Sep 22, 2024  
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Social Work

  • SW 3000 - Social Policy

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SW 2570 . Emphasis on recurring themes in social welfare policy development processes, historical turning points; societal ethics; causal relationship–social problems, social change, and social welfare policy analytical frameworks for assessing social welfare policy and programs.

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  • SW 3050 - Women and Poverty

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: WGST 2100  or SW 2570 . Predominant theories, policies, and programs dealing with poverty among women. Explores the effects of poverty on women in addition to a general knowledge of poverty; ageism, sexism, and racism in relation to poverty; historical treatment of women and views of poverty.

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  • SW 3100 - International Social Work

    3 credit hours
    International dimensions of social work. Explores the impact of globalization on social work problems. Includes status of women, aging populations, family breakdown, drug addiction, child abuse and neglect, poverty, and emerging problems such as civil strife, ethnic cleansing, resettlement, and AIDS.

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  • SW 3120 - Data Analysis for Social Work Practice

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SW 3110 . Data analysis and interpretation. Opportunities for skill development in the use of statistical procedures and knowledge of the meaning of results of such procedures. Instruction in computer use for data entry and data analysis.

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  • SW 3160 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment I: Individuals and Families

    3 credit hours
    Major theories of human development across the life span and life course. Ecological relationship of diverse individuals and families with other systems in the social environment described with focus on biological, psychological, and social context and content.

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  • SW 3161 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment II: Groups, Organizations, and Communities

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SW 3160 . Builds on concepts learned in SW 3160 . Presents theories on and about the development, structure, and function of small groups, organizations, and communities and how they interrelate eco-systemically with individuals and families.

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  • SW 3170 - Family Caregiving Across the Life Span

    3 credit hours
    Caregivers–gender roles, cost of caregiving, managing stress, respite care, finding recourses, financial and legal matters, establishing support groups, differential caregiving tips for various illnesses and disabilities from infancy to old age, emerging trends, and long distance caregiving.

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  • SW 3200 - Cultural Diversity: Competency for Practice

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 3200 .) Examines culturally appropriate practice issues that are essential considerations for effective service delivery, including African American families and ethnic subcultures predominant in the U.S.

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  • SW 3250 - School Social Work

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: SW 2570  and SW 2630 . Introduces social work students to practice in school settings. Examines various roles of social workers in school systems and the specifics of practicing with students from 3-21 years of age in individual, group, and organizational level interventions.

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  • SW 4430 - Social Work with the Terminally Ill

    3 credit hours
    Factors and principles involved with the terminally ill which should stimulate students to learn and think about what he/she values and anticipates experiencing in the area of medical social work.

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  • SW 4440 - Social Work with the Disabled Individual

    3 credit hours
    The effects of disability on the individual, the family, and society. An examination of a variety of intervention strategies from a social work perspective.

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  • SW 4680 - Field Instruction II

    9 credit hours
    Prerequisites: SW 4580 , SW 4590 , senior standing, and all other major requirements. Second field placement for social work majors. Application must be made the preceding semester. (Must be admitted to Social Work program.) Pass/Fail.

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  • SW 4690 - Integrative Seminar in Social Work

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisites:  SW 4650  and SW 4680  or concurrent enrollment. An opportunity for the student, with instructor and peers, to explore the knowledge, values, and skills gained from academic and field experiences and to synthesize and integrate theory and practice. (Must be admitted to Social Work program.)

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  • SW 4800 - Special Projects

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Field experiences or reading courses through which special interests or needs of the student may be pursued under individual supervision. Arrangements must be made with an instructor prior to registration.

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  • SOC 1010 - Introductory Sociology

    3 credit hours
    Counts toward General Education Social/Behavioral Sciences requirement. Covers the central concepts, theories, and methods of sociology. Focuses on social processes and institutions in modern societies. Assists students in understanding and applying this knowledge in their everyday lives.

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  • SOC 2010 - Social Problems

    3 credit hours
    A survey of issues defined as problems by society; examines programs and agencies that address them. Problems addressed include poverty, crime, environment, energy, health, etc.

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  • SOC 2500 - Marriage and Family

    3 credit hours
    Social, cultural, and personal factors relating to mate selection, intimate relationships, and family life with an emphasis on families in the United States.

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  • SOC 3050 - Data Analysis

    4 credit hours
    Analysis, interpretation, and reporting of social science data. Incorporates the use of a statistical package such as SPSS or SAS. Offers fundamental applied research skills for the job market. Laboratory required.

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  • SOC 3060 - Sociological Theory

    3 credit hours
    Theoretical foundations of sociology with emphasis on the major theories in sociology and their development. Addresses diverse intellectual traditions in both classical and contemporary theory.

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  • SOC 3250 - Social Deviance

    3 credit hours
    A general survey and theoretical review of the definitions, causes, and consequences of deviance and social control. Analyzes drugs, panics, sex, media violence, and emotions in society.

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  • SOC 3320 - Public Opinion and Propaganda

    3 credit hours
    Nature of public opinion and its role in the political and social process; myths, symbols, and other instruments and techniques of propaganda in opinion formation.

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  • SOC 3770 - Organizational Conflict, Negotiation, and Dispute Resolution

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SOC 1010 . Analysis of multiple approaches to assessing conflict at individual, group, and organizational levels; review of multiple negotiation processes and skills associated with successful negotiating strategies and tactics. Consideration of alternative dispute resolution domains, including mediation and arbitration. Emphasis on organizationally based conflict and skill building through exercises wherein students master analysis of conflict, practice negotiating contracts, and engage in mock mediation and arbitration activities using case study materials.

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  • SOC 4011 - Social Inequality

    3 credit hours
    The origins, variations, and consequences of class, status, and power in society. Individual and group economic interests, social prestige, ideology, market and institutional inequality.

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  • SOC 4020 - Sociology of Aging

    3 credit hours
    Demographic, social, and cultural aspects of aging with particular emphasis on the types of problems encountered by older persons in American society.

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  • SOC 4040 - Health Care Delivery Issues

    3 credit hours
    Sociological analysis of health care delivery and major issues facing providers, patients, and citizens in the twenty-first century, from the level of social interaction through the broader structures of health care systems and policies. Includes sociological approaches to health and medicine, health care institutions, insurance and reimbursement structures, and vulnerable populations, along with future issues and directions in U.S. health care delivery.

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  • SOC 4100 - Sociology of Work

    3 credit hours
    Comparative analysis of work structure and processes in organizational contexts, including study of management and employee organizations and legal environments regarding workplace relations.

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  • SOC 4140 - Violence in the Family

    3 credit hours
    (Same as CDFS 4140 .) The causes, dynamics, and consequences of violence in the family. Includes a discussion of violence toward children, spouses, dating partners, siblings, and elders. Emphasizes the social conditions that lead to these types of violence.

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  • SOC 4155 - Media and Emotions in Global Perspective

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SOC 1010  or permission of instructor. Examines sociological and social-psychological perspectives on emotions, emotion management, and emotional behavior. Particular attention paid to emotions in global media.


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  • SOC 4160 - Sociology of Gangs

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SOC 1010 . History of gangs in the United States, the factors that account for their formation and perpetuation, and current empirical data on gang composition, demographics, and culture. Policy strategies for prevention, law enforcement, and nonlegal intervention assessed.

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  • SOC 4200 - African American Film, Theater, and Television Images

    3 credit hours
    (Same as AAS 4200 .) Prerequisite: SOC 1010  or PSY 1410 . Survey of African American film, theater, and television images in relation to social movements and social policy. Human behavior theory application and sociological paradigm application required.

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  • SOC 4360 - Medical Sociology

    3 credit hours
    Sociological analysis of health, biomedicine, epidemiology, and disease, along with critical analysis of major issues facing providers, patients, and citizens in the twenty-first century. Focuses on social epidemiology, social determinants and patterning of disease, health care delivery, institutions, and policy in the U.S. and other nations, and major theoretical developments in the sociology of health, illness, and healing.

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  • SOC 4361 - Contemporary Issues in Women’s Health

    3 credit hours
    Examines the social and cultural issues that shape women’s health-related experiences and disparities in health and illness in contemporary culture. Critically analyzes problems associated with medicalization, technological favoritism, and for-profit intrusion. Explores issues and experiences among women by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic class, age, sexual orientation, and abilities.

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  • SOC 4400 - Sex Trafficking

    3 credit hours
    (Same as ANTH 4400 .) Provides an in-depth analysis of the causes, experiences, and implications of global sex trafficking through a social science and feminist perspective. Utilizes various multimedia methods to examine sex trafficking both globally and locally; includes both an anthropological and sociological perspective, incorporating statistical analysis of-and individual narratives from-the transnational sex industry.

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  • SOC 4500 - Social Interaction and Identities

    3 credit hours
    Individual behavior in social contexts and symbolic interaction in groups. Includes social influences on perception, conformity, attitudes, communication, group structure, leadership, and role behavior.

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  • SOC 4511 - Social Movements and Social Change

    3 credit hours
    Study of the major sociological theories of revolutions, rebellions, civil wars, and protest movements of the past and present and their relationship to significant social changes.

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  • SOC 4520 - Population and Society

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SOC 1010  or SOC 2010  or permission of instructor. Examines world and U.S. population trends and the impact of social forces on such demographic variables as births, deaths, migration, age, sex, education, and marital status and how these impact social conditions.

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  • SOC 4560 - Organizational Structures and Processes

    3 credit hours
    Analysis of structure and processes of change, organizational environments, modes of power, ideologies, forms of control and resistance including alternatives to bureaucracy.

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  • SOC 4660 - Urban and Community Studies

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SOC 1010  or  . Focuses on the concept of community as a core idea in the historical development of sociology, concentrating on theories and historical trends of urbanization and current urban problems and policies.

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  • SOC 4800 - Special Projects

    1 to 6 credit hours
    Field experiences or reading courses through which special interests or needs of the student may be pursued under individual supervision. Arrangements must be made with an instructor prior to registration.

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  • SOC 4900 - Sociology Internship

    3 to 6 credit hours
    Supervised independent study in which student is placed in an organization on a contractual basis as a means of applying the principles of his/her training in preparation for eventual employment. Arrangements should be made with the intern supervisor prior to registration.

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  • SPAN 1015 - Spanish for Concrete and Construction Management

    3 credit hours
    Introduces basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar with specific emphasis on facilitating communication, improving productivity, and promoting safety in the concrete and construction work environment. Cannot be used as prerequisite for SPAN 1020 . Open only to majors and minors in Concrete Industry Management and Construction Management Technology.

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  • SPAN 1035 - Introduction to Medical Spanish

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Two years of high school language or equivalent recommended. An online introduction to the linguistic and cultural skills needed  to work with Spanish-speaking patients in a healthcare setting.

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  • SPAN 2105 - Introduction to Latin American Studies

    3 credit hours
    (Same as PS 2105 , SOC 2105 , ART 2105 , ANTH 2105 , GEOG 2105 .) A multidisciplinary, team-taught introduction to Latin America. Covers the cultures and societies of the region: pre-history, history, geography, politics, art, languages, and literatures. Required course for all Latin American Studies minors. Does not count for Spanish major or minor.

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  • SPAN 3000 - Group Conversational Spanish

    1 credit hour
    Conducted entirely in Spanish by a native speaker and designed to improve students’ ability to converse fluently. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 hours credit for the major; does not count for the minor. Pass/Fail.

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  • SPAN 3010 - Advanced Spanish

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPAN 2020  or equivalent. Advanced-level practice in language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, including review of Spanish grammar. Native Spanish speakers should consult with instructors before enrolling.

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  • SPAN 3015 - Contemporary Cuba

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Taught in Cuba. Explores Cuban life and culture through history, education, health, economics, politics, art, society, music, and language. Credit may not be applied toward the major or minor in Spanish but may be counted toward the minor in Latin American Studies.

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  • SPAN 3020 - Advanced Spanish

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPAN 2020  or equivalent. Advanced-level practice in language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, including review of Spanish grammar. Native Spanish speakers should consult with instructors before enrolling.

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  • SPAN 3070 - Introduction to Latin American Civilizations and Cultures

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPAN 3010  or permission of instructor. Historical and cultural overview of Latin America from its early pre-Columbian origins to this region’s dynamic realities in the twenty-first century.

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  • SPAN 3075 - Introduction to Mexican Cultures

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPAN 3020  or permission of instructor. Introduces various aspects of Mexican cultures, including pre-Colombian cultures, indigenous cultures, arts, literature, music, cinema, folklore, and regional artesanias (crafts). Additional focus on the process of the formation of a national identity and on contemporary political, economic, and cultural issues. Course conducted in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 3080 - Introduction to Hispanic Literature

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPAN 3020  or permission of instructor. Acquaints students with a basic knowledge of literary criticism and theory through the study of representative works from both Spanish and Spanish-American literature.

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  • SPAN 3120 - Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPAN 2020  or equivalent or instructor permission. A practical introduction to phonetic principles involved in achieving native-sounding Spanish pronunciation, including sounds, stress, intonation, and smooth speech styles. Native Spanish speakers or students with native-like Spanish pronunciation may not take this course for credit without instructor permission.

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  • SPAN 3970 - Cooperative Education

    3 credit hours
    Provides students with opportunities for on-the-job training in conjunction with on-campus academic experiences. Students will participate in professional growth seminars. Requirements of the department must be completed to receive credit.

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  • SPAN 3980 - Cooperative Education

    3 credit hours
    Provides students with opportunities for on-the-job training in conjunction with on-campus academic experiences. Students will participate in professional growth seminars. Requirements of the department must be completed to receive credit.

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  • SPAN 3990 - Study Abroad

    3 to 12 credit hours
    Prerequisites: One to two years of language study depending on the program or approval of the instructor. Students will spend at least four weeks in a Spanish-speaking country studying Spanish language, literature, and culture. Students may earn credits in study abroad programs approved by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

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  • SPAN 4010 - History of the Spanish Language

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPAN 3080  or permission of instructor. Traces the historical development of Spanish from Latin. Students also become familiar with the characteristics of Old Spanish.

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  • SPAN 4020 - Spanish Literature I

    3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SPAN 3080  or permission of instructor. Spanish literature from its beginnings to 1700; emphasis on literary history, styles, and themes. Prose fiction and nonfiction, poetry, and drama included.

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