Sep 27, 2024  
2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • PHYS 4740 - Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    (Same as BIOL/CHEM/MATH 4740.) Prerequisite: YOED 3520 . Provides secondary science and mathematics teacher candidates with the tools that scientists use to solve scientific problems. Students will use these tools in a laboratory setting, communicate findings, and understand how scientists develop new knowledge.

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  • PHYS 4800 - Special Topics in Physics, Special Topics A

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: An extensive physics background and permission of instructor. Detailed study of a selected topic of current interest in physics not normally covered in the regular undergraduate physics curriculum. Possible topics include advanced atomic physics, high-energy physics (nuclear and elementary particles), scattering theory, astrophysics, and general relativity.

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  • PHYS 4810 - Special Topics in Physics, Special Topics B

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: An extensive physics background and permission of instructor. Detailed study of a selected topic of current interest in physics not normally covered in the regular undergraduate physics curriculum. Possible topics include advanced atomic physics, high-energy physics (nuclear and elementary particles), scattering theory, astrophysics, and general relativity.

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  • PHYS 4850 - Physics Research

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Independent study of a selected research problem in physics. Includes experimental and/or theoretical investigation of an important, yet unexplored, problem. Includes literature research, experiment design/problem formulation and execution, resulting in oral and written presentation of results suitable for submission for publication in a suitable journal. One hour lecture and significant time working with research mentor.

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  • PHYS 4860 - Physics Research

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Independent study of a selected research problem in physics. Includes experimental and/or theoretical investigation of an important, yet unexplored, problem. Includes literature research, experiment design/problem formulation and execution, resulting in oral and written presentation of results suitable for submission for publication in a suitable journal. One hour lecture and significant additional time working with research mentor.

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  • PHYS 4900 - Physics Senior Thesis

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PHYS 4850  or PHYS 4860  and consent of department chair. Brings undergraduate experience to focus on a specific research problem; chosen with the consent of the thesis committee and with the potential for original discovery or for creative development of a tool or technique applicable to scientific research. Independent pursuit of research objectives outlined in a research proposal results in a written thesis whose approval will include an oral defense. One hour lecture and independent writing of thesis.

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Political Science

  • PS 1005 - Introduction to American Politics

    3 credit hours
    Constitutional principles, functions, and administration of American federal government; Congress, the presidency, and the Supreme Court. A General Education Social/Behavioral Sciences course.

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  • PS 1010 - Introduction to Global Politics

    3 credit hours
    Meets part of the General Education Social/Behavioral Sciences requirement. Comparative theories and institutions of government. Law, constitutions, power, political socialization, ideologies, and the media.

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  • PS 2000 - Political Science and International Relations as a Profession

    1 credit hour
    To be taken as early as possible by Political Science and International Relations majors. Provides practical information for majors on career planning and development, including potential careers in law, graduate school and research, government, policy analysis, political campaign management, lobbying, and non-profit management.

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  • PS 2020 - State and Local Government

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  or permission of instructor. Politics and administration at the state and local level. Legislative, judicial, and administrative structures and processes; major issues and problems.

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  • PS 2100 - Legal Courtroom Procedure

    1 credit hour
    For students interested in developing trial advocacy skills; practical course offering preparation for mock trial competition. May be repeated for up to four hours credit. Pass/Fail.

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  • PS 2110 - Moot Court

    1 credit hour
    Students conduct research of legal controversies, prepare briefs, and argue cases before a mock judicial panel. May be repeated for up to four hours credit. Pass/Fail.

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  • PS 2120 - Mediation Procedure

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  or permission of department chair. For students interested in developing skills as mediators and advocates in mediation settings. Practical application of theories, methods, and ethical components of mediation. Participation in intercollegiate mediation competition. May be repeated for up to four hours of credit. Pass/Fail.

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  • PS 2130 - Model United Nations and Crisis Simulation

    1 credit hour
    For students interested in developing skills in negotiation and conflict resolution involving international issues. A practical application of negotiating skills, policy process, and understanding of international conflicts and problems through participation in intercollegiate MUN/crisis simulation competition. Course may be repeated for up to 4 hours of credit. Pass/Fail.

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  • PS 2140 - Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature

    1 credit hour
    Students work through content and activities on legislative procedures designed to prepare them to participate in the annual Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature (TISL). May be repeated for up to 4 hours of credit. Pass/Fail.

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  • PS 3010 - Women and the Law

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  or permission of the instructor. Analysis of the legal treatment of women in the home, school, and workplace. Examines development of law, relationship of law to political movements, and current state of law and legal theory on women’s rights and gender equality.

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  • PS 3050 - The U.S. Presidency

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:  PS 1005  or permission of instructor. A comprehensive analysis of the presidency; includes origins of the presidency, political power, the nature of the institutionalized presidency, campaigns and elections, and a careful look at selected presidents.

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  • PS 3160 - American Public Policy

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  or permission of instructor. Examines the public policy-making process in the United States, the stages of policy development and the problems inherent in policymaking. At least one substantive policy area examined in depth; examples: health care, environmental, welfare, agricultural, poverty, or budgetary policies.

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  • PS 3170 - Civil Rights Policy and Politics

    3 credit hours
    Assesses the institutional impact–past and present–of the civil rights movement on American political institutions (the presidency, Congress, the courts, the executive cabinets, the administrative regulatory agencies, and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights). Events and topics include the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the 1991 Civil Rights Act, voter dilution, felony disenfranchisement and sentencing disparities, campaign finance reform, affirmative action, disability rights, gender discrimination, and majority-minority congressional districts.

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  • PS 3180 - African Politics

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 3180 .) Prerequisite: PS 1010 . Comparative study of the political systems, modernization efforts, and development problems of countries with different traditions or colonial pasts, selected from the continent of Africa.

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  • PS 3200 - British Government and Films

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. The evolution of parliamentary government in the United Kingdom and its current distinctive characteristics, processes, and functions in contrast to other parliamentary regimes.

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  • PS 3210 - International Relations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. The state system and national power, balance of power, balance of terror, game theory, psychological aspects of international conflict, decision making, diplomacy and negotiation, war, disarmament, and collective security.

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  • PS 3220 - Comparative Politics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Seminar covering the theoretical literature, methodological debates, and current issues in the field of comparative politics. Offers preparation for upper-division courses in comparative politics.

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  • PS 3250 - Public Administration

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  or permission of instructor. Fundamentals of public management–organization theory, leadership, policy making, planning, budgeting, personnel, administrative law, bureaucratic behavior.

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  • PS 3270 - NGOs and Non-Profits

    3 credit hours
    Key topics and issues surrounding the political environment and competing pressures that international non-governmental organizations and domestic non-profits confront. Formal readings paired with discussions from practitioners in the field and hands-on professional exercises.

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  • PS 3330 - Political Parties

    3 credit hours
    The nature of democracy, politics, and political parties; party organization and role in government; campaigning; primaries, conventions, general elections; the Electoral College; voting behavior and pressure groups.

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  • PS 3340 - Political Campaign Management.

    3 credit hours
    An analysis of applied politics; how to plan and manage a modern political campaign. Readings, discussions, and hands-on projects; students will learn the strategies, tactics, and varied techniques of political campaigning.

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  • PS 3350 - Interest Groups and Social Change

    3 credit hours
    Examines role of interest groups in American politics and the policymaking process, including the role of lobbyists, money, and politics, and case studies of several specific interest groups.

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  • PS 3370 - American Constitutional Law

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  or permission of instructor. Analysis of theories of judicial decision making as well as the establishment of judicial review itself, followed by case studies of major Supreme Court decisions in federalism. Issues covered include commerce, contracts, police, and war powers as well as restrictions placed on state governments after the ratification of the Civil War Amendments. Offered  fall only.

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  • PS 3380 - American Constitutional Law

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:  PS 1005 , PS 3370 , or permission of instructor. The Supreme Court as a policy-making body in the governmental system. Focuses on case studies of major Supreme Court decisions dealing with civil liberties. Issues covered include racial and gender discrimination, freedom of speech and religion, as well as rights of the criminally accused and the right to privacy. Offered spring only.

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  • PS 3400 - Municipal Government

    3 credit hours
    Powers, functions, and politics of municipal governments from the standpoint of city management. Attention is given to problems related to the execution of municipal policy. Offered infrequently.

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  • PS 3420 - African American Politics

    3 credit hours
    The unique history, content, and form of African American political participation; examines the nature of consequences of African American influence within, or exclusion from, the workings of various American political institutions; the nature and types of issues that influence contemporary discussions in American and African American politics related to the socioeconomic conditions of African Americans. Students who have taken PS 4390 - Special Topics in Political Science  (Black Politics in America) may not take PS 3420 for credit.

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  • PS 3440 - Governmental Budgeting and Finance Administration

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  or permission of instructor. Analysis of the legal and social nature of government budgets emphasizing the procedures and administrative methods of fiscal control. Budget documents at state and local levels. Offered infrequently.

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  • PS 3490 - Alternative Dispute Resolution

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  or permission of the department chair. Theory, methods, and ethical components of alternative dispute resolution (ADR); emphasis on various forms of mediation, but including other ADR formats such as arbitration, negotiation, and summary jury trial.

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  • PS 3500 - International Law

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. General principles of modern international law taught by the case study method in a seminar format encouraging debate and discussion. Issues concerning the development of international law and human rights will be studied.

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  • PS 3510 - International Political Economy

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PS 1010   or permission of instructor. The relation between politics and economics in international affairs and its implications for global peace, security, ecology, and social welfare.

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  • PS 3530 - Legal Writing and Research

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  or permission of instructor. A specialized composition course for the student planning to attend law school or paralegal school or to become a legal secretary. Practice in legal research, documentation, and a variety of legal problems.

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  • PS 3550 - Democratic Participation and Civic Advocacy

    3 credit hours
    Focus on theories of democratic participation, the role and impact of participation in a democracy, and practical approaches to building and working through organizations advocating for candidates or particular policies or working with the government in crafting and implementing public policies.

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  • PS 3780 - Study Abroad

    3 to 6 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Supervised study in a foreign country; familiarizes students with foreign cultures and political systems. Three to six hour classes may be repeated once if country of destination varies. No more than 6 hours may count toward a political science major. Pass/Fail.

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  • PS 3910 - International Organization

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Development and prospects of the United Nations Organization and its major approaches to peace–pacific settlement, collective security, international law, arms control, trusteeship, preventive diplomacy, international conferences, functionalism. Offered infrequently.

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  • PS 4030 - Human Rights

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Fosters critical thinking about human rights by developing skills in weighing powerful but opposing arguments in complex moral situations. Familiarizes students with the role of both national and international organizations in global politics.

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  • PS 4040 - Pre-Law Internship

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Senior standing, competitive selection, PS 2440 , or by permission of instructor. Familiarizes pre-law students with general law office procedures and an active law environment.

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  • PS 4070 - Political Violence and Terrorism

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Examines political violence, including assassination, terror, repression, and genocide, in comparative and international perspectives. Theoretical and case study approaches used to examine forms, goals of, tactics, and responses to political violence.

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  • PS 4180 - African Politics

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 3180 .) Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Comparative study of selected African political systems with different colonial traditions in the process of rapid change. The ideology and politics of development, political system forms and processes, modernization efforts, and the challenges of nation building.

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  • PS 4190 - Middle East Politics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Emphasis on the Palestinian question, the Arab-Israeli wars, the role of the United Nations; conflicts between and among the Arab nations; the various peace initiatives that have been proposed.

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  • PS 4200 - Problems in Government

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PS 1005  or PS 1010  and at least 12 hours of political science classes. Work done under the close direction of a professor on a tutorial basis. Student expected to present a sound proposal for departmental consideration and acceptance before enrolling.

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  • PS 4210 - International Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Responses

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding the causes of interstate war, intrastate war, and transnational terrorism as well as the social consequences of and policy responses to international conflict.

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  • PS 4220 - World Politics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Experiencing contemporary international politics through the medium of simulation. Particular focus areas include the U.S., F.S.U., People’s Republic of China, the Middle East, South Asia, and Southern Africa.

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  • PS 4230 - Classical Political Theory

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005 , PS 1010 , or PHIL 1030 . Western political theory from the ancient Greeks through the medieval Christians. Includes Sophocles, Aristophanes, Plato, Aristotle, stoicism, skepticism, Lucretius, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas More.

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  • PS 4240 - American Foreign Policy

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Foreign policies in the nuclear age from Kennan and Containment to the present with particular emphasis on contemporary problems and policies.

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  • PS 4260 - The Political Status of Women in the World

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or WGST 2100  or permission of instructor. Comparative examination of the political, economic, and social status of women in the United States and abroad. Particular emphasis on women in developing countries, the relationship between economic and political power, and the impact of both conflict and globalization on the status of women.

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  • PS 4270 - Political Campaign, NGO, and Interest Group Internship

    1 to 12 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing,  , and a 2.50 minimum GPA. Students work for a political campaign, a non-profit or NGO, or an interest group as a volunteer under the joint administration of the organization and the department. Only six hours may count toward a political science major and three hours toward a political science minor. Arrangement for this course must be made in advance.

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  • PS 4280 - The Washington Experience

    12 credit hours
    A cooperative program with the Washington Center that provides for student service with a governmental office in Washington, D.C., on a full-time basis during the fall or spring semester. On-the-job training will be supplemented with lectures and other activities. Students selected on a competitive basis. Only six hours count toward a Political Science major or minor.

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  • PS 4290 - Public Service Internship

    1 to 12 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing and 2.50 minimum GPA. Student assigned to a public service agency as an employee under the joint administration of the agency and the department. May be repeated for up to 12 hours of credit, but only six hours of internship credit may count toward a Political Science major or minor. Arrangement for this course must be made in advance.

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  • PS 4300 - Comparative European Government

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. Comparative analysis of the governmental forms and practices of England, France, Germany, the European community, and others.

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  • PS 4360 - Legislative Internship

    12 credit hours
    A cooperative program with the State of Tennessee that provides for student service with the legislature on a full-time basis during the spring semester. Students selected on a competitive basis. Only six hours may count toward a Political Science major or minor.

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  • PS 4390 - Special Topics in Political Science

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or PS 1005  or permission of the instructor. An in-depth study of a special topic significant in contemporary political developments or political science literature. May be taken more than once, as topics change, with up to six credit hours applied to a Political Science major.

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  • PS 4590 - Administrative Law

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  PS 3250 , or permission of instructor. Procedural aspects, substantive issues, judicial review of the type of law concerned with the powers and procedures of government agencies and the rights of citizens affected by them.

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  • PS 4630 - Personnel Management

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 3250  or permission of instructor. Human resources administration in government agencies. Patterns of position classification, compensation, recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal, promotion, discipline, separation, collective bargaining.

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  • PS 4690 - International Relations of the Middle East

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010 , MES 2100 , or permission of instructor. Examines framework within which to understand Middle East international relations. Includes Arab/Israeli conflict; oil and Middle East international relations; political Islam; the war on terror; and United States, European, Chinese, and Russian policies in the Middle East.

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  • PS 4700 - American Political Thought

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005  or PS 1010  or PHIL 1030  or permission of instructor. Major thinkers and movements in American political thought from colonial times to the twentieth century with special emphasis on the thoughts of the framers of the American Constitution and their contemporaries.

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  • PS 4770 - Russian Politics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010  or permission of instructor. The formation and evolution of the Russian state from the pre-Communist to the Soviet (Communist) and post-Soviet stages of its development. Special attention given to the historical origins and the role of authoritarianism in the Russian political culture and to the ideological foundations, formation, evolution, and the reasons for decline of the Communist system.

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  • PS 4800 - Senior Seminar

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:  PS 1005 , PS 1010 , and 12 additional hours of political science courses. A reading and discussion seminar designed to integrate knowledge of the subfields of political science through critical reflection on politics, law, ideology, and culture from both a domestic and global perspective.

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  • PS 4801 - Senior Seminar in International Relations

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PS 1010 , PS 3001 PS 3210 , and 6 hours electives in the major. A reading and discussion seminar focused on the subfields of international relations and comparative politics, the practical application of theories, preparation for professional work or graduate study following graduation, and assessment of student learning outcomes for the program.

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  • PS 4920 - Modern Political Theory

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1010 PS 1005 , or PHIL 1030  or permission of instructor. Western political theory from the Renaissance to the twentieth century. Includes Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, J.S. Mill, Marx and Engels, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, facism, existentialism, Strauss, Arendt, and contemporary thought.

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  • PS 4930 - Introduction to Contemporary Political Philosophy

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PS 1005 PS 1010 , or PHIL 1030  or permission of instructor. Aims to foster critical thinking about contemporary political philosophy by introducing students to four main approaches: Aristotelianism, Utilitarianism, Contractarian Liberalism, and Marxism. Familiarizes students with certain philosophical arguments about important issues in both national and global politics such as multiculturism, justice, democracy, and freedom.

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  • PS 4950 - Community-Based Research Practicum

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Supervised planning and carrying out applied social research project defined in partnership with a local civic group, nonprofit agency, or public department. Students may work individually or in groups or up to six. A final report is presented to the community partner at the end of the course. Projects must be approved prior to enrollment by the department’s student research committee.

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  • PS 4970 - Undergraduate Research

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Students pursue their own topics and fields of concentration under the supervision of a political science faculty member. Working with the faculty member, the student will design and conduct independent research, with the final paper presented at a conference or a public forum on campus.

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  • PORT 3990 - Study Abroad

    3 to 12 credit hours
    Designed for students participating in Study Abroad courses for the existing consortium agreements. The credits depend on the number of hours of study in the foreign country (e.g., a four-week, six-week, or semester program).

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Professional Seminar

  • PRSE 4900 - Professional Seminar

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Sixty credits and consent of instructor. A professional development seminar for students who want to learn about doing research and prepare for graduate school. May be repeated for up to six credits total.

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  • PRSE 4910 - Professional Seminar

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Sixty credits and consent of instructor. A professional development seminar for students who want to learn about doing research and prepare for graduate school. May be repeated for up to six credits total.

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Professional Studies

  • PRST 3010 - Prior Learning Assessment

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010  and ENGL 1020  or equivalent; permission of instructor. Students will be required to prepare a portfolio of their college-level experiential learning for credit assessment; participate in a formal assessment process, and pass course PRST 3010. Students should consult their advisors to determine if experiential learning credit might be an option for them. Prior-Learning Assessed credit may be applied to the B.S. in Integrated Studies, Professional Studies, and Liberal Studies. PLA credit may also be applied to other degree programs. Check with your college advisor.

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  • PRST 3030 - Senior Career Development Seminar

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisites:   and junior or senior standing. Requires writing for the employment acquisition process including resumes, cover letters, business letters, and employment philosophy statements. Emphasis placed on effective written and verbal communications and media presentations. Explores the career acquisition and development process. Includes networking, effective listening, and business etiquette.

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  • PRST 3995 - Research and Project Planning

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Junior standing and B.S. in Integrated Studies, B.S. in Professional Studies, or B.S. in Liberal Studies major. Offers preparation for the culminating project (PRST 4995 ) course. Emphasis on identifying  research topics, locating and evaluating research, ability to design a research proposal, writing article reviews, properly citing sources in writing, and creating a multimedia presentation.

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  • PRST 4010 - Senior Capstone

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:  ,  , and senior standing. Coalesces the knowledge and skill sets developed in LEAD 3010, and PRST 3030 with the student’s academic content areas of emphasis. Culminates in the creation of a capstone reflective electronic portfolio that demonstrates competencies and skills gained throughout the academic program of study.

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  • PRST 4995 - Culminating Project

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of department. A capstone course in which students demonstrate skills and knowledge from the program of study. The culminating project takes the form of an academic research paper which should demonstrate synthesis of a student’s coursework.

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  • PSY 1410 - General Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Prescribed prerequisite:  . Introductory survey course. Includes biological foundations, perception, principles of learning, intelligence, motivation, emotion, human development, personality, social psychology, behavior disorders, and psychotherapy.

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  • PSY 1420 - Psychology of Adjustment

    3 credit hours
    Processes of human adjustment, adaptation, and environmental influences. Development of self-understanding, constructive management of emotion and stress, and healthy interpersonal relationships.

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  • PSY 2000 - Seminar on Careers in Psychology

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite: PSY 1410 . Required for Psychology majors in the first 10 hours of psychology courses. Requirements needed for success in jobs or graduate school. Interest exploration and development of a career timeline and a resume/vita. Students who choose to complete assessment inventories will pay Testing Services an assessment fee of approximately $20.

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