Sep 25, 2024  
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • ART 4310 - Portfolio II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 3330 . Continued production of portfolio-based problems with increased emphasis on advanced design skills related to the specific needs of the workplace. Includes basic collateral problems, ad campaigns, corporate identity, signage, plus a self-promotional package. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 4320 - Senior Project

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 4310  or permission of instructor. Following a portfolio review, each class member will devise a project that conceptually and visually addresses his or her design/illustration goals. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 4330 - Internship

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission of the internship coordinator. Advanced students gain practical experience in a professional setting as an intern. Approximately 150 work hours required for the semester.

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  • ART 4390 - Interactive Design II

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ART 3930  and permission of instructor. An intermediate interactive design class with an emphasis on interface design. Focuses on design, planning, and creation of Web sites using industry-standard Web design applications. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 4400 - Interactive Design III

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ART 3930  or ART 4390  and permission of instructor. An advanced interactive design class that emphasizes the design and implementation of visually engaging, immersive environments. Students work individually and as teams using industry-standard Web design applications to create stand-alone and Web projects. Six -hour studio course.

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  • ART 4410 - Typography in Motion

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 2325  or permission of instructor. Students will gain an advanced understanding of the graphic design process in time-based media. Emphasizes formal, conceptual, and technical aspects of kinetic typography through individual projects created with industry specific software applications. Six-hour studio course

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  • ART 4510 - Sculpture IV

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:   or permission of instructor.  Development of concepts and techniques with primary emphasis on metal sculpture. Gas and electric welding, fabricating, grinding, finishing, and subordinate use of other sculpture materials. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 4520 - Sculpture V

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite:   or permission of instructor. Development of concepts and techniques with primary emphasis on casting activities in the foundry; covers various metal casting techniques and subordinate use of other materials. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 4640 - Advanced Art Problems

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Structure and content determined by the art faculty on the basis of individual need. The student should be prepared to do independent research and experimentation in the area selected. (A maximum of 9 credits may be applied to a degree.) Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 4710 - Painting IV

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 3730  or permission of instructor. Projects in painting; content of the course is planned by the student under supervision of the instructor. A final paper is required. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 4770 - Letterpress II: The Tulip Poplar Press

    3 credit hours
     An advanced course in letterpress printing with an emphasis on the creative process of collaboration and on designing for the marketplace. Students work as apprentices for the Tulip Poplar Press to design and produce limited edition publications for the marketplace. Six-hour studio course.

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  • ART 4870 - African Art

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 1910  or permission of instructor. Survey of visual art from the African continent and an examination of selected artists of the African diaspora. Discussion of ancient through contemporary artistic production, with focus upon nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

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  • ART 4880 - African American Art

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 1930  or permission of instructor. An art historical survey of African American culture and visual arts, beginning with eighteenth century expressions in painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts, but focusing on the twentieth century expressions.

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  • ART 4890 - Design History

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 1920  or ART 1930    or permission of the instructor. Surveys the history of two-dimensional design in Europe and North America, focusing mainly on the role of visual culture in modern society and on the influence of fine art, architecture, advertising, and the professionalism of the field on modern and contemporary design.

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  • ART 4900 - Nineteenth-Century Art

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 1930  or permission of the instructor. Examines visual arts of the nineteenth century from Europe, the United States, Africa, or the Americas. Topics will vary according to areas of expertise of the professor.

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  • ART 4905 - Survey of Women Artists: Renaissance to Modern

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ART 1930  or permission of instructor. Painting and sculpture produced by women artists from Europe and the Americas during the period from the Renaissance (1400) to the Modern era (1945).

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  • ART 4940 - Special Studies in Art History

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite will vary. Content varies. When offered, particular topics addressed are indicated by the course title in the schedule book. Depending on the nature of the material to be covered, prerequisites may be imposed by the instructor. Can be repeated for up to 9 hours.

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  • ART 4960 - Independent Studies in Art History

    1 to 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:  Permission of instructor. Independent investigations into art history under the guidance of a member of the art history faculty. Topic(s) of investigation must be agreed upon by both student and faculty prior to registration. May not be repeated.

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  • ART 4970 - Senior Thesis in Art History

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: Senior standing, completion of art history core, and at least 18 hours of upper-division art history. An intensive research and writing project under the direct guidance of a supervising art history faculty member.

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  • ASTR 1030 - Exploring the Universe

    3 credit hours
    A general introduction to astronomy through an overview of planets, stars, systems of stars, and the overall structure of the universe. Topics will be discussed by answering questions such as “How do you weigh stars?” and “Will the universe die?”

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  • ASTR 1031 - Observing the Universe

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisite or corequisite: ASTR 1030 . Introduction to observational astronomy through laboratory exercises and outdoor observing activities. Topics include telescopes, the analysis of starlight, and observations of stars and planets.

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  • ASTR 2030 - Solar System Astronomy

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1710 . Comprehensive study of the solar system including models of solar and planetary formation. Analysis of the chemical makeup and physical nature of the Sun, planets, moons, and comets using mathematics and the scientific method. Focus on planetary interiors, surfaces, atmospheres, solar-planetary interactions, and solar system evolution. Discussion of spacecraft missions, future solar system exploration, and possibilities of extraterrestrial life.

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  • ASTR 2040 - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1710 . A comprehensive study of stellar, galactic, and cosmological astronomy. Analyzes the basic theories of stellar and galactic formation and evolution using mathematics and the scientific method. Includes the cataclysmic topics of supernovae, neutron stars, pulsars, and black holes as well as the nature of galaxies including the Milky Way galaxy, active galaxies and quasars, and the formation and evolution of our universe, the big bang theory, and the possibility of other life in the universe.

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  • ASTR 3050 - Directed Study in Astronomy

    1 to 4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PHYS 2021  or PHYS 2120  and approval of department chair. Individualized intensive study of a specific topic in astronomy or astrophysics not normally covered  in the standard undergraduate physics and astronomy curriculum. Arrangements must be made with an approved faculty member prior to registration.

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  • ASTR 3400 - Fundamentals of Astrophysics

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PHYS 2021  or PHYS 2120  and MATH 1910 . Modern astronomical knowledge and techniques using classical and modern physical principles. Possible topics include star formation, black holes and neutron stars, galaxy structure and evolution, formation of planetary systems, and large-scale structure of the universe.

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  • ASTR 3401 - Experimental Astronomy

    1 credit hour
    Prerequisites:   or   or consent of instructor. Principles and techniques of astronomical data acquisition and reduction. Possible research topics involve photometry, spectroscopy, astronomical applications of electronic detectors, and computer modeling.

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  • ASTR 4800 - Special Topics in Astronomy

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: PHYS 3100  and PHYS 3150  or approval of department chair. In-depth, organized study of a contemporary topic of interest not normally covered in the undergraduate physics and astronomy curriculum. Possible topics include planetary geology, radio astronomy, stellar atmospheres or interiors, space physics, pulsating stars, dark matter and energy, galactic evolution, and general relativity and cosmology.

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  • ASTR 4850 - Astronomy Research

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Independent study of a selected research problem in astronomy. Includes experimental and/or theoretical investigation of an important yet unexplored problem or experimental design. Includes literature research and experimental design/problem formulation and execution resulting in oral and written presentation of results suitable for submission/presentation to a suitable journal/conference. One hour lecture and significant additional time working with research mentor.

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  • ASTR 4900 - Astronomy Senior Thesis

    2 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ASTR 4850  and consent of department chair. Focuses on a specific research/experimental design problem chosen with the consent of the thesis committee and with the potential for original discovery or for creative development of a tool, technique, or instrumentation applicable to scientific research. Independent pursuit of research objectives outlined in a research proposal results in a written thesis, the approval of which will include an oral defense. One hour lecture and independent writing of thesis.

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Athletic Coaching

  • ATHC 2710 - Coaching and Officiating Fall Intramurals

    2 credit hours
    Terminology, rules, strategies, and skills for players, coaches, and officials in flag football, outdoor soccer, volleyball, dodge ball, and 3-on-3 basketball. Officiating mechanics, positioning, and signals emphasized. Students will work a minimum of 20 hours officiating flag football or outdoor soccer plus one other sport or game. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 2720 - Coaching and Officiating Spring Intramurals

    2 credit hours
    Terminology, rules, strategies, and skills for players, coaches, and officials in basketball, indoor soccer, arena football, softball, and dodge ball. Officiating mechanics, positioning, and signals emphasized. Students will work a minimum of 20 hours officiating basketball or indoor soccer plus one other sport or game. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 3600 - Coaching and Officiating Football

    3 credit hours
    Fundamentals of football coaching and officiating. Students will teach and analyze the fundamental skills, especially offensive and defensive, as well as understand, interpret, and apply the rules of football. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 3610 - Coaching and Officiating Basketball

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PHED 1210  or permission of instructor. Fundamentals of basketball coaching and officiating. Students will teach and analyze the fundamental skills, especially offensive and defensive, as well as understand, interpret, and apply the rules of basketball. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 3620 - Coaching and Officiating Golf

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PHED 2020  or permission of instructor. The fundamental skills of golf coaching and officiating. Students will teach and analyze the fundamental skills, especially the swing, as well as understand, interpret, and apply the rules of golf. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 3630 - Coaching and Officiating Wrestling

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PHED 2000  or permission of instructor. The fundamentals of wrestling coaching and officiating. Students will teach and analyze the fundamental skills, especially offensive and defensive moves, as well as understand, interpret, and apply the rules of wrestling. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 3640 - Coaching and Umpiring Softball

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PHED 2410  or permission of instructor. The fundamental skills of softball coaching and umpiring. Students will teach and analyze the fundamental skills, especially hitting and fielding, as well as understand, interpret, and apply the rules of softball. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 3650 - Coaching and Officiating Tennis

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PHED 1040  or permission of instructor. The fundamental skills of tennis coaching and officiating. Students will teach and analyze the fundamental skills, especially the ground strokes, as well as understand, interpret, and apply the rules of tennis. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 3660 - Coaching and Officiating Volleyball

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PHED 2270  or permission of instructor. The fundamental skills of volleyball coaching and officiating. Students will teach and analyze the fundamental skills, especially offensive and defensive, as well as understand, interpret, and apply the rules of volleyball. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 3670 - Coaching and Umpiring Baseball

    3 credit hours
    The fundamental skills of baseball coaching and umpiring. Students will teach and analyze the fundamental skills, especially hitting and fielding, as well as understand, interpret, and apply the rules of baseball. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 3910 - Athletic Coaching and Officiating

    3 credit hours
    Pre- or corequisite: ATHC 2710  or ATHC 2720 . An overview of the professions of athletic coaching and officiating. Numerous roles coaches and officials play in the athletic environment emphasized: philosophy of athletics, ethical behavior of participants, safety, teaching and communicating with all publics, successful organization and administration of competition, and evaluation of performances.

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  • ATHC 4060 - Sport Psychology

    3 credit hours
    (Same as PSY 4060 .) The application of behavioral principles, motivational research, personality factors, social/psychological findings, cognitive processes, dysfunctional behavior knowledge, and psychometric assessment procedures to the arena of sports. Introduces students to this discipline and provides knowledge to help enhance their own performances and the performances of others.

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  • ATHC 4180 - Coaching Speed and Strength Conditioning for Sports

    3 credit hours
    Organizing and developing speed and strength conditioning programs for sports. Setting up and supervising proper methods and techniques in running, weight lifting, and conditioning exercise for athletics today.

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  • ATHC 4220 - Coaching and Officiating Soccer

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PHED 1220  or permission of instructor. The fundamental skills of soccer coaching and officiating. Students will teach and analyze the fundamental skills, especially offensive and defensive, as well as understand, interpret, and apply the rules of soccer. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 4600 - Intermediate Coaching and Officiating Football

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ATHC 3600 . Incorporates multiple drills to refine football skills and fundamentals. Emphasizes offensive, defensive, and special team strategies as well as the application of rules, officiating mechanics, signals, and positioning for coaching and officiating interscholastic and intercollegiate competition in football. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 4620 - Intermediate Coaching and Officiating Basketball

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ATHC 3610 . Incorporates multiple drills to refine basketball skills and fundamentals. Emphasizes offensive, defensive, and special situations as well as the application of rules, officiating mechanics, signals, and positioning for coaching and officiating interscholastic and intercollegiate competition in basketball. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 4640 - Intermediate Coaching and Umpiring Baseball

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ATHC 3670 . Incorporates multiple drills to refine baseball skills and fundamentals. Emphasizes offensive, defensive, and special situations as well as the application of rules, umpiring mechanics, signals, and positioning for coaching and umpiring interscholastic and intercollegiate competition in baseball. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 4650 - Coaching and Officiating Cross Country, Track and Field

    3 credit hours
    The fundamental of coaching and officiating cross country and track and field. Students will teach and analyze the fundamental skills, especially distance running, sprints, relays, and field events, as well as understand, interpret, and apply the rules of cross country and track and field. Practicum hours included.

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  • ATHC 4690 - Psychology of Coaching and Officiating

    3 credit hours
    The applications of psychological principles to the coaching, officiating, and playing of athletics at various levels. Emphasis will be on the motivation of and communication with and between all participants in athletic competition at a variety of levels.

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  • ATHC 4800 - Administration of High School and College Athletics

    3 credit hours
    Deals with administrative concerns of athletic eligibility, contest management, equipment, finances, budgets, safety, layout and maintenance of facilities, public relations, publicity, and current athletic trends.

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Athletic Training

  • ATHT 3000 - Clinical A in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ATHT 3570 , ATHT 3580 . Psychomotor skills used in the application of protective equipment, emergency procedures, care and treatment of athletic injuries, and use of basic modalities. A minimum of 200 clinical hours under the direct supervision of an approved clinical instructor required.

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  • ATHT 3001 - Clinical B in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ATHT 3000 ; corequisite: ATHT 3950 . Psychomotor skills used in the evaluation and assessment of injuries to the lower extremities. A minimum of 200 clinical hours under the direct supervision of an approved clinical instructor required.

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  • ATHT 3002 - Clinical C in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ATHT 3001 ; corequisite: ATHT 3960 . Psychomotor skills used in the evaluation and assessment of injuries to the upper extremities and thorax. A minimum of 200 clinical hours under the supervision of an approved clinical instructor required.

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  • ATHT 3003 - Clinical D in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ATHT 3002 . Psychomotor skills used in the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries. A minimum of 200 clinical hours under the direct supervision of an approved clinical instructor required.

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  • ATHT 3570 - Psychomotor Skills in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    Various athletic training topics with emphasis on the application of supportive and protective taping. A minimum of 60 directed clinical hours of observation and experiential learning required.

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  • ATHT 3590 - Athletic Training Medical Documentation and Terminology

    2 credit hours
    Athletic training medical terminology and how to utilize appropriately for medical records and documentation, medical insurance and reimbursement, allied/medical health teams, case studies, and medical referrals. Not a substitute class for HUM 2130 .

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  • ATHT 3900 - Human Structure and Movement in Sport and Injury

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: BIOL 2010 /BIOL 2011  and/or BIOL 2030 /BIOL 2031 . Corequisite: ATHT 3901 . Exposure to the structural and functional components of human anatomy, including musculoskeletal origins, insertions, actions, and innervations; the ability to identify landmarks, surface markings, and palpations on a live model; to describe functional movements in various sport activities, then classify and identify which muscles work together to create the motions, identify normal and atypical patterns and characteristics. Emphasis placed on normal walking and running gait, posture, throwing, kicking, and jumping.

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  • ATHT 3980 - Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine in Athletic Training

    2 credit hours
    For Athletic Training majors only. Introduces the concepts of evidence-based medicine and practice in the field of athletic training.

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  • ATHT 4080 - Alternative Therapies in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    (Same as HLTH 4080 .) Examines the didactic and psychomotor concepts of various alternative and complementary therapies as they relate to the profession of athletic training.

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  • ATHT 4200 - Acute Trauma and Emergency Care in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: ATHT 3580  or permission of instructor. Corequisite: ATHT 4201 . Competencies and proficiencies used in the identification, evaluation, management, and prevention of acute traumatic conditions in sports requiring emergency care in. In addition, administrative and risk management aspects of planning for an emergency injury/illness situation.

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  • ATHT 4500 - Therapeutic Medications and Ergogenic Aids in Sports

    3 credit hours
    Principles, theories, and issues of the physiological and psychological response to pharmacological use and abuse of therapeutic medications and ergogenic aids in sports. Taught fall semester, odd years.

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  • ATHT 4820 - Organization and Administration of Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    Provides the basic knowledge necessary to organize and manage an allied health care professional setting, specifically in athletic training. Information on current laws, professional standards, ethics, and issues of confidentiality addressed. Taught fall semester, even years.

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  • ATHT 4920 - Independent Study

    3 credit hours
    (Same as EXSC 4920 /HLTH 4920 /PHED 4920 /LSTS 4920 .) Independent study topics based on a study plan prepared in cooperation with a faculty supervisor. Culminates in a formal paper and/or comprehensive examination. Application forms must be completed and approved prior to enrollment. A maximum of three credit hours may be applied toward degree.

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  • ATHT 4950 - Pathology of Sport Illness and Consideration of Special Populations

    3 credit hours
    Pathology of special problems and general medical conditions of athletes and others involved in physical activity. Includes an athletic training field experience.

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  • ATHT 4965 - Aquatic Exercise and Therapeutic Rehabilitation Techniques

    3 credit hours
    (Same as EXSC 4965 /LSTS 4965 .) Examines the various uses of the aquatic environment to develop, maintain, and improve physical performance with practical development of skills and techniques and aquatic exercise programming. Combines both didactic and laboratory activities in an experiential learning environment.

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  • ATHT 4975 - Psychosocial Aspects of Sport, Health, and Rehabilitation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: PSY 1410 , ATHT 4960 , or permission of instructor. Explores psychosocial issues of sport, health, and rehabilitation. Mental health and psychological problems and referrals; intervention strategies, interaction skills, and psychological techniques for injury, rehabilitation, return to play, adherence, sport performance, and sport enhancement. Introduces substance abuse, disordered eating and nutritional issues, and catastrophic injury and illness.

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  • ATHT 4980 - Advanced Evidence-Based Medicine in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ATHT 3980 and ATHT 4960. Evidence based medicine is used to produce clinical relevant questions and the research process to investigate those questions. Emphasis on writing and developing sound research question and proposal, literature review, experimental design and methodology, and presentation techniques explored.

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  • ATHT 4990 - Senior Seminar in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ATHT 4960 , ATHT 4970 . Offers preparation for the BOC examination and discussion of current research in athletic training and sports medicine. Engages students in the process of reviewing, analyzing, discussing, and synthesizing research. Includes an athletic training field experience.

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  • ATHT 4999 - Independent Research in Athletic Training

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Gives students the opportunity to complete the project begun in ATHT 4980  or a new project with the potential for local, regional, national, or international presentations and publications. Course set up independently depending on the type of research project the student is going to perform.

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  • BIOL 1030 - Exploring Life

    4 credit hours
    Corequisite: BIOL 1031 . Designed for non-majors. Offers understanding, experiences, and skills related to common biological issues. Includes class discussions, small group activities, lectures, selected readings, and laboratory investigations. Students earning an A in BIOL 1030/1031 and wishing to declare a major or minor in Biology may substitute BIOL 1030/BIOL 1031 for BIOL 1110 /BIOL 1111  toward meeting the requirement for the major or minor. Three hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory.

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  • BIOL 1110 - General Biology

    4 credit hours
    Corequisite: BIOL 1111 . Primarily for Biology majors and minors and other science-oriented students. Biological principles and processes, including introduction to the nature of science, cells (structure, function, metabolism, division), genetics, evolution, viruses, bacteria, protists, and fungi. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory. While BIOL 1110 can be used to fulfill half the 8-hour General Education requirement for Natural Sciences, it is the first semester of a two-semester sequence primarily designed for science majors.

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  • BIOL 2000 - Orientation to the Medical Lab

    2 credit hours
    Corequisite: BIOL 2001 . Open to anyone in medical and allied medical careers, but may not be taken as part of Biology major. Survey of medical lab careers, curricula, and affiliated laboratory programs; experience in medical laboratory testing procedures. One hour lecture and one two-hour laboratory.

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  • BIOL 2010 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    4 credit hours
    Completion of    and    or a grade of C or better in high school chemistry and biology within the last five years is strongly recommended. Corequisite:    . Meets requirements for many pre-health professional programs including nursing. Structure and function of the cell, integumentary, skeletal, muscle, and nervous systems. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

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  • BIOL 2020 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    4 credit hours
    Prerequisite: C or better in BIOL 2010 /BIOL 2011 . Corequisite: BIOL 2021 . Meets requirements for many pre-health professional programs including nursing. Structure and function of endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and reproductive systems. Biology majors passing both BIOL 2010/BIOL 2111 and BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021 with a C or better may substitute both courses for BIOL 3020 . However, the substitution is not recommended for pre-med students and does not count for upper-division hours. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

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