and Applications

    4 credit hours
    Evaluate integrated environmental systems and physical processes in landscapes through application of GIS technology. Make spatial inferences about transformative processes and past/future state of the study area. Describe techniques required to complete environmental studies at multiple scales involving geospatial datasets.

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  • PGEO 6050 - Programming for Geospatial Database Applications

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PGEO 4560 or PGEO 5560  . Development of custom/tailored GIS-based computer programming to analyze geospatial datasets for making inferences about the Earth’s natural and human systems. Extend commercially available geographic information systems software packages through the development of novel computer programs to perform GIS tasks such as spatial analysis, data transformation, map generation, and geospatial database integration.

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  • PGEO 6060 - Advanced Topics in Geosciences

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Individual-based study/research in particular area or field of Geosciences related to student’s interest and professional objectives. May be repeated once, up to a maximum of six credits.

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  • PGEO 6070 - Quantitative Methods in Geosciences

    3 credit hours
    Applies computational technology to solve practical problems in geology and physical geography fields using statistical and data analysis methods to describe, analyze, transform, and utilize geospatial datasets. Processing, summarizing, graphical visualization, and spatial inferences about transformative processes and past/future state of natural environment phenomena.

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Physical Science

  • PSCI 5030 - Experimental Physical Science

    4 credit hours
    Basic concepts, laws, and principles of astronomy, chemistry, geology, and physics with particular emphasis on the utilization of equipment available or easily improvised in actual school situations to illustrate these concepts, laws, and principles. Offered every term.

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  • PSCI 5080 - Problems in Physical Science

    4 credit hours
    A problem from chemistry, physics, or other physical science appropriate to the student’s background and interest. Offered on sufficient demand. May be repeated for a total of eight credits with departmental approval.

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  • PSCI 6020 - Investigations in Physical Science

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Topics from astronomy to chemistry and physics, with special emphasis on the development of hands-on activities, determination of content cognitive demand, development of appropriate assessment instruments/implementation plans, and implementation of these across the pre-college curriculum. For practicing pre-college science teachers and school administrators. Consult the listed instructor for costs and specific credits. Does not apply toward chemistry graduate degrees. Offered on sufficient demand. May be repeated for a total of six credits with departmental approval. Repeatable for up to six credit hours.

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  • PSCI 6800 - Intermediate Physical Science

    3 credit hours
    Selected concepts and theories within the physical sciences of astronomy, chemistry, geology, and physics such as the solar system and the Earth, physical and chemical changes, chemical bonding, acids and bases, rocks and minerals, density, kinematics, electricity, and magnetism. Particular emphasis placed on developing strong content and pedagogical content knowledge in these areas.

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  • PSCI 7800 - Intermediate Physical Science

    3 credit hours
    Selected concepts and theories within the physical sciences of astronomy, chemistry, geology, and physics such as the solar system and the Earth, physical and chemical changes, chemical bonding, acids and bases, rocks and minerals, density, kinematics, electricity, and magnetism. Particular emphasis placed on developing strong content and pedagogical content knowledge in these areas.

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  • PHYS 5310 - Electricity and Magnetism

    3 credit hours
    Topics including electric and magnetic fields, electrostatic potential, and potential energy and fields in matter discussed in a mathematically rigorous manner. A variety of good applications of mathematical methods in physics.

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  • PHYS 5380 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

    3 credit hours
    Origin of quantum theory; wave packets and deBroglie waves; Heisenberg uncertainty principles. Schroedinger wave equation, operators, eigenfunctions, square well potential, the harmonic oscillator, the hydrogen atom, molecular binding and molecular spectra.

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  • PHYS 6340 - Fundamentals of Physics

    6 credit hours
    Basic laws and principles of classical and modern physics. Lecture topics and laboratory experiences designed to advance student’s knowledge of physics.

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  • PHYS 7010 - Principles of Molecular Biophysics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PHYS 2021 or 2120 or permission of department. Reviews the structure of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and the forces and interactions maintaining their structures in solution; thermodynamics and kinetics of protein folding; polymer chain statistics and helix-coil transitions in biopolymers; biopolymer dynamics; structural methods in biology; X-ray crystallography, NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy, electron and probe microscopy, single-molecule methods.

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  • PHYS 7400 - Computational Physics I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: COMS 6500  and COMS 6100  and CSCI 6020  or consent of instructor. Expresses physical phenomena in mathematical form and then adapting these models for analysis using the techniques of computational physics. Covers a number of the computational standards of modern physics such as chaotic dynamics, spectral analysis, Monte Carlo methods, and optimization techniques such as genetic algorithms and simulated annealing.

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Political Science

  • PS 5030 - Human Rights

    3 credit hours
    Aims to foster critical thinking about human rights, develop skills in weighing powerful but opposed arguments, and evaluate complex moral situations. Familiarization with the role of national and international organizations in human rights and global politics.

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  • PS 5060 - The U.S. Congress

    3 credit hours
    An analysis of the United States Congress. The origins of the Congress, political power, the nature of the institutionalized Congress, campaigns, elections.

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  • PS 5070 - Political Violence and Terrorism

    3 credit hours
    Political violence, assassination, terror, repression, and genocide examined in comparative and international perspective. Theoretical and case study approaches used to examine political violence forms, goals, tactics, and responses. Significant independent research component.

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  • PS 5180 - African Politics

    3 credit hours
    Comparative study of selected African political systems with different colonial traditions in the process of rapid change. Ideology and politics of development, political system forms and processes, modernization efforts, and challenges of nation-building.

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  • PS 5190 - Middle East Politics

    3 credit hours
    Examines Middle East political structures and processes; group and elite behavior; the dynamics between politics, society, and culture; and the role and impact of the Arab/Israeli conflict and Radical Islamic ideology in the region’s politics and policies.

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  • PS 5200 - Problems in Government

    3 credit hours
    Work done on a tutorial basis under the close direction of a professor. Student must present a proposal for departmental consideration and acceptance before enrolling in this course.

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  • PS 5210 - International Relations

    3 credit hours
    National power, balance of power, nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, war as an instrument of national policy, economic instruments of national policy, diplomacy, collective security, international law, and organization.

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  • PS 5220 - World Politics

    3 credit hours
    Experiencing contemporary international politics through the medium of simulation. Particular focus areas include the U.S., former Soviet Union, People’s Republic of China, the Middle East, South Asia, and Southern Africa.

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  • PS 5230 - Classical Political Theory

    3 credit hours
    Western political theory from the ancient Greeks through the medieval Christians. Includes Sophocles, Aristophanes, Plato, Aristotle, stoicism, skepticism, Lucretius, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas More.

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  • PS 5250 - Public Administration

    3 credit hours
    Fundamentals of public management: organization theory, leadership, policy making, planning, budgeting, personnel, administrative law, bureaucratic behavior.

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  • PS 5330 - Political Parties

    3 credit hours
    The nature of democracy, politics, and political parties; party organization and role in government; campaigning, primaries, conventions, general elections; the electoral college; voting behavior and pressure groups.

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  • PS 5360 - Legislative Internship

    12 credit hours
    A cooperative program with the state of Tennessee that provides for student service with the legislature on a full-time basis during the spring semester. Students selected on a competitive basis. Only six hours may count toward the degree for graduate programs.

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  • PS 5370 - American Constitutional Law

    3 credit hours
    The Supreme Court as a policy-making body in the governmental system. Emphasis on case studies in major areas of conflict including federalism, civil liberties, criminal procedure, and economic regulation.

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  • PS 5380 - American Constitutional Law

    3 credit hours
    The Supreme Court as a policy-making body in the governmental system. Emphasis on case studies in major areas of conflict including federalism, civil liberties, criminal procedure, and economic regulation.

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  • PS 5400 - Municipal Government

    3 credit hours
    The structure, powers, functions, and politics of municipal governments from the standpoint of city management. Attention is given to problems of municipal policy implementation.

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  • PS 5440 - Governmental Budgeting and Finance Administration

    3 credit hours
    Analysis of the legal and social nature of government budgets emphasizing the procedures and administrative methods of fiscal control. Study of budget documents at state and local levels. Offered only in alternate years.

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  • PS 5500 - International Law

    3 credit hours
    General principles of modern international law taught by the case study method in a seminar format encouraging debate and discussion. Issues concerning the development of international law and human rights.

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  • PS 5510 - International Political Economy

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PS 1010 and 3210 or permission of instructor. The relationship between politics and economics in international affairs and its implications for global peace, security, the ecology, and social welfare.

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  • PS 5590 - Administrative Law

    3 credit hours
    Procedural aspects, substantive issues, judicial review of the type of law concerned with the powers and procedures of government agencies and the rights of citizens affected by them.

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  • PS 5630 - Personnel Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 3250 or permission of instructor. The development and characteristics of public personnel administration in the United States with attention to recruitment, selection, position classification, compensation, performance evaluation, promotion, motivation, morale, discipline, separation, and public service unionism. Offered only in alternate years.

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  • PS 5690 - International Relations of the Middle East

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010, PS 3210, PS 4190, or MES 2100. The contextual, substantive, and theoretical framework within which to understand Middle East international relations. Course themes include the Arab/Israeli Conflict, the major powers and the Middle East, Middle East Oil and international relations, Globalization and the Middle East, Islam and Middle East international relations, regional cooperation, and terrorism.

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  • PS 5700 - American Political Thought

    3 credit hours
    Major thinkers and movements in American political thought from colonial times to the twentieth century with special emphasis on the thoughts of the framers of the American Constitution and their contemporaries.

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  • PS 5770 - Russian Politics

    3 credit hours
    Formation and evolution of the Russian state from pre-Communist to Soviet and post-Soviet stages. Special attention to historical origins and the role of authoritarianism in Russian political culture and to the ideological foundations, formation, and evolution and the reasons for decline of the Communist system. Includes a brief discussion of the other post-Soviet states.

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  • PS 5900 - Latin American Politics

    3 credit hours
    Comparative analysis of the institutions, functions, and aspects of culture of the Latin American nation-states and their relevance to understanding international relations, world politics, and diplomacy.

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  • PS 5910 - International Organization

    3 credit hours
    Development and prospects of the United Nations Organization and its major approaches to peace - pacific settlement, collective security, international law, arms control, trusteeship, preventive diplomacy, international conferences, functionalism. Offered only in alternate years.

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  • PS 5920 - Modern Political Theory

    3 credit hours
    Western political theory from the Renaissance to the present. Includes Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, J.S. Mill, Marx and Engels, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, facism, existentialism, Strauss, Arendt, and contemporary thought.

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  • PS 6100 - Seminar in International Relations

    3 credit hours
    Examines the theoretical foundations of international relations, the historical contexts in which they arose, the practical implications of the competing theoretical models, and the contemporary issues that occupy researchers and policymakers in the discipline.

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  • PS 6110 - International Security in a Changing World

    3 credit hours
    Surveys the research on the causes of international conflict, including interstate and intrastate conflict as well as other types of political violence between states and non-state actors. Includes discussions of the major wars in the modern international system, the military legacy of the Cold War, recent and continuing conflicts (intrastate and interstate), and the future of conflict in the international system.

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  • PS 6120 - Peace and Conflict Resolution: Concepts, Processes, and Consequences

    3 credit hours
    Surveys the theories of conflict resolution, the skills involved in negotiation, mediation, and crisis management, and the implications of crisis management. It includes discussions of theoretical premises of conflict resolution, negotiation, and mediation as well as the techniques of each and how they differ. It examines the ways in which society is reconstructed and the implication of reconstruction for the future of society.

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  • PS 6150 - Special Topics in International Security and Peace Studies

    3 credit hours
    Study in a specialized area within international security and peace studies. May be repeated for credit when subject matter varies.

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  • PS 6200 - Seminar in Comparative Politics

    3 credit hours
    Examines the theories and methods of comparative politics, the evolution of the discipline, and the issues that drive comparative political research today. Readings include both classic and contemporary literature from different theoretical, empirical, and methodological orientations.

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  • PS 6210 - Global Political Economy and Globalization

    3 credit hours
    Examines the major theoretical approaches to global political economy. Discusses the emergence of the global economy, globalization trends, and their impacts on and among countries and regions of the world. Examines the role of states, international and domestic institutions, and other factors in creating and/or managing conflicts and facilitating of cooperation in the global political economy.

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  • PS 6220 - Seminar in International Development

    3 credit hours
    Examines the continuing problems and challenges of development across the world. It traces the roots of such problems, discusses the different approaches, concepts and theoretical methods of development, and assesses the impact of globalization on Third World politics, economics, and societies.

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  • PS 6250 - Special Topics in International Development and Globalization

    3 credit hours
    Study in a specialized area within international development. May be repeated for credit when subject matter varies.

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  • PS 6290 - Practicum in International Affairs

    6 credit hours
    A supervised experience with students placed in organizations active in globalization and development issues. The practicum placement must be approved by the graduate advisor and departmental graduate director prior to enrolling.

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  • PS 6300 - Readings in International Relations

    3 credit hours
    The theoretical basis of international politics. The biological, sociological, psychological, economic, and ideological aspects of international relations.

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  • PS 6400 - Global Governance

    3 credit hours
    Examines the issue and challenges of global governance in an increasingly globalized world. Discusses the evolving area of global  governance, governance mechanisms, processes, and institutions, and the effect they have on the international system in maintaining order, and promoting peace, security, prosperity. Topics include roles and activities of inter-governmental organizations, international non-governmental organizations, international law, and transnational processes in global governance.

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  • PS 6500 - Research Methods in International Affairs

    3 credit hours
    Develops the methods of research and data analysis commonly used in the study of international affairs. Emphasis upon proper design and execution of research strategies and upon practical application through use of software such as STATA or R. Required for completion of the M.A. in International Affairs.

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  • PS 6640 - Thesis Research

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 6170 . Drawing on work from PS 6170, collect and analyze data and compose thesis. Once enrolled, student should register for at least one credit hour of master’s research each semester until completion.

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Professional Studies

  • PRST 6100 - Professional Environment: Issues and Ethics

    3 credit hours
    Introduces the discipline of ethics and values. Explores the various theories and practices that have led to, and continue to dominate the study of ethics and values in public service. Students will display their knowledge of ethics and values in various reading, writing, and oratorical assignments.

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  • PRST 6200 - Globalization and the Professions

    3 credit hours
    (Same as SOC 6200.) Introduces students to the fundamental concepts and key issues surrounding globalization and the professions. Examines the various descriptive and explanatory accounts of globalization with a focus on both the positive and negative components of globalization. Reviews brief history of paid work in the U.S. with a particular eye on the ways that professions have been shaped by globalization processes.

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  • PRST 6300 - Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    Study and application of research methods appropriate to professional studies. Provides a general introduction to research methods as well as providing practical exposure to problem statements, literature reviews, writing the research proposal, and organizations of the research report. Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies briefly covered in preparation for later courses in these areas.

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  • PRST 6400 - Instructional Design for Training and Development

    3 credit hours
    A broad introduction to training and development as a field of study and practice. Designed for training and developmental specialists and organizational leaders who are focused on continually improving human and organizational performance.

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  • PRST 6450 - Computer-based Instruction

    3 credit hours
    Used for technical training. Computer-based instruction requires a different approach to learning than Web-based or classroom-based courses. Focuses on skill set needed to develop training and evaluate student success in an asynchronous environment.

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  • PRST 6800 - Organizational Skills and Development

    3 credit hours
    Examines concepts and techniques of organizational development (OD) and the leadership skills required for organizational change. Emphasis on understanding and application of OD theory, skills, and methods. 

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  • PSY 5030 - Psychology of Sensation and Perception

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 1410. Modern theories of perception as they relate to knowledge of the external world through perceptual acquaintance. Philosophy of perception, history of sensory psychology, physiological mechanisms of perception, and ecological determinants of perceptual capabilities.

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  • PSY 5060 - Sport Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 1410 or consent of instructor. (Same as ATHC 5060 .) Application of psychological principles, motivational research, and social/psychological findings to the arena of sports. Theory and application of performance enhancement and teamwork in sports.

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  • PSY 5080 - Advanced Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 3070. Provides hands-on advanced psychological research experience. Students evaluate and critique their own and others’ research projects. Research teams design, conduct, analyze, and present advanced experimental study and write final APA-style research reports of their projects. Thesis proposal draft also written.

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  • PSY 5120 - Psychology of Criminal Behavior

    3 credit hours
    Survey of theory and research pertaining to criminal behavior, covering topics such as mental illness and crime, criminal homicide, assault, and sex offenses.

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