Sep 27, 2024  
2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • ANTH 3521 - Mesoamerican Archaeology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 3 hours anthropology. Archaeology of Mesoamerica to include the findings of archaeology of the initial settlement of Mesoamerica; the origins, adaptations, and development of major prehistoric Mesoamerican cultural traditions such as the Olmec, Maya, and Aztec; and the major theoretical contributions of Mesoamerican archaeology.

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  • ANTH 3530 - Anthropology Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANTH 2010 , ANTH 2210 , and ANTH 2800  (or corequisite of ANTH 2800). Introduces the use and application of statistical methods to anthropological problems. Students will use statistical software to perform quantitative analyses of anthropological data sets from cultural, archaeology, and biological anthropology.

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  • ANTH 3610 - Archaeological Methods

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ANTH 3210  or permission of instructor. Methods of identifying, excavating, recording, analyzing, reporting, and interpreting archaeological sites. Focus on technical aspects of archaeological research, including a substantial component of classroom simulations of the practical applications of these methodologies.

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  • ANTH 3640 - Visual Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: 3 hours anthropology or permission of instructor. Photography and film as tools and products of ethnography. Researching, analyzing, and presenting behavioral and cultural ideas through visual means. Cultural and political biases presented through photography and film.

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  • ANTH 3650 - Forensic Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    An intensive overview of forensic anthropology–an applied field of physical anthropology that seeks to recover, identify, and evaluate human skeletal remains within a medicolegal context.

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  • ANTH 3660 - Forensic Sciences

    3 credit hours
    Explores a variety of fields in forensic science, specifically their history, basis in science, and specific techniques/equipment used. Emphasis on crime-scene investigation. EXL component. Lecture.

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  • ANTH 3720 - Environmental Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: 3 hours anthropology or geography. Comparative study of ecological systems utilized by tribal, peasant, and industrialized peoples of the world. Special attention on theoretical approaches examining the interface of the environment and culture, the evolution of modes of subsistence, and contemporary development and indigenous people.

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  • ANTH 3730 - Medical Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    A cross-cultural survey of health-related beliefs and behavior. Includes etiologies, treatments, patients, and practitioners as they interact in an environmental, biological, and cultural context.

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  • ANTH 3750 - Race, Class, and Gender

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: 3 hours anthropology or women’s studies; ANTH 2010  recommended. An anthropological examination of the biological and cultural aspects of human identity as expressed through the concepts of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. Focus on ways in which regional, ethnic, and gender identities are celebrated, contested, and regulated cross-culturally.

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  • ANTH 3752 - Cultural Images of Gender

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANTH 2010  or SOC 1010  or WGST 2100 ; or permission of instructor. Global perspectives of gender through exploration of the experiences of men and women of various backgrounds worldwide. Special attention to mediums and writing styles presented; critical examination of creation and perpetuation of cultural images.

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  • ANTH 4130 - Anthropology of Globalization

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing; ANTH 2010 , ANTH 3010 , or GS 2010 , or permission of instructor. Explores the phenomenon of globalization anthropologically including competing understanding of transnational flow of capital, goods, people, images, and ideas around the world.

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  • ANTH 4140 - Immigrants and Globalization in the American South

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing; ANTH 2010  or ANTH 3010  or permission of instructor. ANTH 4130  recommended. Explores anthropologically the specific effects of globalizing forces in the southern United States. Relations between global and local communities explored taking into account immigration, particularly of Latinos and Asians; local industry in a time of globalization; power and confrontation between rural and urban worlds; issues of race and ethnicity; and the assimilation of foreign-born professionals into Southern social and cultural systems.

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  • ANTH 4360 - Zooarchaeology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: BIOL 1030 /BIOL 1031  or BIOL 1110 /BIOL 1111 ; ANTH 3210 ; or permission of instructor. Lab-intensive. Explores methods used by zooarchaeologists to identify, quantify, and summarize nonhuman animal remains from archaeological contexts using comparative collections. Emphasis on implications for human subsistence, environmental reconstruction, and human behavior.

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  • ANTH 4400 - Sex Trafficking

    3 credit hours
    (Same as SOC 4400 .) Provides an in-depth analysis of the causes, experiences, and implications of global sex trafficking through a social science and feminist perspective. Utilizes various multimedia methods to examine sex trafficking both globally and locally; includes both an anthropological and sociological perspective, incorporating statistical analysis of-and individual narratives from-the transnational sex industry.

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  • ANTH 4520 - Archaeology of the Southeastern United States

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ANTH 2230  or ANTH 3210  or ANTH 3520 , or permission of instructor. A comprehensive presentation of the archaeology of the southeastern United States, to include historical overviews of southeastern archaeology; a consideration of geography, geomorphology, and environment; theoretical contributions of southeastern archaeology; the finds of southeastern archaeology concerning the initial settlement of the region; the origins, adaptations, and development of major prehistoric southeastern cultural traditions through historic contact and colonization.

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  • ANTH 4550 - Hip-hop Music and Culture

    3 credit hours
    (Same as MUHL 4550  and RIM 4550 .) Prerequisites: ENGL 1010  and ENGL 1020 .  An ethnomusicological investigation of how hip-hop reacts to and informs mainstream culture through its primary art forms: music, visual art, and dance. Major themes and issues that cut across hip-hop’s history, including issues of style and performance, gender, race, politics, and religion addressed.

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  • ANTH 4730 - Economic Anthropology

    3 credit hours
    The ways people produce, distribute, and consume goods, how such systems are organized, how they operate, how they develop, and how they relate to other systems, especially the family, political, and ideological. Draws on case material for household economies, the transition to capitalist economies, and the world economic system.

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  • ANTH 4750 - Anthropology of Religion

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ANTH 2010  or ANTH 2740  or ANTH 3010  or permission of instructor. Cross-cultural exploration of religion, including beliefs in the supernatural, the use of ritual in secular and sacred context, and the roles of ceremonial practitioners. Focus on how people interpret and control their worldviews through religion and ritual.

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  • ANTH 4910 - Anthropology Undergraduate Research

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Field experience or reading courses through which special interests or needs of the student may be pursued under individual supervision. No more than three hours may be used in the major. Arrangements must be made with an instructor prior to registration.

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  • ANTH 4920 - Anthropology Senior Thesis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of Anthropology Thesis Committee. Focuses on a specific research topic chosen with the consent of the thesis committee and with the potential for original discovery or creative development. Independent pursuit of research objectives outlined in a research proposal results in a written thesis, the approval of which will include an oral defense.

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  • ANTH 4950 - Archaeological Field School

    3 to 6 credit hours
    Course may be taken for three to six credits after consultation with instructor. The basic techniques of archaeology and paleoecology through participation in actual excavation and laboratory work.

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  • ANTH 4960 - Anthropology Internship

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Supervised independent study in which student is placed in an organization on a contractual basis as a means of applying the principles of his/her training in preparation for eventual employment. Arrangements must be made with the intern supervisor prior to registration. No more than six hours may be used in the major.

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  • ART 2200 - Introduction to Art Education

    3 credit hours
    Examines the recent history and contemporary theories of art education, with special emphasis on the essential content of discipline-based art education (aesthetics, criticism, history, and production); introduces general curricular concerns, assessment, and advocacy issues.

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  • ART 2310 - Graphic Design Technologies

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ART 1610  and ART 1620 . Procedures involved in the production of graphic design materials by means of computer. Basics of word processing, drawing, and page layout programs for graphic design. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 2325 - Typographic Design

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:  ART 2310  or permission of instructor. An introduction to typography including the history, usage, and anatomy of letterforms. Projects focus on creative problem-solving using type as image as well as a means of communication. Projects range from word interpretation to page layout using industry-standard applications. Six -hour studio course.

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  • ART 2500 - Art Study Abroad

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor or specific Study Abroad program director. Explores lower-division issues in art. Subject will vary with instructor. May be repeated up to 9 hours.

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  • ART 3000 - Professional Practices for Artists

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Nine credit hours in any studio concentration area or permission of the instructor. Offers career preparation for the contemporary visual artist; preparation of professional documents and discussion of professional roles and responsibilities.


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  • ART 3100 - In-House Design

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: ART 3330  or permission of instructor. An understanding of graphic design process in a design business. Emphasizes real world aspects of graphic design through individual projects for real world clients.

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  • ART 3140 - Printmaking II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ART 1610 , ART 1620 , ART 1630 , and ART 1640  or permission of instructor. A printmaking course introducing etching, aquatint, soft-ground, drypoint, photoetching (intaglio-type). A non-toxic approach is stressed, substituting high-quality acrylic resists, vegetable oils, salts, and film for traditional toxic grounds, solvents, acids, and chemicals. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 3200 - Art Education for Teachers

    3 credit hours
    Lecture class with hands-on component designed to inform about the role of art in the life of the child; exposure to art history and appreciation; children as image makers; the importance of curiosity, observation, and imagination to the child and classroom; and methodology related to the integration of visual art into the classroom.

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  • ART 3210 - Elementary Art Education Methods

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 2200 . Investigates child development theories and concerns related to children, the elementary school culture, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching and management strategies. Materials and processes appropriate to K-6 art education explored in studio lab. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 3220 - Secondary Art Education Methods

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 2200 . Focuses on the nature of middle and high school students, the secondary school culture, curriculum development and implementation, and teaching and management strategies. Materials and processes appropriate to 7-12 art education explored in studio lab. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 3230 - Art Education Practicum

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 2200  or permission of instructor. Participation in the K-12 art classroom setting with class discussions and readings about the teaching experience. Advanced art curriculum development for the K-12 level. A maximum of 9 credits may be applied to a degree. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 3240 - Curriculum Design for Aesthetics and Criticism in Art Education

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 2200 . Effective strategies for teaching aesthetics and art criticism to K-12 students through curriculum development, research-based learning, and classroom teaching opportunities.

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  • ART 3325 - Word and Image

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ART 2325  and permission of instructor. Explores the relationship between word and image. Projects focus on visual language, concept, formation, and technical skills. Various design methodologies covered using industry-standard applications. Current designers and design trends introduced.Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 3330 - Portfolio I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ART 2325 , ART 3325 , and portfolio review after both ART 2325  and ART 3325  (or for transfer students, permission of instructor and portfolio review). The beginning of portfolio-based problems, more advanced and complex conceptual skills, production techniques, and an introduction to the offset printing process.Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 3500 - Study Abroad - Studio

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor or specific Study Abroad program director. Explores upper-division issues in art. Subject will vary with instructor. May be repeated up to 9 hours.

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  • ART 3530 - Sculpture III

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 3520  or permission of instructor. Development of concepts and techniques with primary emphasis on wood sculpture. Wood construction, carving, laminating, and subordinate use of other sculpture materials. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 3660 - Color Drawing

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ART 1620  and  . Develops visual thinking processes and objective drawing skills using a variety of color drawing media, the principles of color theory, and an understanding of the broader context of the historical, cultural, psychological, and physiological aspects of color.

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  • ART 3760 - Romanesque and Gothic Art

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 1920  or permission of instructor. Art from the age of the Crusades and Pilgrimages and Romanesque and Gothic periods as viewed from both European and Islamic perspectives.

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  • ART 3830 - Ceramics III

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ART 2810 , ART 3820 , and permission of instructor. Studio experiences in designing, forming, and decorating functional/non-functional forms. Introduction to some basic materials processes (clay and glaze formulation and firing techniques). Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 3840 - Islamic Art

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 1920  or permission of instructor. Surveys the art of the Islamic world from the late seventh century to the sixteenth century. Focuses on the materials, iconography, style, and historical context of architecture, sculpture, painting, manuscript production, and decorative arts in the Middle East, North Africa, and Southern Europe.

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  • ART 3850 - Early Medieval Art

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 1920  or permission of instructor. Surveys Early Christian, Byzantine, and Early Medieval art in Europe. Focuses on the materials, iconography, style, and historical context of art and architecture produced in Northern Europe and the Mediterranean region from the third century to the eleventh century.

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  • ART 3860 - Northern Renaissance

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:   or ART 1930  or permission of instructor. Art of Northern Europe from the late fourteenth century through the sixteenth century focusing on architecture, sculpture, and painting from England, France, Germany, and the Low Countries.

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  • ART 3880 - Latin American Art

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:   or permission of instructor. A survey of the art of Latin America from the period of Independence (1821) to the present, focusing on architecture, sculpture, and painting from Mexico through South America. Impact of these cultural expressions on Hispanic/Chicano/Latino arts of the United States.

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  • ART 3920 - Art History Visual Resources Practicum

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ART 1910 , ART 1920 , ART 1930 , and ART 3940 ; Art History majors only. Practical visual resources management course for students in a professional setting. Theory, standards, techniques, and management of digital and analog image collections in academic or not-for-profit settings.

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  • ART 3930 - Interactive Design I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:  , good working knowledge of digital imaging, and permission of instructor. Multimedia design, including the design, planning, and creation of web sites. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 3950 - Art History: Professional Practices

    1 credit hour
    Ethical and professional practices of the art history field. Surveys career options available to art history majors; acquaints students with job preparation and graduate school applications; investigates the ethics of collecting, scholarships, conservation, and the art market.

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  • ART 3960 - The Art History of the Book

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:   or ART 1930  or permission of instructor. Interdisciplinary investigation of the forces which have conditioned the composition, production, and consumption of the Western book from antiquity to the present. Emphasis on such transitional phases as the replacement of the roll by the codex in the fourth century and the fifteenth-century advent of printed books which replaced handwritten ones.

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  • ART 4000 - Workshop

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Subject matter and credit to be determined by the instructor. The workshop may be conducted in the area of art education or any art discipline. (A maximum of 9 credits may be applied toward a degree.) Depending on topic, may be six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 4100 - Printmaking III

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ART 1610 , ART 1620 , and ART 2130 . An intermediate course in printmaking. The making and printing of lithographic images on stones and plates, including both traditional and contemporary techniques such as photolithography, transfer lithography, and color lithography. Six-hour studio course.

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